MidReal Story

Whispers of the Chickenfoot God

Scenario:There is a satellite city in the east of Chongqing, called Fuling, White crane Liang, mustard, world famous. Between Fuling and Chongqing, there is a small town called Shituo, near the Yangtze River, is also a beautiful scenery This time the employer is stone Tuo a funeral one-stop service company. They said that they had met the rooster's foot God several times in a row when they were doing funerals for guests. In some villages or remote mountains, there is a legend that when a person dies three days later, there will be animal footprints in the coffin room, usually chicken footprints, which are the emissaries of the underworld to bring the spirits of the dead to the King of Hell. That's why they call it the chicken-foot God。
Create my version of this story
There is a satellite city in the east of Chongqing, called Fuling, White crane Liang, mustard, world famous. Between Fuling and Chongqing, there is a small town called Shituo, near the Yangtze River, is also a beautiful scenery This time the employer is stone Tuo a funeral one-stop service company. They said that they had met the rooster's foot God several times in a row when they were doing funerals for guests. In some villages or remote mountains, there is a legend that when a person dies three days later, there will be animal footprints in the coffin room, usually chicken footprints, which are the emissaries of the underworld to bring the spirits of the dead to the King of Hell. That's why they call it the chicken-foot God。
There is a town between Fuling and Chongqing called Shituo.
The place is famous for its beautiful scenery, and countless tourists come here every year.
As for me, I am a member of a funeral one-stop service team stationed in Shituo.
It was just another ordinary day when I received an order to go to a remote village to host a funeral.
The village was surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the locals lived a simple life.
They also had a very simple funeral custom.
The villagers would prepare a bed for the deceased, and three days after the person died, they would burn the bed.
After the bed was burned, a funeral would be held in the village.
According to the villagers, the bed was used so that the deceased would not feel lonely in the underworld.
At first, we thought it was just a common saying and didn't take it seriously.
However, when we arrived at the village, we were told that the deceased had died three days ago, so we were there to burn the bed.
When we arrived at the coffin room, I saw that a wooden bed had been placed beside the deceased's bed.
It was covered with a thin layer of dust and no one had used it.
We got some gasoline from the villagers and burned the bedding on the bed.
Soon, the bedding turned into ashes.
After the fire went out, we left the room and closed the door.
When we came out of the room, I heard some people talking about something called the chickenfoot God.
According to them, when someone dies, three days later, footprints will appear in the coffin room.
These footprints are usually in the shape of chicken feet, which are left by the chickenfoot God who has come to take away the soul of the deceased.
The footprints will start from the door of the deceased's house and then disappear at the deceased's bed.
If they don't disappear after reaching the bed, it means that the chickenfoot God has taken away the deceased's soul and sent it to its final resting place.
We thought this was just a saying that some people liked to brag about, but after working in so many villages for so many years, we found out that this story was true and not just a legend.
We have been to several villages where footprints have appeared in the coffin room three days after someone died.
These footprints are indeed in the shape of chicken feet, and they do appear from outside the door and disappear at the deceased's bed.
This is not just an isolated case; it has happened in many places over many years.
Whispers of the Chickenfoot God
My colleague, Mei Chen, once asked an old man about this.
The old man said, "That's right.
The chickenfoot God is real.
The footprints in the coffin room are left by the chickenfoot God, and they prove that he has taken away the soul of the deceased.
The villagers must not enter the coffin room before they come here to host a funeral.
They must wait for you to arrive before they can enter.
This is because if they enter too early, they will see these footprints, which will bring bad luck to them.
My other colleague, Zhang Wei, was very curious about this story.
I think he wanted to see these footprints with his own eyes.
However, he knew that he couldn't do that because he was afraid of getting into trouble with our boss.
Therefore, he could only suppress his curiosity.
Zhang Wei is totally different from me.
I am tall and thin, while he is of medium build.
I am meticulous and superstitious, while he is brave and curious.
I'm not sure if it's because of his curiosity or he just wants to see these footprints, but he's been asking me to go inside with him since last night.
After we came out of the room, Mei Chen locked the door and said, "I think these people like to brag.
This is just a rural superstition, and it should not be taken seriously."
"Mei Chen, whether it's real or not, the villagers have been telling us about it for many years, and the footprints are real too.
It can't be made up." I said to Mei Chen.
"I don't believe it.
This kind of thing can't possibly happen in the real world." Mei Chen said with a smile, "These people just like to brag, and they're trying to scare us."
"Maybe you're right, but you should still be careful when you come here to work." Zhang Wei said to me and then said to Mei Chen, "You know what?
The employer called us this afternoon and told us to go back to the coffin room immediately after the mourning hall was set up, as if something had happened."
After hearing what Zhang Wei said, I was a little scared.
I didn't know what had happened in the coffin room, but I felt that it was not something good.
I hope nothing bad has happened in there.
"Maybe something important has been forgotten." Mei Chen said with a smile, "It can't be because of those footprints, right?"
"Mei Chen, don't talk nonsense." I said to Mei Chen seriously, "It might bring bad luck."
"Xiao Li, I've told you before that I don't believe this kind of thing." Mei Chen said and then shook her head at me, "I hope you won't be scared by such a small matter."
