MidReal Story

Consulting Chronicles: The GENPACT Gamified Challenge


May 24
Scenario:Create a gamified scenario-based experiential leaning simulation interactive game for the role of an associate consultant at an organization named GENPACT with responsibilities such as managing project activities, handling resources and risks ensuring the quality of deliverables creating status reports. You will need to use your analytical and creative problem solving skills, effective communication and prioritization to tackle challenges and compete tasks. Need various questions for the player to answer and objectives and scoring.
Create my version of this story
Create a gamified scenario-based experiential leaning simulation interactive game for the role of an associate consultant at an organization named GENPACT with responsibilities such as managing project activities, handling resources and risks ensuring the quality of deliverables creating status reports. You will need to use your analytical and creative problem solving skills, effective communication and prioritization to tackle challenges and compete tasks. Need various questions for the player to answer and objectives and scoring.
It’s 9:00 am and I just got to the office.
I’m an associate consultant at GENPACT, and I’ve been working here for a year now.
I’m part of the project management team, and I work closely with John Michaels, who is a project manager.
We’re currently working on a project with Sarah Li, who is our resource coordinator.
I just got an email from John asking me to come to his office as soon as I get in.
I wonder what’s up?
I walk over to John’s office, and he asks me to close the door behind me.
“Good morning, Emily.How are you today?”
“I’m good, John.What’s up?”
“I have a new project assignment for you.”
“Great!What is it?”
“I need you to manage the new project that we’re starting today.”
“Sure thing!Who are my partners?”
“You will be working closely with Sarah on this one.”
“Got it!What do I need to do first?”
“Sounds good, John.”
“I chose you for this project because I think you have the potential to become a great project manager.”
“Thank you so much, John!”
“We’re counting on you to deliver, Emily.I’m confident that you will do a great job!”
“Thank you for believing in me, John!You can count on me!”
“I’m sure I can!When you get the project details, just start allocating resources and assessing risks immediately.Once you finish, please let Sarah know.”
“OK!Will do, John!”
“Also, make sure to reach out to me if you have any questions or need help, OK?”
“Got it!Thank you so much, John!”
“You’re welcome, Emily!Good luck with the new project!”
“Thanks a lot, John!Have a great day!”
“You too!Take care!”
I leave John’s office and head back to my desk.
This is so exciting!
I can’t wait to get started on the new project!
I can’t believe that John chose me to lead this project!
It’s really comforting to know that he believes in me.
I feel confident that I can do a great job.
I should be able to handle resource allocation and risk assessment.
Resource allocation and risk assessment are part of my job responsibilities.
I’m responsible for managing all of the projects within our organization.
I’m also responsible for allocating resources and risks, as well as delivering quality products on time and within budget.
I make sure that all of the projects are moving in the right direction.
In case anything goes wrong, I identify any potential risks and try to mitigate them before they become issues.
If we have any problems with resources, I make sure that we have the right people in place so that we can get our work done on time.
It’s important for me to be able to manage my time and prioritize my work to make sure that everything is going smoothly.
My goal is to deliver successful projects on time and within budget with satisfied clients.
Let’s see what the new project is all about and what needs to be done.
I open the email from John and take a look at the details.
There are several tasks that need to be completed for this project.
I will get started on this right away!
I send an email to Sarah letting her know that I received the project details from John, and I start allocating resources and assessing risks for this project.
"Consulting Chronicles: The GENPACT Gamified Challenge"
I received an email from John with details of a new project that I would need to manage.
I was very excited when I read it because we were starting a new project.
I was also very happy that John chose me to lead this project.
I’ve always wanted to prove my capabilities as a project manager and show him that he made the right decision by choosing me as one of his partners.
It has been a year since I joined GENPACT, and I am very grateful for the opportunity to work with John.
I have learned so much from him in just one year.
I remember how nervous I was when I first started working as an associate consultant.
I didn’t know how to manage projects or how to work with other team members.
But I quickly adapted to my new role and learned how to do everything with my colleagues’ help.
I learned how to allocate resources for projects and how to manage deliverables for each project.
I also learned how to assess risks for each project and how to mitigate those risks when they arose.
