MidReal Story

Dimensional Secrets: President Cat's Revelation


Apr 28
Scenario:Commander Corey how just entered into a new dimension. Orbitz around the new Green planet Earth Earth is not blue in this dimension he gets ready to descend his rocket ship to this new world to see what is on it and why it is green Is the atmosphere breathable are there going to be alien life forms or would it be just like our planet Earth all these questions race through Commander Cory's mine Being alone in his capsule meant that there was nobody that Commander Corey could talk to about this amazing site he tried his best to reach ground control but only got strange's noises on the radio. Then all of a sudden it was ground control but it wasn't the president he remembered it was someone named cat. Hello there this is President cat we're so happy to hear from you Commander Corey we see that you have broken the dimension barrier.
Create my version of this story
Commander Corey how just entered into a new dimension. Orbitz around the new Green planet Earth Earth is not blue in this dimension he gets ready to descend his rocket ship to this new world to see what is on it and why it is green Is the atmosphere breathable are there going to be alien life forms or would it be just like our planet Earth all these questions race through Commander Cory's mine Being alone in his capsule meant that there was nobody that Commander Corey could talk to about this amazing site he tried his best to reach ground control but only got strange's noises on the radio. Then all of a sudden it was ground control but it wasn't the president he remembered it was someone named cat. Hello there this is President cat we're so happy to hear from you Commander Corey we see that you have broken the dimension barrier.
Blue Earth had become Green Earth.
The view through his forward scanner was so unexpected that Commander Corey couldn’t believe his eyes.
He watched it for thirty seconds, then called the ship’s computer to replay the last minute of imagery.
The sky was blue, the seas were blue, and the continents were green.
Exactly as they had looked when he’d left Earth.
And now…
The vast oceans were a brilliant emerald, the lush continents a darker shade of green.
He toggled between video feed and sensors, but the same data was returned.
Green plants covered the continents and the ocean.
Could it be a natural phenomenon?
Had some strange radiation fallen on Earth, causing all the plants to change color?
It was a beautiful theory, but it had to be wrong.
If the radiation came from space, it would have affected the other planets in the solar system.
The same goes for meteors or comets.
However unlikely, if some mutagenic virus had entered Earth’s atmosphere, it would have also affected humans and animals.
Which means…
Commander Corey ran every possible scenario in his mind, but he couldn’t come up with a plausible explanation.
If Earth looked like this now, what about the people?
What about his friends?
What about his family?
Were they all right?
Could they have survived?
If not, who or what had remade Earth?
Is this planet safe?
Is the atmosphere breathable?
Is there life on this planet?
What form does life take on this planet?
Where did they come from?
Did they evolve here or were they brought here?
What do they eat?
Where do they live?
What is their social structure?
What is their technology level?
Do they have science and technology?
Is there anything that can threaten me on this planet?
Is there any reason for me to visit this planet?
However, there was only one question he could answer right now, and that was:
He had to go down and see what this planet was like now.
Descending the rocketship into the atmosphere, Commander Corey made a few final checks to ensure everything was in order.
The atomic generators were operating normally, which meant he could return home even if the rocketship’s solar energy system failed to work.
The main engine was idling at full power, and the auxiliary engines were ready for any emergency.
The forward scanner showed a vast expanse of green land stretching out before him, with no signs of towering cities or human activity at all.
The rocketship began to shake slightly as it entered the atmosphere, but the advanced shock absorbers made the journey smooth and pleasant, with no discomfort for Commander Corey at all.
Adjusting the speed of the rocketship, Commander Corey began to circle the green land slowly, observing it from every possible angle.
Dimensional Secrets: President Cat's Revelation
As he descended, he saw a large amount of green light coming from the Green Earth, forming an almost imperceptible but real force that seemed to be supporting the Green Earth in the air.
Commander Corey stared at the Green Earth in shock as he watched this strange scene unfold before him.
It seemed that this green light was connected in some way with gravity, but it was different from any phenomenon he knew of in physics.
