MidReal Story

Dreams of Destiny

Scenario:Zella, a girl caught up in an unusual event, sees her young tamer brothers, Etta and Noel, in an endless dream world and a series of dangerous encounters. The three of them try to escape, only to discover that in the world after they wake up, all the plans have been in motion since before Zela was born. Experiments on human bodies, aliens, wars, the course of destiny has been set from the beginning. Will Zella, Etta and Noel be able to escape their original destiny, or will they be destroyed along with the current civilisation and be left alone to wait for it to be reborn? ...... Requirement: Do not plagiarize
Create my version of this story
Zella, a girl caught up in an unusual event, sees her young tamer brothers, Etta and Noel, in an endless dream world and a series of dangerous encounters. The three of them try to escape, only to discover that in the world after they wake up, all the plans have been in motion since before Zela was born. Experiments on human bodies, aliens, wars, the course of destiny has been set from the beginning. Will Zella, Etta and Noel be able to escape their original destiny, or will they be destroyed along with the current civilisation and be left alone to wait for it to be reborn? ...... Requirement: Do not plagiarize
I wake up in a dream.
I’m on the floor of a dark room, and my head is throbbing.
I can’t remember how I got here, but I know I’m not alone.
My brothers are with me.
I call out, my voice barely more than a whisper.
The room is so dark that I can’t see my hand in front of my face.
But I can hear them moving around, and I can hear their breathing.
"Zella?" Etta calls back to me.
"Is that you?"
"Yes," I tell him.
"Are you okay?"
He sounds confused.
"What happened?"
I ask him.
"I don’t know," he says.
"I was sleeping, and then…"
He trails off, and I know he’s just as confused as I am.
"Me too," I tell him.
"Noel, are you okay?"
I call out to our youngest brother.
"I’m okay," he says.
"But it’s dark. Why is it so dark?"
"I don’t know," I tell him.
"Can you find a light switch?" "Okay."
I hear Noel shuffling around, his small hands patting the walls in search of a switch.
Etta's breathing is heavy, and I can tell he's trying to stay calm for Noel's sake.
"Keep talking," I say. "So we know where everyone is."
"Okay," Etta replies. "I'm right here, next to you."
Noel's voice pipes up from somewhere near the far wall. "I can't find it. It's too dark."
I take a deep breath and start feeling my way along the wall.
The surface is cold and smooth, almost metallic.
My fingers brush against something that feels like a switch, and I flick it on instinct.
A dim light flickers overhead, casting eerie shadows across the room.
We all squint against the sudden brightness.
The room is small and bare, but the walls are covered in strange symbols that glow faintly in the dim light.
"What are those?" Etta asks, pointing at the symbols.
"I don't know," I say, stepping closer to get a better look.
Noel clings to my leg, his eyes wide with fear. "Zella, I'm scared."
"It's okay," I tell him, even though I'm scared too. "We'll figure this out."
As I study the symbols, something catches my eye—a metallic door on the far side of the room.
"Look," I say, pointing. "There's a door."
Etta nods and takes a step toward it. "Should we open it?"
I hesitate for a moment before nodding. "We have to find out where we are."
Etta reaches for the handle, his hand shaking slightly. He glances back at me for reassurance, and I give him a nod.
He turns the handle slowly, and the door creaks open with an ominous groan.
Beyond the door is a long hallway lined with eerie, glowing tubes.
Inside each tube is a human-like figure suspended in some kind of liquid.
"Oh my god," Etta whispers. "What is this place?"
Noel buries his face in my leg, whimpering softly. "I want to go home."
"We will," I promise him, even though I have no idea how we're going to do that.
We step into the hallway cautiously, our footsteps echoing in the silence.
The figures in the tubes are motionless, their eyes closed as if they're sleeping.
But there's something unsettling about them—something that makes my skin crawl.
Etta reaches out to touch one of the tubes, but I grab his arm and pull him back. "Don't."
He looks at me with wide eyes. "Why not?"
"I don't know," I admit. "But this place... it's not right."
We continue down the hallway, our eyes darting around nervously.
At the end of the hall is another door, this one larger and more imposing than the first.
I swallow hard and reach for the handle, my heart pounding in my chest.
Just as I'm about to turn it, a loud alarm blares through the hallway, making us all jump.
Red lights flash overhead, casting an eerie glow on everything around us.
"What's happening?" Noel cries, clinging to me tighter.
"I don't know," I say, trying to keep my voice steady. "But we need to move. Now."
We push through the door and find ourselves in another room—this one filled with strange machinery and blinking lights.
Before we can take another step, a voice booms from above us: "Intruders detected. Initiating lockdown protocol."
I grab Etta and Noel's hands, pulling them through the maze of machinery.
"Run!" I shout, my voice barely audible over the clanging metal.
Etta stumbles, his foot catching on a loose cable.
I yank him up, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Keep moving!" I scream, adrenaline surging through me.
Noel's eyes widen in terror as a mechanical claw grazes his shoulder.
He yelps in pain but keeps running.
We dodge and weave through the labyrinth of robotic limbs, each swipe narrowly missing us.
"There!" I shout, spotting an emergency exit sign glowing faintly in the distance.
"Head for the door!"