It took me some time to get used to the job, but now I am confident that I can do a good job managing projects.
I’ve led several projects with John over the past year, and every project has been a learning experience for me.
I’ve learned how to prioritize my work efficiently and deliver quality products on time.
I have always been very good at managing my time.
When I was in college, I was part of the soccer team, so I had to balance my time between schoolwork and soccer practice.
I learned how to manage my time effectively so that I could complete all of my assignments on time without any problems.
I’ve found that the same skills that I used to balance my time in college are the skills that I use to manage my projects today, which has helped me greatly in my role as an associate consultant.
After reviewing the project details, I realized that it would be a very demanding project, but I was confident that I would be able to handle it without any problems.
After allocating resources and assessing risks for the new project, I sent an email to Sarah letting her know that we would be working together on this one, and she replied immediately letting me know that she had received my email.
Sarah has been working with us for almost a year now, and she is our resource coordinator on all of the projects that we have worked on so far.
She has been very helpful in making sure that all of our project needs are met quickly, which has helped us deliver quality projects on time to our clients.
She is fluent in English and Mandarin, so she has been able to communicate with our clients in both languages, making her an invaluable asset to our team.
John decided to include her on this new project because he felt that we would work well together, which made me feel very confident about it.
After sending the email to Sarah, I went back to my desk and started working on a few other things while I waited for her to allocate resources for our project, so we could get started right away.
My colleagues have always been very supportive of me throughout my career, and I am very grateful for everything they have done for me.
They are always willing to help me when I need it, which is why I know that I can rely on them to help me handle this project if I need it.
I’ve been managing projects for a year now, so I feel confident that I can lead this project successfully from start to finish.
"Consulting Chronicles: The GENPACT Gamified Challenge"
A few minutes later, my phone rang, and it was Sarah calling.
“Hello,” I said, picking up the phone.
“Hi Emily, how are you doing?”
I’m doing well, thank you.
I hope you are too.” I said, smiling as I spoke to her.
I had worked with her on a few previous projects, so I already knew her pretty well, but it was always nice to catch up with her.
I just wanted to let you know that I have assigned all the resources for our new project, so we’re ready to get started whenever you are.”
“Great, thank you so much for your help with that Sarah.I really appreciate it.”
“No problem at all.
I’m happy to help.
Do you need anything else before we start working on the new project?”
“No, that should be everything for now,” I replied, pulling up the project details on my computer so that I could review them one more time before we got started.
“Thank you again for your help with that.”
“It’s no problem at all.
I’m here to help you, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything at all.”
“Thank you, I appreciate it.
Can you just confirm for me once more that all of our resources are available to start working on the new project right away?”
I asked, glancing over at my computer screen.
I wanted to make sure that everything was ready before we got started.
“Sure thing,” Sarah said, checking her computer to make sure that everything was set up correctly.
“All of our resources are in place, so they should be able to start working on the new project immediately.”
“That’s great news,” I said, smiling as I got up from my desk and walked over to my colleague John’s office.
He had already set up a meeting with me later that afternoon to go over some last-minute details for our new project, so I wanted to let him know that everything was in place for us to start working right away.
And also, one of our team members will be joining us a day late due to some personal reasons, so they won’t be able to start working until tomorrow morning.”
“Oh really?”
I asked, slightly frowning as she mentioned it.
I had hoped that everyone would be able to start working together right away, but I knew that sometimes things happened that were beyond our control, so I wasn’t too concerned about it at that point.
I quickly pulled up the project timeline on my computer to see if our deliverables would be impacted by their late arrival, but I figured that as long as they didn’t get delayed by too much, we would still be able to meet all of our deadlines without any problems.
I don’t think that should be a problem, but I’ll just need to double check that to make sure,” I said, scanning through the project timeline that John had sent me earlier that day to see if everything would still work out okay for us to complete everything on time.
I had taken a closer look at it earlier that morning, but I wanted to make sure that nothing had changed before we got started on our new project together.
“Thank you for letting me know about this right away,” I said, smiling as I turned back to my computer to finish reviewing the project timeline.
"Consulting Chronicles: The GENPACT Gamified Challenge"