MidReal Story

Cursed Confrontation: Sorcerer vs Spirit


May 30
Scenario:Mahito vs hiromi higuruma
Create my version of this story
Mahito vs hiromi higuruma
I’m not sure what I was expecting.
But it wasn’t this.
I thought that when I finally met a sorcerer, they’d be… different.
I don’t know how to describe it.
More like the people in the movies, maybe?
Or at least more like me.
But Hiromi Higuruma is just a girl.
She’s small and thin, with sharp eyes and a mouth that looks like it’s always on the verge of saying something rude.
Her hair is pulled back into two short pigtails, and she’s wearing a plain school uniform that doesn’t look like it fits her quite right.
I can feel my power growing by the second, as I watch the people of the city scatter in all directions, trying to escape the chaos I’ve caused.
I just finished absorbing a large group of humans, and their fear and despair is making me stronger by the second.
It’s the most exhilarating feeling in the world.
Cursed Confrontation: Sorcerer vs Spirit
I can feel my power growing by the second, as I watch the people of the city scatter in all directions, trying to escape the chaos I’ve caused.
I just finished absorbing a large group of humans, and their fear and despair is making me stronger by the second.
It’s the most exhilarating feeling in the world.
It’s not long before I catch sight of my opponent approaching me from behind: a short girl with sharp eyes and a mouth that looks like it’s always on the verge of saying something rude.
She doesn’t seem to be affected by the sight of all the death and destruction around us.
If anything, she looks even more resolute and ready for battle.
I’ve never met a sorcerer who didn’t flinch at the sight of me before… I turn to face her fully, and I can’t help but be impressed.
Despite her small stature and young appearance, she carries herself with an air of confidence and determination that is almost… seductive.
Cursed Confrontation: Sorcerer vs Spirit
She doesn’t seem to be scared of me at all, and that just makes me want to fight her even more.
This is going to be fun.
She stares at me with those sharp eyes of hers for a moment before finally speaking.
"Why are you doing this?" she asks.
I can hear the tremor in her voice, but she doesn’t sound scared.
She sounds… angry?
"I’m just having fun," I tell her with a grin, letting my cursed energy leak out around me like steam from a boiling pot of water.
"It’s what I was born for."
She narrows her eyes at me, and for a moment I think she’s going to rush at me and try to attack me with her bare hands.
Cursed Confrontation: Sorcerer vs Spirit
It’s the most exhilarating feeling in the world.
The more I feed on their terror and pain, the more power I gain.
I can feel it coursing through my veins, filling me up and making me stronger than ever.
And there’s nothing quite like the taste of human fear.
It’s so much sweeter than any other emotion I’ve ever felt before.
The more they scream and cry, the more delicious the energy becomes.
It’s like a drug, and I can’t get enough of it.
I want to stay here all night, feeding on their fear until the sun comes up and they’re completely drained of all hope and joy.
It will make me stronger than anything else.
But then I feel a presence behind me, and I turn to see what it is.
And I’m not sure what I was expecting.
But it wasn’t this.
I thought that when I finally met a sorcerer, they’d be… different.
I don’t know how to describe it.
More like the people in the movies, maybe?
Or at least more like me.
Cursed Confrontation: Sorcerer vs Spirit
But Hiromi Higuruma is just a girl.
She’s small and thin, with sharp eyes and a mouth that looks like it’s always on the verge of saying something rude.
Her hair is pulled back into two short pigtails, and she’s wearing a plain school uniform that doesn’t look like it fits her quite right.
Cursed Confrontation: Sorcerer vs Spirit
But Hiromi Higuruma is just a girl.
She’s small and thin, with sharp eyes and a mouth that looks like it’s always on the verge of saying something rude.
Cursed Confrontation: Sorcerer vs Spirit
"Why are you doing this?"
she asks, her voice steady and calm.
The question seems to genuinely puzzle her, as if she can’t imagine why anyone would want to cause so much chaos and destruction.
"Because I like it," I say, my grin widening.
I like the way it feels to have so much power, to be able to make people scream and cry and beg for mercy.
I like watching them run in all directions, panic-stricken and desperate, not knowing where to turn or who to trust.
And most of all, I like knowing that I’m the one who’s causing it all.
But Hiromi Higuruma is just a girl.
She’s small and thin, with sharp eyes and a mouth that looks like it’s always on the verge of saying something rude.
Her hair is pulled back into two short pigtails, and she’s wearing a plain school uniform that doesn’t look like it fits her quite right.
But Hiromi Higuruma is just a girl.
She’s small and thin, with sharp eyes and a mouth that looks like it’s always on the verge of saying something rude.
But if she wants to stop me, then she’ll have to kill me.
And I don’t think she has what it takes to do that.
There are very few people who do.
"I’m not sure you can be reasoned with," she says finally, her eyes narrowing slightly as she takes a step back.
"It seems we’ll have to do this the hard way."
A few moments later, I find myself staring down at the ground with my head spinning and my heart racing in my chest.
Hiromi has already released several powerful Jujutsu techniques in rapid succession, launching them at me one after another with pinpoint precision.
She’s manipulating her curse energy to create razor-sharp tendrils that slice through the air with blinding speed, each one more powerful than the last.
And she’s doing it all without even breaking a sweat.
I’m genuinely impressed by her skill and strategy, and I can’t help but wonder how many other people she’s defeated with her curse energy alone.
But if she wants to stop me, then she’ll have to kill me.
And I don’t think she has what it takes to do that.
I’m not going to be outdone by her, I realize, my eyes narrowing as I focus all of my attention on finding an opening in her defense.
I need to end this quickly and decisively, before she has a chance to launch another attack and take me by surprise.
And I know exactly how I’m going to do it.
I raise my hands and reach out toward her, my fingers curling into claws as I prepare to strike.
I’m going to go straight for her limbs, I decide, aiming for her arms and legs and trying to cut her off at the source.
But as soon as I take a step forward and launch my attack, she’s already moving out of the way, dodging my blow with lightning-fast reflexes and disappearing into thin air.