MidReal Story

Dragon's Destiny: Secrets of Zvan

Scenario:Genre: Furry/Anthro, Theme: School, I am.. a fat red dragon. I am in Class 2-3, I live in Zvan, it's something like far eastern culture and west culture mixed together, We have our own day system, Mondottore, Tuescara, Miiwochê, Thursana, and Fritorie, I am a male, I wear hoodies all the time.
Create my version of this story
Genre: Furry/Anthro, Theme: School, I am.. a fat red dragon. I am in Class 2-3, I live in Zvan, it's something like far eastern culture and west culture mixed together, We have our own day system, Mondottore, Tuescara, Miiwochê, Thursana, and Fritorie, I am a male, I wear hoodies all the time.
The school bell rang, signaling the end of class and the beginning of a short break.
As my classmates streamed out of the room, I trotted out after them, eager to stretch my legs and escape the stuffy classroom for a while.
“Come back here!”
I heard Luna Silverwing’s voice from behind me.
“Ha-ha, you’ll have to catch me if you want to stop me,” I replied with a laugh and then took off at a run.
My chubby body waddled along, and even though Luna and I were about the same age, she could never catch up to me.
I raced down the hallway and then leaped out a window and flew into the sky.
Luna, a slim silver dragon, followed after me on her light blue wings, calling out my name with indignation.
“Drakar, you cheater!”
Kai Stormscale is a little more mischievous than Luna, and he has an adventurous spirit that won’t allow him to be left behind.
He grabbed his backpack and rushed out of the classroom after us but then stopped in his tracks when he saw us flying away.
“You three are going to get into trouble!”
he shouted before he took off running in our direction.
However, he only made it a few steps before he tripped over his own feet.
Kai is a blue dragon, and like most of his kind, he has big, strong wings that are designed for flying.
However, although he can’t fly yet, that doesn’t stop him from running and jumping around as if he can.
We flew around the school’s courtyard, laughing and playing as we went.
Then, when we landed on the ground again, I found myself looking at an odd-looking stone that was half-buried in the earth.
I couldn’t help but feel curious about it because the color was different from anything I had ever seen in Zvan before.
In addition, there were strange markings on it that seemed to be some sort of writing.
“Drakar, what are you doing?”
Luna looked at me, puzzled.
I had stopped running and instead was standing there staring at a small stone.
“It’s strange,” I said.
I’ve never seen a stone like this one before.
The color is different and so are the markings on it.”
Luna took a closer look and then said, “You’re right.”
The stone was about as big as my hand, and even though it was only half-buried in the earth, it was quite heavy.
Kai walked up to us, panting heavily, “Hey, what are you three doing?
Why did you stop?”
I ignored him and crouched down to look at the stone more closely.
It seemed to be smooth and cool to the touch, and although I was no expert when it came to stones, it didn’t look like any of the others that were scattered around our school’s courtyard.
“Could it be an ancient artifact?”
Luna asked.
This part of Zvan is built upon an ancient city, after all.”
Dragon's Destiny: Secrets of Zvan
Before we continue, I would like to break the fourth wall and introduce what Zvan is to you all.
Zvan is the capital of the Dragon Empire and a place where dragons of all ages come to study and master their magic.
It is also where the dragons’ Temple of Light is located.
The city is divided into two parts: one is for the dragons to live in, and the other is for the humans.
The two races live together in harmony and peace, and they protect each other with all their might.
The city’s most famous landmark is the school that we all attend.
It is called the School of Drakon, and it is where we learn how to control our magic so that we can protect the world from any threats that might come its way.
There are many different classes to choose from at the school, but I am in Class 23, which is the class that usually gets into the most trouble.
Anyway let’s get back to our story now!
After Luna said that, she reached out to touch it, but before she could even make contact with it, a loud cracking sound was heard in the air, and a shockwave followed right afterward that knocked us off our feet.
“What’s happening?”
We were all lying on the ground and were staring up at the sky in shock and confusion when we heard the sound of an explosion coming from above us.
Then, the sky was filled with a blinding light that forced us to close our eyes and look away.
BOOM!” Another explosion followed right afterward, and a gust of wind swept through the air and hit us in the face so hard that we had no choice but to cover our eyes with our paws in order to protect them.
It felt like it lasted for quite some time, but eventually it died down, and we hesitantly opened our eyes once again to look around in confusion.
