MidReal Story

Dragon's Tale: Harmony in Zvan

Scenario:Genre: Furry/Anthro, Theme: School, I am.. a fat red dragon. I am in Class 2-3, I live in Zvan, it's something like far eastern culture and west culture mixed together, We have our own day system, Mondottore, Tuescara, Miiwochê, Thursana, and Fritorie, I am a male, I wear hoodies all the time. Our world is filled with all the animals, from cats to dingos to penquins and so on, our world is so diverse and colorful.
Create my version of this story
Genre: Furry/Anthro, Theme: School, I am.. a fat red dragon. I am in Class 2-3, I live in Zvan, it's something like far eastern culture and west culture mixed together, We have our own day system, Mondottore, Tuescara, Miiwochê, Thursana, and Fritorie, I am a male, I wear hoodies all the time. Our world is filled with all the animals, from cats to dingos to penquins and so on, our world is so diverse and colorful.
My name is Drakar Fireclaw, and I am a fat red dragon.
And this is pretty much where the trouble all began for me.
I live in Zvan, a town where far eastern and western cultures blend harmoniously together.
My life isn’t that different from most people.
I go to school, I study, I do my homework, and I get good grades.
Well… not always the last one.
You see, I am not that smart.
But I try my best, and I always do my homework.
Well… almost always.
You see, when you are a chubby red dragon and you have a lot of homework, sometimes things go wrong.
And it’s not because I am lazy or anything like that!
It’s just that the stars are not always aligned in the right way for me.
And Mr Barkwood is always there to make sure of that.
He’s a black bear and he’s one of my teachers at school.
The only thing bigger than his body is his bad attitude.
He has a tendency for giving me bad grades for no reason.
Some people say it’s because he’s jealous of me because of how handsome I am, but that’s probably not true.
It’s not like I’m the most beautiful dragon in the world, or anything like that.
I’m just average, I guess.
Anyway, let me tell you how it all began.
The history of our world isn’t an easy subject to learn about.
There are so many important things you need to keep in mind: the dates when the continents and oceans were created, what they were made out of, who was responsible for creating them, and so on…
I was trying to pay attention to what my teacher was saying in this particular Mondottore history class, but it wasn’t easy!
Mr Barkwood was standing right in front of me!
And with his big black eyes staring at me with that angry look on his face, I could swear he was trying to intimidate me!
But I wasn’t about to back down!
I had to pay attention and get through this lesson no matter what!
My eyes were darting back and forth as I tried to look for an opening where I could actually see my teacher’s face.
Everyone else seemed to be busy taking notes and writing everything down.
Luna Silverpaw, a top student silver wolf with a sleek fur coat, was sitting in the front row, right in front of Mr Barkwood, with her nose buried in her books.
She was really beautiful, but she never really talked to anybody else except for her two best friends: Kai Stormwing, a blue jay with colorful feathers who liked to joke around and do pranks; and Luna Silverpaw herself.
Dragon's Tale: Harmony in Zvan
She would sometimes give me a smile and a nod when she saw me, but I never really had the courage to talk to her or say anything.
I was trying really hard to concentrate, but it wasn’t easy.
It’s not that I have a short attention span or anything like that.
I’m the type of person who likes to focus on one thing at a time.
But Mr Barkwood’s history lesson was so boring!
And as if that wasn’t enough, Kai Stormwing, the class clown, was sitting right next to me!
He had a bright blue mohawk and a vibrantly colored set of feathers that drew everyone’s eyes toward him.
I could swear he was getting more attention than the teacher himself!
Kai noticed me looking over at him and he gave me a sly wink.
Then, he suddenly stood up on his desk and started flapping his wings and squawking like a real live jay!
“Kai, get down from there!”
Mr Barkwood growled as he tried to grab him.
The blue jay just laughed and jumped away from him.
“Alright, alright, I’m coming down…”
Kai said as he flapped his wings a few times and fell back into his seat.
“And stop squawking,” Mr Barkwood added.
“It’s very disrespectful.”
The blue jay just laughed and sat down in his seat.
But then, out of nowhere, he turned around and hissed at a dingo student who was sitting behind him!
Like a rattlesnake!
Kai’s followers all went crazy and started laughing at what he did.
Even Luna Silverpaw was smiling!
I couldn’t really blame them, though.
What he did was pretty funny, but there was something I didn’t understand…
Why would a top student like Luna laugh at something like that?
As I was thinking all of this over, Kai suddenly turned around and looked right at me.
