MidReal Story

Destined Hearts: A Faerun Fantasy

Scenario:David Hill is an Afghanistan veteran of the Army Rangers. His best friend since they were born is Amanda Grayson, a redheaded beauty with emerald eyes. When David comes home to bury his parents, he and Amanda confess their love for each other, planning to marry in the fall. That summer they are swept into the fantasy world of Faerun, where it's believed they are foretold heroes.
Create my version of this story
David Hill is an Afghanistan veteran of the Army Rangers. His best friend since they were born is Amanda Grayson, a redheaded beauty with emerald eyes. When David comes home to bury his parents, he and Amanda confess their love for each other, planning to marry in the fall. That summer they are swept into the fantasy world of Faerun, where it's believed they are foretold heroes.
I was a soldier, but not one of the ones who fought in the war against the monsters.
I was just an ordinary guy who happened to visit his best friend in Washington D.
C., only to find out she’d been called to save the world.
Then I found out I was supposed to save it with her.
I didn’t want anything to do with that, but my best friend, Amanda Grayson, promised she’d always be there for me.
She was the most important person in my life, and if she asked me to do anything, no matter how crazy, I’d do it for her.
When we got to this other world, I was chosen as a hero to fight the monsters with her.
But I didn’t want to be a hero.
I wanted to go home.
So Amanda and I left that place and came back to Earth… just not our Earth.
Instead of finding the familiar streets of Washington D.
C., we were in some small town called Hibernia, not far from where either of us grew up in Maryland.
I hadn’t been home in ten years.
The last time I’d been back had been for my mom’s funeral, after she died of cancer.
I didn’t make it home for my dad’s funeral either, because when he died, I was on deployment in Afghanistan with the Army Rangers.
After my mom passed away, he started drinking, and I think he had a heart attack and died while he was passed out drunk.
He was always healthy and active, so I couldn’t believe it when I got the news that he had died too.
He had been so disappointed in me for joining the Army instead of going to college like he had wanted me to.
He never forgave me for it.
The last time we talked, we fought about it so much that he told me he never wanted to see me again.
The last words I said to him were that he could go fuck himself.
I hadn’t been home since then.
I wasn’t sure why they hadn’t given me any leave when my dad died, but by the time I returned months later, everything had already been taken care of.
Now I was back in this shitty little town, and everything was exactly as I remembered it… only worse.
My parents’ house hadn’t been taken care of in a long time.
The grass on their small property was knee-high, and it was clear no one had been mowing it regularly, if at all.
My dad used to take care of the lawn all the time, and he would have been furious if he knew how bad it looked now.
I grabbed my bags from the trunk of Amanda’s classic red Mustang convertible and walked up the path to their front door.
It felt like one of those bad dreams where you’re walking toward something and you never seem to get any closer no matter how hard you try.
I hesitated at the front door before finally opening it and stepping inside.
There wasn’t much left inside except for some old furniture and lots of dust bunnies in every corner of the room.
My neighbor Mrs.
Patel had been looking after the place while they were away, but there wasn’t much she could do about it now.
"Destined Hearts: A Faerun Fantasy"
I was hit by a wave of emotion, and I didn’t know what to do with myself.
I sat down at the kitchen table and put my head in my hands.
It wasn’t long before I felt Amanda’s small hand on my shoulder.
She was standing next to me in a pretty red sundress, two cups of tea in her hands.
I took one of the cups and sipped it before putting my head in my hands again.
We sat there in silence for a long time, until I finally said, “I can’t believe I’m never going to see them again.” I looked up at her with tears streaming down my face.
“I’m so sorry,” she said, giving my shoulder a squeeze.
I shook my head and took a deep breath.
“Let’s go,” I said, and I stood up from the table.
We walked through the house and out the side door into their backyard, where their graves were located.
It was a modest grave site, with small headstones that had their names on them.
They had planned on being cremated and having their ashes spread in the place where they met, in their favorite city of Paris, France.
