MidReal Story

Dreams of Fortune: A Hero's Awakening

Scenario:crie uma história de 7 minutos com o seguinte tema: você é um adulto de 30 anos que mora com os pais, você teve um sonho que ganhou um sorteio e ficou milionário, neste sonho com o dinheiro que você ganhou , você adqueriu o poder de voar, conquistou, casas , carros, tudo do bom e do melhor e com esse poder e dinheiro você criou uma roupa indestrutivel igual uma armadura, só que adequada para seu corpo e descobriu outros mundos , você enfrentou dragões , salvou donzelas , bateu no mikey mouse e fez amizade com o homem de ferro e depois disso você acordou e viu que estava sonhando, foi para o trabalho e chegando la na empresa seu amigo Tobias falou que a empresa tinha falido, você não sabia o que fazer e nem seu amigo , mas tinha jogado na mega sena e anoite no sorteio você ganhou, ficou rico e ajudou cada um dos seus amigos . fim
Create my version of this story
crie uma história de 7 minutos com o seguinte tema: você é um adulto de 30 anos que mora com os pais, você teve um sonho que ganhou um sorteio e ficou milionário, neste sonho com o dinheiro que você ganhou , você adqueriu o poder de voar, conquistou, casas , carros, tudo do bom e do melhor e com esse poder e dinheiro você criou uma roupa indestrutivel igual uma armadura, só que adequada para seu corpo e descobriu outros mundos , você enfrentou dragões , salvou donzelas , bateu no mikey mouse e fez amizade com o homem de ferro e depois disso você acordou e viu que estava sonhando, foi para o trabalho e chegando la na empresa seu amigo Tobias falou que a empresa tinha falido, você não sabia o que fazer e nem seu amigo , mas tinha jogado na mega sena e anoite no sorteio você ganhou, ficou rico e ajudou cada um dos seus amigos . fim
I was a millionaire.
I had just won the lottery, and I was going to be rich.
I could hardly believe it.
I was going to be able to buy anything I wanted, go anywhere I wanted, do anything I wanted.
I was going to be able to help people in need, and make the world a better place.
I was going to be a superhero!
I could fly, and travel to other worlds, and fight dragons!
The possibilities were endless!
And then I woke up.
It was all just a dream.
A dream that would never come true.
A dream that would never be real.
A dream that would never happen.
A dream that would never…
“Johnathan, are you awake?”
My mother’s voice called from the kitchen.
“Breakfast is ready.”
I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes.
The sun was shining through my window, and the birds were singing in the trees outside.
“Coming, Mom,” I called back.
I climbed out of bed and stretched my arms over my head.
I had to admit, I was feeling pretty good this morning.
I was still a little drowsy, but I was also wide awake, and filled with energy and excitement.
I wanted to jump up and down, and shout for joy, and run around the block a few times, and do cartwheels and somersaults and handstands.
But I didn’t do any of those things.
Instead, I just smiled, and walked over to my closet, and got dressed in a fresh pair of pants and a clean shirt.
“Don’t forget to brush your teeth,” my mother reminded me as I headed for the door.
“And comb your hair,” she added with a laugh.
“It looks like you just got out of bed.”
“I did just get out of bed,” I said.
“That’s why it looks like I just got out of bed.”
My hair was a mess.
It always was when I first woke up.
It was short, and straight, and brown, and it stuck out in all directions, like I had been electrocuted.
I tried to comb it down, but it didn’t help much.
It still looked like I had been electrocuted.
Or like I had stuck my finger in a light socket.
Or like I was wearing a hat made of straw.
But at least it looked clean.
And that’s what mattered most right now.
It wasn’t like anyone was going to see me today anyway.
It wasn’t like I had anything important to do.
I didn’t have a job to go to, or a class to attend, or an errand to run.
I didn’t have any friends to hang out with, or any plans to make, or any place to be.
I was 30 years old, and still living at home with my parents, after all these years.
I hadn’t finished college, or gotten a degree, or chosen a career.
I hadn’t made any money, or paid any bills, or filed any taxes.
I hadn’t done anything at all with my life up until now.
And that wasn’t likely to change anytime soon.
But maybe it could change someday…
I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled again.
My mother was right about my hair.
It did look pretty bad today.
It looked even worse than I had realized at first.
It looked really bad.
But that was okay.
I could live with that.
Because something amazing had happened this morning that made up for everything else.
Something incredible that made me feel like a brand new man!
My mother called again as I went downstairs for breakfast.
“Johnathan, are you coming?”
“I’m coming,” I said.
“I’m on my way.”
Dreams of Fortune: A Hero's Awakening
And then I started telling my mother about the dream I had last night.
“It was the best dream of my life,” I said.
“It was amazing!
I was a millionaire, and I could fly, and I fought dragons!
It was like nothing I had ever experienced before!
It was so real, I couldn’t tell if I was dreaming, or if it was really happening.
It felt like I could do whatever I wanted, and go wherever I pleased, and be whoever I wished.
It felt like I could change the world, and make it a better place for everyone in it.
It felt like I could be a superhero and save the day!”
My mother just laughed.
she said, setting a plate of food in front of me at the table.
“You were fighting dragons?
That sounds dangerous, Johnathan.
Are you sure you weren’t having a nightmare?”
“No, no, no,” I said.
“It wasn’t a nightmare.
It was a dream.
The best dream of my life.
And it felt wonderful!
I can still remember how happy and free I was in that dream.
How powerful and invincible I felt.
How alive and inspired and motivated!
“I even flew!”
My mother raised her eyebrows in surprise and disbelief.
“You flew?”
she exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips and looking me up and down from head to toe.
“You flew like a bird?
