MidReal Story

Culinary Chaos: Maman Adjoa's Hilarious Kitchen Catastrophes


May 20
Scenario:Titre : Les Aventures Culinaires de Maman Adjoa Scène 1 : L'idée lumineuse Lieu : Cuisine de Maman Adjoa Personnages : Maman Adjoa, ses enfants Kofi et Ama Action : Maman Adjoa annonce triomphalement qu'elle va préparer une nouvelle recette qu'elle a vue sur un blog culinaire célèbre. Dialogue : Maman Adjoa : "Aujourd'hui, nous allons essayer quelque chose de spécial, une recette que j'ai trouvée en ligne !" Kofi : "J'espère que ce n'est pas encore une de tes expériences, Maman..." Ama : "Laisse Maman essayer, ça pourrait être délicieux !" Scène 2 : La préparation Lieu : Toujours dans la cuisine Personnages : Maman Adjoa, Kofi, Ama Action : Maman Adjoa commence à préparer les ingrédients, mais se rend compte qu'elle a mal lu les quantités. Dialogue : Maman Adjoa : "Hmm, est-ce que c'était une cuillère à soupe de piment ou une cuillère à café ?" Ama : "Maman, c'est sûrement pas une cuillère à soupe... c'est beaucoup trop !" Kofi : "Trop tard !" (riant alors que Maman Adjoa ajoute déjà le piment) Scène 3 : Catastrophe en cuisine Lieu : Cuisine Personnages : Maman Adjoa, Kofi, Ama Action : En ajoutant trop d'eau, Maman Adjoa transforme considérablement son plat en une sorte de soupe épaisse. Dialogue : Maman Adjoa : "Oh là là, ça devient de la bouillie !" Ama : "On dirait plus une potion magique qu'un repas." Kofi : "Peut-être que ça va disparaître si on ferme les yeux !" Scène 4 : L'heure de vérité Lieu : Salle à manger Personnages : Maman Adjoa, Kofi, Ama Action : Ils s'assoient pour goûter le plat. Dialogue : Maman Adjoa : "Allez, goûtons. Ça ne peut pas être si mauvais." Kofi (après une bouchée, suggère de garder son sérieux) : "C'est... intéressant." Ama (essayant de ne pas rire) : "C'est unique, Maman !" Scène 5 : Le sauvetage Lieu : Cuisine Personnages : Maman Adjoa, Kofi, Ama Action : Ils décident finalement de commander une pizza. Dialogue : Maman Adjoa (en composant le numéro de la pizzeria) : "Bon, on peut toujours dire qu'on a essayé. Qui veut de la pizza ?" Kofi et Ama : "Ouiiii !" Scène 6 : Conclusion heureuse Lieu : Salle à manger Personnages : Maman Adjoa, Kofi, Ama Action : La famille mange joyeusement la pizza ensemble. Dialogue : Maman Adjoa : "La prochaine fois, je vous laisse choisir la recette !" Kofi : "Peut-être qu'on devrait juste rester avec la pizza ?" Ama : "Ou Maman pourrait prendre des cours de cuisine en ligne !" Sortie Narration pour la fin sur YouTube/TikTok : "Rejoignez-nous la prochaine fois pour voir si Maman Adjoa a amélioré ses talents culinaires ou si la famille continue avec les commandes de pizza ! Abonnez-vous pour plus d'aventures hilarantes de Maman Adjoa et sa famille!"
Create my version of this story
Titre : Les Aventures Culinaires de Maman Adjoa Scène 1 : L'idée lumineuse Lieu : Cuisine de Maman Adjoa Personnages : Maman Adjoa, ses enfants Kofi et Ama Action : Maman Adjoa annonce triomphalement qu'elle va préparer une nouvelle recette qu'elle a vue sur un blog culinaire célèbre. Dialogue : Maman Adjoa : "Aujourd'hui, nous allons essayer quelque chose de spécial, une recette que j'ai trouvée en ligne !" Kofi : "J'espère que ce n'est pas encore une de tes expériences, Maman..." Ama : "Laisse Maman essayer, ça pourrait être délicieux !" Scène 2 : La préparation Lieu : Toujours dans la cuisine Personnages : Maman Adjoa, Kofi, Ama Action : Maman Adjoa commence à préparer les ingrédients, mais se rend compte qu'elle a mal lu les quantités. Dialogue : Maman Adjoa : "Hmm, est-ce que c'était une cuillère à soupe de piment ou une cuillère à café ?" Ama : "Maman, c'est sûrement pas une cuillère à soupe... c'est beaucoup trop !" Kofi : "Trop tard !" (riant alors que Maman Adjoa ajoute déjà le piment) Scène 3 : Catastrophe en cuisine Lieu : Cuisine Personnages : Maman Adjoa, Kofi, Ama Action : En ajoutant trop d'eau, Maman Adjoa transforme considérablement son plat en une sorte de soupe épaisse. Dialogue : Maman Adjoa : "Oh là là, ça devient de la bouillie !" Ama : "On dirait plus une potion magique qu'un repas." Kofi : "Peut-être que ça va disparaître si on ferme les yeux !" Scène 4 : L'heure de vérité Lieu : Salle à manger Personnages : Maman Adjoa, Kofi, Ama Action : Ils s'assoient pour goûter le plat. Dialogue : Maman Adjoa : "Allez, goûtons. Ça ne peut pas être si mauvais." Kofi (après une bouchée, suggère de garder son sérieux) : "C'est... intéressant." Ama (essayant de ne pas rire) : "C'est unique, Maman !" Scène 