I guess that wasn’t an option anymore either.
Amanda held my hand as we stood by their graves.
They were like parents to her too, and I knew she was hurting too.
We stood there for a long time, not saying anything.
Eventually, she broke the silence.
“Maybe… maybe this is how your dad would want you to be,” she said.
“Home with your family… taking care of things.”
I nodded and squeezed her hand.
We stood there for a few more minutes before she finally turned to me and said, “I know this is hard, but do you think we could get going?We’re going to be late for the funeral.”
I nodded and turned to leave.
I was about to walk away when she said, “Wait, David.” She took a deep breath before saying, “Thank you for being here with me today.I’m not sure what I would do without—” Her voice broke as she stopped speaking, and tears filled her eyes.
I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me.
We stood there for a minute, holding each other in silence.
She was still so beautiful, even when she was crying.
She had long curly red hair that fell down to the small of her back, and big green eyes that sparkled when she smiled.
She’d been my best friend since we were born—literally.
We were born two days apart at the same hospital, and our moms became friends in the maternity ward.
She had been there for me through everything, and I would always be there for her.
Finally, we pulled away from each other, and I wiped the tears from her cheeks before gently kissing them.
“Come on,” I said, taking her hand in mine as we walked back toward the house.
I walked her to her car and then went to grab my bags from the trunk of my mom’s old car so we could go to the funeral.
As I did, I heard Amanda laughing behind me.
“What’s so funny?” I asked without turning around.
“Remember when you were little, and you used to tell everyone you were going to marry Rebecca DeMoss?”
she said between laughs.
My face turned bright red as I remembered all those times when I was a kid that I’d told people I was going to marry the prettiest girl in school.
"Destined Hearts: A Faerun Fantasy"
“Yeah,” I said finally turning around and smiling at her.
“I was a stupid little kid then,” I said.
Amanda raised an eyebrow and looked me up and down before saying, “Yeah… you were.”
I rolled my eyes and ignored her as I grabbed my bags from the trunk of the car and turned to walk back inside the house so I could get ready for the funeral.
Amanda was still laughing when I walked back inside.
We didn’t talk much after that as we got ready and went to the church for the funeral service.
We sat together toward the back of the church, listening as the preacher spoke about heaven and all that stuff.
Before long, I felt Amanda’s hand slip into mine, and I squeezed it gently as a few tears slid down her cheeks.
More than anything else, Amanda hated funerals.
Our moms had both died when we were kids, and Amanda lived with her dad who didn’t really know how to take care of her or himself for that matter.
So I’d been there for her through all the funerals she’d had to go to over the years.
She’d done the same for me too because it always helped to have someone there who knew what you were feeling and wouldn’t judge you for it.
The preacher spoke for another ten minutes or so before finally ending his sermon and offering condolences to me and all the other people who had come to the funeral.
Amanda’s hand gripped mine tightly as we stood up together and walked up toward the casket where our friends and family were gathered.
A few tears slid down her cheeks as she listened to people tell her how sorry they were for her loss, but she stayed strong until the end of the service when everyone started walking out of the church.
I was just about to say something when Amanda burst into tears and fell into my arms.
I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me as she cried.
I didn’t say anything; I just held her as she let out all of the pain inside of her.
After a few minutes of crying in silence, she finally pulled away from me and wiped the tears from her eyes.
“Come on,” I said taking her hand in mine.
I walked her out of the church and into the woods behind it where we could be alone for a little bit.
We walked in silence for a while until we reached the small creek that ran through the woods.
I sat down on a big rock next to the creek and motioned for Amanda to sit down beside me.
We sat there in silence for a while longer before finally Amanda broke the silence.
“Do you ever feel like you’re just… alone in this world?”
she asked as she stared down at the water in the creek.
I reached over and took her hand in mine and squeezed it gently.
"Destined Hearts: A Faerun Fantasy"
“Not when I have you around,” I said giving her hand another squeeze.