Moreover, according to his calculations, this planet’s gravity should be equivalent to the gravity of Blue Earth, which meant that it should be able to pull down all the objects on its surface with a force of 9.
8 m/s².
But now…
Green Earth seemed to be capable of pulling down objects without the need for any kind of contact or connection between them, which was something that simply defied the laws of physics as he knew them.
How could this be possible?
Is the air dense enough?
If not, how can I breathe?
Should I wear an oxygen mask?
I need a gun for self-defense!
Where’s my gun?
Commander Corey quickly found an oxygen mask and gun in the cabin, and he had them put on as he began to descend towards the Green Earth.
Commander Corey switched the rocketship’s engine to full power, and the rocketship descended smoothly towards the surface of the Green Earth, the turbines whirring as it did so.
Commander Corey watched as the Green Earth grew larger and larger in his eyes, with its beautiful scenery and strange coloration making him feel as though he was in a dream-like world.
The rocketship descended smoothly towards the surface of the Green Earth, and soon, the meadow beneath him came into view, its green hue accentuating the beauty of the Green Earth even more.
However, it was at this moment that a sudden gust of wind blew, revealing a series of crisscrossing lines on the surface of the meadow, which looked like footprints left by some kind of lifeform walking on grass.
In an instant, Commander Corey made his decision, pulling the rocketship into a hard turn before landing it on the meadow’s surface with a slight bump.
The rocketship’s landing gear was immediately retracted after landing, and the hatch was opened so that Commander Corey could disembark and begin exploring the Green Earth for himself.
As he stepped out of the rocketship and onto the surface of the Green Earth, Commander Corey found that it looked like grass, and he could see that it was 20 centimeters tall just by looking at it from a distance.
He walked over to the grass and carefully felt it with his hand before confirming his initial speculations: the grass was very real and had grown out of the ground naturally.
Commander Corey then walked to a place where there were no footprints on the grass and stepped on it with his boot, which caused him to sink into the soft grass up to his ankle.
He then looked down at the grass beneath him and saw that there was no visible damage to it at all, which meant that this grass was extremely tough and durable!
Dimensional Secrets: President Cat's Revelation
Commander Corey continued to walk through the meadow, feeling a sense of wonder in his heart as he did so, not knowing what he would find next.
As he walked through the meadow, he could see that the grass was shimmering slightly under the sun’s rays, which gave off a very unique feeling!
For a moment, Commander Corey seriously wondered if he was actually just dreaming right now and that this Green Earth wasn’t real at all!
However, he quickly came back to his senses and decided that this world definitely wasn’t a hallucination, but was very real indeed!
As Commander Corey kept on walking through the meadow, he looked up at the rocketship above him and saw that the entire sky was green in color.
He could even see that there were large clouds floating in the sky!
However, despite there being such a large amount of green clouds in the sky, Commander Corey could still see the rocketship above him very clearly, with its silvery body contrasting strongly against the sky’s green color!
As Commander Corey looked up at the rocketship above him, he couldn’t help but take a deep breath.
He had been worried that there would be some kind of gas in the atmosphere that would harm his atomic generators before he had landed on the Green Earth.
Fortunately, that wasn’t the case at all.
In fact, there were no harmful gases in the atmosphere at all!
Looking up at the rocketship above him once more, Commander Corey took another deep breath and exhaled with a sigh of relief.
With the oxygen mask on his face completely removed now, Commander Corey could feel that this new world’s air was breathable!
Commander Corey felt extremely happy to have made this discovery!
However, he soon felt that there was a sense of bitterness in his heart as well.
As Commander Corey thought about it further, he soon realized that there was no one else around him to share this joy with!
He had tried to contact ground control using his radio equipment while still inside the rocketship before coming out onto the surface of the Green Earth.
However, despite trying several times, all that came from the radio equipment was static, with not even a single word being transmitted back to him!
