MidReal Story

Dreams of Destiny


May 22
Scenario:انشىء قصة رومانسية لشاب حلم بفتاة في منامه و اصبحت تعطيه اشارات ليجدها و اصبح يبحث عنها حتى فقد الامل في ان يجدها و بعد فترة من الزمن وجدها و كانت جميلة
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انشىء قصة رومانسية لشاب حلم بفتاة في منامه و اصبحت تعطيه اشارات ليجدها و اصبح يبحث عنها حتى فقد الامل في ان يجدها و بعد فترة من الزمن وجدها و كانت جميلة
I dreamt of her again last night.
It was the same dream I’ve had for the past few weeks, but this time it was different.
This time I could see her face.
She was beautiful, with long, dark hair and big brown eyes that sparkled in the moonlight.
I could feel her warmth as she lay in my arms, and I could smell the sweet scent of her skin as I buried my face in her hair.
I didn’t want to let her go.
I didn’t want to wake up.
But then I did wake up, and she was gone.
I lay there for a long time, staring at the ceiling and wondering who she was and why she kept appearing in my dreams.
I’d never seen her before, but there was something about her that felt so familiar, so right.
It was as if I’d been waiting for her my whole life, and now that I’d found her, I couldn’t let her go.
But how could that be?
How could I feel so strongly about someone I’d never even met?
My roommate Sarah was already there, sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea and a book.
She looked up when she saw me and smiled.
“How’d you sleep?”
she asked, and I forced a smile in return.
“I’m fine,” I told her.
But if I was being honest, I hadn’t slept well in weeks.
I was too busy dreaming about her.
It felt like I’d been waiting for her my entire life, yet I’d never seen her before.
It was as if she was half of me, a piece that had been missing until now.
The dreams weren’t like any I’d ever had before.
Usually my dreams were fragmented and nonsensical, full of strange images and weird snippets of conversation that didn’t make any sense.
But these dreams were different.
They were vivid and emotional, and when I woke up, I was always left with an unsettling feeling of incompleteness.
I never understood why I kept having the same dream night after night.
I never understood why this girl haunted my dreams, or what my subconscious was trying to tell me.
I just knew that she was important, somehow.
And I couldn’t shake the feeling that she was out there, somewhere, waiting for me to find her.
That’s why I’d spent the better part of the last few weeks trying to track her down.
I hadn’t had much luck so far, but I wasn’t ready to give up just yet.
Last night’s dream had been like all the others.
I was in an unfamiliar place, standing in the moonlight with my arms wrapped around the girl who felt like my other half.
She looked up at me with those big brown eyes, and I knew that she loved me as much as I loved her.
But then I woke up, and she was gone.
I sighed as I sipped my coffee and took a seat across from Sarah at the table.
Sarah looked at me over the rim of her cup, concern written all over her face.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
she asked softly, and I gave her a tight smile in return.
“I’m fine,” I assured her.
“It’s just a little early for me.”
“Are you still having those dreams?”
she asked quietly, and I nodded.
“I don’t know what to make of them,” I admitted.
“They’re so intense, so real.And it’s always the same dream, over and over again.Every time, it feels like we’re meeting for the first time.”
“Have you ever met this girl before?”
Sarah asked gently, and I shook my head.
“I don’t think so,” I said slowly.
“But it feels like we know each other.I can feel it when I’m with her.I can feel how much she loves me.”
Sarah reached across the table and placed a hand on mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“I’m sure it will all make sense soon,” she said softly, but something told me it wouldn’t.
Dreams of Destiny
And I knew, without a doubt, that I was hopelessly in love with the girl from my dreams.
It was happening again.
I found myself in the middle of that same dream, with the girl who seemed to be meant solely for me.
She was laughing, a sound that made my heart ache with longing, and I couldn’t help but think how beautiful she was, how perfect we were together.
It all felt so real—her laughter, her voice, her touch—that I couldn’t help but question my own sanity.
Every time I had this dream, it felt more like a memory, something I’d actually lived through rather than just imagined.
This time, as we lay together in the darkness, I knew I couldn’t go another night without seeing her face, without knowing what she looked like.
I turned her towards me, and the moment I saw her face, it took my breath away.
Her eyes, big and brown and filled with so much emotion, held mine as she gazed up at me.
My heart skipped a beat as I stared into those beautiful eyes.
In that moment, I knew I was lost to her.
It didn’t matter what world I was in or what reality I was living.
All that mattered was her.
All that mattered was the love that seemed to have been waiting for her for all eternity.
A surge of emotion overwhelmed me as I gazed into those deep brown eyes, and before I knew it, the words were spilling out of me—words I’d kept locked away for so long.
“I love you,” I whispered, praying that she could hear me and feel how much I meant it.
Her eyes widened slightly as she heard me, and I could see the surprise in them.
But it was quickly replaced by a look of pure joy, and a brilliant smile lit up her face as she reached out to brush a lock of hair from my face.
“I love you too,” she whispered back, and I felt my heart swell with happiness as I pulled her into my arms and hugged her tightly against me.
I knew this wasn’t real—not really—but it felt real, and that was all that mattered.
I closed my eyes and buried my face in the crook of her neck, breathing in the sweet scent of her skin as I tried to memorize the way she felt in my arms, the way she fit so perfectly against me.
Dreams of Destiny
The way it felt like I’d been waiting for this moment forever.
“Are you sure?”
I asked after a moment, pulling back so I could look into those beautiful brown eyes one more time.
Her smile faded slightly, and I could see a hint of sadness in those deep brown eyes as she nodded.
“Of course I’m sure,” she said softly.
“I love you with all my heart.”
A shudder ran through me at the intensity of her words, and I had to bite down on my lip to keep from saying anything else—anything that might scare her away.
Because even though this wasn’t real—not really—I couldn’t help but feel like this moment was somehow important.
Like it was something I’d been waiting for for a very long time.
So instead of saying anything else, I just nodded silently and pulled her back into my arms once more—holding onto her like my life depended on it—because for all I knew, it did.
I’d never been one to shy away from my feelings or hide what was in my heart.
And in this moment, with her in my arms and looking at me like she wanted me more than anything—I knew that I had to tell her everything.
That I had to lay my heart on the line and take a chance, even if I didn’t know what the consequences might be.
“I love you so much,” I whispered, brushing a lock of hair away from her face as I pulled her closer to me.
“More than anything else in the world.
More than I ever thought was possible.” I paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before I continued.
“I love you with every beat of my heart, and every breath I take.
With every step I’ve ever taken—every moment I’ve ever lived.
And with every single moment yet to come.”
I felt a strange sense of urgency as I spoke, like I had to get these words out now or I might never have another chance.
Like there was something blocking my memories and preventing me from thinking, but if I could just get these words out—tell her how I felt—then everything would be okay.
Like this was the key to unlocking everything else.
She was looking at me like she’d never heard anything so beautiful before, and my heart swelled with hope as I took a deep breath and let the rest of it out.
“I love you,” I said one more time, holding her gaze so she could see how much I meant it.
“I love you with all my heart—and if you let me, I’ll spend the rest of our lives trying to make you believe it.”
We lay there in silence for a long moment after I finished speaking, just holding onto each other.
And even though neither of us had said it out loud, I could feel the connection between us—the understanding—that we both felt the same way.
That this was something more than just a dream.
Dreams of Destiny