One thing I’d learned over the years was that you couldn’t just tell someone how you felt.
You had to show them.
And right now, I wanted Amanda to know that I was here for her no matter what happened.
She turned and looked at me with those big green eyes of hers that seemed to pierce right through me and sighed softly before saying, “You know how much you mean to me right?”
I smiled softly and leaned over to place a kiss on her forehead which caused Amanda to blush slightly before looking back down at the water in the creek.
“I’m glad you’re here… I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t here today,” she said softly.
“Of course I’m here,” I said giving her hand another squeeze.
“I’ll always be here for you.”
She smiled softly and looked up at me before leaning over to rest her head on my shoulder.
We both sat in silence for a while after that until we heard someone calling our names.
We both turned to see Amanda’s dad standing at the edge of the creek, looking at us with an amused expression on his face.
“You two need to get back to the house,” he said smiling softly at us.
“People are going to start showing up soon for the reception.”
Amanda nodded, stood up, and held out her hand for me to take so that she could pull me to my feet as well.
We both followed Mr.Grayson back to the house in silence, our hands still intertwined as we walked.
I don’t know why, but for some reason I felt like I couldn’t let go of Amanda’s hand no matter how hard I tried.
Maybe it was because I knew that if I did, she’d disappear forever… or maybe it was because I knew that if I let go, I’d never be able to hold onto her again.
Whatever the reason, I knew that I couldn’t let her go, not after everything that had happened today.
I could feel Amanda’s gaze on me as I stared out into the woods while sitting on the porch swing with my head in my hands.
I turned to see Amanda sitting across from me on the other end of the swing, staring at me with those big green eyes of hers that seemed to pierce right through my soul, even after all these years of knowing her.
I asked as I leaned over slightly so I could look at her better since I couldn’t see through my hair that was hanging down in my face again.
She shook her head, blushing softly before looking down at the floor again so that I wouldn’t be able to see the redness in her cheeks as she said, “Nothing.”
"Destined Hearts: A Faerun Fantasy"
I sat up straighter before slowly moving closer to Amanda, never breaking eye contact as she looked up at me while I did so until I was finally sitting right next to her on the porch swing.
“I know that look,” I whispered as I stared into Amanda’s eyes, feeling like I was finally going to get my answer after all these years of being confused about how she felt about me.
The look in Amanda’s eyes changed suddenly as she locked gazes with me before leaning forward slowly until our foreheads touched, “My feelings haven’t changed.” She whispered in a barely audible voice, “I love you too.”
It took me a second for the words to actually sink in before I realized what they meant, “Do you mean…”
She nodded before gently pressing her lips to mine in the lightest kiss possible before pulling back enough so that she could look into my eyes again, “Yes.”
Amanda whispered before closing the gap between us once again as she kissed me harder this time, pouring everything she had into it as if she were trying to make up for all the years she kept it hidden from me until now.
I reached out for Amanda’s face before cupping it in my hands as I pulled her closer to me so that I could deepen the kiss even more than she had before.
I wanted to show her just how much I loved her, how much I needed her, how much I wanted her.
I know that we weren’t exactly supposed to be doing this not only because we were outside on the porch swing in the middle of the day but also because we were technically supposed to be brother and sister even though we both knew we weren’t… at least not biologically… but I didn’t care.
I wanted her, I needed her, and I wasn’t going to stop until I got what I wanted from her.
I know that probably sounds bad, but I can’t help it.
I’m only human after all, and I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long that it’s all I can think about now that it’s finally happening.
We both sat back slowly before breaking away from each other as we tried to catch our breath while still staring into each other’s eyes, knowing that what we had just shared would change everything between us forever.
I could see Amanda’s cheeks turning red again as she looked down at the floor at first before looking back up at me as if she was trying to make a decision about something, “David?”
Amanda asked me softly as she reached out to put her hand on my arm, causing shivers to run up and down my spine as soon as she touched me for the first time in what felt like forever.
