MidReal Story

City of Mutations: Rapture's Power Struggle


May 23
Scenario:Create the full story of Bioshock as a netflix serie
Create my version of this story
Create the full story of Bioshock as a netflix serie
I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question.
Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?
'No,' says the man in Washington, 'it belongs to the poor.'
'No,' says the man in the Vatican, 'it belongs to God.'
'No,' says the man in Moscow, 'it belongs to everyone.'
I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different.
I chose the impossible.
I chose… Rapture.”
—Andrew Ryan, BioShock
The plane was going down.
Jack could feel it.
He could hear it in the way the engines sputtered and coughed as if they were choking on the clouds of black smoke that billowed from their mouths.
He could see it in the way the wings dipped and wobbled like a bird with a broken wing as they plummeted toward the ocean below.
He could smell it in the acrid stench of burning rubber and fuel that filled his nostrils and made his eyes water.
He could taste it on his tongue as he swallowed back bile and tried not to vomit as he clutched his stomach and prayed he wouldn’t die.
Not like this.
He tried to ignore the jostling and jolting and the sudden weightlessness that made his stomach lurch as the plane dropped.
But he couldn’t.
The ground came up faster than he’d anticipated, and though the pilot had managed to steer the aircraft away from the city, they were still going down in the icy waters of the North Atlantic.
Jack’s teeth rattled in his skull as the plane hit the water with a loud, resounding smack that sent shockwaves of cold through his body.
He gasped for air, but only got a mouthful of water that nearly choked him as he scrambled to unbuckle his seat belt and find a way out of the sinking plane.
All around him, people were screaming and crying for help.
The lights flickered and went out, plunging the cabin into darkness as cold water began to flood the aisles.
Jack felt a pair of strong hands grab him beneath the armpits and yank him out of his seat.
He managed to get a good gulp of air before he was dragged down into the abyss.
The water was so dark and murky he couldn’t see a thing as he kicked and thrashed and tried to keep the panic at bay.
But it was hard.
It was so hard.
He was terrified he’d never find his way back to the surface before it was too late.
Jack’s heart was pounding so hard it hurt when he finally broke free of the water’s icy grip and sucked in a lungful of frigid air as he gasped and sputtered and tried to see through eyes that stung with saltwater and tears.
The sky was dark and cloudy, with no moon or stars to guide him as he looked around for anything familiar, but there was nothing.
Just blackened bits of debris and luggage bobbing in the murky gray water like dying fish in an oil slick.
And bodies.
He could see bodies everywhere, some floating face down on the surface while others were sinking like anchors into the black abyss below.
His stomach lurched in disgust as he caught sight of a bloated, blue-skinned hand reaching out for help.
But there was nothing he could do for them.
They were already dead, and he knew there was a good chance he would be too if he didn’t get out of the water soon.
Jack swam toward what looked like the tail of the plane, but he didn’t get very far before he heard someone crying for help.
“Please,” she begged.
“Someone, please!Jack turned in the direction of her voice and saw a woman clinging to a piece of wreckage that was rapidly sinking beneath the waves.
He didn’t think twice about diving back under the water and swimming out to save her.
It didn’t matter that he had no idea who she was or why she needed his help.
All that mattered was that she was alive and she was scared and he could do something to help her.
The closer he got to her, the more he realized how beautiful she was.
She had long, flowing hair and big, bright eyes that seemed to glow in the dark.
And she had a voice that made his head spin and his heart race as she called out to him again.
City of Mutations: Rapture's Power Struggle
She smiled at me, but there was something about the way she did it that told me she was scared too.
“It’s okay,” I said, trying my best to smile back at her even though I was shaking so bad I could barely keep my teeth from chattering as I reached out to help her.
“I’ve got you.
You’re going to be okay.”
She took hold of my hand and squeezed it so tight there were little half-moon indents in my skin as I tried to pull her closer, but the piece of wreckage was too big and heavy for me to lift, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t seem to get her up out of the water.