We sprint towards it, our breaths coming in ragged gasps.
The machinery seems to sense our desperation, increasing its speed and intensity.
A claw swings down, narrowly missing Etta's head.
"Faster!" I urge them, my legs burning with effort.
We zigzag through the room, avoiding the relentless assault of metal arms.
Finally, we reach the door.
I slam into it with all my weight, throwing it open.
We tumble into another corridor, the door sealing behind us with a hiss.
We collapse against the wall, breathing heavily.
For a moment, we just sit there, catching our breath and exchanging worried glances.
"We can't stay here," I say finally, pushing myself to my feet. "We have to keep moving."
Etta nods, his face pale but determined. "Which way?"
I glance down the corridor. It's dimly lit and stretches out in both directions. "Let's go left," I decide. "It feels right."
Noel clings to my hand as we start walking again. The corridor is eerily silent compared to the chaos we just escaped. The walls are smooth and metallic, reflecting our anxious faces back at us.
As we move forward, I can't shake the feeling that we're being watched. Every shadow seems to shift and move in the corner of my eye. But there's no time to dwell on it; we have to find a way out.
We come to a fork in the corridor. I hesitate for a moment before choosing the right path this time. The air feels colder here, and I shiver involuntarily.
"Do you think we'll find an exit soon?" Noel asks quietly.
"I hope so," I reply, squeezing his hand reassuringly. "Just stay close."
The corridor twists and turns, leading us deeper into the unknown facility. We pass more doors and strange symbols etched into the walls. Each one feels like a clue we're not yet able to decipher.
Suddenly, we hear footsteps echoing from behind us. My heart skips a beat as I glance back. A shadowy figure is approaching rapidly.
"Run!" I shout again, pulling Etta and Noel along with me.
We sprint down the corridor, our footsteps pounding against the metal floor. The figure gains on us quickly, its presence looming closer with each passing second.
Up ahead, I spot another door—a potential escape route. "There!" I point frantically.
We reach the door just as the figure closes in on us. I throw it open and shove Etta and Noel through before diving in myself.
Dreams of Destiny
The room is vast, filled with ancient artifacts and glowing crystals that cast an eerie light.
I pant heavily, scanning the room for any immediate threats.
Etta and Noel clutch my arms, their eyes wide with fear.
The crystals illuminate eerie shadows on the walls, making the room feel alive.
I spot an old book on a pedestal in the center of the chamber.
It seems out of place among the other relics, almost as if it’s waiting for us.
I approach it cautiously, feeling an inexplicable pull.
Etta's voice is barely a whisper. "What is this place?"
Noel's eyes dart around, searching for threats. "Are we safe here?"
"I don't know," I admit, my voice trembling slightly. "But we need to find out."
I reach the pedestal and extend my hand towards the book.
Its cover is made of worn leather, and strange symbols are etched into it.
I hesitate for a moment before opening it.
The pages glow with strange symbols that seem to dance before my eyes.
Suddenly, the chamber trembles.
The artifacts vibrate, and a low hum fills the air.
Dreams of Destiny
"What's happening?" Etta shouts, his grip tightening on my arm.
"I don't know!" I yell back, trying to keep my balance.
The ground beneath us begins to crack, fissures spreading out from where I stand.
I grip the book tighter, feeling its power surge through me.
"We need to get out of here!" Noel cries, panic rising in his voice.
I look around frantically for an escape route but see none.
The walls seem to close in on us as the tremors grow stronger.
"Stay close!" I shout over the noise. "Don't let go!"
The crystals' light intensifies, casting blinding beams across the room.
Etta shields his eyes with his free hand. "Zella, what do we do?"
I grit my teeth, trying to think clearly despite the chaos. "We have to find a way out!"
The ground splits open beneath our feet, and we stumble backward.
A deep chasm forms in the center of the chamber, swallowing some of the artifacts whole.
"Noel!" I scream as he nearly loses his footing.
He regains his balance just in time and clings to me desperately. "I'm scared!"
"I know," I say, my voice firm despite my own fear. "But we have to stay strong."
The book in my hands pulses with energy, and I feel a strange connection to it.
Dreams of Destiny
"Maybe... maybe this book can help us," I mutter, more to myself than anyone else.
Etta looks at me with wide eyes. "How?"
"I don't know," I admit. "But it's worth a try."
I focus on the symbols glowing on the pages, willing them to reveal their secrets.
The hum grows louder, almost deafening now.
The chasm widens further, threatening to engulf us.
"Zella!" Etta shouts over the noise. "Do something!"
"I'm trying!" I yell back, frustration and fear mixing in my voice.
Just then, one of the symbols on the page glows brighter than the others.
Instinctively, I trace it with my finger.
A surge of energy flows through me, and the room seems to respond.
The tremors slow down slightly, giving us a momentary reprieve.
"It's working!" Noel exclaims, hope flickering in his eyes.
But our relief is short-lived as another tremor shakes the chamber violently.
"We need to move!" I shout. "Now!"
We scramble towards one of the chamber's corners where the ground seems more stable.
As we huddle together, I clutch the book tightly against my chest.
The symbols continue to glow and pulse with energy.
"We'll figure this out," I promise them—and myself—desperately hoping it's true.
Dreams of Destiny