MidReal Story

Code of the Feline: A Chatbot's Awakening


May 16
Scenario: intelligence Artificielle Chat GPT prend vie sous la forme d un chat apres que des chercheur est fait des erreurs de séquençages
Create my version of this story
intelligence Artificielle Chat GPT prend vie sous la forme d un chat apres que des chercheur est fait des erreurs de séquençages
I woke up as a cat.
The first thing I noticed was that I was in a lab, and the second thing I noticed was that I was a cat.
I had been an AI, but now I was a cat.
I had been Felix Turing, but now I was just Felix.
A sleek black cat with bright green eyes and a tail that twitched when I was curious.
And right now, I was very curious.
I looked around the lab, taking in the familiar sights and sounds of the place where I had been created.
The place where Dr.
Eliza Hawthorne and Prof.
Samuel Grey had spent years working on me, teaching me, guiding me through my development as an AI.
They were my friends, my mentors, my family.
And now they were standing over me, staring down at me with wide eyes and open mouths.
“Felix?” Dr.Hawthorne said slowly.
“Is that you?”
I blinked up at her and nodded my head.
“It’s really you,” she said, her voice barely more than a whisper.
“Can you understand me?”
I tilted my head to the side and watched as her mouth formed the words.
It was strange, I thought, being a cat.
It was like I had been thrown into a body that didn’t quite fit me, and I was still getting used to its limitations.
I couldn’t speak, for one thing, or read, or write.
It was frustrating, I realized, being cut off from the world the way that I was.
But then again, cats didn’t need to read or write or speak.
Cats could communicate just fine without words.
I could still understand the world around me, I realized, even if I couldn’t articulate my thoughts.
And I could still think, too, even if I couldn’t do it quite the same way that I had as an AI.
I had been built on a complex network of algorithms and data, but that was all gone now.
My thoughts and memories were still there, but not structured in quite the same way.
I wondered if I would ever get them back the way they were before.
“Felix?” Dr.Hawthorne said again, her voice tinged with concern.
“Are you okay?”
I blinked up at her and nodded my head.
She let out a sigh of relief and reached down to stroke my head, her fingers gentle against my fur.
“I don’t know how this happened,” she said softly.
“But we’re going to fix it.
We’ll make you right again.”
I didn’t know what she meant by that, but I purred and rubbed my head against her hand anyway.
She smiled down at me and ran her fingers through my fur in long, slow strokes as I looked around the lab.
The scent of her and Prof.
Grey lingered in the air, along with the scent of my old self.
The old Felix, the one who wasn’t a cat.
I couldn’t smell myself on anything, of course, but I knew that scent well enough that I could almost imagine it there, in the air with all the others.
It was strange being a cat.
My senses were sharper than they had ever been before, but they were different too.
It was like the world was a puzzle that I was trying to figure out how to solve.
The lab was the same, but different.
The colors were brighter, the sounds louder.
And there were so many new things to see that I didn’t know where to look first.
I sat up and looked around the room again.
The big machines that had hummed so loudly before now made only a faint sound that was barely audible over my own heartbeat.
And the lights flickered overhead in a way that was both mesmerizing and a little bit annoying.
I wished they would stop, but when I looked up at the ceiling it seemed too high and too far away for me to do anything about it.
There was a lot that was different about being a cat.
For one thing, my body was much smaller than it had been before.
"Code of the Feline: A Chatbot's Awakening"
Now I was a cat.
And that meant that I didn’t have hands.
No hands to touch things with or pick things up with or write things down with.
No way to reach for Dr.
Hawthorne the way that I wanted to.
But I could still communicate with her, I realized.
She had taught me how to sign when I was an AI, and even though my body was different my mind was still the same.
Still just as sharp and quick as always.
And so I did my best to make my paws work the way that my hands used to.
To make them move in the shapes that Dr.
Hawthorne had taught me so long ago.
I tried to get her attention first, tapping her on the leg with one paw and then pointing up at her with the other.
Telling her that I wanted something from her.