“Please,” she begged, her voice shaking with fear as the water continued to rise.
“Don’t let me die here.”
I did my best to keep her calm as we waited for help to arrive, but it was hard.
I could see that she was starting to panic, and it was all I could do not to panic right along with her as I looked around for any sign of a boat or ship coming toward us.
But there was nothing, only the cold, dark ocean and the empty sky above us as we floated on the surface and prayed for someone to come and save us before it was too late.
The woman must have sensed my fear because she smiled at me and squeezed my hand again before she said, “Don’t worry.
I fly all the time, and I’ve never been in a crash before.
Statistically speaking, my chances of surviving this are actually pretty good.”
She said it like it was supposed to make me feel better, but it didn’t.
It just made me more scared because I knew she was right.
The odds of surviving a plane crash were slim, but the odds of surviving two?
Jack wasn’t sure he wanted to know.
He wasn’t sure he wanted to wait around and find out either as the sound of propellers filled the air and a bright light shone down from above, blinding him as the plane made its final descent into the city of Rapture.
He’d never seen a place quite like it before.
A city built beneath the sea with no boats or buildings or any signs of civilization in sight as far as the eye could see.
It was beautiful and terrifying all at once, and Jack couldn’t stop staring at it as they flew down and down into the dark abyss below.
The woman saw him looking and turned to watch it too.
City of Mutations: Rapture's Power Struggle
Then, just as they were about to touch down on the runway, he was hit with a blinding pain in his head and heard a loud voice shouting at him to “Wake up!”
Jack’s eyes snapped open, but he didn’t see anything except for bright white light and a faceless figure looming over him as he was lifted out of his seat and thrown toward the front of the plane.
He flailed and kicked as he tumbled end over end down the aisle, until finally he crashed through the cockpit window and was thrown into the icy waters of the North Atlantic, where he landed facedown in the water, gasping for breath as the frigid cold shocked his system and made it hard to breathe.
But somehow he managed to stay calm and keep himself from panicking as he remembered what he’d been taught about surviving a plane crash and tried to do everything just like they said while he struggled to figure out which way was up or find anything to grab onto as he sank beneath the surface and down, down, down into the darkness below.
Then, just when he thought he was going to die, a hand grabbed him and pulled him up, up, up into the daylight above where he gasped for breath as someone helped him onto the wing next to the woman, who was already there, shivering and crying as she clutched her arms around herself and stared off into space with wide, empty eyes.
I'm sorry!”she kept saying over and over again as she rocked back and forth on the wing and cried, but it was too late for that now as the figure grabbed Jack by the collar and pulled him into an embrace before he squeezed his eyes shut and dropped back beneath the water to save someone else while Jack watched him go and tried not to panic as he waited for someone to come save him too.
The water was so cold that it felt like it burned as it seeped through his clothes and into his skin, but Jack did his best to ignore it as he shivered and tried to keep his teeth from chattering while he looked around for something—anything—to grab onto before he was pulled back below and drowned.
But there was nothing there except for a few pieces of wreckage and the woman who was still sitting next to him on the wing, staring off into space with wide, empty eyes while she rocked back and forth on her knees and muttered something about how she never should have gotten on the plane.
But it was no use crying over spilled milk now.
What’s done is done,” Jack said to her while he did his best to keep his teeth from chattering and waited for someone to come save them.
Then he looked up and saw a lighthouse in the distance and was hit with a sudden burst of hope and adrenaline that helped him forget all about how cold he was as he grabbed the woman by the hand and jumped off the wing into the water before he started swimming toward it with everything he had while she thrashed around beside him and tried to keep up.
The water was so cold that it felt like it burned as they swam through it together and left the wreckage behind them while they made their way toward the lighthouse in the distance.
Jack’s limbs felt heavy and useless from the cold, but he did his best to ignore it and kept swimming anyway because he knew that if he stopped now he’d never start again.
City of Mutations: Rapture's Power Struggle