“Wh-what was that?”
Kai asked in shock.
“What happened?”
Luna’s voice was filled with panic and fear as she looked around at her surroundings in shock and confusion.
She was looking around for something but after not finding it she asked in terror, “W-where is the school’s barrier?”
We lived in the dragon world, and our school was located in the city of Zvan, which was inside of the Dragon Empire.
The school had its own special barrier that was set up by the school’s teachers and students in order to protect us from any threats that might come our way from the outside world.
The barrier was made up of magical energy, and it was constantly shimmering and flickering, but at this time, it was completely gone and instead there was nothing but the sky above us and dark clouds swirling in the sky while lightning flashed down on the ground below them.
It looked like a huge storm was coming, but the weather was fine just moments ago, so all of us were feeling anxious and worried about what had just happened to cause such a huge change in the weather.
“Luna, you have to put up the barrier again!”
Kai said in panic as he turned his head to look at her with pleading eyes, hoping that she could do something about the situation “Please, we can’t let anything happen to Zvan!
It’s our duty as dragons to protect our home!”
Dragon's Destiny: Secrets of Zvan
Our Teacher, Mr Il Dotto. Walked to us, in insane shock.. "Our Barrier.." his expression turned from shock to anger, "you three are on magic training class till this barrier is fixed again! No more fireball lessons! No more Dance of the Draconius Lessons! Till you fix this barrier!"
“Kai, don’t worry,” Luna said seriously as she stood up and slowly spread her wings.
“I’ll take care of it.”
She closed her eyes and let her mind drift off into the magical realm while focusing on the school’s barrier.
She was able to feel it even though it was gone at the moment since it was still a part of the school’s surrounding area.
Once she found it, she summoned forth her magical energy and began using it to fix and restore the barrier.
It took her a little bit of time, but eventually enough of the barrier had been restored that the rest of the students and teachers were able to finish fixing it and put it back up once again.
The moment that the barrier came back up, all of us felt relieved and relaxed.
We knew that we were safe now that it was back in place.
“Thank you, Luna,” Mr.Dragoonblade said as he walked towards us with Master Dragoonblade following close behind him.
“However, you three are not off the hook so easily.
I would like an explanation for what just happened and why did the three of you break the barrier?”
He looked at us sternly as he spoke, and we all looked down at the ground in silence since we knew that we had no explanation for what had just happened.
"Mr Il Dotto, call the Principal."
Master Dragoonblade said in a low commanding voice, "We must have an emergency meeting, immediately."
As Mr Il Dotto left to call him, Master Dragoonblade crouched down and touched the stone with his paw.
A huge energy wave was released and it pushed us away from the stone towards Master Dragoonblade.
He gazed at the stone for some time before he stood up and said in an awe-filled voice, "It's not going to explode anytime soon.."
"Operation Guardian Stones!" He said before turning to us, "All of you will take turns and keep an eye on these stones starting from today, I'll also teach you how to put up barriers so that you can protect your city and your family in case of any emergency."
He gave Luna a nod, allowing her to put up the barrier once again since he knew that we wouldn’t be able to fix it on our own if something happened once again.
However, he warned her not to tell anyone about what had just happened since they didn’t want everyone panicking over nothing.
The barrier came back up once again, and all of us let out a sigh of relief.
We knew that we were safe now that it was back up.
Master Dragoonblade turned around and said, “All right, you three, go back to your classes now.
You can come back later on tonight with your sleeping bags and blankets so that you can start guarding the stones.”
We all nodded before turning around and flying off towards our class as we had been told to do.
However, just before we could leave, Kai turned around and flew over towards the stone.
“I just want to see it,” he said in a whiny voice when Luna opened her mouth to tell him not to do it.
Dragon's Destiny: Secrets of Zvan
I adjusted my grey hoodie, holding my DragiFone, it's a cellular phone with the 6S Networking Services.
I had called my mother earlier but the call was interrupted by the explosion-like incident.
The network would be fixed by now so I tried calling again but the call was still disconnected.
Reluctantly I kept the phone in my pocket as I saw Kai's eyes shining with eagerness and excitement.
Even he was curious about the stone, just like me.
This was why the three of us were such good friends.
We were always able to tell what the other two were thinking and feeling just by looking at them.
Luna glanced at me and I nodded my head, letting her know that it wouldn’t be a big deal if Kai went over and looked at the stone for himself.
