MidReal Story

Child Detective: Unraveling Secrets Undercover


May 12
Scenario:detective conan
Create my version of this story
detective conan
I am a high school detective.
It's been a while since I've been able to say that.
I'm not even in high school anymore.
I'm not even an adult.
I'm a little kid.
And I don't mean that in the metaphorical sense.
I mean that literally.
I am a little kid, and I have been for almost two years now.
It happened on a case, of course, because everything in my life happens on a case.
This one was different, though, because it wasn't just any case.
It was the case, the one that changed everything for me and my friends and my family and everyone I'd ever known or loved or cared about.
I'm not exaggerating, by the way.
I've never been one to exaggerate or embellish the facts, and I'm not about to start now.
So here are the facts, plain and simple, in case you need a refresher.
I am Shinichi Kudo, a brilliant high school detective who was investigating the clandestine activities of a secret crime syndicate known as the Black Organization.
While I was tailing a pair of suspicious characters at a theme park, two men in black caught me snooping around and decided that I knew too much to be allowed to live.
They cornered me in a dark alley, and when I refused to come quietly, they decided to take matters into their own hands.
I was young and cocky back then, and I thought I could outsmart them.
I was wrong.
I did manage to get the drop on one of them, but the other one snuck up behind me and put a gun to my head.
I thought I was done for, but then he did something that I wasn't expecting; he forced me to swallow a poison that was supposed to kill me.
I've never been one to back down from a challenge, so I did what any self-respecting detective would do in that situation.
I swallowed it, and I waited for the end to come.
Except it didn't.
Instead of dropping dead on the spot, I passed out, and when I woke up the next morning, I was lying in a pile of garbage in an alley, and my body felt…different.
At first, I thought it was just my imagination, but then I noticed something strange; my voice sounded funny, and when I tried to stand up, I stumbled and fell on my face.
It didn't take long for me to figure out what had happened because when I looked down at my hands, I realized that they were tiny and stubby and belonged to someone else entirely.
And that's when I knew for sure that the APTX 4869 had worked its dark magic on me and turned me into a child.
Before you ask, the answer is no.
I'm not talking about some kind of metaphorical transformation or regression or anything like that.
I mean it literally; the poison that the Black Organization forced me to swallow has shrunk my body down to the size of a little kid's and left me stranded in this ridiculous state of limbo for almost two years now.
The scientists who developed APTX 4869 were hoping to create the perfect murder weapon when they stumbled upon this little breakthrough completely by accident.
They were trying to come up with a toxin that would make their victims' bodies shrink without killing them so that they wouldn't be able to identify the cause of death or anything like that, but they got more than they bargained for when they tested it on me and found that it had some unintended side effects instead.
Child Detective: Unraveling Secrets Undercover
At first, I figured it was just a fluke, a temporary setback that would wear off on its own in a few hours or days or weeks, but I soon discovered that this wasn't one of those kinds of situations.
I was stuck like this, and there was nothing I could do about it.
The police were looking for Shinichi Kudo, a high school student who had gone missing on a case, but Shinichi Kudo was nowhere to be found.
He had vanished without a trace, leaving behind nothing but Conan Edogawa, the boy detective who had taken his place instead.
Like I said before, I'm not a little kid at heart.
I am Shinichi Kudo, and I always will be, no matter what the Black Organization tries to do to me or how far they go to achieve their sinister goals.
My name is Shinichi Kudo, and I am the detective of the century, so help me God.
Those were the thoughts running through my mind when I woke up in the alley, and as I lay there on the ground, trying to make sense of what had happened to me and what I was going to do next, I realized something else too; I wasn't dead.
The Black Organization had tried to kill me by forcing me to swallow APTX 4869, but it hadn't worked.
Instead of ending my life or leaving me comatose or anything like that, it had turned me into a little kid instead.
The question was, why?
Why was I still alive when I should have been dead?
How did it happen?
And how was I going to get myself out of this mess now that it had happened?