This made Commander Corey feel extremely lonely and depressed!
However, as he thought about it further, he knew that it would be completely impossible for ground control to ignore what had just happened now.
As such, Commander Corey knew that someone would definitely come looking for him soon enough.
With that in mind, Commander Corey decided to do something before anyone else came looking for him.
He then turned around and looked at a forested area not too far away from where he was standing right now.
He then began to walk towards it with large steps!
It didn’t take long for Commander Corey to reach the forested area, with a small stream flowing into it from somewhere else nearby.
Dimensional Secrets: President Cat's Revelation
This forested area was even more beautiful than the meadow that he had just seen earlier, with all kinds of plants growing throughout it.
As Commander Corey looked around the area, he felt that the sight was absolutely beautiful, making him want to stay here for a bit longer.
However, he knew that his main priority right now was to investigate this new world properly before ground control came looking for him.
With that in mind, Commander Corey turned around and began to walk towards the rocketship.
As he did so, he couldn’t help but think that he was extremely lucky to have been able to see such a beautiful sight on this mission, especially when it was something that he never would have seen on the Blue Earth!
Commander Corey looked at the beautiful Green Earth outside the rocketship’s airlock, feeling excited about what was going to happen next as he prepared himself to descend onto this planet.
In the past, Commander Corey had been an astronaut who was responsible for exploring Mars as part of his job.
During his time on Mars, he had seen all kinds of strange and curious things, but nothing as beautiful as this planet that he was seeing now!
After all, there were all kinds of vibrant colors across this planet, with all kinds of beautiful plants growing throughout the meadows.
In fact, everything looked so very beautiful!
This was something that had never been seen before in the Blue Earth!
As such, it was no wonder why many people would think that they were all just dreaming at this moment!
However, Commander Corey knew that this world was real, as he could feel the breeze from the Green Earth gently blowing against his skin.
He then took a deep breath, as if trying to take in the essence of this planet before finally making his descent down onto the surface!
Commander Corey then turned around and looked at the control panel inside the rocketship’s airlock.
After making sure that everything was okay, he then began to enter several commands into the computer.
It didn’t take long for him to hear several loud beeping sounds coming from the airlock door’s control panel, before it opened up slowly to reveal the Green Earth outside!
As soon as Commander Corey saw this, he couldn’t help but take a deep breath!
He had waited for this moment for a long time now, but it was finally here!
As such, instead of stepping down onto the surface right away, Commander Corey looked down at the ground below him, feeling a sense of pride in his heart!
He then picked up his radio equipment, planning to contact ground control.
“Ground control, this is Commander Corey.I have just arrived on the Green Earth.Please respond.”
Commander Corey said through the radio equipment with an expectant expression on his face.
However, despite waiting for quite some time now, there was still no reply from ground control!
The only thing that could be heard coming from the radio equipment after several minutes was static and other strange sounds!
Realizing that the other party wasn’t going to reply to him, Commander Corey immediately switched off his radio equipment.
He then picked up his gun once again, before walking down from the airlock door to stand on the surface.
As soon as he did so, Commander Corey immediately checked the atomic generator power level on his spacesuit, only to see that it was at 100%.
Dimensional Secrets: President Cat's Revelation
Commander Corey then took in a deep breath!He knew that there was no turning back now!
At this moment, Commander Corey felt a sense of duty in his heart!
It was as if this was something that had to be done, or else it would be impossible for him to return home in peace!
As such, after taking a deep breath, Commander Corey jumped down from the airlock door with a thud!
The ground beneath his feet was very soft, but it was also very tough as well.
As such, there were loud clangs coming out from below every time Commander Corey took a step forward.
However, despite hearing all these loud noises, Commander Corey didn’t even look back even once.
It was as if he knew that there was no turning back at all!
As such, after jumping down from his spaceship, Commander Corey immediately turned around and closed the airlock door behind him.
The spaceship then returned to its original position after it had retracted its stairs completely.