5 : Le sauvetage Lieu : Cuisine Personnages : Maman Adjoa, Kofi, Ama Action : Ils décident finalement de commander une pizza. Dialogue : Maman Adjoa (en composant le numéro de la pizzeria) : "Bon, on peut toujours dire qu'on a essayé. Qui veut de la pizza ?" Kofi et Ama : "Ouiiii !" Scène 6 : Conclusion heureuse Lieu : Salle à manger Personnages : Maman Adjoa, Kofi, Ama Action : La famille mange joyeusement la pizza ensemble. Dialogue : Maman Adjoa : "La prochaine fois, je vous laisse choisir la recette !" Kofi : "Peut-être qu'on devrait juste rester avec la pizza ?" Ama : "Ou Maman pourrait prendre des cours de cuisine en ligne !" Sortie Narration pour la fin sur YouTube/TikTok : "Rejoignez-nous la prochaine fois pour voir si Maman Adjoa a amélioré ses talents culinaires ou si la famille continue avec les commandes de pizza ! Abonnez-vous pour plus d'aventures hilarantes de Maman Adjoa et sa famille!"
“Kofi, Ama, come and see what I found on the internet,” Maman Adjoa called out to her children.
The two of them walked into the living room where she was seated with her phone in her hand.
“What is it this time, Maman?”
Kofi asked as he sat down on the couch.
“Is it another video of a cat playing the piano?”
Ama asked as she sat down next to her brother.
“No, no,” Maman Adjoa said as she shook her head.
“I found a recipe for a new dish I want to try out.”
Kofi and Ama exchanged glances.
Their mother loved to cook but more often than not, her dishes were either too salty or too spicy or too bland.
They didn’t have the heart to tell her that so they always ate whatever she cooked with a smile on their faces.
“What’s the dish?”
Kofi asked, already knowing that he would regret asking the question.
“It’s called ‘Spaghetti alla Carbonara’,” Maman Adjoa said with a smile on her face.
“It’s an Italian dish and it looks so delicious in the video I watched.”
“Yay!” Ama exclaimed excitedly.
“We’re going to eat Italian food!”
“Don’t get your hopes up,” Kofi said as he turned to look at his sister.
“Remember the time she tried to make Chinese food and it tasted like a mix of Chinese and Ghanaian food?”
Ama chuckled as she remembered the disgusting taste of the dish.
“Maman, please don’t add any extra ingredients to the dish this time,” Kofi said as he turned to look at his mother.
“I won’t, I won’t,” Maman Adjoa said with a chuckle.
She knew her son was just looking out for her so that she wouldn’t make another disaster in the kitchen.
“You guys should have a backup plan, just in case this doesn’t work out,” Ama said with a chuckle.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make it work,” Maman Adjoa said as she got up from her seat and headed towards the kitchen.
“Come on, Ama, let’s get cooking.”
“I’ll help you out, Maman,” Ama said as she got up from the couch.
Kofi followed the two of them to the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen counter.
He watched as his mother and sister started to prepare the ingredients for the dish.
As he watched his mother cook, Kofi turned to look at his sister who was humming to herself as she cooked.
“I hope you’re not getting your hopes up about this dish,” he said with a chuckle.
“Maman’s dishes are never like they’re supposed to be.”
“I know but it smells good so far,” Ama said with a smile on her face.
“She’s not adding any extra ingredients so I think this one might actually turn out well.”
Kofi chuckled as he shook his head.
Ama was always so positive about everything and he loved that about her.
The two of them continued to watch their mother and sister cook in silence until they were done.
When Maman Adjoa called them to come and eat, they quickly set the table and got ready for dinner.
“Guys, just in case dinner doesn’t turn out well, should we order some pizza?”
Ama asked as they sat down at the table.
Kofi chuckled as he shook his head at his sister’s lack of faith in their mother’s cooking skills.
“It’ll be fine, Ama,” he said with a chuckle.
“She’s not adding any extra ingredients so I’m sure it’ll taste good.”
Ama nodded at her brother’s words and got ready to eat dinner.
The three of them started to eat but after a few bites, Ama put down her fork and shook her head.
“Actually, I think we should order some pizza,” she said with a chuckle.
“Yeah, this is not it,” Kofi said as he made a face at the dish in front of him.
“It tastes like it’s missing something.”
“I followed the recipe perfectly so I don’t know what could have gone wrong,” Maman Adjoa said with a frown on her face.