You flew like an airplane?
You flew like Superman?
How did you do it?
How does it work?
Can you show me?”
“I can show you,” I said, jumping up out of my chair and standing on the floor with my arms spread wide and my eyes closed tight, pretending that I was flying high above the clouds, soaring through the sky with the wind in my hair, and the sun on my face, and the stars in my eyes.
“Watch me now,” I said, running in place for a moment, and then jumping up and down with all my might, trying to take off and fly away.
My mother watched me jump up and down for a few seconds, and then she shook her head and sighed, and put her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud.
“Johnathan, you can’t fly,” she said.
“Birds can fly, because they have wings.
Airplanes can fly, because they have engines.
Superman can fly, because he’s not real.
You’re just a person, Johnathan.
You don’t have wings or engines or superpowers of any kind.
You can’t fly by yourself no matter how hard you try.”
“I know that,” I said, pouting like a child as I sat back down at the table and started eating my breakfast with a fork.
“I know that already.
But it was just a dream, Mom.
That’s all it was.
And it was the best dream of my life.
It was an amazing dream that made me feel great!
It was so awesome, I wanted to tell everybody about it!
It was so wonderful, I wanted to remember it forever!”
Dreams of Fortune: A Hero's Awakening
I returned home from the park in the afternoon, feeling happy and refreshed after spending all day outside in the warm weather, enjoying the sunshine and the fresh air, watching the children play on the swings and slides, feeding the ducks, and reading my book, feeling as though all was good with the world.
I walked in the door, took off my shoes, and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
My mother was at the kitchen table, talking on the telephone, with her purse in one hand and her coat in the other, looking at the clock on the wall with anxious eyes as she checked to see if she had time to run errands before it was time to go to work.
“Hello, Johnathan,” she said, putting her hand over the receiver for a moment.
“How was your day at the park?”
“It was nice, Mom,” I said, taking a glass from the cupboard, filling it with cold water from the sink, and drinking it down in one long, delicious gulp.
“It was warm and sunny outside.
The weather was perfect.
The sky was clear.
The birds were singing.
I had a great time.”
“That’s good,” my mother said, nodding her head as she listened to the person on the other end of the line talk to her.
“That’s nice to hear.
But I was worried about you today, Johnathan.
I called you on your telephone this morning to tell you about a job opportunity I heard about from my friend at work, but you didn’t answer, because you left your phone here at home like always.
And then when you didn’t come back for lunch like you usually do, I thought maybe you didn’t check your emails or listen to your voicemail before you left the house, so maybe you didn’t know about it yet.
And then when you weren’t here for dinner like you usually are, I thought maybe you weren’t coming home tonight, so maybe you wouldn’t be here when we got back from work tomorrow morning either.”
“I’m sorry about that, Mom,” I said.
“I didn’t mean to make you worry.I just left my phone at home by accident.
And I’m not surprised that nobody called me about that job opportunity anyway, because I didn’t think they would.
I didn’t think they would call me, because I don’t have any qualifications for that job.
I don’t have any experience for that job.
I don’t have any training for that job.
I don’t have anything for any job, so I don’t know why I even bother applying or interviewing for jobs anymore.
But I’m used to it by now, so I’m not disappointed or discouraged or upset about it at all.”
“That’s the spirit, Johnathan!”
my father said, clapping me on the back as he walked into the room with a big smile and a hearty laugh, looking as though he was ready to start singing a song from an old musical.
“You’re really something, you know that?
You never give up or lose hope or stop dreaming!
You’re a real inspiration, you are!
You’re a role model for all of us!
Dreams of Fortune: A Hero's Awakening
I’ve always been a dreamer.
Even when I was a little boy, I was a dreamer.
When I was growing up, all I ever wanted to do was dream big dreams, think big thoughts, and imagine big ideas.
But sometimes my dreams were so big, people thought they were crazy, even though I knew they weren’t.
Sometimes people told me my dreams were impossible, because they said nobody could ever do something like that, even though I knew they could.
Sometimes people told me I was wasting my time dreaming like that, because they said it would never come true anyway, even though I knew it would.
But my parents never discouraged me from dreaming big dreams or thinking big thoughts or imagining big ideas.
Even when my dreams were beyond what most people thought was possible, or what most people could do, or what most people would want to do, my parents always believed in me, because they said everyone has to dream their own dream, no matter how big or small it is.
“Don’t be afraid to dream big dreams,” my mother always told me.
“Don’t be afraid to think big thoughts.
And don’t be afraid to imagine big ideas.
If you can dream it, you can do it.
If you can think it, you can be it.
And if you can imagine it, you can think of a way to make it happen.
So keep on dreaming, Johnathan!
Keep on thinking!
And keep on imagining!
You’ll find a way to make it happen, if you really want to!”
But my father was a little more practical than that, so he wanted me to have a backup plan, just in case.
Not everyone can be a superhero,” he told me.
“Not everyone can save the world, or travel through time, or fly to the moon and back again.
But there are lots of other things you can do, if you’re willing to work hard and try your best.
So when I was growing up, my parents always encouraged me to learn new skills and try new things, so I would be prepared for whatever happens next, even if I didn’t know what that is yet.
They always made sure I had what I needed to do my best, so I would have the tools to succeed no matter where life takes me.
And most of all, they always believed in me, so I would have the confidence to keep on dreaming, no matter how many times I had to try again, no matter how many times I had to start over, no matter how many times I had to ask for help.
When I was a little boy, every young boy dreams of being a superhero.
And I dreamed of being a superhero too, just like all the other boys.
But even though every young boy dreams of being a superhero, not every boy grows up to be one, because most of them don’t.
Dreams of Fortune: A Hero's Awakening