MidReal Story

Core of Destiny

Scenario:One day, it was discovered that in the inner core of the planet, there was another civilization.
Create my version of this story
One day, it was discovered that in the inner core of the planet, there was another civilization.
Emma Thompson is a geologist and leads an expedition to the inner core of the Earth.
She is joined by colleagues, Alex Johnson, an engineer, and Liam Parker, a physicist.
Together, they are conducting seismic data analysis in Antarctica when they notice anomalies in the data that suggest another civilization exists within the Earth's inner core.
Despite massive hurdles and opposition from governments wanting to exploit the discovery, Emma and her team press on with their research.
The seismic waves from a recent earthquake were strange… We’d seen nothing like it.
Alex and I had been studying seismic data for years in Antarctica, as part of a large-scale research project with Liam.
We wanted to better understand the Earth’s inner core, and we’d been analyzing seismic waves for patterns and anomalies to gain insights into its composition.
When an earthquake had hit near Japan last month, we’d eagerly gathered data from our stations in the region and analyzed it as usual.
But something was off.
The waves seemed muddled and chaotic, as if they had been tampered with—disrupted in strange ways we had never seen before.
Curious, we recalculated the source of the earthquake: its depth, magnitude, even its epicenter.
But everything checked out.
That’s when Liam noticed something strange about one of the waves.
He thought it looked like Morse code, but he couldn’t make out any letters.
I took a closer look at the data.
Sure enough, there was something unusual about it: there were no P-waves or S-waves.
The other waves were also different; they seemed to contain more information than usual, and there were even some new wave types that we hadn’t seen before.
We were puzzled.
What was going on?
We spent days looking through the data and analyzing it from different angles, but we couldn’t make sense of it.
We decided to go back to earlier data sets to see if there were any patterns or anomalies that we had missed before.
That’s when Alex made an exciting discovery: there were more anomalies!
In fact, they had been there all along, hidden in plain sight: every few months, there was a pattern of abnormal seismic waves.
At first, we thought it was just noise in the data, but when we looked closer, we realized there was an underlying structure to it: all these waves looked like Morse code!
Alex started decoding these messages, and he noticed that there were hundreds of them hidden in the data, going back many years.
Some of them were simple messages, like “Hello,” or “Are you there?”
Others were more complex, containing what appeared to be coordinates and instructions on how to read the information.
After decoding them, we realized that they formed a sort of map: they described two parallel worlds within the Earth’s inner core, each with its own distinct geological structures and features.
Core of Destiny
That’s when things got really interesting.
According to the data, there was a whole network of tunnels and caverns crisscrossing through the inner core, connecting various regions together.
There were also vast cities and energy sources that seemed to defy earthly understanding.
Some of these structures appeared to be made of materials unknown to us; they were incredibly strong and heat-resistant, capable of withstanding even the most extreme conditions inside the planet.
We couldn’t say for sure what these materials were made of, but they must have been quite different from anything on Earth!
As we analyzed more data, we started to get a better picture of what this other world might look like… And it was unlike anything I’d ever seen before!
It was beautiful, too: there were sparkling crystals everywhere, covering the walls and ceilings of these underground structures… And there was so much light!
This light came from a central core that emitted a pulsating glow.
We weren’t sure what it was exactly… Some kind of power source or communication device?
But before we could investigate further, we were interrupted by a knock on the door.
It was Liam, looking very excited.
“Guys, you’ve got to see this!”
he said, motioning for us to follow him back to the lab.
We quickly gathered around the computer screen, where Liam had pulled up the latest data.
He pointed to a new wave type that had just appeared on the seismograms: it was unlike anything we’d ever seen before!
It looked like some kind of message—maybe a distress signal?
We didn’t know… But there was one thing we were sure of: we had to decode it!
So we got to work…
After a few hours, we finally figured it out: it was a map, showing the location of a new region in the inner core, one that we hadn’t seen before.
We were thrilled: this was a major breakthrough!
We quickly put together a report and presented our findings to an international panel of scientists.
They were amazed by what we had discovered—and eager to learn more.
Our report had sparked a scientific frenzy, with researchers from around the world rushing to analyze the seismic data and decode the hidden messages.
Some of them wanted to send drones to establish contact with the inner core beings, while others proposed drilling tunnels for direct communication, bypassing the need for decoding the messages… But that was a risky idea: the inner core was an incredibly harsh environment, with extremely high temperatures and pressures that could crush any human-made object in seconds!
So instead, we decided to focus on developing a communication plan that would both respect the potential intelligence of the inner core beings and ensure the security of our planet.
It was a delicate balance, but one that we were determined to strike…
The next few weeks were a blur of activity as we worked around the clock on this project.
We were excited, yet anxious: this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we didn’t want to mess it up!
Thankfully, everything went smoothly, and within weeks we had established contact with the inner core civilization.
Core of Destiny
But as we prepared to send our first message, we realized that our work was just beginning…
“Guys, we need to talk,” Alex said, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had fallen over the room.