I replied as I rested my hand on top of hers so that I could show her that she didn’t have to worry about anything when it came to us.
“I want you,” Amanda whispered before moving closer to me so that she was practically sitting in my lap as she said, “And not just as a friend or a brother… but as… you.”
I was about to ask her what she meant by that when a sudden crack of thunder interrupted me before the skies opened up and started pouring rain all around us.
"Destined Hearts: A Faerun Fantasy"
We both sat there at first and stared at each other for a long time before I finally leaned in and kissed her once more, letting her know without words that I would always be there for her whenever she needed me, no matter what.
That was when I suddenly got lost in Amanda’s eyes, my heart racing a mile a minute as I realized just how much I loved her, how much I wanted her, and how much I needed her.
She looked up at me with a mix of love and desire in her emerald eyes, and it was almost enough to make me lose my control over myself and do things that I shouldn’t be doing with her… even though I knew that they were things we both wanted to do.
She had an innocence about her, a vulnerability, and she trusted me… no, she needed me more than anything else in the world, and it only made what I felt for her even stronger.
I didn’t care how wrong it was for us to be feeling this way about each other, not when it felt so right and I knew that we belonged together… even if we weren’t exactly supposed to be together in the way that we both wanted to be together.
Not only did I want Amanda with every fiber of my being, but I needed her too, and I knew that I would do whatever it took to keep her by my side for the rest of our lives.
“That’s not true,” Amanda said as she shook her head at me once before she took a deep breath and met my eyes once more, “You don’t know what you want.”
“Yes, I do,” I said before taking a deep breath and trying to tell her just how much she meant to me, “I love you, Amanda…”
“I’ve always loved you…”
Amanda whispered before cutting herself off and looking away from me again before taking a deep breath and saying, “I’m sorry, David… It’s just… this has been really hard for me lately and…”
“It’s okay,” I said before reaching out to put my hand on top of hers once more so that she could feel how much I meant what I said, “I know this is hard… for both of us…”
As soon as those words left my mouth, Amanda suddenly looked back up at me with pure shock in her eyes while still managing to look beautiful at the same time before she put her hand on the side of my face and pulled me closer to her once more.
I could feel her breath on my skin, and I could practically taste her on my lips as I leaned in closer to her, trying to will her to kiss me again and tell me everything was going to be okay, even though I knew it wasn’t.
I was about to ask her what she was doing when she suddenly put her lips on mine, stopping me from saying anything else and giving me the one thing I had been wanting more than anything else in the world.
I could feel myself getting lost in the moment, and I knew that if we kept going on like this, we would end up doing something we would both regret later on, but I didn’t care.
I loved Amanda, and I knew that no matter what happened in the future, I would always regret it if we didn’t do anything together tonight.
Not only did I want her, but I needed her too.
I wanted to claim her as mine and let the entire world know that she was mine and no one else’s, which was why I didn’t stop myself even after we broke apart from each other again.
We sat there for a long time before I finally pulled away from her so that we could both take a deep breath and try to figure out what to do next.
I turned around so that I was facing the rest of the yard and trying to ignore Amanda at first… but I couldn’t.
Not only did she look beautiful tonight, but I could see us having a life together, one filled with love and happiness even after everything we had been through lately.
"Destined Hearts: A Faerun Fantasy"
It was hard to imagine our lives being happy ever again after all the things we had been through lately, but I knew that we would be able to get there with each other’s help.
The two of us had been best friends since we were born after all, and I knew I would do anything to keep Amanda safe and happy no matter what.
It was that thought that gave me the courage to tell her the one truth I had been keeping from her for years.
I had known Amanda forever, and I had always been attracted to her because she was the most beautiful girl I had ever met.
I had always thought she was way out of my league though and had never told her how I felt about her until now.
However, something was different tonight too.
I could feel it in the air around us as we sat there together and tried to figure out what was going to happen next between us.