“Hey lardbutt,” he said in a deep, husky voice.
“Are you looking at me?”
I blinked and shook my head.
“No, I wasn’t looking at you,” I said.
“I was just trying to concentrate on the lesson.”
“Well concentrate harder, lardbutt!”
he said with a smile as he patted me on the back and started laughing.
I didn’t like that nickname one bit!
I mean, it wasn’t like I was skinny or anything like that.
I was just big-boned!
And sometimes, I would get so hungry that I would have to eat a lot more than everyone else!
So what was the big deal?
This is a free country after all, right?
I wanted to tell Kai that, but then he turned around and started talking with his friends again.
I took a deep breath and tried my best to ignore him and focus on the lesson once again.
But it wasn’t easy, especially when I could hear Kai whispering and laughing behind me.
I tried my best to keep my cool and not let him get under my skin.
After all, he was just a class clown who liked to joke around and do stupid things.
But that didn’t make it any easier for me to concentrate on what our teacher was saying!
Mr Barkwood was standing right in front of our desk, giving us that angry look again.
He had one paw on his hips and the other one holding a long wooden pointer that he used to point at the world map hanging on the wall across from us.
Dragon's Tale: Harmony in Zvan
Alright, lemme break the fourth wall and introduce you to a classmate who always makes sure to make me laugh and make me smile, Ferb Erb, a Light Brown Kangaroo who always gives me the best video games and Rangas, oh, I haven't told the reader what a Ranga is? It's basically a.. comic book with cartoonish looks, you read it from right to the top.
“Alright, you little rascals!”
he shouted.
“The continent of Zvan is made of one large landmass and two smaller islands divided by the great Ong river!
In the east, we have the slums, where all of the poor people live in shacks and work in factories!
To the west, we have the rich part of town, where all of the factory owners and nobles live in beautiful mansions!
And to the south, we have a small island called Altris, which is where the king lives in his castle!”
I could see Luna Silverpaw’s ears twitching when Mr.
Barkwood mentioned the kingdom.
She always paid close attention when our teacher talked about stuff like that.
It was one of the things that made her such a good student.
She always listened closely to what our teacher said and wrote down everything in a neat and orderly fashion in her notebook.
She would always make sure to write in complete sentences and use proper grammar and punctuation too!
I sighed and shook my head as I glanced at my own notebook.
I wished that I could be more like Luna.
But no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t concentrate enough to take notes or write neatly like she did.
As I was thinking all of this over, I suddenly felt someone flick me on my back.
But when I looked around, I didn’t see anyone.
And before I could figure out what was going on, I suddenly heard Kai laughing behind me.
I’m sorry, Mr.
Barkwood,” he said as he held his hands up in front of his face.
“I thought it was funny how Lardbutt Drakar is taking notes with his tail and his wings!”
I could feel my face turning red as I looked down at my desk.
I couldn’t believe that he would say something like that to our teacher.
But then I saw Mr.
Barkwood standing right next to Kai’s desk with his arms crossed and his big black paws on his hips again.
“That’s not very nice, Mr.
Stormwing,” he said in an angry voice.
“Why would you say something like that to one of your classmates?
Is there something that you would like to share with us?”
Kai just smiled and shook his head as he batted his long blue eyelashes at Mr.
“I’m sorry, Mr Barkwood,” he said as he stood up and smiled.
“That wasn’t very nice of me at all.
I won’t do it again, I promise!”
He sat back down in his seat and started laughing again.
I couldn’t believe how quickly he was able to talk his way out of that one!
I mean, I had to admit that it was a little funny when he called me “Lardbutt Drakar.”
But what he said about my notes wasn’t funny at all!
And now, all of Kai’s friends were laughing at me too!
But then, something unexpected happened.
Luna Silverpaw suddenly turned around and looked right at me.
She had a sad look on her face as she reached out and gently patted me on the back.
I don’t know what she said because I had my face buried in my hands.
But I could tell that she was trying to make me feel better.
And that made me smile, even though I had my face buried in my hands.
After all, Luna Silverpaw was the most beautiful girl in school.
So it meant a lot to me that she cared enough to try and make me feel better like that.
But then, I heard Mr.
Dragon's Tale: Harmony in Zvan
The class was so boring that I had to sleep and wake up to go to the nearest supermarket for some volcano chips.
After the bell rang, I grabbed my books and started to make my way to the door.
But as I was walking down the hallway, I suddenly heard someone laughing behind me.