"Mei Chen, I've been working in this industry for many years and have seen a lot of things that shouldn't exist in this world." I said to Mei Chen with a serious expression on my face, "You have no idea what kind of people we are dealing with here, or what kind of things we are dealing with."
Whispers of the Chickenfoot God
"I know that the people in this industry are all weird." Mei Chen said and then folded her arms to look at me suspiciously, "But you've never told me anything about it."
I looked at Mei Chen and decided not to tell her anything about the chickenfoot God.
As I was thinking about how to respond to Mei Chen, I suddenly saw something strange on the floor behind Mei Chen.
"What is this?" I asked in surprise.
Mei Chen turned around and saw a few obvious footprints on the floor behind her.
These footprints were fresh and looked like they were made by someone who had walked through flour.
But the strange thing was that the footprints were in the coffin room and no one else should have come in except us.
"Oh my God." I exclaimed in surprise after seeing these footprints.
"Are these footprints left by the chickenfoot God?" Mei Chen asked in shock.
"Yes." I said and then opened the door of the coffin room to take a look inside.
The footprints were still there and did not disappear as the villagers had said.
But I didn't see any signs of anyone being inside the room.
"Xiao Li, do you think these footprints are real?" Mei Chen asked in surprise after seeing me open the coffin room door again.
"I don't know." I said, "It looks like someone has been here, but I don't see anyone inside the room."
"Maybe a chicken has come into the room." Mei Chen said suddenly and then looked around the room, "The village is not far from here, and maybe a chicken has come into the room and left some footprints."
"Yes, it's possible." Zhang Wei said as he came up behind us and looked at the footprints on the ground with a frown on his face, "But why would a chicken come into the room when the door is locked?"
"I don't know." I said to Zhang Wei, "But since we're here now, let's open the coffin and check if everything's in order."
Zhang Wei nodded and then went to get the key with me.
When we were about to open the coffin, Zhang Wei suddenly stopped us.
"I'll open it." Zhang Wei said firmly, "You two stay away."
Zhang Wei's reaction was a little strange.
Whispers of the Chickenfoot God
"What's so scary about a dead person?" Mei Chen asked in surprise.
"Don't say that." Zhang Wei said, "I just think that since we're all here, we should be careful and not do anything stupid."
I nodded in agreement and then took two steps back with Mei Chen to watch Zhang Wei open the coffin.
Zhang Wei was a little nervous, but he quickly calmed down and opened the coffin carefully.
When he opened the coffin, we saw the young man lying peacefully in it.
Everything in the coffin looked normal and there was nothing unusual about it.
Mei Chen and I were relieved that everything was in order, while Zhang Wei was relieved that nothing had happened.
Suddenly, Zhang Wei let out a frightened cry and quickly closed the coffin lid.
"What's wrong?" Mei Chen asked in surprise.
"It's nothing." Zhang Wei said as he leaned against the coffin, "I just felt like someone was watching me when I opened the coffin."
"Maybe you're too tired." I said to Zhang Wei with a smile, "Why don't you go out and get some fresh air?"
Zhang Wei nodded and then left the coffin room in a hurry.
"Let's go." I said to Mei Chen, "We'll go out and see if Zhang Wei is okay."
Mei Chen nodded, and then the two of us left the coffin room together.
"What do you think happened?" Mei Chen asked in a low voice as she walked out of the coffin room, "Do you think the chickenfoot God is real?"
"I don't know." I said, "But let's go get Zhang Wei first and then we can discuss this later."
Mei Chen nodded and followed me closely as we left the coffin room and walked back to the mourning hall.
When we arrived at the mourning hall, we saw Zhang Wei sitting in a chair with his head down.
He looked like he was thinking about something and didn't notice our arrival.
"Zhang Wei, what are you doing?" I asked in surprise after seeing him like this.
Zhang Wei heard me ask this question, and then he raised his head with a smile on his face.
"I'm fine." Zhang Wei said, "I'm just thinking about the footprints in the coffin room."
"Zhang Wei, what do you think of those footprints?" Mei Chen asked curiously.
"I think they are just chicken tracks." Zhang Wei said, "The village is not far from here, so it's possible that a hen came into the room and left some footprints."
"Then why don't we go out and check?" Mei Chen asked again, "We can find out if there are any chickens outside or not?"
Mei Chen's reaction was very practical, but she was too naive if she thought that way.
In fact, I was also thinking about checking it out earlier when I saw the footprints on the ground behind Mei Chen.
If those footprints were really made by a chicken, they must have been left by a chicken who had wandered into the room earlier.
But after many years of experience working in this field, I knew that those footprints were definitely not made by a chicken who had wandered into the room by accident.
This can be seen from the appearance of the footprints on the ground behind Mei Chen earlier.
Whispers of the Chickenfoot God
"Mei Chen, we've been working on preparing the coffin in the room from the moment we arrived at the village to the moment we left. The door was closed and sealed during that time, so how could there be a chicken inside the room? You must know that the room where the coffin is placed is not an ordinary room, but a coffin room where the dead are placed. How could there be a chicken in that room?" I asked
When Mei Chen heard me say this, she was dumbfounded for a moment.