We’d been sitting there for what felt like hours, staring at the computer screen and going over the same data again and again, without making any progress.
“Things are getting out of hand,” he continued, his voice grave.
“There’s too much noise on the line, and we can’t make any sense of it.”
We all knew he was right.
Ever since we’d started sending messages to the inner core beings, things had spiraled out of control.
At first, everyone had been excited about this discovery and eager to help us crack the code… But as the weeks had turned into months, and no one had managed to make any headway, tensions had started to rise.
Now, there were people in the scientific community who were questioning our data and even our methods…
“They say we’re just hearing what we want to hear, not what’s actually there,” I sighed, feeling frustrated.
“It’s not true!”
I protested, my eyes meeting Alex’s across the table.
We had spent years collecting this data: it wasn’t perfect, but it was the best we had.
And I was determined to make it work!
“Guys, I know you’re doing your best,” Alex said reassuringly.
“But we need to be realistic… This may be as far as we can go with the information we have.”
I nodded reluctantly.
We’d been putting so much pressure on ourselves to get this right that we hadn’t stopped to think about what would happen if we couldn’t…
But before we could discuss this further, we were interrupted by a knock on the door.
It was one of the government officials who had been overseeing our work; they wanted to know when we would be ready to send our next message.
“Soon,” Alex replied.
“We’re still analyzing the data and trying to make sense of it…”
The official’s eyes narrowed.
“I hope you’re not stalling,” he said.
“We need to move quickly if we’re going to establish contact with this civilization.”
He was right: time was of the essence!
And yet… I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of unease at the thought of rushing this project.
After all the work we’d put into it, I wanted to make sure that any communication attempts were conducted with proper scientific rigor.
But how could we do that when everything was shrouded in secrecy?
And what if the inner core beings weren’t as friendly as we hoped?
We still didn’t know anything about them—and that made me nervous!
As we prepared for our meeting with the government officials, I decided to go back and look at the data one more time.
I was desperate to find something—anything—that would help us break through this deadlock… And that’s when I saw it:
A series of seismic disturbances that seemed to be responses to our initial communication attempts.
Could it be that the inner core beings were trying to talk to us?
My heart raced with excitement: it was like something out of a science fiction movie!
But then I remembered the stakes—how much was riding on this—and my excitement gave way to dread.
What if we weren’t ready for this?
Core of Destiny
I took a deep breath and forced myself to focus: we had come this far, and there was no turning back now.
Diplomacy was never my strong suit.
I was more of a “send me in, coach” kind of girl.
But as I looked out at the sea of faces before me, I knew that this was a situation that called for something a little more… diplomatic.
Alex and Liam stood beside me, their eyes fixed on the computer screen as they prepared to present our findings to the United Nations’ scientific committee.
After months of analyzing the data we’d collected on the inner core beings, we were finally ready to share what we’d learned… And propose an expedition to make contact with this mysterious civilization.
I felt a surge of excitement at the thought of finally getting some answers; but there was also a small part of me that was terrified about what we might find.
Would they be as eager to communicate with us as we were with them?
Or would they see us as a threat to their way of life?
For all we knew, they could be planning an invasion even as we were sitting here talking about making contact.
The thought made me shiver… But then I remembered why we were here: because we had come too far to turn back now.
“We have come here today to present our findings on the inner core civilization,” I began, my voice trembling with emotion.
“It is our belief that this civilization is not only real, but that it is a society that is thriving beneath our very feet.”
There were murmurs of disbelief from the assembled delegates, but I plowed on, determined to make them see what we saw:
That this was an opportunity for discovery, not something to be feared!
“After years of analyzing seismic data collected from around the world, we have been able to construct a detailed map of the inner core beings’ world,” I continued.
“We have also recorded multiple instances of seismic disturbances and light pulses that we believe may be responses to our initial communication attempts.”
Alex clicked a button on the computer, and a video of the pulsing lights appeared on the screen beside me.
“This video was taken by one of our remote monitoring stations near the Mariana Trench last month,” he explained.
“As you can see, the lights are moving in a pattern that is consistent with previous observations.”
I turned back to face the room, my heart pounding with excitement.
It was time to make our pitch—our case for why we needed to send an expedition to the inner core.
“We propose that we send a team of scientists to the inner core to establish contact with this civilization,” I said.
“Our mission will be one of peaceful exploration and communication; we will not disturb the inner core beings in any way.”
“We believe that the inner core beings are intelligent life forms that are capable of communication and cooperation with us,” Liam added.
“By making contact with them, we hope to gain a better understanding of their world and possibly even form a partnership with them for mutual benefit.”
There was a moment of silence as the room digested what we had just told them… And then the questions began.
Some of the delegates were supportive of our proposal, while others were more skeptical.
But for the most part, everyone seemed excited about the prospect of finally making contact with this mysterious society.
I watched in awe as Alex and Liam fielded questions from every corner of the room, their faces alight with excitement.
It was hard to believe that we had made it here—to the brink of a new frontier…
Core of Destiny