I turned around and saw a group of students following me.
“Hey, Fireblob!”
one of them shouted.
“Do you even get enough exercise?
I hear that dragons are supposed to be able to fly.
But you’re so fat that you can barely even walk!”
I could feel my face turning red as I started walking faster.
But no matter how fast I walked, they kept following right behind me.
It was bad enough that I had to deal with Kai being mean to me during class.
But now I had to deal with this too?
“Come on, Fireblob!”
they laughed as they ran up next to me.
“Why do you have to be so fat?
Is it because you’re too lazy to do anything else?
Maybe you should try eating fewer volcano chips and going on a diet once in a while!”
I tried to ignore them and keep walking.
But they just kept following me and laughing.
“Or maybe you’re not too fat to fly at all!”
another one of them laughed.
“Maybe you’re just too fat to lift yourself off the ground!
Maybe we should call you Fatclaw instead of Drakar from now on!The rest of the students burst out laughing when they heard that.
And I could see the tears welling up in my eyes as I tried to keep walking.
But no matter how hard I tried to ignore them, they just kept following me and laughing at me.
“Come on, Drakar,” they said as they ran up next to me and started bumping into me.
“You don’t mind if we make fun of you like this, do you?I mean, it’s not like you have any friends who would want to hang out with you anyway!”
My heart sank as I heard them say that.
It was true that I didn’t have very many friends besides Luna Silverpaw and Kai Stormwing.
But I always thought that they were the only friends that I needed.
And besides, I always thought that Kai was the only one who made fun of me like this.
I never thought that anyone else would make fun of me too.
But if even Luna’s friends were willing to make fun of me behind my back like this…
Suddenly, someone ran up behind me and snatched my history book right out of my hands!
I turned around and saw that it was Alfred, a big pelican who lived in the same neighborhood as me.
He started throwing my book back and forth between his wings.
And then he held it out in front of him so that his friends could take turns throwing it back and forth between themselves too!
“Hey, watch out!”
he shouted as he threw the book towards me one last time.
As I reached out to try and catch it, I felt my face turning bright red with rage.
And before I knew what was happening, I opened my mouth and let out a small puff of smoke!
“I can’t believe it!”
Alfred laughed as he tossed my history book back at me.
“I think Drakar is so mad that he’s about to breathe fire!Ha ha ha ha ha!
Dragon's Tale: Harmony in Zvan
His friends all started laughing even harder after they heard him say that.
And so did the two other students who were standing nearby!
One of them was a big, brown platypus with a flat tail and a long beak like a duck’s bill.
And the other was an otter with light brown fur and a big, bushy tail like a beaver’s.
I wasn’t sure who they were at first, since they weren’t in any of my classes with me.
But then I realized that they were both in the grade below me, and that they must have been friends with Alfred and his group for quite some time now.
And that they must have had a pretty low opinion of me already if they thought it was okay to make fun of me like this right in front of them!
“I guess none of us realized that you’re not just too fat to fly and run fast,” Alfred said as he looked me up and down and sneered at me in disgust.
We never realized just how much of a slob you are either!
Maybe we should start calling you Fireblob instead!
His friends all started laughing even harder after they heard him say that.
And I felt even more tears welling up in my eyes as he kept talking.
“But then again, it’s not like anyone would ever want to be friends with someone as ugly as you anyway,” Alfred said as he sneered at me.
I felt my face turning bright red again as I heard him say that.
And I felt my fingers starting to twitch as I tried to keep my temper under control.
But I had to stop myself from lashing out at him, since I knew that it would only make things worse for me if I did that.
Even if it would serve him right for making fun of me like this!
The rest of the students just kept laughing and pointing at me as I stood there and glared at Alfred and his group in silence.
But just when I thought that he would finally stop making fun of me, he walked up to me and snatched my history book out of my hands again.
“Hey, come on, let go!”
I growled as I tried to grab the book back from him.
“I need that for my homework!”
But instead of giving it back to me, he held the book out in front of himself and started tossing it up and down between his wings.
And then he tossed it up into the air even higher than before!
He threw it so high that it almost hit the students who were walking past us on their way home from school!
And then he held his wings out in front of himself so that I could see him tossing the book back and forth between them while he was talking.
“You want your history book back so badly?”
he taunted me as he kept tossing the book around.
“Then come and get it!”
I started to run after him when I heard him say that.
But then I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Kai running past us in the background!
Dragon's Tale: Harmony in Zvan