MidReal Story

Eyes On Me Everywhere

Scenario:I have a stalker I don't know who he is but I can't shake this feeling someone is always watching me it's like I have no privacy in my own home even when I'm walking the streets someone always have their eye's on me. I didn't wanna believe I was being stalk but lately my panties and my bras have been disappearing I wanted to believe I must have miss place them but even misplaced items will eventually appear they are still missing.
Create my version of this story
I have a stalker I don't know who he is but I can't shake this feeling someone is always watching me it's like I have no privacy in my own home even when I'm walking the streets someone always have their eye's on me. I didn't wanna believe I was being stalk but lately my panties and my bras have been disappearing I wanted to believe I must have miss place them but even misplaced items will eventually appear they are still missing.
Chapter 1
"Emily, are you sure you’re okay?"
Jason asked for the third time.
I nodded and gave him a small smile.
"I’m fine. I just need to get some sleep."
He didn’t look convinced, but he didn’t push me either.
"Okay. If you say so. But if you need anything, call me. I’ll be here in ten minutes."
I chuckled at his protectiveness.
"Thanks, Jason. I’ll see you tomorrow."
He gave me a hug and left my house, closing the door behind him.
I locked it and turned off the porch light before heading upstairs to bed.
As soon as I got into my room, I locked that door too.
I never used to lock my bedroom door before all of this started happening, but now it was a habit that was hard to break.
After changing into my pajamas, I climbed into bed and turned out the light on my nightstand.
The room was pitch black except for the moonlight streaming through my window.
It had been an eventful day, and I felt like I’d been holding my breath all day long.
I’d never been so relieved to see Jason as I had when he’d shown up at my house earlier this evening.
His routine of checking in on me each night was comforting.
And after what had happened today, his concern for my safety was as reassuring as it was irritating.
"I’m fine. No one’s going to hurt me," I mumbled to myself as I rolled over onto my side.
Jason had been worried about me all day long, and truthfully, I was worried too—not that I would ever admit it out loud.
But if there really was someone watching me or following me, who knew what they were capable of?
My mind raced with all the terrible things that could happen to me, but eventually exhaustion took over and I fell asleep.
The next thing I knew, it was dark outside and the house was completely silent.
I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes sleepily before glancing at the clock on top of my dresser.
Eyes On Me Everywhere
3:00 AM.
I wondered what had woken me up and sat there for a few minutes, waiting for my heart rate to slow down so I could fall back asleep.
But as the minutes ticked by, the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I felt like someone was watching me.
I looked around the room carefully but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.
I glanced at the clock again and sighed.
Maybe it was just my overactive imagination running wild because of everything that had happened today.
I climbed out of bed and went into my bathroom to splash some water on my face before heading back to bed.
Eyes On Me Everywhere
I pulled the covers up around me and tried to go back to sleep, but once again I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right.
There were definitely benefits to living in a small town, but one of the downsides is that there’s not a whole lot going on after dark.
The streets are usually quiet at night except for a few cars driving home from parties or late-night shifts at work.
I bought in bed staring at the ceiling until my eyes burned from exhaustion.
I checked the clock again: 4:30 AM.
Eyes On Me Everywhere
My heart leaped into my throat, and I sat frozen in bed, listening for any other sounds.
The house was completely silent now, and I strained my ears, wondering if I’d imagined the noise.
But then I heard it again: a slow, deliberate creak as if someone were putting their weight on one of the wooden steps leading up to my bedroom.
I held my breath and listened intently, but I didn’t hear another sound.
Maybe it was just the house settling.
It was an old building, and it wasn’t uncommon for the floors and walls to creak in the night as they expanded and contracted with the changing temperatures.
I waited, but there were no more noises from the hallway outside my room, so I let out a sigh of relief and lay back down in bed.
I must be losing it, I thought with a chuckle.
Eyes On Me Everywhere
It was nearly impossible to fall back asleep again after that, but I lay there staring at the ceiling and listening to the sounds of the night outside my window.
The only sounds now were the ticking of the clock on top of my dresser and the occasional hoot of an owl in one of the trees out back.
Even though I knew it was all in my head, I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching me.
