MidReal Story

Hidden Passions

Scenario:I'm in love with a woman that I can't have. Even though the feelings are mutual and she loves me just as much as I love her. She has a family that she doesn't want to hurt. A partner that she's been with since she was sixteen. A daughter that she doesn't want to disappoint. I have a feeling that I've known her in another lifetime. I knew the first time out eyes locked into one another's my first day at work. She introduced herself as she was leaving and I was coming into work.
Create my version of this story
I'm in love with a woman that I can't have. Even though the feelings are mutual and she loves me just as much as I love her. She has a family that she doesn't want to hurt. A partner that she's been with since she was sixteen. A daughter that she doesn't want to disappoint. I have a feeling that I've known her in another lifetime. I knew the first time out eyes locked into one another's my first day at work. She introduced herself as she was leaving and I was coming into work.
Chapter 1
I remember the first time I saw him.
It was my first day at work, and I was sitting in the break room with a cup of coffee when he walked in.
He had short blonde hair and blue eyes that seemed to look right into my soul.
I felt an instant connection to him, like we were meant to be together.
I tried to ignore it, but I couldn’t stop staring at him.
And then he looked at me, and our eyes met for just a moment before he quickly looked away.
But in that moment, I knew he felt it too.
He was the one I’d been waiting for all my life.
The one who would complete me and make me whole.
And from that moment on, I knew we were meant to be together.
I know destiny is real because it brought Mark Johnson into my life.
Hidden Passions
He has short hair the color of sun-kissed wheat, a strong jaw line, and blue eyes that draw me in like a moth to a flame.
His gaze is so intense; it’s as if he can see right through me.
And those eyes are so captivating because they seem to change color depending on his mood or what he’s wearing on any particular day.
But no matter what shade of blue they are, they always have this power over me—they make my heart race faster than ever before!
I couldn’t look away when I saw him in the break room that day—it was like he had cast some kind of spell over me from the moment our eyes met across the room.
It was love at first sight for sure… or maybe something even stronger than that.
It felt like recognition from a dream—a long-lost memory returning to me after all these years—and that made my heart ache with longing for him even more than before!
Hidden Passions
I tried to pretend like nothing was happening between us so I wouldn’t give myself away, but it was impossible not to notice how drawn we were toward each other from the very beginning.
He looked straight into my eyes as if he couldn’t help himself—and then quickly looked away again before I could react or say anything back to him—but I could tell by the way he’d glanced at me that he felt it too… It’s hard to describe what this connection feels like exactly; it’s more than just physical attraction—it’s something deeper and more intense than that!
Hidden Passions
The contact sent a shockwave through my body; it was as if we were connected by some invisible force that was urging us to touch one another… even though we both knew we shouldn’t.
This love is forbidden, and we have to hide our feelings for each other.
We can’t give in to this desire no matter how much we want to!
I’m Emily Carter, and I’m in love with the man who’s supposed to be off-limits to me.
He works at the same company where I’ve been employed for six years now; he started here about three years ago.
At first, I tried to stay away from him because it would complicate my life too much if anything happened between us at all—but fate had other plans for us.
Hidden Passions
We were both assigned to work on this project together, so it was only a matter of time before our paths crossed.
Still, nothing could have prepared me for what happened when we met in the break room on his first day at work.
That was when I realized he was my soul mate; it was like having an out-of-body experience because everything seemed to happen in slow motion after that…
There was an instant physical attraction between us right away, but it felt much stronger than just lust—it was as if some higher power had brought us together for a reason!
My heart pounded so hard in my chest that I thought it would burst right through my ribcage as soon as he looked at me with those piercing blue eyes.
Seconds later, our hands touched briefly while reaching for the coffee pot simultaneously; it sent an electric shock through my body that made my toes curl up inside my shoes!
It was such a powerful connection between us right from the start; there wasn’t any way we could ignore it even if we tried to do so!
Hidden Passions
Still, we both knew our love was forbidden because I’m not only his co-worker but also my best friend’s partner—and she’s the one who brought him into my life by introducing us!Sarah would be devastated if she found out about our feelings for each other, and I can’t hurt her like that.
They have a young daughter together now, and they’re such a happy little family; I shouldn’t want to come between them.
I feel guilty for desiring another woman’s man—I really do!
But I can’t help it because Mark is so irresistible; I’m drawn to him like a moth to a flame, even though I know he’s not meant for me.
Hidden Passions
He was leaned against the counter with one foot crossed over the other while scrolling through his phone, and I couldn’t help but gaze at him longingly as he did so.
So many inappropriate thoughts were going through my head right then; it was all I could do not to act on them!
Mark felt the same way about me!
He wanted this as badly as I did—maybe more—but he didn’t show it either.
I could tell he was trying to fight his feelings for me too because he would always avoid making eye contact with me whenever possible.
Hidden Passions
I could feel his eyes burning into my flesh whenever he was near me, but I’d never let on that I wanted him as badly as he wanted me.
The sexual tension between us was so thick that you could practically cut it with a knife, but we both knew we couldn’t act on our urges because it would hurt Sarah—and we didn’t want to do that to her!
Mark is off-limits to me, but it doesn’t stop my heart from racing every time he’s nearby or my palms from sweating uncontrollably whenever our eyes meet!
He has such a powerful effect on me that I’m breathless just thinking about being alone together for more than a few minutes at a time!
Hidden Passions
I’ve never felt this way about anyone before—it’s like my body is on fire whenever he touches me, even if it’s just brushing up against my arm or putting his hand on the small of my back when we’re walking down the hall!
As much as I try to fight these feelings, they’re impossible to ignore because Mark is like a drug that I can’t quit—even though I know I should stop taking it!
Every time we’re alone together, all I can think about is making love to him in every way imaginable.
I want to feel his lips pressed against mine while running my fingers through his short blonde hair...
Hidden Passions
Chapter 2
I often felt like a woman torn in two whenever Mark and Sarah were around because of how much I loved them both!
My heart belonged solely to Sarah, but my body craved Mark more than anything else.
Every time they were near me, all I could think about was having him inside me while she watched us or even joined us.
The guilt about wanting her man never left me either; it only grew stronger day by day!I never stopped thinking about him or wondering what could have been if we’d given into our desires that night.
I missed him so much that it hurt!
Hidden Passions
Mark and I had tried to stay away from each other as much as possible over the years, but it was impossible considering that we worked at the same company.
We did our best to act like nothing had ever happened between us or that we were anything more than coworkers.
But Mark still managed to get under my skin every time he was near me; the way he looked at me, spoke to me, or even touched me made my body ache for him!
He was always finding excuses to brush up against my arm or put his hand on my back whenever he got the chance, and I knew he could feel the chemistry sizzling between us as much as I could!
We sat across from each other at one end of the long conference table during our weekly staff meeting and barely spoke a word to each other for an hour.
Hidden Passions
I could feel his eyes on me the entire time, but I didn’t dare look up from my notes until someone asked me a question.
When I finally did, my heart skipped a beat when I realized Mark had been staring straight at me the whole time, and our eyes locked on each other’s for what felt like an eternity!
But he quickly looked away before Sarah noticed and shot him a warning glare from across the room.
It was then that I realized how much danger we were in if we didn’t get our feelings under control soon because it would only be a matter of time before she found out the truth as well!
Sarah left the room to return to her office after the meeting ended, leaving Mark and me alone with each other again.
Hidden Passions