“It’s okay, Maman,” Ama said as she patted her mother’s hand.
“We can order some pizza instead.”
Maman Adjoa nodded at her daughter’s words and got up from her seat and headed towards the living room.
She picked up her phone and dialed the number for their favorite pizza place and made an order.
As she waited for the pizza to arrive, she heard Ama and Kofi talking in the kitchen.
Culinary Chaos: Maman Adjoa's Hilarious Kitchen Catastrophes
“Maman, I can help you,” Ama said softly.
“No, no,” Maman Adjoa said as she shook her head.
“I want to try it out myself.”
“But I can help you read the recipe,” Ama said as she tried to convince her mother.
“The recipe is so simple that I don’t need your help,” Maman Adjoa said with a smile on her face.
She didn’t want her daughter to worry about her so she was trying her best to make sure that she could cook the dish all by herself.
“But,” Ama said but Maman Adjoa cut her off.
“No buts,” she said with a smile on her face.
She knew that if she let her daughter help her, she would end up adding a bunch of other ingredients that were not part of the recipe.
She didn’t want to take that risk so she decided that she would do it herself.
Maman Adjoa turned off the stove and headed out of the kitchen.
She didn’t want her children to worry about her so she was going to order some pizza instead of trying to make another dish that would turn out badly.
Maman Adjoa switched off the data on her phone and put it away.
She was going to order some pizza for dinner and that was it.
There was no need for her children to worry about her if she wasn’t going to be able to make another dish without messing it up.
As she waited for the pizza to arrive, she couldn’t stop thinking about the Spaghetti alla Carbonara recipe she found online.
It was such a simple recipe that it seemed too good to be true.
When she made other dishes, they always required a bunch of ingredients but this one only needed a few basic ingredients.
It was weird but she wanted to try it out anyway.
She wanted to make something special for her children so they could have a nice dinner together as a family.
“Kofi, Ama come and see what I found,” Maman Adjoa called out loudly as she made her way back into the kitchen.
Kofi walked into the kitchen first with a skeptical look on his face.
“What is it now?”
he asked as he sat down at the kitchen counter.
“I found a new recipe that I want to try out,” Maman Adjoa said with a smile on her face.
“It’s an Italian dish so I’m sure you’ll love it.”
Ama walked into the kitchen next with a bright smile on her face.
“What’s the dish called?”
she asked as she walked over to where Maman Adjoa was standing.
“It’s called ‘Spaghetti alla Carbonara’,” Maman Adjoa said with a smile on her face.
“Is that Italian or Spanish?”
Kofi asked as he looked at his mother with a frown on his face.
“I have no idea but it sounds good so we’re going to try it out,” Maman Adjoa said with a smile on her face.
“Now let’s get cooking.”
“Do you want me to help you?”
Ama asked with a smile on her face.
Kofi rolled his eyes so hard that they almost got stuck at the back of his head.
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Maman,” he said with a chuckle.
Culinary Chaos: Maman Adjoa's Hilarious Kitchen Catastrophes
Maman Adjoa shot Kofi an angry look that immediately wiped the smile off his face before turning back to Ama with a smile on her face again.
“Of course I want you to help me.”
Ama jumped up and down excitedly before running over to the kitchen cupboard where all the pots were kept in order to get started.
She was always ready and eager when it came to helping her mother in the kitchen which was very different from Kofi who always tried his best to avoid doing anything related to cooking like the plague.
Maman Adjoa reached for her phone again just before she started getting everything she needed out of the fridge and the pantry.
Once she had everything she needed on the kitchen counter, she switched on the data on her phone again so she could read the recipe before she started cooking.
The first thing she needed to do was prepare the sauce for the spaghetti.
She needed two large egg yolks for this step of the recipe but since she was only cooking one serving of spaghetti, she decided that one egg would be more than enough for what she needed.
She picked up an egg and cracked it on the side of the saucepan she had on the kitchen counter for this purpose before dropping the whole egg into it and letting the egg whites slip through her fingers so that she was left with only the yolk in the saucepan.
The yolk broke when she dropped it in so she wondered why she would need two when they were just going to break anyway?
“Maman, that’s not how you separate egg yolks from egg whites,” Ama said with a frown on her face when she saw what Maman Adjoa was doing.
“You’re supposed to use two small bowls instead of using your hands so that you can separate them properly.”
Maman Adjoa looked at Ama with a frown on her face before getting another egg and cracking it over a small bowl so that the yolk was left behind after she poured the egg white into another small bowl just like Ama showed her.
Ama made it look so easy that Maman Adjoa felt like maybe she should have been the one making dinner all along.
Once she had all of the eggs separated properly, she mixed them together in a large bowl with some grated cheese and stirred until they formed a creamy mixture that looked very tasty.
Kofi walked back into the kitchen just then and leaned against one of the cupboards with his arms folded across his chest as he watched his mother and sister work together in silence.
Culinary Chaos: Maman Adjoa's Hilarious Kitchen Catastrophes