MidReal Story

Deadly 19-Day Secrets: Unveiling the School Cult


May 14
Scenario:A boy mc that figure out the unknown behind the book "day 19" along with his childhood Eva shiro that tried to save the school against these cult members killing the students after 19 days from picking up a book plot twist his friend is the leader of this cult and we figure this out closer to the end of discovering new characters that were beaten from the main character and identity discovered. We the readers along with the main character thought Eva was kind and liked him but she was just using him to kill more students without him knowing he figures this out he loved her but he got tricked by the Two-Face let on named Eva. There are nine boss cult members the leader is being Eva her father that we figure out later in the story is the principal. She's spoiled.
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A boy mc that figure out the unknown behind the book "day 19" along with his childhood Eva shiro that tried to save the school against these cult members killing the students after 19 days from picking up a book plot twist his friend is the leader of this cult and we figure this out closer to the end of discovering new characters that were beaten from the main character and identity discovered. We the readers along with the main character thought Eva was kind and liked him but she was just using him to kill more students without him knowing he figures this out he loved her but he got tricked by the Two-Face let on named Eva. There are nine boss cult members the leader is being Eva her father that we figure out later in the story is the principal. She's spoiled.
I was just an average boy in an average school.
"Deadly 19-Day Secrets: Unveiling the School Cult"
I had average grades, average looks, and an average life.
I was friends with an above-average girl named Eva Shiro, but that was about it.
"Deadly 19-Day Secrets: Unveiling the School Cult"
She was the only thing that made my life a little less boring.
But then I noticed something strange.
Every nineteen days, a student would go missing from our school.
It was always a different person, but they all had one thing in common: they’d picked up a mysterious book from the library before they disappeared.
The police were called in every time, but they never found any leads.
The students’ families were left without answers, and the school moved on like nothing had happened.
It was like the missing students had never existed at all.
But I knew better.
I knew that something sinister was going on at our school, and I had a feeling that Eva Shiro was involved.
I’m not very good at talking to girls, but I’d always gotten along well with Eva.
We talked to each other in class, walked home together, and even shared an umbrella when it rained.
But something felt off between us, and I was determined to get to the bottom of it.
Then, a boy named Hiro went missing, and my suspicions about Eva only grew stronger.
"Deadly 19-Day Secrets: Unveiling the School Cult"
Hiro was a quiet kid who’d recently started sitting by himself in the school cafeteria.
He kept to himself and didn’t have many friends, but that didn’t mean he deserved to go missing.
The day after Hiro disappeared, I watched the clock with bated breath, waiting for the next disappearance to occur.
The first killing had happened on April 19th, the second on May 8th, and the third on May 27th.
If the pattern held, then the next person would disappear on June 15th.
I knew that I had to act fast if I wanted to save that person’s life.
I tried to get in touch with Eva to see if she knew anything about Hiro’s disappearance, but she never picked up her phone or answered my messages.
It wasn’t like her to ignore me, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that she was deliberately avoiding me.
It only made me more determined to find out what she was hiding.
Eva had been acting strange even before Hiro disappeared.
She’d started hanging out with a boy named TwoFace who was in our class.
TwoFace was different from the other kids in our school; he was quiet and kept to himself most of the time.
He didn’t have any friends and usually spent his breaks reading a book in the library.
He was also very smart and had one of the highest test scores in our class, but he didn’t seem to care about school at all.
That was why everyone just called him TwoFace: because he was completely different from everyone else in our school.
But then, out of nowhere, he’d started talking to Eva and acting like he wanted to be friends with her.
That was strange enough as it was, but what really stood out to me was that he was the only student who was still alive after the first girl had gone missing.
It was like he’d known that something bad was going to happen and made sure to stay away from the library that day.
I didn’t know what his connection to the cult was, but I knew that it couldn’t be a coincidence that he’d suddenly started talking to Eva just before Hiro disappeared.
“Stay out of it,” TwoFace said to me during lunchtime at school the next day, “It’s not your business.”
He had come up to me in the cafeteria and was watching me eat my lunch while holding a book in his hands.
I ignored him at first, but he just kept staring at me and didn’t look like he was going to leave until I answered, so I finally said, “How do you know it’s not my business?”
"Deadly 19-Day Secrets: Unveiling the School Cult"
Even now, I can still remember the very moment my pinky finger touched Eva’s during our childhood days in elementary school, the sensation of euphoria I felt as our eyes met and sealed our promise that we would never be apart…
But it was all a lie…
Ever since Eva returned from her family vacation, things had been slowly… changing between us.