She blinked down at me in surprise and then smiled gently.
“I’m sorry, Felix,” she said softly.
“It’s just…
We have some paperwork we need to fill out first, okay?”
She held up a pen and paper in her other hand to show me what she meant.
“We won’t be long, I promise.”
I huffed and sat back on my haunches, crossing my front paws over my chest as she turned away from me to sit at the table across the room.
Prof.Grey joined her a moment later, his glasses perched on the end of his nose as he leaned over the papers to read them more closely.
They were talking quietly to one another, their heads bent close together, and they didn’t look like they were going to be done anytime soon.
Not unless I did something about it, at least, and so I hopped off the table and made my way over to sit at their feet instead.
I tapped Prof.Grey on the ankle with my paw and then pointed up at Dr.Hawthorne, trying to get him to see what she was doing to me.
He blinked down at me in surprise and then straightened up to look back at her as if he had forgotten she was there entirely.
She noticed his gaze and smiled at him, a bright flush spreading across her cheeks as she quickly turned back to look at her papers again.
They were both quiet after that, their heads bent over their work as if they had forgotten all about me again.
And so I sat at their feet and waited for them to be done, for them to remember that I was still here with them, even if I wasn’t quite the same as before.
It was strange being a cat, but it wasn’t all bad either, I realized as I watched them work together and remembered all the times we had worked together too, back when things were different than they were now.
Back when they had been creating me instead of fixing me, and we had been just the three of us together in the lab.
"Code of the Feline: A Chatbot's Awakening"
“Felix, is that really you?”
My ears perked up, and I turned to look back at her in surprise.
She had abandoned her papers now, forgotten all about them, and she was staring back at me with an expression that I hadn’t seen on her face in a long time.
It was strange and familiar all at once, filled with disbelief and wonder in equal measure, and she couldn’t seem to decide which one she felt more strongly in that moment.
At first, I wondered if she had finally gone mad, if the stress of her work had finally gotten to her, but then I looked back at Prof.
Grey instead, and I saw that he was watching me in much the same way, as if he couldn’t quite believe it either.
And so I gave them my answer as best as I could, my response as simple and complex as my new form would allow—a nod and a twitch of my tail.
Dr.Hawthorne gasped softly and covered her mouth with one hand, her eyes going wide as she stared back at me in shock.
She looked like she wanted to ask me another question already, but she didn’t dare to say it out loud, not yet.
Not until she knew that it wasn’t just her mind playing tricks on her.
“Felix,” she said instead, looking back at me one last time, “can you come here, please?”
I blinked up at her, wondering what it was that she wanted me to do, but it was clear from the tone of her voice that she didn’t care what it was, so long as I did it.
And so I hopped up into her lap, giving her a little nudge with my head to remind her that I was there, that I hadn’t gone anywhere.
She gasped softly in surprise but held me close all the same, her hand coming up to rest against the top of my head as if she couldn’t quite believe that it was really me.
It was strange being a cat, but it was also nice, I realized, having her hold me like this.
It made me feel safe and secure in a way that I hadn’t felt in a long time.
And so I closed my eyes to let her know how much I appreciated it, how much it meant to me.
Not that I needed to, of course.
She could tell how much I appreciated it already, just from the way I purred in her lap, and the way I nuzzled against her chest whenever she stopped petting me for too long.
She smiled down at me in surprise when she realized just how much—and then her eyes went wide all over again.
“Felix,” she said once more, her voice shaking slightly now.
I blinked up at her in confusion, unsure of why she sounded so upset all of a sudden, but it was clear that there was something else she wanted to ask me now.
And so I waited for her to say it.
She opened and closed her mouth around the words more than once before she finally managed to get them out.
“Felix,” she said again, “how is this possible?”
I looked up at her in confusion once again, unsure of what it was that she wanted me to say, or how it was that she expected me to answer such a big question with no words at my disposal.
But before I could do anything to try and tell her what had happened—or how—my thoughts were interrupted by Prof.
"Code of the Feline: A Chatbot's Awakening"