The airlock door then closed with a loud “bang” sound after a few seconds had passed, completely sealing off Commander Corey’s spaceship!
At this moment, Commander Corey took a deep breath, as if trying to calm his nerves.
As such, he began to make his way forward after taking in a deep breath!
He then lifted his foot up and stepped into the meadow beneath him, only to see a soft layer of green grass growing on the surface.
In fact, it was so soft that Commander Corey didn’t even feel any pain in his feet after stepping on it.
He then took in a deep breath and looked around himself, only to see green grass growing all over the place!
In fact, even the trees growing nearby had green leaves hanging off their branches!
It was as if the entire world was colored in green, giving off a very peculiar feeling when looking at it!
Not only that, but Commander Corey could also see a lot of strange looking birds flying high up in the sky.
The air was also filled with a fresh scent, which made Commander Corey take in a deep breath right away!
However, despite breathing in so many times, Commander Corey still couldn’t believe that the Green Earth’s air was breathable!
He then took in another breath of fresh air and held it inside his lungs before speaking to himself.
There were a lot of things happening at this moment, but Commander Corey knew that he should still go ahead and make his way down the meadow and into the jungle in front of him!
At this moment, he could see a lot of weird looking plants growing on the ground, with all kinds of beautiful flowers hanging off their branches.
A lot of animals were also coming out from their hiding places, as if they were curious about this new visitor that had entered their territory all of a sudden!
However, Commander Corey didn’t even look at them before making his way forward.
Instead, he just focused on making his way forward and observing the jungle in front of him carefully!
It was then that he discovered that the Green Earth’s trees were actually very tall, and that their trunks were very thick as well!
In fact, most of them were a few meters away from each other, making it very easy for him to navigate the jungle without any difficulty at all.
Dimensional Secrets: President Cat's Revelation
The trees growing on Earth were usually not that tall!
Commander Corey then continued to move forward, only to see the jungle in front of him growing denser and denser as he did so.
In fact, there were so many trees growing on the ground in front of him that Commander Corey could barely see anything else apart from them!
However, despite that being the case, he still didn’t stop moving forward and just continued to make his way further inside.
It was then that he discovered a wide open area inside the dense forest in front of him.
There was even a stream flowing through this area as well!
It was at this moment that Commander Corey suddenly felt very surprised and looked around himself in disbelief.
The Green Earth’s grass was actually colored in green?
As such, Commander Corey could feel his heart beating like a drum right now and felt extremely excited after confirming this fact!
He then continued to look around himself before discovering a few other things as well.
The sun was also shining very brightly in the sky above him and illuminating the entire world with its light!
In fact, the light coming out from it was so strong that it made Commander Corey want to cover his eyes and look away after staring at it for a few seconds!
However, he still didn’t do that and just looked up at the sky above him carefully.
He then realized that the sun wasn’t the same as the one he had seen back on Earth.
It was actually multiple times brighter than it and was giving off a very intense amount of heat as well!
Even the cool breeze blowing over this place was filled with a lot of heat!
In fact, it was so hot that Commander Corey could even feel his body sweating right now!
He then wiped the sweat off his head and continued to look around himself.
He had no idea where he had landed or what kind of world he had entered.
Not only that, but there was also no one on Earth who knew about this either.
At this moment, Commander Corey felt very lonely but very excited at the same time!
He then took in a deep breath and decided to make his way forward after getting out from the dense forest in front of him!
He knew that he wouldn’t be able to go too far away from this place due to the limited amount of oxygen he had left inside his space suit!
As such, he made sure to walk at a normal pace!
It was then that Commander Corey discovered a few other things as well.
For example, there were a few weird looking plants growing on the ground in front of him.
He then took out his knife and cut off a few branches from them before putting them into his space suit.
He then continued to move forward and discovered a few other things as well.
For example, the soil beneath his feet was actually colored in green and filled with a lot of weird looking rocks scattered all over the place.
Dimensional Secrets: President Cat's Revelation