The entire world seemed to be holding its breath as we sat together like this as well, and I knew that whatever happened next would change the course of our lives forever.
It was that thought that finally gave me the courage to turn around and look at Amanda once more before I tried to tell her how I felt about her.
I loved Amanda Grayson with all my heart and soul, and I knew that no matter what happened next between us, I would always love her too.
However, I didn’t really understand just how much I loved Amanda until I tried to tell her how much she meant to me and found out just how much she meant to me at the same time.
The two of us had been best friends since forever, and I had always loved Amanda because of it.
She was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever met with her long red hair and emerald eyes, not to mention a heart of gold as well.
It was that thought that made me swallow hard before I looked at Amanda again and tried to tell her just how much she meant to me once more even though I knew she wouldn’t believe me at first.
“I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember…”
I said before I took another deep breath and told her the honest truth, “And I’m still in love with you.”
Amanda didn’t say anything after that, but she still looked beautiful as she sat there on the porch swing in front of me, staring at me with wide eyes before she finally put her hand on top of mine once more.
We sat there in silence for a long time before Amanda finally opened her mouth and pulled me closer so that she could tell me the words I had been waiting so long to hear.
They were the words I had been dying to hear ever since we were kids, the words that would make everything right between us, the words that would change our lives forever.
Those words were…
"Destined Hearts: A Faerun Fantasy"
“I’ve loved you for a long time too, David,” Amanda said, her voice shaking a little as she said it.
“I don’t know how or when it happened, but I love you, David.
Her words hit me like a ton of bricks, taking my breath away as my heart seemed to swell inside of my chest at the sound of them.
Tears began to roll down Amanda’s face as she said them, but all I could do was blink hard before I got another breath and realized exactly what she had said.
“You… you really mean it?”
I asked Amanda as I looked into her beautiful emerald eyes again, unable to believe my luck.
Amanda nodded quickly in response, still staring up at me with wide eyes as she said, “Yes, I mean it.
Those words made my heart swell even more in my chest as I looked at Amanda, trying to tell myself that this wasn’t a dream and that Amanda really did love me just like I had loved her all these years.
And she did.
Amanda really did love me just like I had loved her all these years, and suddenly my heartache didn’t seem quite as bad as it had before.
In fact, as I looked at Amanda’s beautiful face through the tears that were in both of our eyes now, I realized that I was actually happy for the first time since my parents had died.
I was happy because Amanda loved me too, and suddenly everything seemed right with the world as we sat there on the porch together in the darkness with the stars watching over us.
The sound of Amanda’s laughter brought me back to reality after a little while, but that didn’t change the fact that I was still happy as hell to be with her as we sat there on the porch swing together in each other’s arms while we laughed at how crazy life really was.
That thought occurred to me more than a few times as Amanda and I sat there on the front porch swing together in the darkness for a long time after that, staring up at the stars while we held each other tight.
I don’t really know how long we sat there like that together before Amanda finally had to call it quits and go inside to get some sleep, but it didn’t really matter because I knew that no matter what happened next between us, Amanda would always be mine in one way or another.
And she would never be far from me either because we were both going to be nineteen for the rest of our lives now that we were living in Faerun.
I didn’t really want to think about Faerun too much after that because it made me want to cry when I did, but thinking about Amanda made me want to cry too because it made me so damn happy.
I had always loved Amanda more than life itself, but now that she loved me back, I felt complete for the first time in my life because everything finally made sense to me now that we were together.
“Do you really have any idea how much I love you?”
"Destined Hearts: A Faerun Fantasy"
Amanda said to me as she looked up at me with those emerald eyes that I loved so much.
I couldn’t help but laugh at that because I knew how much she really loved me just as well as I knew how much I loved her.
“I think it’s probably about the same as how much I love you,” I said to her with a smile.
Amanda was laying on top of me with her head on my chest while we lay on the porch swing together in each other’s arms now after we had been talking for a while after we had confessed our love to each other.
