MidReal Story

Dreamscape Destiny


May 12
Scenario:Depressed Karruki, a 20 year old, finds comfort in fictional stories only to be hit by a truck driven by a drunkc driver on one fateful night to then meet a god-like person who gives Kazuki a cheat system who then enables him to live the way his always dreamed about
Create my version of this story
Depressed Karruki, a 20 year old, finds comfort in fictional stories only to be hit by a truck driven by a drunkc driver on one fateful night to then meet a god-like person who gives Kazuki a cheat system who then enables him to live the way his always dreamed about
I was hit by a car.
I was on my way home after buying some manga and light novels.
I was so excited to read them that I didn't notice the traffic light had turned red.
I crossed the street without looking around, and then I heard a loud horn.
When I turned my head, I saw a car coming at me at full speed.
I was frozen in place, unable to move, and then everything went black.
When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a white space.
There was nothing around me except for a man standing in front of me.
He had a handsome face and a perfect body, and he was wearing a white robe that made him look like a god.
"Who are you?" I asked him.
"I am the god of this world," he replied.
"What happened to me?
Was I hit by a car?"
I remembered everything that had happened before I died, and tears started to fall from my eyes.
"I couldn't save you in time."
"It's okay," I said.
"I don't want to blame anyone for what happened.
I just don't want to die so soon."
The god looked at me with a surprised expression on his face.
"Are you sure about that?
Most people would be happy to die at such a young age."
"I'm not most people," I replied.
"There are still so many things I want to do in my life, and I haven't even finished reading all the manga and light novels I like."
The god looked at me for a moment before he said, "If you want, I can give you a second chance at life."
"What do you mean?" I asked him.
"I can send you to another world where you can live your ideal life," the god replied.
"Of course, you will have to face challenges and dangers, but I will give you a cheat system to help you overcome them."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
Was this really happening?
Was I really going to get a second chance at life?
I didn't know what to say, but after thinking about it for a moment, I asked the god, "What do I have to do in return?"
"You don't have to do anything," the god replied.
"I'm just doing this because I feel sorry for what happened to you.
There is one condition, however."
"What condition?" I asked him.
"You must never reveal the fact that you have a cheat system," the god said.
"If anyone finds out about it, you will lose all your abilities and be sent back to this world without any chance of returning."
I nodded my head and said, "I understand.
I won't tell anyone about it."
The god smiled at me before he waved his hand and said, "Good luck on your journey."
I smiled back at the god before everything around me turned black again.
When I opened my eyes, I found myself standing in front of the bookstore where I had bought the manga and light novels earlier.
I couldn't believe that everything had been real and not just a dream, but there was no time for me to think about it because I was too excited to read the latest volumes of my favorite stories.
I quickly entered the bookstore and bought a coffee as well as some snacks and then went straight home, anxious to read the new additions to my collection.
As soon as I got home, I threw my bag on the bed and opened it to look at all the volumes of manga and light novels that were inside of it.
I was so happy that I had managed to get them all and that I would be able to read them all while they were still fresh in my mind.
Dreamscape Destiny
I was so engrossed in the story that I didn't even notice that the traffic light had turned red and that the pedestrian signal was on, telling me that it was my turn to cross the street.
When I finally realized what had happened, it was already too late, and before I could do anything to save myself, a car hit me at full speed and sent me flying through the air.
I wasn't able to move my body, and all I could do was watch in horror as the ground came closer and closer to me and as the driver got out of his car and shouted profanities at me while blaming me for the accident.
It wasn't my fault that he had been too busy looking at his phone to watch where he was going, and it wasn't my fault that he had run a red light and hit me, but there was nothing I could do to defend myself, and all I could do was cry as the man continued to scream insults at me.
"Watch where you're going, you stupid idiot!" he shouted at me, and then he kicked me in the stomach before getting back into his car and driving away like nothing had happened.
I was in so much pain that tears were streaming down my face, and as blood poured out of my mouth, I tried to get up, but it was no use because all of my bones had been shattered by the impact and there was no way that I would be able to stand on my feet again.
I knew that I was going to die, and all that I could think about was how stupid it had been to die in such a ridiculous way just because I had been too excited to read some manga and light novels that I hadn't even noticed that there was a car coming at me while the traffic light was red and that the pedestrian signal was on.
I wished that there was a way for me to turn back time and prevent this tragedy from happening, but it was too late, and fate had already chosen this path for me.
I felt my life slipping away from me as I struggled to breathe, and as everything started to turn dark, a voice called out to me from somewhere in the distance.
"Are you okay?" it asked me.
"Who is it?What do you want from me?" I replied.
"I'm here to help you," the voice said.
"Help me with what?"I asked it again.
"I can give you a second chance at life if you want," it replied.
My eyes widened in surprise when I heard what it had said, and before I could say anything else, a blinding light appeared around me, making it impossible for me to see anything else except for a man who looked like he had been sent from heaven.
He had a perfect face with beautiful features, and he was wearing a white robe that made him look like a god, and when I saw how handsome he was, I couldn't help but wonder if this figure of light was him.
"Are you the person who has been talking to me?" I asked him.
"Yes, it's me," he replied, smiling at me.
"What happened to me?Was I hit by a car?"
"Yes, you were," he said with a sad expression on his face.
Dreamscape Destiny
"But how is that possible?I'm still alive, right?"I asked him.
"No, I'm afraid that you've died," he replied.
"Then why are we here?Did I go to heaven?"
"No, we're not in heaven, and you didn't go there either," he said.
"So where are we?"
"This is a white void that exists between worlds that you can only reach after your soul has departed from your body," he said.
"So does that mean that I'm dead?"
"Yes, it does," he replied.
"Why did I have to die so soon?"
"It happened because of an unfortunate accident that wasn't supposed to happen," he said.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Do you believe that there is more than one god who governs over this world just like it has been said in the scriptures of old religions?" he asked me.
"I'm not entirely sure since there isn't any evidence that would support those claims," I replied.
"That's true, but it doesn't mean that they aren't real or that they don't exist," he said.
"But if they do exist, then how can there be more than one of them?"
"I'm not a god of this world," he replied.
"I'm a god of another world."
"What are you talking about?I don't understand what you mean," I said.
"What I mean is that this world is being managed by another god and not by me," he explained.
"So does that mean that we're not dead?"
"You're correct," he said.
"In fact, the reason why I'm here is to help you move on to the next world."
"If we haven't died, then why are we still here?"
"It's because your soul has already left your body and is ready to be transferred to this world," he explained.
"But there is something else that I would like to tell you before we move on," he said.
"Three other people have also died in this accident along with you."
"Three other people?"
"Yes, there were two men and one woman who also lost their lives in the same accident," he explained.
"I'm very sorry for being unable to save all of you from such a terrible fate."
"If it wasn't supposed to happen, then why did it happen?"
"It happened because the driver was being too careless while driving and that he caused the accident by not seeing any of you while there had been a red light at the intersection and a pedestrian signal that had been on," he explained.
"But what has become of him?Hasn't he gotten into trouble for what happened?"
"He hasn't been caught yet and is still running away from the police," he explained.
"I see," I said with a sad expression on my face.
"I know how difficult it must be for you to hear this and what has happened to all of you must have come as a shock to all of those who knew you," he said.
"But it's not too late for me to save all of you."
"What do you mean by that?"
Dreamscape Destiny