It was almost as if she had forgotten about our promise.
No, not forgotten…
… She had broken it.
The distance between us had started to grow before she left with TwoFace, back when she’d gotten angry with me over something stupid.
She wouldn’t tell me what it was, only sent me this message:
“I’m friends with TwoFace now.”
It wasn’t that I was upset with her for making a new friend—far from it—but more so for the fact that she wouldn’t explain why.
I wanted to know why they were friends, how they’d even met…
But she refused to tell me, and then I’d said something I shouldn’t have.
I told her to go be friends with him if that’s what she wanted.
And then she left.
It was the last time I saw her before she went on vacation.
We’d spoken online a few times while she was gone, but she never brought up the subject of TwoFace.
In fact, when I mentioned his name, she didn’t reply to any of my messages.
She’d been avoiding me ever since.
And then Hiro went missing…
… And Eva’s avoidance reached a whole new level.
For a while, I thought it was just in my head.
But then I started to notice things: how she would quickly look away if I tried to make eye contact with her in class, or how she would suddenly stop talking if I walked by her in the hallway.
The worst was when she’d run away from me at full speed during lunch break.
That was when I knew for sure that something was wrong.
We’d been friends for so long; we’d shared so many memories together.
Surely our friendship couldn’t mean that little to her that she would run away from me like that?
I could understand if she didn’t want to be friends anymore.
But to treat me like I was some kind of monster?
She didn’t owe me anything, but did she really hate me now?
I felt this dizzying sense of betrayal, of abandonment…
It hurt so much that I didn’t know what to do.
I wanted to speak with her, but every time I tried, she would push me away.
Sometimes literally, other times verbally…
I could feel her pushing me away every time we met, yet…
I still couldn’t stop loving her.
So I decided to take a break from trying to talk to her altogether.
As much as I wanted to stay by her side, I figured that maybe some distance would make things better between us.
"Deadly 19-Day Secrets: Unveiling the School Cult"
But since I was still in love with her, I couldn’t help but think about her all the time.
I sat in the cafeteria with my head down, my hair covering my eyes so that no one would see how upset I was.
How could Eva be so cruel?
All I wanted was for her to be happy.
Was that so wrong?
… Maybe we were too different after all?
I don’t know how long I sat there thinking about her…
… But when I finally looked up again…
…I saw her sitting together with TwoFace.
She was talking and laughing with him and some of his friends like they were old buddies.
And he was looking at her with a smirk on his face, as if they were sharing some kind of inside joke…
TwoFace was always so aloof and antisocial that it almost startled me to see him looking so… normal.
Was he maybe not such a bad guy after all?
He looked up and our eyes met for a second.
He stared at me with cold eyes until Eva noticed and turned around, looking at me warily.
It was like she was afraid that we would start fighting or something?
My heart felt heavy as I looked at her.
Had we really grown so far apart?
TwoFace leaned over and whispered something to her before she turned around, a small frown on her face.
And then he got up and left.
She motioned for me to come over, her hand waving in the air as if to beckon me closer.
I hesitated for a moment, but eventually got up from my seat and walked over to where she was sitting.
“Hey,” I said awkwardly as I sat down next to her, trying not to bring up anything that might remind her of our fight.
“Hey,” she said with a small smile.
I could tell that it wasn’t real, but I couldn’t pinpoint why.
We sat there in silence for a moment before I finally asked.
“Who was that?”
She blinked at me a couple of times before her eyes widened in realization.
“Oh, him,” she said with a small shrug.
“He’s no one.”
“He’s no one…?”
I asked, confused.
She gave me a strange look, as if she was trying to decide whether or not to tell me.
But then she just shrugged, looking away.
“Yeah,” she said with a small smile.
I felt like she was hiding something from me, but I didn’t want to push her.
Eva was the kind of girl who didn’t like to be pushed.
I’d learned that the hard way over the years.
So I just sat there in silence, staring at her, trying to figure out what was going on in her head.
She looked away and crossed her arms, a small frown on her face.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she said quickly, shaking her head.
“I’m just tired.”
It didn’t sound like she was telling the truth, but I wasn’t sure how to press the matter.
If she didn’t want to talk about it…
“Just don’t do anything stupid, okay?”
she said after a moment of silence, turning back to look at me.
“Or you might regret it.”
I blinked at her in surprise.
Had TwoFace told her something?
Was that why he’d been looking at me like that?
Or was it possible that he’d actually started showing an interest in Eva?
I couldn’t help but feel a little worried.
"Deadly 19-Day Secrets: Unveiling the School Cult"