It was pretty obvious what had been on our minds for a long time now since I had told her that I loved her, so it wasn’t really a big surprise to me when Amanda asked me if I wanted to make love to her after we talked about how we felt about each other for a little while.
“Are you sure that you really want to do this?”
I said to her with a smile.
“I would love nothing else in this world,” she said to me while she looked up into my eyes with a look on her face that was full of love and desire.
Amanda was so beautiful that I would have done just about anything for her if she had asked me to do it when we were growing up together.
I was certainly willing to do anything that Amanda wanted me to do now because I loved her more than life itself.
I would never want anything bad to happen to her for any reason because I would die if anything ever happened to Amanda after everything that we had been through together.
“I love you,” Amanda said to me as she looked up into my eyes with a smile on her face now.
I returned that smile when I looked down into her emerald eyes and saw how beautiful they were even if they were a little fogged up with tears at that point.
“I love you too,” I said to her before I leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips one more time before I rolled over on top of her so that I could show her exactly how much I really did love her in every way.
It didn’t take very long for us to get undressed since we only had t-shirts and sweatpants on other than our underwear, but it didn’t take very long for either of us to come either because we both knew exactly what we wanted from each other by then.
It was pretty obvious what we wanted from each other even if we hadn’t done it yet when Amanda looked up at me with a smile on her face after I asked her if she was sure that she really wanted me to do this.
“I have never been more sure of anything in my life,” Amanda said to me with a smile as she put her hands on my chest and guided me into her body.
I knew exactly what she meant by that comment when she said it because I had always known exactly what Amanda wanted me to do when she gave me a certain look that was full of love and desire like the look on her face then, so it didn’t take very long for either of us to come after Amanda pulled me into her body like that when we made love for the first time.
It didn’t take very long for me to realize that Amanda was the best thing that ever happened to me either when she made love to me like that for the first time.
It felt like she was making love only to me and nobody else in the entire world when she did it, so it made me feel really special even if it didn’t take very long for us to come.
"Destined Hearts: A Faerun Fantasy"
We might have been a little bit awkward at first, but it wasn’t long before Amanda and I figured out how things worked when you made love together because we had both waited a long time before we did this even though we both knew exactly what we wanted from each other.
We had always known that we wanted to do this with each other ever since we discovered what sex actually was, but neither one of us had ever been brave enough to do anything about it until then.
It wasn’t all that awkward at first though, especially not once we figured out exactly how things were supposed to work, but it did get a little bit awkward once we started getting a little bit more into it than before.
We might have been a little bit awkward at first, but it didn’t take very long for things between us to start getting really good once we started getting more and more into it by then.
It felt really good once things between us got started because it felt like Amanda wanted me inside of her just as much as I wanted to be there with her, so it didn’t take very long for things between us to start getting really good for both of us by then.
It didn’t take very long for us to get used to the feeling of being together in that way because it felt really good for both of us by then.
Amanda was a little bit scared at first, but she stopped being scared as soon as she realized that there was no reason for her to be scared anymore because she knew that I would never hurt her in any way by then.
I would have done anything for Amanda by that point because I would have done anything that she wanted me to do, and all she really wanted me to do was make love only to her like the way that I was doing at that point.
It felt really good once Amanda stopped being scared and started being brave instead, so it didn’t take more than a few minutes for things between us to start feeling really good once we got used to how things were supposed to work by then.
I was a little bit scared at first too, but it didn’t take long for me not be scared anymore once Amanda stopped being scared and started being brave instead.
There was no reason for me to be scared anymore after that anyway since I knew that Amanda would never hurt me in any way just like the way that I would never hurt her in any way either.
There was no need for me to be scared of something like that anyway when it felt as good as it did for both of us by then.
I had always wanted Amanda in that way ever since I met her, so it felt really good for me once she finally gave me exactly what I wanted from her like that.
