MidReal Story

Desert Standoff: Dubai's Deadly Encounter

Scenario:Jojos Bizarre Adventure: Part 3, Stardust Crusaders, Jotaro and the crew (avdol, Joseph, him, kakyoin, polnareff, iggy) were wandering across Dubai and having a sightseeing hour until a mysterious stand user appeared.
Create my version of this story
Jojos Bizarre Adventure: Part 3, Stardust Crusaders, Jotaro and the crew (avdol, Joseph, him, kakyoin, polnareff, iggy) were wandering across Dubai and having a sightseeing hour until a mysterious stand user appeared.


Stand user (The Fool), ally of Jotaro's group, a dog with the ability to create sand constructs.


Joseph Joestar

Stand user (Hermit Purple), ally of Jotaro and grandfather figure, elderly with a youthful spirit, cunning and humorous.


Jean Pierre Polnareff

Stand user (Silver Chariot), ally of Jotaro, muscular with long silver hair, brave and somewhat naive.

It was a beautiful day in Dubai.
The sun was shining, the sky was clear, and the temperature was perfect.
We were all enjoying our time here, taking in the sights and sounds of the city.
We had just finished a tour of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, and were now walking around the city, taking in all of the sights.
I had my hands in my pockets as I walked, my long coat billowing behind me in the wind.
My companions were walking beside me, chatting and laughing as we made our way through the city.
We all felt at ease here, like we could finally relax and let our guard down for a little while.
It had been a long journey to get here, and we had faced many dangers along the way.
But now that we were here, we could finally take a break and enjoy ourselves for a little while.
I looked around at my friends as we walked, a small smile on my face.
Jotaro: “This is nice.
We’re having a good time, right?”
Polnareff: “Yes, we are!”
I turned to see Polnareff walking beside me, a big smile on his face.
He looked happy and carefree, a far cry from the serious and stoic warrior he was when we were in battle.
I guess it was true what they say, that war brings people closer together.
And we were all closer than ever after everything we had been through.
I continued to walk, listening to the conversation around me as I enjoyed the company of my friends.
Avdol was talking about all the delicious food he had eaten in Dubai, going into great detail about the flavors and spices of each dish.
Polnareff: “Mmm, that sounds amazing!
I could really go for a kebab right now!
Do they have good kebabs here in Dubai, Avdol?”
Avdol: “Oh, they have some of the best kebabs in the world here!
“I have never seen anyone eat as much as you do, Polnareff.
I’m surprised you’re still able to move!”
Polnareff: “What can I say?
I have a big appetite!”
Avdol: “Well, if you want a good kebab, I know just the place.
We all laughed at that, and I looked around to see my other friends enjoying themselves as well.
Joseph was talking with Kakyoin about something, and Iggy was running around in the sand and chasing after birds.
Then my eyes landed on Jotaro and Avdol, and I watched as they walked side by side in front of me.
They made quite the pair, with their tall and imposing figures commanding attention wherever they went.
It was no wonder that women were always staring at them and trying to flirt with them.
They were a couple of real heartthrobs!
As my eyes lingered on them for a moment longer, Jotaro glanced over at me and caught me looking at him.
He gave me one of his trademark scowls and turned away from me, but not before I could see the hint of a small smile on his face.
He really was too cool for his own good!
I watched as a group of young women walked by us, giggling and whispering to each other as they glanced over at Jotaro and Avdol.
Kakyoin: “Come on, you guys, let’s go!
We don’t want to get left behind, do we?”
I quickly looked away from Jotaro and started walking again, hoping that nobody had seen me staring at him like that.
As I fell into step beside Kakyoin, I heard the women’s voices behind me grow louder, and I turned around to see that they had stopped walking and were now talking excitedly to each other as they took pictures of us on their phones.
Woman 1: “Oh my god, is that Jotaro Kujo?”
Woman 2: “No way!
I can’t believe he’s here!
This is the best day ever!”
I watched as they gathered around Jotaro, who stood there with his arms crossed over his chest and an unamused expression on his face.
Jotaro: “What the hell are you doing?
Woman 1: “Sorry, we just wanted to take a picture with you!
You’re like, our favorite celebrity ever!”
She held out her phone and took a selfie with Jotaro, while the other women stood behind her and posed for their own pictures as well.
Kakyoin: “It looks like Jotaro has some fans.”
Joseph: “Well, of course he does!
