MidReal Story

Dark Summoning

Scenario:The primordial Demon God “Black” is summoned by some random kid to make a deal. Curious as he straights his tie and slicks back his hair, he leans down to the boy to figure out what could be so important for a child to throw away their life
Create my version of this story
The primordial Demon God “Black” is summoned by some random kid to make a deal. Curious as he straights his tie and slicks back his hair, he leans down to the boy to figure out what could be so important for a child to throw away their life
I was summoned.
I didn’t know why, or by whom, but I was here.
The room was dark, and the only light came from the moon outside of the window.
It was a small room, with a bed pushed up against one wall and a desk on the other.
There were papers scattered all over the desk, along with a few candles that had been knocked over.
I could smell the smoke from the extinguished flames, and I knew that they had been put out not long ago.
I could also smell something else, something that made my mouth water and my fangs ache to sink into flesh.
There was someone in this room who was afraid of me.
I smiled at the thought and let my eyes roam around the room, searching for my summoner.
I found him sitting on the bed, his back pressed up against the wall as he stared at me with wide eyes.
He was just a child, no more than ten years old, with messy brown hair and freckles splattered across his face.
Dark Summoning
I straightened my tie and took a step closer to the trembling boy.
His eyes widened even more, if that was possible, and he pressed himself harder against the wall.
"What's your name, child?" I asked, my voice low and smooth.
"T-Timmy," he stammered. "Timmy Jensen."
I crouched down so that I was at his eye level, my glowing red eyes locking onto his.
"Timmy Jensen," I repeated. "Why have you summoned me?"
He swallowed hard, his small hands clenching into fists at his sides.
"I need your help," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Help?" I echoed, raising an eyebrow. "And what could a child like you possibly need help with?"
"My mom," he said, his voice breaking. "She's sick. Really sick. The doctors can't do anything for her."
I felt a flicker of curiosity.
"And what do you think I can do about that?" I asked.
He took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving mine.
"I've heard stories," he said. "Stories about you. They say you can do things... magic things."
I chuckled softly.
Dark Summoning
"Magic things," I repeated. "And what are you willing to give in exchange for this... magic?"
He hesitated for a moment before speaking again.
"My life," he said, his voice steady despite the fear in his eyes. "I'll give you my life if you save my mom."
I stared at him, intrigued by his desperation and innocence.
A rare combination.
Before I could respond, the door creaked open slightly behind me.
I turned my head just enough to see who it was without breaking eye contact with Timmy.
A girl stood in the doorway, her sharp blue eyes filled with suspicion and concern as they met mine.
"Lily Carter," I said, recognizing her immediately.
"What are you doing here?"
She stepped into the room, her gaze shifting to Timmy before returning to me.
"I could ask you the same thing," she said coolly.
"I'm here because I was summoned," I replied, standing up slowly. "By young Timmy here."
Her eyes widened slightly as she looked back at the boy on the bed.
"Timmy," she said softly. "What are you doing?"
"He wants to save his mother," I answered for him. "And he's willing to offer his own life in exchange."
Dark Summoning
Lily's face hardened as she turned back to me.
"You can't do this," she said firmly. "He's just a child."
"And yet he's made a very adult decision," I countered.
"One that I'm inclined to consider."
She took a step closer, her eyes blazing with determination.
"I won't let you take him," she said fiercely.
I smiled at her defiance.
"And how do you plan to stop me?" I asked, genuinely curious.
Before she could answer, Timmy spoke up again.
"Please," he said, his voice trembling but resolute. "Please save my mom."
The room fell silent as we all stood there, the tension thickening with each passing second.
I could feel Lily's anger and fear radiating off of her in waves, while Timmy's desperation hung heavy in the air.
Finally, I sighed and looked back at the boy on the bed.
"Very well," I said slowly. "I'll consider your request."
Timmy's eyes lit up with hope while Lily's narrowed suspiciously.
"But first," I continued, turning back to Lily. "We need to discuss terms."
Dark Summoning
"What are your terms?" she demands, her voice steady but filled with tension.
I smirk, feeling the power shift in the room.
My red eyes glow brighter in the dim light.
"Simple," I say, savoring the moment. "I need a favor in return."
Timmy's eyes widen with fear, but he remains silent, his small frame trembling slightly.
Lily hesitates, glancing at him before turning back to me.
"Fine," she agrees after a moment. "But no harm comes to Timmy or his mother."
I chuckle softly, extending a hand towards her.
"Deal," I say, my voice dripping with satisfaction.
The room grows colder still, and the shadows twist tighter around us as if they were alive.
Lily shivers but stands firm, her gaze locked on mine.
The pact is sealed, and our fates intertwined.
"Now," I say, breaking the silence. "Let's get down to business."
I turn my attention back to Timmy, who looks up at me with a mixture of hope and fear.
