MidReal Story

Christopher Reynolds, the handsome and talented football player at


Apr 5
Scenario:Christopher Reynolds, the handsome and talented football player at Eastern University, tries to avoid the persistent attention of Lily, a girl who is infatuated with him, by devising plans to distract her and seeking refuge at a teammate's house.
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Christopher Reynolds, the handsome and talented football player at Eastern University, tries to avoid the persistent attention of Lily, a girl who is infatuated with him, by devising plans to distract her and seeking refuge at a teammate's house.
I’m one of the best football players at Eastern University.
My name is Christopher Reynolds, but people have taken to calling me Reynolds Wrap.
I don’t know why.
It’s such a stupid nickname.
The only thing I can think of is that my last name is Reynolds, and Reynolds Wrap is a brand of aluminum foil or something.
Whatever it is, the name has stuck, and now everyone knows who I am.
That’s not a bad thing, but it gets old having people come up to me and ask me to sign autographs or take a picture with them.
Sometimes, I just want to be an average college student and not have everyone hanging on my every word.
Especially her.
Lily Thompson is a girl who goes to this university, and she has a huge crush on me.
I don’t know how it started or why, but she’s obsessed with me.
I’ve done everything I can to discourage her, but she won’t leave me alone.
She’s shown up at football practice, volleyball games, and even when I go out with my friends, she’s usually there, too.
She hangs around my dorm room, waiting for me to come back from class or practice.
I’m not sure how long she waits for me or how often she comes by, but I’ve seen her enough times that I know it’s a regular occurrence.
She also tends to dress more provocatively when she knows I’m going to be around.
It’s like she thinks the only way to get my attention is to wear clothes that reveal more skin, which isn’t true.
I have no interest in her or anyone else right now because I’m focused on football and getting ready for the pros.
I’m a junior this year, and I have one more year of college before I can enter the draft, so I want to make sure I’m in peak physical condition when the time comes.
But it’s hard to focus on the game when someone like Lily is always around trying to get my attention.
Every time I see her, she has this look on her face like she’s thinking about the best way to get into my pants, and it makes me uncomfortable.
I don’t want to be rude to her, but I have to admit that I’ve been trying to avoid her as much as possible.
I’ve even started spending more time at my friend Alex Johnson’s house because I know she won’t show up there.
It was a good plan until she found out where he lived and showed up anyway.
I was so pissed off that I almost yelled at her to go away and leave me alone.
But then Alex came to the door and saw us standing there.
He told me that he was going to hang out with some other guys on the team and that I should take care of it.
I didn’t want to be a dick to Lily in front of him, so I just told her I had plans and that I’d see her later.
She didn’t like it and pouted for a minute before she left.
The whole situation was really awkward and embarrassing, and after that, I decided to avoid Alex’s house whenever possible.
Christopher Reynolds, the handsome and talented football player at
But avoiding Alex’s house isn’t as easy as it sounds because I don’t have my own car at school.
It broke down last semester while I was driving home for winter break.
I haven’t had time to get it fixed because I’ve been busy with practice and schoolwork.
Those two things take up most of my time lately, and the last thing I need is someone hanging around my room waiting for me to come back.
I have enough stress as it is between classes and football practice without having to deal with someone like Lily.
But that hasn’t stopped her from trying to get my attention anyway.
The other day I came back from practice and found a note on my door.
It was from Lily, telling me she’d been waiting for me to come back for hours and that she had something important to talk to me about.
When I opened my door, I saw her sitting outside on the hallway floor with a big grin on her face.
I don’t know how long she’d been out there or how many people had seen her waiting for me to come back, but it made me uncomfortable.
My roommate also saw her and told me he thought she was hot.
He’s right, she is, but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s obsessed with me and thinks of me as some sort of god or something.
He also thinks it’s funny that she’s always hanging around, waiting for me to come back from class or practice, and he’s started joking around with me about it.
It’s annoying and embarrassing, and it makes me feel like a jerk because I don’t want to be rude to her even though she knows how I feel about her.
The only time I thought about it was when she showed up in my room one day after practice and started making herself at home.
I don’t know how she got in or how long she’d been waiting, but she was sitting on my roommate’s bed when I walked in, looking at me with her big green eyes and a smile on her face like she knew she’d gotten away with something.
I didn’t think she could get any bolder, but she did, and now she’s in my room waiting for me to come back just so she can cook for me.
I could smell the food from the hallway, and it made my stomach growl after a long day of practice, but the last thing I wanted to do was eat with her.
She’d been following me around all day, and even if the food smelled good, the thought of eating with her made me lose my appetite, so I decided to go take a shower instead.
When I came out, she was still sitting there waiting for me, looking at me like a puppy dog waiting for its owner to come home from work.
It broke my heart a little bit because I knew she’d been waiting for me to come back all day and that she’d gone out of her way to cook for me after practice.
But it also made me angry because she knew how busy I was and that I didn’t have time for anything else right now.
Christopher Reynolds, the handsome and talented football player at