It felt really good for both of us too, which was why we kept on doing it for the rest of the night until Amanda couldn’t take anymore and needed a break, but I knew that she still wanted me inside of her even after we took a break like that.
It was pretty obvious that Amanda still wanted me inside of her after that, which was why I climbed on top of her again before I rolled over on top of her so that I could show her exactly how much I loved her in every way just like the way that she showed me exactly how much she loved me in every way.
"Destined Hearts: A Faerun Fantasy"
I loved Amanda with everything that I was, so I would have done exactly what she wanted me to do without asking me to do it anyway because I knew that she would never hurt me in any way just like the way that I would never hurt her in any way either.
I knew that Amanda would never hurt me in any way just like the way that I would never hurt her in any way either, which was why I loved her with everything that I was since I knew that she would always do exactly what I wanted her to do and nothing else.
I knew that there would be no reason for me to be scared of something like that anyway since I already knew that Amanda would never hurt me ever, so I wouldn’t have been scared by then even if I didn’t already know how good something like this was going to feel by then.
I would have done anything for Amanda by then, which was why I would have done anything for her by then because I knew that she would have done anything for me by then too.
I felt really good once I knew exactly how much Amanda loved me, which was why I knew exactly how much she loved me once she showed me exactly how much she loved me instead.
Amanda felt really good once she knew exactly how much I loved her, which was why she knew exactly how much I loved her once I showed her exactly how much I loved her instead.
I would have done exactly what she wanted me to do without asking me to do it anyway because I knew that she would never hurt me in any way just like the way that I would never hurt her in any way either.
There was no need for me to be scared of something like this anyway because it felt really good between us and it was obvious that we both really enjoyed doing it with each other since we did it for the rest of the night until we finally fell asleep together after we both got too tired to do it anymore.
We didn’t know how long we slept together like that since we didn’t know what time we fell asleep, but we didn’t really care anyway since we knew that we would be able to get up whenever we wanted to get up since neither one of us had anything to do on Sunday anyway.
We woke up together all by ourselves without anybody else waking us up at all a few hours later, but neither one of us really cared about waking up at that point since we both still felt really tired and we both still felt really good after falling asleep together like that.
We didn’t know how long we slept together like that, but we didn’t really care either since neither one of us had anything to do on Sunday morning anyway.
Neither one of us really cared about having to get up on Sunday morning anyway after sleeping together all by ourselves without anybody else waking us up at all a few hours later.
We both still felt really tired and we both still felt really good after falling asleep together like that, so neither one of us really cared about having to get up on Sunday morning anyway after sleeping together like that.
We didn’t know how long we slept together after falling asleep together on Saturday night, but we didn’t really care about having to get up on Sunday morning anyway since neither one of us had anything to do on Sunday morning anyway.
"Destined Hearts: A Faerun Fantasy"
It was a long time before either one of us got up on Sunday morning after we woke up a few hours later, but neither one of us really cared about having to get up on Sunday morning after sleeping together like that since neither one of us had anything to do on Sunday morning anyway.
I woke up a few hours later after falling asleep with Amanda all by herself without anybody else waking us up at all on Saturday night, but she was still sleeping next to me and there was no way that I was going to try and wake her up before she woke up all by herself so there was no point in trying to wake her up before she was ready to wake up on Sunday morning.
I didn’t really care about having to wait for Amanda to wake up on Sunday morning since neither one of us had anything to do on Sunday morning anyway, but I didn’t really care about having to wait for Amanda to wake up on Sunday morning either since I knew that I would be able to sleep a little bit more while waiting for Amanda to wake up on Sunday morning after sleeping with her like that on Saturday night.
Amanda woke up a few hours later after falling asleep with me on Saturday night, but she didn’t really care about having to wait for me to wake up on Sunday morning since neither one of us had anything to do on Sunday morning anyway.
I didn’t really care about having to wait for Amanda to wake up on Saturday night anyway since neither one of us had anything to do on Saturday night anyway.
