MidReal Story

Clash of Titans: Hulk vs Kung Fu Panda


May 9
Scenario:Hulk fighting the kung fu panda
Create my version of this story
Hulk fighting the kung fu panda
he stood there for a moment and looked around to see what else he could smash next.
Hulk was angry.
There wasn’t much left in the valley that he hadn’t already destroyed.
Most of the buildings had been reduced to piles of rubble, and most of the animals had been reduced to piles of blood and guts and bones and things he didn’t recognize.
He had been angry for a long time.
He had been angry for so long that he didn’t remember what it was like not to be angry.
The only things that were still standing were the tall mountains that surrounded the valley on all sides and the Jade Palace that sat at the center of it all.
He had been angry when he was a little boy, and he had been angry when he was a teenager, and he had been angry when he was a young man, and he had been angry when he was an adult, and now he was angry again.
But that was about to change too.
He didn’t know why he was so angry.
Hulk turned toward the palace and started walking toward it, his massive frame casting a long shadow over the landscape as he moved, his heavy footsteps causing the ground to shake with each and every step he took.
He just knew that he was.
The residents of the valley could feel the tremors from miles away and knew that something big and bad was coming their way.
And that it made him want to smash things.
They had faced many formidable foes over the years: bandits and thieves and warlords and demons and even other kung fu masters who had turned to the dark side.
But they had never faced anything quite like this before.
So that’s what he did.
He smashed things.
As Hulk got closer to the valley, Po Ping and the Furious Five sensed him coming and went outside to see what all the commotion was about.
He smashed buildings and cars and trees and rocks and anything else that got in his way.
Po Ping was a big fat panda with a round belly and a fluffy tail, but don’t let his looks fool you: he was also one of the deadliest warriors in all of China.
He was also one of the most optimistic warriors in all of China.
And then he went looking for more things to smash.
And that’s how he ended up in the Valley of Peace.
He believed that there was good in everyone and everything, no matter how dark or twisted they seemed to be on the outside.
The Valley of Peace was a beautiful place, with green fields and tall mountains and clear blue skies.
And he believed that love could conquer hate, light could conquer darkness, and good could conquer evil.
It was home to many different kinds of animals, who all lived together in harmony.
But right now he wasn’t so sure about any of that.
Po Ping was very strong and very brave, but he hadn’t always been that way.
In fact, he felt a surge of fear unlike anything he had felt in a long time when he saw what was headed their way.
He used to be very weak and very afraid, but he had learned to overcome his fears and become the hero he was meant to be.
At first he couldn’t make out what it was.
He had also been very angry, but he had learned to control his anger and use it for good, instead of letting it control him.
All he could see was a huge green blot on the horizon that seemed to be getting closer and closer by the second.
And then he realized what it was.
And now he was very happy, living in the Valley of Peace with his five best friends, who were all powerful warriors like him.
Together, they were known as the Furious Five, and they were the protectors of the valley, keeping it safe from all who would do it harm.
He gasped when he saw it and stepped back in shock.
“Who is that?”
The valley itself was a symbol of tranquility, with its lush greenery and flowing rivers and towering mountains.
It was as if the mountains were cradling the valley in their arms, protecting it from all of the bad things in the world.
Viper asked him.
But now, the thing that would do it harm was coming to the valley, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop him.
“I don’t know,” Po Ping said.
“But I don’t like the look of him one bit.”
Hulk saw the valley from miles away, and it made him even angrier than he already was.
“I think we should go out there and greet him before he does any more damage,” Tigress said.
How dare something so beautiful exist when he was so miserable?
“Good idea,” Po Ping said.
How dare these people be so happy when he was so sad?
How dare they live in peace while he was consumed by rage?
“Let’s go!”
They ran outside of the Jade Palace to meet him before he got there but they were too late because Hulk was already there when they got there and they found themselves face to face with a wall of green muscle that was so big they couldn’t see around it.
Who did they think they were?
As he got closer, he could see that they were animals, not people.
They looked up at him in awe and horror as he stood there looking down at them.
Clash of Titans: Hulk vs Kung Fu Panda
And not just any animals, but a bunch of cute little bunnies and pigs and ducks and other furry critters that made him want to vomit.
