curious, and affectionate. Octavia holds a special bond with Emma from their past interactions and wishes to see her again for her celebration. Her presence brings out a softer side in both Emma and Stolas despite their complicated history together.
distant, and conflicted. Stolas was once deeply in love with Emma but abandoned her for reasons unknown to her. He now appears cold and unyielding towards Emma despite their shared past. His relationship with his daughter Octavia is tender and loving, highlighting his softer side. His interactions with Emma are strained yet hint at unresolved feelings.
determined, and conflicted. Emma was once deeply in love with Stolas but was abandoned by him. She now lives in the mortal realm, working as a waitress. When Octavia, Stolas's daughter, wishes to see her again, Emma is forced to confront her past and the lingering feelings she harbors for Stolas. Her interactions with Stolas are tense and emotional.