She didn't expect me to ask her this question, so she said in a low voice after hesitating for a moment.
"Maybe the chicken got in before we closed the door."
"Mei Chen, I just told you that the room was closed and sealed while we were preparing the coffin, so how could there be any animals inside?" I asked again, "Do you know that the room was closed by the owner of the funeral home himself after we placed the body inside? If you still don't believe me, ask Zhang Wei."
When Zhang Wei heard me say that, he nodded in agreement.
He said, "Xiao Li is right, Mei Chen. The owner of the funeral home closed the door and sealed it by himself while we were preparing the coffin. There should be no animals inside, but I don't know how those footprints were formed either."
After hearing this, Mei Chen was speechless for a while.
She didn't expect me to ask her this question either, so she said after thinking for a moment.
"Maybe there are other ways to get in?"
"In addition to the door where we entered and left the room, there are no other doors or windows in the room." I said, "So how could those footprints be formed by chickens who came into the room through other means? You should know that the room where the coffin is placed has only one door."
When Mei Chen heard me say this, she did not speak for a long time.
She looked at me in silence with her mouth open as if she wanted to say something.
"Xiao Li, I admit that what you just said makes sense." Mei Chen said after hesitating for a moment, "But even so, I still think it's possible that those footprints were left by chickens who came into the room through other means. After all, it's not uncommon for chickens to appear in places where they shouldn't be. Maybe there's nothing special about those footprints at all."
After hearing what Mei Chen said, Zhang Wei nodded in agreement.
He said, "Xiao Li, I think what Mei Chen said makes sense. It might not necessarily be the chickenfoot God."
When I heard them say this, I knew that they didn't believe in the existence of the chickenfoot God at all.
I didn't know why they didn't believe it even when I had explained it to them so clearly.
But I didn't want to explain it to them anymore, so I said to them, "Let's go back and see if those footprints are still there."
After hearing this, Mei Chen and Zhang Wei followed me back to the coffin room.
When we arrived at the door of the coffin room, we stopped outside and looked inside.
The footprints were still on the ground, and they were very clear and distinct.
Mei Chen looked at those footprints and said, "Xiao Li, it seems that I was wrong before. Those footprints are too big to be left by chickens. They look more like goose footprints."
When I heard this, I was stunned for a moment.
Then I looked at those footprints and found that they were indeed different from those left by chickens.
The size of those footprints was about the same as my palm, and they were also very clear and distinct.
After thinking about it, I felt that what Mei Chen said made sense.
Whispers of the Chickenfoot God
So I said to Zhang Wei, "Zhang Wei, why don't you go in and get your phone first? We'll talk about this after you come out."
After Zhang Wei heard me say that, he immediately nodded and agreed.
Then he picked up a broom on the ground, walked into the coffin room, and began to sweep away the footprints on the ground.
He soon found his phone under one corner of the coffin, picked it up, and walked out with it.
After Zhang Wei came out, he looked at us and said with a smile, "It seems that I can only get my phone when I'm off work today."
After hearing this, we couldn't help but smile.
Then Mei Chen asked him, "Zhang Wei, you haven't explained why there are goose footprints on the ground in this room?"
After hearing Mei Chen's question, Zhang Wei thought about it and said, "Well, maybe when we went in and out just now, I accidentally stepped on something that left these footprints on my shoes. Then after I came in here, I stepped on the ground and left these footprints."
After hearing his explanation, we immediately became speechless.
We didn't expect Zhang Wei to come up with such an explanation.
"Zhang Wei, do you think that we would believe it?"
"Of course not." Zhang Wei said with an embarrassed look on his face after being said that by us.
He scratched his head and said to us with an awkward smile.
"I just made it up. I don’t know why there are goose footprints on the ground. But I think it should be the same reason as the chicken footprints just now."
When we heard him say that, we didn't say anything to him.
Instead, we looked at the footprints on the ground again.
We found that even though the footprints on the ground were swept away by him just now, there were still some faint traces on the ground.
We also discovered that the footprints on the ground were neatly arranged in rows.
They looked like the person who left them had deliberately arranged them.
When I saw this scene, I immediately felt my scalp tingle.
Because I thought of something again.
So I quickly turned around and said to Mei Chen and Zhang Wei with an anxious expression.
"Those footprints are really not left by us."
When I said that, they both looked at me with a puzzled expression.
I frowned slightly and didn't look at them.
I just kept staring at the footprints on the ground.
After a while, I spoke to them slowly.
"Think about it carefully.
Can human beings really leave such neat footprints?"
And as I said that, I pointed at those footprints on the ground.
They both looked at me in confusion when they heard what I said.
They seemed to have no idea what I meant by saying that.
So after thinking about it for a while, I continued to explain to them.
"For example, take the four rows of footprints on the ground.
The distance between every two of them is exactly the same.
Moreover, they are all perfectly straight and parallel."
When they heard me say that, they immediately looked at the four rows of footprints on the ground that I was pointing at.
And after looking at it for a while, they quickly realized what I meant by saying that earlier.
But after discovering that, they felt even more puzzled.
Whispers of the Chickenfoot God