He is a Kujo, after all!”
Polnareff: “Jotarooooo!You’re so popular with the ladies!
Teach me your ways!”
Jotaro: “Shut up, Polnareff.”
I watched as Jotaro gave Polnareff a kick in the shin, and Polnareff let out a yelp of pain as he hopped around on one foot.
Then he stopped hopping and turned to look at me with a big smile on his face.
Polnareff: “Hey Iggy, do you mind getting a picture with me?”
He knelt down in front of Iggy, who looked at him for a moment before letting out a loud bark and walking away.
Polnareff: “Hey, come back here!
I was just kidding!”
He chased after Iggy, and I laughed as I watched them run around in the sand.
Joseph: “Well, this has been fun, but I think it’s time for us to get going.
We still have a lot of things we want to do today, so we should probably get moving.”
I watched as Joseph walked over to where Jotaro and Avdol were standing, talking to the group of women, and I saw Jotaro glare at him before turning back to the women and flashing a charming smile.
Suddenly the women started giggling even more loudly, and they pushed their way past Avdol to get to Jotaro, surrounding him on all sides.
Joseph: “Yeah, I think it’s time to go.”
He grabbed Jotaro by the arm and pulled him away from the women.
Joseph: “Let’s go, Polnareff.”
Polnareff: “Aw, but I wanted to take a picture with those ladies!”
Joseph: “You can do that later.Let’s go.” He turned and walked away, and Polnareff let out a loud groan before he started running after Joseph.
I looked around me and realized that we were alone in the desert.
It was quiet, except for the sound of the wind blowing through the sand, and I suddenly felt very small and very alone.
Iggy had stopped running around with Polnareff, and he sat down on the sand next to me, looking as though he were about to take a nap.
Iggy: *snort* “Well, that was fun while it lasted.” He lay down in the sand and closed his eyes.
Joseph: “Okay, so where do you guys want to head next?”
Polnareff: “There’s a place I’d like to see first.” He held up the map that Jotaro had given him earlier, pointing to a spot in the middle of the city.
Polnareff: “Right here.” He smiled at Joseph.
Joseph: “Okay, let’s go.” He turned and started walking back toward the city, and we all followed after him.
We were almost there, when suddenly Avdol stopped walking and grabbed his arm with his other hand, staring off into the distance with a look of concern on his face.
Avdol: “I sense something evil in the air.”
The temperature dropped suddenly, and I could see my breath in front of me as frost formed on the ground around me.
Joseph: “What the hell is going on?”
Hermit Purple stretched out in front of me, but it was too cold for it to move very far, and it quickly snapped back to me with a loud crack.
I stared at Avdol, wondering what he was sensing that was making him so worried, but then I saw something moving in the distance and I knew that we were about to have a big problem on our hands.
Avdol: “There’s someone coming this way.”
Avdol: *groans* “I can’t see who it is, but they’re getting closer.” He pulled his hand away from his arm, and I could see that there were beads of sweat on his forehead as he wiped them away with the back of his hand before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
Avdol: *sighs* “I don’t know who you are, but if you have come here seeking a fight, then you have come to the right place.” He opened his eyes and stood up straight, looking directly at the figure in the distance.
I narrowed my eyes and stared at the figure, trying to figure out what he looked like, but all I could see was a black cloak that was blowing in the wind around him, and a skull mask that covered his entire face.
The figure stopped moving and stood there staring at us for a moment before he finally spoke up, his voice echoing through the desert.
Figure: “I have come to challenge you to a battle.”
Avdol: “A battle?What are you talking about?”
Polnareff: “I knew it!He’s a stand user!”
Polnareff: *grinning* “Oh, this is going to be fun!”
He turned and started running toward the figure in the distance, and we all chased after him, trying to keep up with him as he ran through the desert, and finally we were standing in the middle of the desert, surrounded by nothing but sand and sky, and the figure was standing in front of us, looking down at us from a high cliff.
The figure: “I have come to challenge you to a battle.”
Polnareff: “I accept your challenge!”
He held up his sword and pointed it at the figure, and I could see a grin on his face as he waited for the figure to make the first move.
The figure: “Very well.” He slowly raised his hand and pointed it at Polnareff, and I could see a flash of light coming from underneath the skull mask before a ball of light appeared above his head and shot down toward us.
