MidReal Story

City of Whiskers: A Tale of Friendship

Scenario:Ada sebuah kucing putih mengejar tikus
Create my version of this story
Ada sebuah kucing putih mengejar tikus
Whiskers McFluffy was a curious cat.
He loved to explore and see new things, but he was also very brave.
He wasn’t afraid of anything, not even the big dog that lived down the street.
One day, as he was walking through the city, he saw something move in an alley.
He stopped and looked around, but he didn’t see anything.
Then he heard a tiny squeak.
It was coming from inside the alley!
Whiskers ran over to the alley and looked inside.
There, sitting on a pile of garbage, was a little gray mouse with big black eyes and a long tail.
Whiskers thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen!
The mouse saw Whiskers and squeaked in terror before running away as fast as she could go.
Whiskers didn’t know what had just happened, but he knew that he wanted to find out more about this little mouse.
So he ran after her!
He ran as fast as he could, trying to catch up with her, but the mouse was very small and very fast.
She ran around a corner and into another alley, so Whiskers followed her.
He ran and ran, but the mouse was always just out of reach.
He could smell her, though, and he knew she was close.
So he kept running, determined to catch her and find out what she was all about.
The mouse had been startled when she saw Whiskers, but she quickly realized that he wasn’t trying to hurt her.
Maybe he just wanted to play?
She liked to play!
She ran around a corner and hid in a pile of old newspapers, waiting to see what Whiskers would do.
Whiskers looked around the alley, trying to figure out where the mouse had gone.
He could still smell her, but he didn’t see her anywhere.
He was about to give up and go home when he heard a tiny squeak.
It was coming from the newspapers!
Whiskers pounced on the pile of newspapers, scattering them everywhere, but the mouse wasn’t there anymore.
She had run away again!
Whiskers ran after her, following her scent through the alley.
She was fast, but Whiskers was faster.
He sprinted down the narrow alley, his fluffy white fur flying in the wind, his bright green eyes fixed on the little gray mouse just ahead of him.
The mouse ran as fast as she could go, darting in and out of piles of trash and stacks of boxes, looking for a place to hide.
But Whiskers was right behind her, and he didn’t look like he was going to stop any time soon!
So she decided to do what she did best: run!
She raced down the alley, running as fast as she could go, with Whiskers hot on her tail.
The alley twisted and turned, but Mousy knew exactly where she was going.
She ran up a stack of boxes at the end of the alley and jumped across to a fire escape.
Then she ran up a drainpipe and onto the roof of a building next door.
And Whiskers followed her every step of the way!
Whiskers climbed up the boxes and jumped across to the fire escape.
He scrambled up the drainpipe after her and ran onto the roof.
City of Whiskers: A Tale of Friendship
She squeaked in surprise and then turned around and ran away again!
Whiskers let out a happy yowl and chased after her.
He raced across the roof, his long fluffy tail streaming behind him like a banner in the wind.
Mousy saw him coming and redoubled her efforts.
She ran faster than ever before, racing across the roof and leaping over to the next building.
And Whiskers was right behind her!
Down through the city they raced, Whiskers chasing Mousy at every step of the way.
People stopped and stared as they went by, amazed at what they were seeing.
A cat chasing a mouse!
Shopkeepers opened their doors and came outside to watch as they went by.
Even a dog barking at them from behind a fence stopped and cocked its head in confusion!
Mousy raced through the city, her little feet pattering against the ground as she went.
She ran along rooftops and through narrow alleys, with Whiskers right behind her all the way.
It was fun, being chased by Whiskers like this.
She had played games like this with her mouse friends before, but never with a cat.
She knew that Whiskers wouldn’t hurt her, not really.
He was too nice for that.
He just wanted to play, like she did.
So she ran on, keeping just ahead of him, her gray fur blending in with the city around her.
Just then, Mousy heard something behind her.
It sounded like hooves on cobblestones, getting closer.
She looked back over her shoulder, and her eyes went wide in shock.
She saw a big horse pulling a carriage, racing down the street right towards her!
Mousy squeaked in terror and ran even faster, her little legs pumping as hard as they could go.
She saw an alley up ahead that she could duck into, but she would have to get there before the horse reached her.
If she didn’t make it in time…
Mousy ran as fast as she could go, but she knew she wasn’t going to make it.
The horse was going too fast!
Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, she suddenly changed direction.
Instead of running straight ahead, she darted off to one side in a zig-zag pattern.
The horse reared up in fright, just missing her as it thundered past.
Mousy ran back into the street right behind it, her heart pounding in her little chest.
She made it!
Mousy Tailington had made it past the horse!
Whiskers saw what had happened behind him, but he didn’t stop running.
He kept chasing after Mousy, his eyes bright with excitement.
That was close!
he thought happily.
But I’m still going to catch you!
So he ran on after her, his long white fur flying out behind him as he went.
The chase led them both through narrow alleys filled with market stalls selling all manner of goods, from food to tools to clothing.
City of Whiskers: A Tale of Friendship
Every so often, Mousy would look behind her, just to make sure that Whiskers was still following.
And he was.
He was still there, chasing after her with all his might.
The mouse smiled and continued on her way, encouraged by the cat’s persistence.
But Whiskers wasn’t about to give up.
He was having way too much fun!
Besides, he wanted to see where Mousy was leading him.
So he ran on, his fluffy white tail held high in the air.
The chase took them both out of the alleys and into the crowded streets of the city, with Whiskers still hot on Mousy’s trail.
The mouse ran past people carrying baskets of food, and children playing, and even other cats that were stretched out on window sills, dozing in the sun.
They didn’t move to join the chase, but they did watch with interest as Whiskers ran by, his green eyes shining with excitement.
Mousy ran on, ignoring them all as she went.
She was having too much fun to stop, and she was so busy looking behind her that she didn’t see where she was going.
The mouse wasn’t watching where she was going, but Whiskers was.
He followed after Mousy, his green eyes fixed on the little gray blur just ahead of him.
He watched as Mousy darted this way and that, making sharp turns and running down alley ways.
And every time she changed direction, Whiskers changed direction too, following right after her.
He was getting better at this game.
He had always been good at running, but now he was getting better at chasing things.
And all the while, his fluffy white tail swished back and forth in the air behind him.
Mousy could see Whiskers just behind her, but she wasn’t worried.
She knew that he would never catch her.
Not unless she let him.
The mouse continued running through the streets of the city, looking for more places where she could trick him.
How about this way?
Mousy thought as she turned another corner and started down yet another street lined with houses on both sides.
That’s when she heard something else behind her.
It sounded like laughter, but not the musical sort that Sparrow had.
This laughter was deep and throaty, like it came from someone with a big mouth and sharp teeth.
Mousy looked back over her shoulder, and sure enough, there was Whiskers, running after her with his big white paws pounding on the ground.
He wasn’t laughing, but he seemed very happy to be playing this game with her.
And so was Mousy!
So she laughed too, a high-pitched little squeak that sounded like music to Whiskers’s ears.
He smiled when he heard it, his green eyes shining even brighter than before.
Then he ran even faster, eager to see where Mousy would lead him next!
The chase continued, with the two of them running side by side through the streets of the city, the mouse just ahead of the cat with his big white paws pounding on the ground every step of the way!
What will happen next?