I rolled over onto my side and stared at the wall, trying to calm myself down before I had a full-blown panic attack.
This is ridiculous! Just get up and check your room so you can go back to sleep!
I scolded myself as I glanced at the clock one more time: 5:30 AM.I let out a frustrated sigh and climbed out of bed, suddenly wide awake and filled with nervous energy.
Eyes On Me Everywhere
My hands were shaking as I turned on the light and scanned the room, half-expecting to see someone crouched in the corner or hiding in my closet.
But the entire room was empty except for me, and nothing seemed out of place.
The door leading into the hallway was still locked from the inside, and the windows were shut and latched tight.
I checked under the bed and even looked inside the closet, but there was no one else in the room except for me.
I let out a long breath that I hadn’t realized I’d been holding and sat down heavily on the bed, relieved but also disappointed at the same time.
There’s no one here, Emily. You’re just being paranoid!
I scolded myself silently as I climbed back into bed and turned off the light again.
But even though everything seemed perfectly normal, I couldn’t shake that uneasy feeling that had woken me up in the first place.
Eyes On Me Everywhere
I had no idea what time it was, only that it was still dark outside and probably sometime before dawn.
But after all that had happened yesterday, I was exhausted and desperate to get some sleep.
At least until something jolted me awake again with an icy rush of terror and adrenaline like an electric shock to the heart.
A sudden noise from downstairs startled me so much that I nearly fell off the mattress as I sat bolt upright in bed, gasping for breath and clutching at my chest with one hand.
Eyes On Me Everywhere
I froze, every nerve in my body strung like a tight wire as I strained to listen for any other sounds of movement or breathing over the pounding of my heart.
But everything was eerily silent now, and after several long minutes, it became painfully obvious that there was no one else in the room except for me.
No one hiding under the bed or crouched in the corner, no shadowy figure looming over me with a knife or a gun in their hand… And yet, even though every rational part of my brain was screaming at me to calm down, I couldn’t stop shaking with fear and paranoia as I lay there staring into the darkness and listening for any other signs of danger.
It's all in your head!
I scolded myself silently, trying to force myself to calm down and think rationally for just a few more minutes.
Eyes On Me Everywhere
But the more I tried to tell myself that this was all just a bad dream, the louder that sickening feeling of dread and inevitability grew inside me, until it became too much to bear and I finally threw off the covers and climbed out of bed yet again.
I wasn’t sure what time it was, but it had to be sometime after midnight by now, and with every passing second, that awful feeling of being watched seemed to grow stronger and stronger…It was nearly impossible to fall back asleep again after that, but I lay there staring at the ceiling and listening to the sounds of the night outside my window.
Eyes On Me Everywhere
Chapter 2
Then I flicked on the lights and checked every room in the house, opening closets and cupboards and looking under chairs and tables as if I was some kind of paranoid crackpot.
And by the time I was finally convinced that there was no one else in the house, it was almost time for me to get up and start getting ready for work.
I called my boss to let him know that I would be a few minutes late, then went back upstairs to take a quick shower before getting dressed and heading out for another long day at the library.
It took forever for me to fall asleep after that.
I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened yesterday, or about Jason's little "experiment" with those security cameras he'd installed around my house.
For some reason, I didn't feel like I could trust anyone anymore—not even my own eyes—and as much as I hated to admit it, a small part of me was actually glad that Jason had taken it upon himself to watch over me like this.
After all, if there really was someone out there who wanted to hurt me, then having an amateur detective keeping an eye on my house might actually be a good thing… right?
Eyes On Me Everywhere
I wasn't sure what to do or say at first.
I didn't want to leave my house unattended, but at the same time, I didn't think it would be a good idea for Sarah to stay there either—not after everything that had happened yesterday.
And besides that, her two little girls were still sleeping upstairs in their bedrooms with no one else around to watch over them.
But Sarah was nothing if not determined, and no matter how much I protested or tried to convince her that she was being ridiculous, she refused to take no for an answer.
She told me that she'd been working as a waitress long enough to know when she wasn't wanted, and that she knew better than to argue with a stubborn old mule like me.