I knew that Amanda would be able to wake up on her own on Sunday morning since she always slept in as long as she could on the weekends since she was always tired and she always wanted to try and get as much sleep as she could after working all week long and she always wanted to try and get as much sleep as she could on the weekends anyway.
I knew that Amanda would want me to try and get as much sleep as I could on the weekends anyway, but I didn’t really care if Amanda wanted me to try and get as much sleep as I could on the weekends anyway.
I knew that Amanda would be able to get up on her own on Sunday morning since she was already awake when I woke up all by myself, but I knew that we would be able to go back to sleep together again after falling asleep with her like that on Saturday night so there was no point in getting up before Amanda was ready to get up on Sunday morning.
I knew that Amanda would want me to try and get as much sleep as I could on the weekends anyway, so I knew that she would be okay with getting up whenever she was ready to get up on Sunday morning anyway.
I knew that Amanda would want me to try and get as much sleep as I could on the weekends anyway, but I didn’t really care about having to get up on Sunday morning anyway after sleeping with her like that on Saturday night.
We were finally ready to get up on our own on Sunday morning and we got dressed in some clean clothes before we went downstairs and ate some breakfast with each other while we talked about some things.
"Destined Hearts: A Faerun Fantasy"
Amanda and I had gotten together and had finally gotten married by the time that we were ready to go downstairs and eat some breakfast with each other while we talked about some things, but neither one of us really cared about sitting down and talking about some things because we were both happy and that was all that mattered to us at the time.
I had gotten up and gone downstairs when Amanda was still getting dressed, so she made herself some breakfast while I finished eating my breakfast before we went outside and sat down at the picnic table in the backyard.
Neither one of us really cared about sitting outside and talking about some things because neither one of us really cared about sitting outside and talking about some things because neither one of us really cared about talking about some things at all and neither one of us really cared about talking about some things at all, but neither one of us really cared about talking about anything at all because neither one of us really cared about talking about anything at all.
It wasn’t until Amanda went inside and made herself some coffee when we were finally ready to go inside the house and sit down at the kitchen table together while we talked about some things, but neither one of us really cared about sitting down and talking about some things at all because neither one of us really cared about sitting down and talking about some things at all since neither one of us really cared about being inside the house at all when the weather was so nice outside the house at the time.
Amanda was sitting across from me at the kitchen table while we talked about some things, but she wasn’t really paying attention to what I was saying when she suddenly looked up and realized that I was staring at her like an idiot again.
“I am so sorry,” I said with embarrassment.
“I just can’t help it.”
Amanda’s face flushed red with embarrassment, too.
“It’s okay,” Amanda said with a smile.
“I just can’t help it either.”
We both felt like idiots after saying what we said, but neither one of us really cared because neither one of us meant what we said anyway.
It wasn’t until Amanda’s father started laughing from behind me when he came into the kitchen that we finally stopped feeling like idiots after saying what we said.
Amanda’s father was laughing so hard when he came into the kitchen that it made us both laugh along with him, too.
Amanda’s father was laughing so hard when he came into the kitchen that he started laughing even harder when he saw our faces after he came into the kitchen, too.
“What happened?”
“Nothing,” Amanda said with a smile.
“Just go away.”
“No,” Amanda’s father said as he went to sit down at the kitchen table with us.
“So what happened?”
Don’t worry about it,” I said to Amanda’s father.
“Just go away.”
“You don’t have to tell me,” Amanda’s father said with a smile.
“I’ll just use one of my guns on you.”
Amanda’s father was always joking around like that with me and it was always funny when he did it to me, too.
Amanda’s father always loved to joke around with me and it was always funny when he did it to me, too.
Amanda’s father never really cared about using his guns on me anyway since he already used his guns on me all the time anyway and he was always using his guns on me all the time anyway.
“I love you,” I said to Amanda’s father.
“I love you too,” Amanda’s father said with a smile as he started laughing all over again.
"Destined Hearts: A Faerun Fantasy"