Polnareff: “Look out!”
I grabbed Avdol’s arm and pulled him out of the way just in time to avoid being hit by the blast, and I turned to see that Polnareff had also managed to dodge the attack by jumping out of the way at the last second, and he was now standing next to me, looking up at the figure on the cliff as he twirled his sword in front of him.
Polnareff: “You’re going to have to do better than that if you want to beat me!”
I watched as he charged up the cliff toward the figure, holding his sword in front of him as he ran up the side of the cliff, and I could see a look of determination on his face as he prepared to take down whoever was standing up there.
We followed Polnareff as he made his way through the city, weaving in and out of traffic as he led us toward our destination.
Joseph: “Slow down, Polnareff!”
Polnareff: “No way!We’re almost there!”
He turned and pointed toward a building in the distance, and I could see that there was something glowing on top of it.
Joseph: “What is that?”
Polnareff: “I have no idea, but we’ll find out when we get there!”
He started running through the streets, and we all followed after him, trying not to lose sight of him as he weaved in and out of traffic, and finally we reached our destination, and we all stopped in front of it, staring up at the glowing object on top of it in awe.
It was beautiful, and I couldn’t wait to see what it looked like up close.
Dubai is a beautiful city, and I’m so glad we decided to come here for our vacation.
The sun was shining brightly in the sky, and I could feel its rays beating down on me as we walked through the streets, but I wasn’t too hot thanks to my hat and coat, and I was glad that I had decided to wear them today.
Polnareff: “This place is amazing!”
My uneasiness heightened with a sense of foreboding.
I kept my eyes on the sky as we walked through the streets, scanning for any signs of movement, and then suddenly, I stopped in my tracks and turned to face my friends, a serious expression on my face.
Jotaro: “There’s a Stand user nearby.”
Avdol: “How can you be sure?”
Jotaro: “Just trust me.”
I turned and looked up at the sky, and I could see a black shape moving toward us, and then suddenly it stopped in midair, and I knew that we were about to be attacked.
I stepped back from my friends and got into a fighting stance, preparing for whatever was about to happen next.
Polnareff: “What’s going on?”
Avdol: “Jotaro senses something, but I don’t see anything.”
Jotaro: “It’s coming!”
I shouted as a sudden gust of wind blew through the streets, and a chilling cold filled the air as a dark shadow fell over us.
Jotaro: “Get ready, Avdol.”
Avdol: “I’m on it!”
He nodded and held out his arms, summoning his Stand Magician’s Red in a burst of flames, and then I turned to Kakyoin and Polnareff and gave them a nod, and they both stepped forward with their Stands at their sides.
Kakyoin: “Hierophant Green is ready.”
Polnareff: “Silver Chariot too.”
They nodded at me, and then suddenly a figure appeared in front of us, standing on top of a nearby building with its arms outstretched, and I recognized it immediately.
It was an enemy Stand user, and it was about to attack us.
Jotaro: “It’s here!Everyone get ready!”
Polnareff: “What is it?Who are we fighting?”
Kakyoin: “It must be an enemy Stand user.”
Polnareff: “Really?But who would want to fight us?”
He seemed confused by what was happening, but then suddenly his eyes went wide with shock as he realized what was going on, and he looked up at the figure standing on top of the building with a look of fear on his face.
Polnareff: “Oh no…not this guy again…”
He muttered something under his breath, and then suddenly his expression hardened, and he held up his sword in front of him, getting ready for battle.
Polnareff: “I won’t let him hurt me this time!Not ever again!”
He shouted as he charged forward with his sword in front of him, and I knew that he was ready for whatever was about to happen next.
Jotaro: “It’s an enemy Stand user!Get ready!”
Avdol: “Are you sure?How can you tell?”
Jotaro: “I can feel its presence.”
Kakyoin: “He’s right.I can feel it too.”
Avdol: “Well then…let’s not keep them waiting.”
He nodded at me and held out his arm, summoning Magician’s Red in a burst of flames as he prepared for battle.
Jotaro: “Good idea.Let’s take them out before they have a chance to attack us again.”
I held out my arm and summoned Star Platinum in a flash of light as I got ready for battle.
Jotaro: “Let’s do this!”
We all nodded at each other in agreement, and then suddenly I heard Polnareff calling out from behind me as he ran forward with his sword in front of him.
Polnareff: “I’m right behind you guys!Let’s take him down!”
Kakyoin: “Yeah!Let’s show them what we’re made of!”
Desert Standoff: Dubai's Deadly Encounter