She let out a sigh before shaking her head.
“If you do something stupid, you’re going to get in trouble,” she said before turning around and flying towards the school while Kai flew over towards the stone.
I sighed before flying after them and landed down next to Kai.
I turned my gaze towards the stone, and I saw that it had completely disappeared into the ground, leaving no signs of its presence.
I let out a sad sigh before crouching down and running my paw over the spot where it had been lying.
Suddenly, I felt something hard under my paws, and I quickly dug down into the ground, moving the dirt and soil out of the way so that I could see what it was.
Kai crouched down next to me and helped me dig up enough of it so that we could see what it was.
It was a large round stone that was standing upright in the ground now, letting off a faint glow that was shining brightly enough for us to see even though it was late in the afternoon and getting dark outside.
I placed my paw on top of it and tried to push it down into the ground.
However, no matter how hard I pushed, it wouldn’t go down any further than where it was already sitting.
Kai placed his paw on top of mine and pushed down with me.
It still wouldn’t move.
We let out a frustrated sigh before standing up and looking around the courtyard.
It had changed drastically while we had been gone.
The stone tiles that made up the courtyard were still in a huge mess just like they had been when we left.
But now, they were arranged in a perfect circle with the stone sitting in the center of it.
We hadn’t noticed this before since we’d been so focused on the stone itself and nothing else.
“Let’s go over there,” Kai said as he pointed over towards it before running off in that direction while Luna and I shook our heads in amusement before following after him.
We knew that there was no point in trying to get him to slow down since he wouldn’t listen to us anyway.
We flew over towards the stone before landing down next to it and taking a look at it from all sides.
As we did, however, we realized that there was a barrier of some sort that surrounded it, cutting us off from getting anywhere close enough so that we could take a closer look at it.
Dragon's Destiny: Secrets of Zvan
*the stone broke until it revealed.. a dragon infant..? It was all rock-like, the perfect temperature to let a rock dragon be born.. It looked totally male.. it's dragon penis was showing in the nude...*
Kai placed his paw against the barrier and tried to push on it.
However, no matter how hard he pushed, he couldn’t get close to the stone since the barrier would repel him back every time he got close.
Luna placed her paw against the barrier next and tried to push on it as well.
However, she had the same results as Kai.
The barrier pushed her back so that she couldn’t get any closer either.
I stepped up next and placed my paw against the barrier before pushing on it as well.
This time, the barrier didn’t repel me back like it had the other two.
Instead, there was a faint humming sound that emanated from the barrier before disappearing into the air.
“Do not touch the barrier or the stone,” Master Dragoonblade said in his sternest voice as he walked around the side of the building and stopped in front of us.
“We do not know what this is or what might happen if we get too close to it.
I want you all to be very careful of how you proceed from this point on.”
I nodded in his direction while keeping my paw against the barrier.
However, there was something about this stone that was calling out for me.
It was like.. there was something deep inside of me that wanted to reach out and touch this stone.
I couldn’t explain what this feeling was or where it was coming from.
But I couldn’t ignore the call of this stone any longer.
I reached out towards it before placing my hand flat against the barrier.
As soon as I did, there was a faint *click* sound before the barrier disappeared into thin air like we had never been there in the first place.
My friends let out loud gasps as they stared up at where the barrier had been just moments before.
I didn’t understand what had just happened myself either.
But I wasn’t about to let this opportunity pass by without seeing what this thing was for myself.
I quickly moved around to where I could see what they were staring at so intently before gasping in shock when I saw what they were looking at.
The stone was covered in strange markings that I had never seen before in my life.
I reached out towards it before letting my hand run over the markings so that I could take a better look at it.
As I did, however, I began to feel like I had seen these markings somewhere before.
They looked familiar, but I couldn’t place where I had seen them or when.
“Drakar, what are you doing?”
Luna asked in panic as she flew up higher into the sky so that she could get away from me.
“You shouldn’t be anywhere close to it after what just happened!”
She was right to be worried since it wasn’t like me to go poking around at things like this.
But for some reason, I didn’t care about any of that right now.
There was something about this stone that was calling out to me.
I had to see what it was trying to tell me.
I quickly moved around to the other side where the sun was shining down on it so that I could see the markings more clearly.
They were still hard to make out with the sun shining down on it like it was.
Dragon's Destiny: Secrets of Zvan