MidReal Story

Unveiling Magic at Hogwarts

Scenario:Harry was accepted to a school of witchcraft
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Harry was accepted to a school of witchcraft
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Harry Potter has never even heard of Hogwarts when the letters start dropping on the doormat at number four, Privet Drive.
"Granger, Hermione!" Professor McGonagall announced.
Addressed in green ink on yellowish parchment with a purple seal, they are swiftly confiscated by his grisly aunt and uncle.
Then, on Harry’s eleventh birthday, a great beetle-eyed giant of a man called Rubeus Hagrid bursts in with some astonishing news: Harry Potter is a wizard, and he has a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Hermione stepped forward, her nerves thinly veiled by her determined expression. The hat barely touched her head before it shouted, "Gryffindor!"
An incredible adventure is about to begin!
She sighed in relief and joined the cheering Gryffindors at their table. Next, it was Ron's turn.
"Weasley, Ronald!"
I was starting to get worried.
Ron walked up hesitantly, his face a mixture of hope and dread. The hat pondered for a moment before declaring, "Gryffindor!"
We were almost at King’s Cross Station and I still hadn’t found my ticket.
He joined Hermione, who gave him an encouraging smile. My stomach tightened as I waited for my name to be called.
I was searching through my pockets for the tenth time when I realized that I’d already checked there twice before.
I decided to go through them again anyway, just in case I’d missed it the first two times.
"Potter, Harry!"
As I approached the stool and sat down, the Sorting Hat was placed on my head. It whispered in my ear, "Difficult... very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. There's talent—oh my goodness, yes—and a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you?"
My heart raced as I silently pleaded for Gryffindor. The hat seemed to chuckle softly before announcing loudly, "Gryffindor!"
When I pulled it out again, there was something else clutched in my fist—something that wasn’t mine.
The Gryffindor table erupted in cheers as I joined Ron and Hermione. We exchanged relieved smiles, knowing we would face this new adventure together.
I stared at the piece of parchment that had appeared as if by magic in my pocket.
It was very old and very dirty.
As we settled into our seats and the feast began, Dumbledore stood up to address the hall.
Peeling back the folds, I read:
"Welcome! Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Let us begin our banquet," he said warmly.
The tables filled with an array of delicious food that made our mouths water. As we ate, I couldn't help but glance around at my new friends and think about all that awaited us this year at Hogwarts.
Your letter is enclosed.
The Keeper of the Keys
"To magic and friendship," Ron toasted with a grin.
"To magic and friendship," Hermione and I echoed, clinking our goblets together.
I looked up to see who this Hagrid person was but didn’t see anybody who looked like they could be from Hogwarts or even know what a Keeper of Keys might be.
Little did we know then just how intertwined those two elements would become in our lives—or how many adventures lay ahead.
Instead, I saw nothing but a crowd of people hurrying past us on their way to the train station.
I (Hermione Granger) was born on September 19th to two dentists who, at the time, had no idea I would turn out to be a witch.
They were very surprised when, at the age of four, I turned my pet cat's fur blue just by looking at her and saying the word "color."
Unveiling Magic at Hogwarts
When they received a letter from the mysterious-sounding Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry confirming that I'd been accepted into their school, they were both excited and confused.
My heart sank.
I didn’t understand what was happening or why this letter had appeared in my pocket, but it seemed like I’d missed my chance to go to this school.
Why would a school want to teach me about witchcraft?
I started to walk away.
How had I learned about my magical abilities?
"Hey! Where are you going?"
I looked up and saw the giant man standing there, glaring at me with his beetle-black eyes.
"Listen," he said roughly.
After reading the letter several times over, my parents decided that I would attend the school, despite their lingering concerns.
We spent a day shopping in Diagon Alley for my school supplies, where we marveled at all the magical wares available.
"I’m taking you to Hogwarts whether your aunt and uncle like it or not."
Finally, on the day of our departure for school, we arrived at King's Cross Station to catch the Hogwarts Express.
He pulled an envelope from inside his coat and thrust it into my hand.
"Now come on. We don’t want to miss our train."
As we looked around for Platform Nine¾ (since our letter had only mentioned platforms nine and ten), I met Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, who were also confused about how to get to the magical platform.
Harry and I both had holes in our pockets; his contained an acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, while mine held a piece of parchment bearing directions to Platform Nine¾.
I started.
"Look," he said.
A few minutes later, I heard an announcement over the loudspeaker that the train was about to leave.
"I know this is all very weird for you. But trust me. It’ll all make sense once we get there."
I looked around in a panic but didn't see anything that looked like a magical barrier.
We walked through the barrier together and stood on Platform 9¾, looking around for the train.
A few minutes later, a huge red steam engine came rolling down the tracks toward us.
I was about to run back into the station when I heard someone calling my name.
"Harry! What are you waiting for?"
The wall between Platforms 9 and 10 vanished as if by magic, right before our eyes, and we stepped onto the crowded train.
It was Mrs. Weasley.
She ran over to me, dragging her trolley behind her, and pushed straight through the wall without even stopping.
Unveiling Magic at Hogwarts
"Don’t just stand there," she said, grabbing my arm.
But the whole time I was on the train, my head was spinning and I couldn’t get the image of that letter out of my mind.
It felt like I had stepped into some kind of strange new world—and I didn’t know how to make sense of it.
"Here ye are," the man said as we stepped off the train a few hours later.
Together, we ran toward the wall as fast as we could, not daring to look back.