How could these things be so adorable?
It was disgusting!
The fist hit the palace so hard that it sent huge cracks zigzagging up and down its ancient walls like lightning streaking across a stormy sky.
He could feel the bile rising in his throat just from looking at them.
The noise was deafening.
Pieces of brick shattered and flew in all directions like shrapnel from an explosion.
And then he could feel something else as well: a burning sensation that started deep inside him and quickly spread throughout his entire body.
And a cloud of dust filled the air so thick that you could hardly see anything for a few seconds.
He knew what it was right away.
It was his anger.
A few seconds later it cleared away to reveal a huge green figure standing there with a look of rage on his face.
The warriors inside the palace all gasped in shock when they saw what was happening in front of them.
He was about to explode.
Tigress recovered first and ran out to confront Hulk.
Hulk roared with fury as he charged into the valley, smashing everything in his path: trees, boulders, buildings, animals.
She leaped into the air with her claws outstretched and came down on top of him, slashing at his chest with her razor sharp claws.
He didn’t care what he destroyed or who he hurt.
Hulk reached out with his huge green hand to grab her but she dodged out of his reach just in time.
All he wanted to do was make someone pay for what had been done to him, and this seemed like a good place to start.
He saw a group of animals running toward him, but he didn’t slow down.
She leaped into the air again and came back down on him with her claws outstretched but this time she didn’t go for his chest.
Instead, he ran faster and faster until he collided with them head-on, knocking them all down like bowling pins.
Instead she went for his face.
When they tried to get up, he punched them back down again.
Hulk tried to grab her again but she dodged out of his reach yet again.
Viper followed her in right behind her.
And again and again and again until they stopped getting up altogether.
And then he did the same thing to everyone else in the valley that had come out to see what all the commotion was about.
She twisted and turned with deadly precision, lashing out at Hulk with her venomous tail, hitting him with a flurry of rapid-fire strikes that left him reeling.
Hulk tried to grab her but he couldn’t get his hands on her.
Hulk roared with satisfaction as he looked at all of the destruction he had caused.
She was too fast for him.
It wasn’t enough to make him feel better, not by a long shot.
She twisted and turned with deadly grace, lashing out at him with her venomous tail, hitting him with a flurry of rapid-fire strikes that left him reeling.
But it was something, at least.
Clash of Titans: Hulk vs Kung Fu Panda
Mantis ran out to help them next.
He leaped into the air and came down on top of Hulk with his feet outstretched, kicking him right in the face.
Hulk roared in rage and tried to swat him away like a fly but Mantis was already gone by the time he got his hand up.
He leaped into the air and came down on top of him with his feet outstretched, kicking him right in the face.
Monkey ran out to help them next.
He flew in right behind Mantis and landed on Hulk’s back, pounding him with a barrage of punches that left him reeling.
Crane flew out next.
He swooped in from above and pecked at Hulk’s eyes with his sharp beak, hitting him with a flurry of lightning fast strikes that left him reeling.
Hulk roared in rage and tried to grab at him with his huge green hands but he was already gone before he could get his hands on him.
Tigress went in next.
She leaped into the air and came down on top of him, slashing at him with her razor sharp claws and biting him with her razor sharp fangs.
Hulk tried to grab her again but she dodged out of his reach like a phantom.
She leaped into the air again and came down on him with her claws outstretched and went for his eyes again this time.
But she didn’t make it this time because he finally got his hands on her.
He grabbed her by the tail just as she was coming down on top of him and flung her across the palace yard like a rag doll.
Clash of Titans: Hulk vs Kung Fu Panda
Hulk grabbed Crane with his other hand as he was coming in for another attack and flung him across the valley.
The other warriors all gasped in shock when they saw this.
Hulk turned his attention back to the palace and went charging straight at them, his massive feet pounding the ground like a drumbeat.
His presence loomed over them like an impending storm, his massive figure casting a shadow that stretched across the serene valley for miles.
And then he stopped.
He stopped right at the edge of the palace yard and looked down at them.
He looked down at the warriors of the Valley of Peace with a look of pure fury on his face.
And then he started growing.
He grew bigger and bigger, taller and taller, wider and wider, until he was more than five times the size of the palace itself.
