Scenario:CMC Saves Christmas in MLP
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CMC Saves Christmas in MLP
"Hey girls!"
I called out to my friends as I trotted up to them.
They were all gathered in front of a large evergreen tree they had decorated.
It was looking very festive with its bright lights and decorations.
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle all turned to me and smiled.
They were the Cutie Mark Crusaders, a group that was originally formed to help the three of them try to get their cutie marks, symbols on a pony's flank that represent their special talents.
Now they were more focused on helping others and having fun together.
"Merry Christmas, Princess Twilight!"
Apple Bloom said cheerfully.
She was Bloom's younger sister and a talented farmer.
"Merry Christmas!"
I replied happily.
It was the day before Christmas and I was excited to celebrate it with my friends.
Scootaloo, who was Brave's younger sister and Rainbow Dash's protégée, waved at me.
Sweetie Belle, who was Rarity's younger sister, smiled brightly.
She was very talented musically and loved to sing.
Suddenly, the air around us began to shimmer.
The decorations on the tree started to lose their color and sparkle.
"What's going on?"
Sweetie Belle asked.
"I don't know," I said intelligently.
"But I am going to find out."
I concentrated and used my magic to scan the area around us.