And then suddenly—
He led me through an archway and onto a busy street filled with witches and wizards.
"Diagon Alley."
Unveiling Magic at Hogwarts
"I’m sorry," I said, trying to keep up with him as he walked down the street.
"But who are you? And what am I doing here?"
"My name is Rubeus Hagrid," he said.
"And this here is your acceptance letter."
He handed me the envelope with the green ink on it that he’d given me earlier.
I tore open the letter and read:
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,
Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. Of Wizards)
Dear Mr. Potter,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Unveiling Magic at Hogwarts
"Welcome Home, Harry," he said.
I was spending the rest of the summer with the Weasley family, getting to know my new friends and learning everything I could about magic.
We were on our way to King’s Cross Station now, where we would catch the train to Hogwarts.
I couldn’t wait to get back to school and start learning more about magic, but Mrs. Weasley reminded me that I was still on probation and wasn’t allowed to use magic outside of school.
She looked very nervous as she gathered us all together, making sure that we hadn't left anything behind.
"Don't worry," Mr. Weasley said.
"I’ve already called ahead and made arrangements for us to travel through London in secret."
As soon as we arrived at the station, everyone else hurried over to the barrier between Platforms 9 and 10 and disappeared right through it.
I followed them hesitantly.
But when I got there, I didn’t see a Platform Nine¾ anywhere—just a solid wall that seemed to separate the two platforms completely from each other.
Unveiling Magic at Hogwarts
A few minutes later, I heard an announcement over the loudspeaker that the train was about to leave.
I looked around in a panic but didn't see anything that looked like a magical barrier.
I was about to run back into the station when I heard someone calling my name.
"Harry! What are you waiting for?"
It was Mrs. Weasley.
She ran over to me, dragging her trolley behind her, and pushed straight through the wall without even stopping.
"Don’t just stand there," she said, grabbing my arm.
Together, we ran toward the wall as fast as we could, not daring to look back.
And then suddenly—
We were on the other side of the barrier, standing on Platform Nine¾ with the Hogwarts Express puffing away behind us.
"Hurry up!" Mrs. Weasley called out to me again.
I finally met up with Ron and his family on the platform just before the Hogwarts Express pulled away from King's Cross Station.
Unveiling Magic at Hogwarts
"Look at all the books you have!" she said excitedly.
"I bet you read them all before the end of the year. I can't wait to learn some spells so I can do magic like you."
As we stood on the platform, waiting for the train to arrive, a girl with bushy brown hair ran up to us and stopped right in front of me.
She looked about the same age as Ron but much smaller than him.
We introduced ourselves and then she asked me what kind of books I had.
I pulled out my copy of The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 and showed it to her.
"Hannah," Mr. Weasley called out to his daughter.
"Don't bother Harry with all your questions. He'll have plenty of time to study his magic at Hogwarts."
"But he knows how to do magic already," she said indignantly.
"How else did he get his acceptance letter?"
A moment later, Ron came running over to us along with the rest of his family.
Unveiling Magic at Hogwarts
"Mr. Potter, welcome to Hogwarts," she said, her voice warm despite its usual strict tone. "I trust your journey was pleasant?"
Before I could answer, Ron and Hermione joined us. Ron's eyes widened in surprise at my impulsive leap, while Hermione looked as though she was ready to burst with questions.
"Professor," Hermione began, but McGonagall raised a hand to silence her.
"All in good time, Miss Granger. First, let’s get you all sorted into your houses."
We followed her through the bustling platform to the awaiting carriages that would take us to the castle. Hagrid waved at us from a distance, his beetle-black eyes twinkling with pride.
Inside the carriage, Ron whispered, "Blimey, Harry! That was mad brave of you."
I shrugged sheepishly. "I couldn’t help it. This is all so amazing."
As the carriage rolled through the enchanted forest towards Hogwarts Castle, Hermione couldn't contain herself any longer.
"Harry, do you think we’ll all be in the same house?"
"I hope so," I replied earnestly.
When we finally arrived at the majestic castle doors, Professor McGonagall led us inside. The Great Hall was magnificent—floating candles illuminated long tables filled with eager students.
"Nervous?" Ron asked as we lined up for the Sorting Hat ceremony.
"A bit," I admitted.
But as Professor McGonagall began calling names, my excitement only grew. With friends by my side and magic ahead, I knew this was just the beginning of an extraordinary adventure.
Hermione Granger first met Harry Potter on Platform Nine¾ while waiting for the Hogwarts Express.
They bonded over their excitement about attending Hogwarts, their shared Muggle background, and their eagerness to learn magic.
Shortly after, Ron Weasley arrived with his family, completing our introduction on the train that marked the beginning of our lifelong friendship.
I found myself unexpectedly chosen as a champion in the Triwizard Tournament during my fourth year at Hogwarts.
Unveiling Magic at Hogwarts
We bonded over our excitement about attending Hogwarts, our shared Muggle background, and our eagerness to learn magic.
Unveiling Magic at Hogwarts
As we stood on platform waiting train arrive girl bushy brown hair ran up stopped right front looked about same age Ron but much smaller him introduced ourselves asked kind books had pulled out copy The Standard Book Spells Grade 1 showed "Hannah," Mr. Weasley called out daughter "Don't bother Harry questions he'll plenty time study magic Hogwarts" "But knows how magic already," said indignantly "How else did get acceptance letter?" moment later Ron came running over along rest family got excited leapt into professor mcgonnagal's arms
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Unveiling Magic at Hogwarts