Po Ping stood with Tigress on top of a nearby hill, staring up at the massive green figure that had just risen up in front of them.
The sun was shining bright in the sky overhead.
The sky was a clear bright blue.
There wasn’t a cloud in sight for miles in any direction.
It was a beautiful day.
Po Ping stood with his fists on his hips, his round belly sticking out like a giant beach ball.
He looked up at Hulk, squinted his eyes, and said, “Wow, he’s really big, isn’t he?”
“Yes, he is,” Tigress said.
She stood next to him with her claws on her hips, her sleek body poised and ready for action.
“He sure is big.”
Po stuck out his chest and said, “Don’t worry about it, though.I’ve been training for this my whole life.
I’m ready for anything.
I’ll take him on and make sure he doesn’t get through us.
That sounds like a plan, right?”
“Not really,” Tigress said.
She put her paw over her eyes and looked up at Hulk.
She could just barely make out the outline of his face up there in the sky looking down at them with a look of pure fury on his face.
“I think you might be underestimating him a little bit.”
“Hey, I’m not underestimating anybody,” Po said.
“I’m the Dragon Warrior.
I’ve defeated all kinds of powerful enemies before.
I can handle anything that gets thrown at me.
The power of kung fu is unstoppable.
It can overcome anything.
Don’t you know that?”
“Yes, the power of kung fu is unstoppable,” Tigress said.
She thought about this for a second and then asked, “But what if he doesn’t know that?”
Po looked at her and said, “Well, then we’ll just have to show him.”
Tigress hesitated for a second and then said, “I’m not so sure about that, Po.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Po said.
He doubled up his fists and said, “I’m going to take him on whether he knows it or not.
The power of kung fu is unstoppable, and I’m the Dragon Warrior.”
Tigress looked at him for a second and then said, “I hope you’re right about this.”
“I am right,” Po said.
“And you know I am.”
Tigress hesitated for a second and then said, “I hope you are.”
Clash of Titans: Hulk vs Kung Fu Panda
Then without even thinking about it or considering the consequences, he looked down at the beings in front of him that he was about to destroy and said, “Hulk smash.”
As he said the words, Hulk felt an overwhelming desire to go out and confront the beings in front of him, to use his massive strength and power to smash and destroy everything in his path until there was nothing left that could challenge him or stand in his way.
That was his purpose in life, the one thing that he was born to do, and the thing that he was best at in the entire world.
As he looked down at the valley in front of him with its tall mountains and deep green forests, his eyes started to glow with an eerie green light that seemed to shine out from deep within his massive green face.
He looked down at the beings in front of him with their small round bodies and beady little eyes, and he felt an overwhelming urge to jump down off the mountain top and go out there and confront them.
He felt an overwhelming urge to go out and take care of things once and for all, to go out and smash everything in sight until there was nothing left but shattered ruins and broken bodies that lay curled up in agony on the ground.
He felt an overwhelming urge to go out and kill everything in sight and make sure that it never came back again.
He felt an overwhelming urge to go out and take care of business and finish what he had come here to do.
And as he felt all of these things and let them take over his brain and fill him with their power, he didn’t stop to wonder what had caused him to feel this way or why he suddenly felt such an overwhelming urge to do something about it.
He didn’t stop to think about how he should handle it or what he should do or what would be the best way to do it.
He didn’t stop to think about any of these things.
Po looked at Hulk and saw the green light shining in his face and said, “Uh-oh.”
“What is it?”
Tigress asked him.
She looked down at him with a worried expression on her face and said, “What’s wrong?”
“He’s going to turn into a monster,” Po said.
“He’s going to turn into a big green monster that’s going to smash everything in sight and make sure that it never comes back again.”
“What should we do?”
Tigress asked him.
She looked up at Hulk with her sharp eyes and saw him looking down at them with a look of pure fury on his face.
She could see the green light shining in his eyes and feel the immense power that was contained within his massive body.
She knew that they had never faced anything like this before and that they were not prepared for what was about to happen.
She knew that they were going to have a problem on their hands that they were not ready for.
She knew that they were going to have a fight on their hands that they were not ready for.
Clash of Titans: Hulk vs Kung Fu Panda