MidReal Story

Forbidden Hearts: A Love Worth Risking

Scenario:Chris, Cameron, two women who fall in love when they meet at work. But Chris has a family a partner and daughter that she doesn't want to disappoint. The passion and the love shared between them is undeniable
Create my version of this story
Chris, Cameron, two women who fall in love when they meet at work. But Chris has a family a partner and daughter that she doesn't want to disappoint. The passion and the love shared between them is undeniable
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
I can still remember the first time I saw her.
It was my first day at work, and I was running late.
And now here we are, several years later, in a different life entirely.
I’d been so nervous that I’d barely slept a wink the night before, and then my alarm hadn’t gone off.
I live with my partner Sarah and our daughter Elly in a lovely house that we’ve made into a home, with family photos hung on the walls along with some of Elly’s art that she’s brought home from kindergarten over the years.
I’d had to rush out of the house without even having a shower or brushing my teeth, and now I was stuck in traffic with no way of getting to work any faster.
And then one day I walked into a business meeting and saw her again, and the memories all came flooding back until they were almost too much for me to handle…
When I finally arrived, I burst through the door of the office and skidded to a halt in front of the reception desk.
The woman behind it looked up at me with a frown on her face.
"Can I help you?"
Forbidden Hearts: A Love Worth Risking
"Yes, I’m sure you’ve heard all about us," Cameron said.
she asked.
"But that doesn’t mean we’re not just as good as all the other companies you’ve been working with."
"I’m Chris," I panted.
"It’s my first day."
I tore my gaze away from her lips and tried to focus on what she was saying.
If it was up to me, I would have taken the first flight back home right then and there, just so I didn’t have to keep looking at her beautiful face anymore.
She raised an eyebrow at me.
"You’re late."
It had been too long since I’d last seen her, but it felt like nothing had changed between us; if anything, being in the same room together now was even more intense than it had been before.
The chemistry between us was undeniable, even though I knew I couldn’t act on it like I wanted to.
"I know," I said. "I’m really sorry. My alarm didn’t go off."
She sighed and picked up the phone on her desk.
"So those are our proposals for the project," she said when she’d finished outlining everything they could do for us.
"I hope that gives you an idea of how we could work together. Do you have any questions?"
"Let me call your boss and let him know you’re here."
"Hi," she said when they did.
Forbidden Hearts: A Love Worth Risking
"I’ve got Chris here for you."
I was still trying to come up with something intelligent to say when Mr. Williams, my boss, spoke up.
She listened for a moment, then hung up the phone.
"Thank you Cameron, that was very informative," he said, giving her a smile.
"We’ll have a look at what you’ve given us and get back to you soon."
"Follow me," she said to me.
I smiled gratefully at her and stood back as she got up from her desk and walked over to me.
She nodded.
"Great. I’ll see myself out then."
She didn’t smile back, just turned around and headed off down the hallway without waiting for me to follow her.
She walked around the table and stopped next to my chair, holding her hand out for me to shake; I hesitated for a second before taking it in mine.
I scrambled after her, taking in my new surroundings as we went past open doorways.
"I hope we can work together soon," she said, looking straight into my eyes as our hands met.
I couldn’t look away from her as she held my gaze, even after I’d let go of her hand so she could say goodbye to everyone else.
Forbidden Hearts: A Love Worth Risking
It took all of my self-control not to follow her when she turned around and walked out of the room.
It was different from any office I’d worked in before; there were no cubicles, just desks lined up next to one another with people sitting at them and working away on their computers or talking on the phone.
As we walked past, everyone glanced up at us briefly before going back to what they were doing, completely indifferent to the fact that there was a new person starting today.
Forbidden Hearts: A Love Worth Risking
The woman behind the reception desk stopped in front of a doorway and nodded at me to go through it.
"Mr. Williams is waiting for you in there," she said, then turned around and headed back down the hallway without another word.
I waited until she’d disappeared out of sight before taking a deep breath and walking into the room.
A man was sitting at the desk; he looked up as I came in and frowned at me over his glasses.
The receptionist hadn’t told me what his name was, so I just assumed this was my boss.
"Are you Chris?"
Forbidden Hearts: A Love Worth Risking
"Yes," I said, "I’m sorry I’m late. My alarm didn’t go off this morning and then there was traffic on the way here, so—"
"That’s fine," he said, cutting me off.
"You’re not that late."
He stood up and held his hand out for me to shake.
"I’m Mr. Williams. You can call me Cameron."
"Nice to meet you," I said, doing my best not to stare at him too much as we shook hands.
He was tall and slim with short blond hair that stuck up in all directions like he’d just run his hands through it a few minutes ago.
Forbidden Hearts: A Love Worth Risking
"Cameron!" I called out as I spotted her near the elevator. She turned, her eyes widening in surprise as she saw me approaching.
"Chris," she said softly, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "What are you doing?"
"I just... I needed to talk to you," I stammered, unsure of how to begin. "It's been so long."
She nodded, her expression turning serious. "Yes, it has. How have you been?"
"Good," I replied automatically. "I mean, life's been good. But seeing you again... it's brought back so many memories."
Cameron looked down, then back up at me with a wistful expression. "It’s strange how life works out, isn’t it?"
I nodded, struggling to find the right words. "Cameron, I... I never stopped thinking about you."
She sighed softly and took a step closer. "Chris, we both have our lives now. You have Sarah and Elly."
"I know," I admitted, the weight of my reality settling in again. "But seeing you again has made me realize how much I've missed you."
Cameron reached out and touched my arm gently. "Maybe this is just nostalgia talking," she said quietly. "We were different people back then."
"Maybe," I conceded, feeling a pang of regret. "But that doesn't change how I feel right now."
She smiled sadly and took a step back as the elevator doors opened behind her. "Take care, Chris," she said softly before stepping inside.
As the doors closed, I felt an overwhelming sense of loss but also clarity. My past with Cameron was just that—the past—and it was time to fully embrace the present with Sarah and Elly.
I returned to the meeting room with a renewed sense of purpose, ready to focus on what truly mattered in my life now.
If it was up to me, I would have taken the first flight back home right then and there just so I didn’t have to keep looking at her beautiful face anymore.
I was still trying to come up with something intelligent to say when Mr. Williams spoke up. "Thank you Cameron; that was very informative," he said with a smile. "We’ll have a look at what you’ve given us and get back to you soon."
She walked around the table and stopped next to my chair holding out her hand for me to shake; I hesitated for a second before taking it in mine.
A shiver ran down my spine at the touch of her skin on mine and I couldn’t help but wonder if she felt it too.