MidReal Story

Social Media Sacrifice: Taylor's TikTok Ultimatum

Scenario:Taylor Swift: If TikTok Is Banned, I Will Leave the U.S.
Create my version of this story
Taylor Swift: If TikTok Is Banned, I Will Leave the U.S.
“Yeah, it’s really bad,” I said, my eyes glued to the screen of my phone.
“I don’t even know what I’d do if they banned it here.”
It had been a few minutes since my two best friends, Selena and Ed, joined me in the living room for our weekly video call.
At first, they’d been gushing about how excited they were to see me after months of being away in the UK, where I’d been working on my next album.
But that excitement quickly turned into concern when they saw the look of distress on my face.
I let out a frustrated sigh as I thumbed through the latest headlines and social media posts on my phone.
I know I was being dramatic.
TikTok was just an app, after all.
But it was more than that to me.
It was a creative outlet, a way to connect with my fans, and a welcome distraction from the stress and pressure of my daily life.
And if it were to be banned in the US…I didn’t even want to think about it.
“I’ll leave the country,” I blurted out, my eyes still trained on my phone.
“Okay, now you’re being extra,” Selena said with a laugh.
I finally looked up at her, the corners of my mouth turning up into a small grin at her use of one of our favorite words.
“Extra is what I do best,” I said with a shrug.
“But seriously, I will.
I’m not even joking.”
“Why don’t you just move here?”
she suggested.
“We could be roomies!We’d have so much fun.”
“That would be amazing,” I said with a wistful sigh.
“But I can’t just pick up and move across the pond.”
“Of course you can,” she said, flashing me an encouraging smile.
“I’d help you pack!
We could make a whole adventure out of it.”
“Oh, this I gotta see,” Ed chimed in from his spot on the couch.
I’d almost forgotten he was there.
I laughed at the way he was eyeing me skeptically.
“Don’t give her any ideas,” I warned him.
“We both know how much you hate moving,” I added with a glare in his direction.
It was true.
I’d moved more times than I could count since I first left my parents’ home in Pennsylvania to pursue a career in Nashville.
And every single time was a nightmare.
Especially when I had to pack up everything from my current home in New York City and move it across the country to my next one.
Not to mention, I would have to figure out how to transport my three cats across the pond as well.
It was enough to make me tired just thinking about it.
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at my friend’s teasing.
“Relax, Taylor,” he said with a chuckle.
“I’m sure they’ll figure something out.”