Eyes On Me Everywhere
When I told her that Jason lived just two houses down from me and that he'd be more than happy to help out if she needed anything, she finally agreed to keep an eye on my place while I was at work.
She knew as well as I did that if anything happened, Jason would be there in a heartbeat to help her out. I didn't know what else to say after that—I certainly wasn't going to argue with Sarah—but it took everything I had not to call her on the phone every five minutes for the rest of the day just to make sure she was all right.
I knew Sarah was tough and resourceful enough to take care of herself most of the time… but after everything that had happened yesterday, I still couldn't quite shake the feeling that something terrible was going to happen if I left her alone like this.
Still, there wasn't much I could do about it now, so eventually I gave in and let her have her way.
Eyes On Me Everywhere
I immediately called Jason, my voice trembling with fear and anger. "Jason, they're missing. My underwear... someone took them."
There was a pause on the other end, then Jason's voice came through, steady but filled with concern. "Emily, we need to report this to the police. This isn't just about your things anymore; it's about your safety."
I agreed, though dread curled in my stomach at the thought of involving the authorities. But Jason was right—this had escalated beyond what we could handle alone.
That night, Jason and I set up his security cameras around my house while we waited for the police to arrive. As we worked, he kept reassuring me that we would catch whoever was behind this.
"Emily," he said softly, placing a hand on my shoulder. "We'll get through this together."
His words were a small comfort in the midst of my growing fear. As the night wore on and we watched the footage intently, I couldn't help but feel that whoever was doing this was watching us too.
The next morning, an officer visited to take our statements and review the evidence we had gathered so far. The seriousness in his eyes only solidified my resolve to see this through.
With Jason and Sarah by my side, I felt a renewed determination to reclaim my sense of security. This stalker might have invaded my personal space, but they wouldn't take away my fight or spirit.
We were ready for whatever came next.
I didn't want to leave my house unattended, but at the same time I didn't think it would be a good idea for Sarah Jennings to stay there either—not after everything that had happened yesterday.
But Sarah was nothing if not determined and no matter how much I protested or tried to convince her that she was being ridiculous she refused take no for an answer
She told me she'd been working as waitress long enough know when she wasn't wanted & knew better than argue w/ stubborn mule like me
Eyes On Me Everywhere
When told her Jason lived just two houses down from me & he'd be more than happy help out if needed anything finally agreed keep eye on place while at work
I knew Sarah was tough resourceful enough take care herself most time… but after everything happened yesterday still couldn't quite shake feeling something terrible going happen left alone like this
Eyes On Me Everywhere
Still there wasn't much could do about now so eventually gave let way go grab underwear draw noticing some panties bras missing
Eyes On Me Everywhere
I was getting ready for work, and had been in a fairly decent mood until I went to grab a pair of underwear.
My eyes widened as I stared at my dresser, and the door hung open revealing the empty drawer.
Not all my panties were gone, just a few pairs, and some bras were missing too.
But it still shook me horribly.
Just the thought of someone sneaking into my house, and going through my things without me even knowing it scared me to death.
I started to get dressed quickly, and then glanced down at my hands as I wrote the note to Sarah.
She insisted that she keep an eye on the house while I was gone.
I tried to talk her out of it, especially after what happened the day before.
I told her I could always just call the police if anything seemed out of place, but she wouldn’t have it.
She said she’d rather be safe than sorry, and that if it gave her peace of mind then it would make it easier for me to focus at my job.
She promised to call me if she saw or heard anything unusual.
And also vowed to contact the authorities immediately if anything did seem wrong.
I left the note on my kitchen table even though I knew Sarah would head over before she woke up her girls and got them dressed for school.
They didn’t have to leave until almost an hour after I did, so she’d be there watching over my place most of the day.
Eyes On Me Everywhere
I did my best to concentrate on my work after that, but it wasn’t easy with everything else going on.
The library was fairly busy today which helped keep me distracted for a while at least.
I spent most of my time working in the back room cataloging books.
It was one of my favorite things to do anyway so I didn’t really mind that much.
But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get my mind off everything that had been happening lately.
Then just when I thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse, my phone rang and Sarah’s name flashed across my screen.