"Tell me more about your mother's condition," I instruct.
Timmy swallows hard and nods.
Dark Summoning
"She's been sick for months," he begins, his voice shaky. "The doctors don't know what's wrong. They say it's some kind of curse."
A curse.
I glance at Lily, who is watching me closely, then back at Timmy.
"And you believe I can lift this curse?" I ask.
He nods vigorously.
"I've heard stories about you," he repeats. "They say you have powers... that you can do things no one else can."
I smile, pleased by his faith in my abilities.
"Very well," I say. "Take me to her."
Timmy scrambles off the bed and rushes to the door, eager to lead the way.
Lily follows closely behind him, her eyes never leaving me.
We step out into a narrow hallway lit only by flickering candles mounted on the walls.
The air is thick with the scent of wax and something else—something darker.
Timmy leads us down the hall and into another room at the end.
This one is larger but just as dimly lit.
A woman lies on a bed in the center of the room, her skin pale and covered in a sheen of sweat.
Her breathing is shallow and labored, and dark circles mar her eyes.
She looks like she's been fighting this illness for a long time.
I step closer to her bedside and examine her carefully.
The curse is strong; I can feel its malevolent energy pulsing through the air.
"This will not be easy," I say quietly.
Dark Summoning
Lily moves to stand beside Timmy, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"What do you need us to do?" she asks.
I look at her, then back at Timmy's mother.
"I need silence and concentration," I reply. "And for you both to stay out of my way."
They nod in unison and step back, giving me space to work.
I close my eyes and focus on the curse, drawing on my own power to counteract it.
The air around us grows colder still, and the shadows seem to dance with anticipation.
Minutes pass like hours as I channel my energy into breaking the curse's hold on Timmy's mother.
Sweat beads on my forehead from the effort, but I push through it.
Finally, with one last surge of power, I feel the curse shatter and dissipate into nothingness.
Timmy's mother gasps for breath as color returns to her cheeks and her breathing steadies.
"It's done," I say, stepping back from the bed.
Timmy rushes forward, tears streaming down his face as he takes his mother's hand in his own.
"Mom!" he cries out. "You're going to be okay!"
Lily watches them with relief in her eyes before turning back to me.
"Thank you," she says softly.
I nod curtly.
"Our deal is complete."
Dark Summoning
My eyes narrow as I scan the shadows.
Lily grips Timmy's hand tighter, her heart pounding audibly in the silence.
A figure steps forward, cloaked in darkness.
"You think it's that easy?" the figure sneers.
I straighten, my demeanor shifting to one of readiness.
"Who dares interrupt my work?" I growl, my voice dripping with menace.
The figure laughs menacingly, revealing a cursed amulet in their hand.
"The curse is deeper than you know," they hiss.
My expression hardens as I take in the sight of the amulet, its dark energy palpable even from a distance.
"Lily, take Timmy and go," I command firmly.
Lily hesitates for a split second but then obeys, pulling Timmy towards the door with urgency.
Timmy looks back at me, his eyes wide with fear and confusion.
"Go!" I bark, leaving no room for argument.
They disappear through the doorway just as the figure steps fully into the dim light of the room.
Dark Summoning
Their face is obscured by a hood, but the malevolent energy radiating from them is unmistakable.
I focus on the amulet, recognizing its power and the danger it poses.
"What do you want?" I demand, my voice steady despite the tension crackling in the air.
The figure tilts their head slightly, as if considering my question.
"I want what was promised," they say slowly. "The boy's life."
I feel a surge of anger at their words.
"You'll get nothing from him," I snap. "The deal was made with me."
The figure chuckles darkly, taking a step closer.
"You think you can defy me?" they ask mockingly. "You have no idea what you're dealing with."
I take a deep breath, centering myself and drawing on my own power.
"I've faced worse than you," I retort. "And I'll do it again."
With a sudden movement, I lunge towards the figure, aiming to knock the amulet from their grasp.
They react quickly, dodging my attack and countering with a blast of dark energy that sends me stumbling back.
Pain sears through my body, but I grit my teeth and push through it.
Dark Summoning
The room seems to warp around us as our powers clash, shadows twisting and writhing like living things.
I focus on the amulet, knowing that it's the source of their strength.
If I can destroy it, I can end this confrontation once and for all.
Summoning every ounce of my power, I launch myself at the figure again, this time aiming directly for their hand holding the amulet.
They try to block me with another burst of dark energy, but I'm ready for it this time.
I deflect their attack with a shield of my own power and close the distance between us in an instant.
With a swift motion, I grab their wrist and twist it sharply, forcing them to drop the amulet.
It clatters to the floor with a metallic thud, its dark energy flickering weakly without its master's grip.
The figure lets out a howl of rage and pain as their power wanes without the amulet's support.
I don't give them a chance to recover; I slam them against the wall with enough force to rattle the entire room.
Dark Summoning