Those were just a few of the questions running through my mind as I lay there in the alley, waiting for someone to come and find me before it was too late.
If I'd known then what I know now, I probably would have done things differently, but hindsight is always 20/20, as they say.
And in case you're wondering how I managed to survive the encounter with those two goons from the Black Organization, well…let's just say that I got lucky and leave it at that.
Because if you think about it too hard or try to analyze it too much, you'll realize that it doesn't make any sense at all.
Like I said, I am a detective by trade, and I have made a name for myself by solving some of the most baffling cases that have ever come my way, but even I have my limits, and that was one of them.
That's why I decided to leave it alone and focus on more important things instead, like how I was going to explain my sudden disappearance to my friends and family or where I was going to go while I figured out what to do next or who I was going to contact for help in my hour of need.
Those were just a few of the questions running through my mind when I woke up in that alley, and as I lay there, trying to come up with some answers, I realized something else too: I needed a plan.
I needed a plan, and I needed one fast, because I was running out of time, and if I didn't come up with something soon, it was only a matter of time before my luck ran out and someone found me and dragged me back into this mess all over again.
Child Detective: Unraveling Secrets Undercover
After all, if no one recognized me, then maybe I could use that to my advantage and get out of this situation somehow.
I knew it was a long shot, but it was all I had left at that point, so I figured it was worth a try.
And as it turned out, I was right: it worked like a charm, and before I knew it, I was on my way back home with a plan in hand and a new lease on life—or so I thought.
But as you'll soon see for yourself, things didn't quite go according to plan after that…CHAPTER 2: THE BIRTH OF CONAN EDOGAWA
As you might expect, one of the biggest problems I faced after regressing into a little kid was figuring out how to integrate myself into Ran's life without blowing my cover or giving myself away.
Fortunately for me, though, Professor Agasa was more than willing to lend me a hand when he heard about my predicament, and he came up with a few solutions that made things much easier for me in the long run—or at least that's what he told me at the time.
Whether he was telling the truth or not is anyone's guess; after all, he is an eccentric inventor who spends most of his time holed up in his lab tinkering with gadgets instead of dealing with reality, so he may have been exaggerating just a tad…or maybe not.
Either way, I guess it doesn't really matter, since it all worked out okay in the end, which is what matters most, right?
Anyway, as I was saying, Agasa came up with a few solutions that made things much easier for me, starting with this thing called a voice-changing bow tie.
According to Agasa, all I had to do was wear it around my neck and press a button whenever I wanted to change my voice, and it would do all the work for me, which sounded too good to be true at first, but it actually worked like a charm and turned out to be pretty handy.
He also gave me this pair of special glasses that came equipped with all kinds of nifty features, such as X-ray vision and digital zoom and infrared detection and all sorts of other cool stuff, including something called an “Elasticity Stretcher,” which allowed me to see things from far away without using binoculars or straining my eyes, and something called an “Anti-Sneezing Device,” which kept me from sneezing whenever I got sick, and something called an “Odor Sensor,” which kept me from smelling bad whenever I got sweaty.
In other words, Agasa thought of everything when he put them together, as usual…assuming you can call any of it normal, anyway.
But that's beside the point, I guess.
The point is that they came in handy when I needed them the most, and they helped me fit in better at Ran's school without raising too many eyebrows (at least until I started solving cases anyway), so I can't really complain about that, can I?
In addition to the voice-changing bow tie and the special glasses, Agasa also gave me a few other gadgets that made my life as a little kid a whole lot easier (at least when I wanted them to), including a pair of turbo-powered sneakers that allowed me to run as fast as a car whenever I wanted (or needed) and a soccer ball that doubled as a communicator, complete with a built-in GPS system that allowed me to track whoever (or whatever) I wanted on a map of my own design.
He also gave me this thing called a “Sworn Promise Badge” that doubled as a secret decoder ring, which allowed me to read coded messages from my friends and family whenever they sent me one.
Child Detective: Unraveling Secrets Undercover