MidReal Story

Chasing Shadows: A Mini Cooper Heist


May 25
Scenario:4سيارات شرطة أمريكية تطارد سيارة مينى كوبر كلاسيكية بها رجل و امرأة و ذلك بعد أن سرقوا بنك
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4سيارات شرطة أمريكية تطارد سيارة مينى كوبر كلاسيكية بها رجل و امرأة و ذلك بعد أن سرقوا بنك
The Mini Cooper was a classic car, and it was perfect for a bank heist.
It was small, fast, and could easily navigate through the tightest of spaces.
Johnathan “John” Carter was the driver, and his girlfriend Sarah Jennings was in the passenger seat.
They were both wearing ski masks and gloves, and they had their guns drawn.
John had a Glock 17, while Sarah had a Beretta 92FS.
They were both loaded with 9mm bullets.
“Let’s do this,” John said to Sarah as he revved up the engine.
Sarah replied with a nod as she cocked her gun.
John then stepped on the gas pedal and drove the Mini Cooper straight into the bank’s front door.
The glass shattered on impact, and people inside screamed in terror as they ducked for cover.
John then parked the car right in front of the teller windows, while Sarah opened her door and got out of the car.
She then fired her gun into the air to get everyone’s attention.
“On the ground now!If you don’t comply, I’ll shoot everyone here, starting with you!”
Sarah pointed her gun at one of the customers and fired a shot right beside him.
He screamed as he dove to the floor, and everyone followed suit.
The bank was in chaos as people screamed, cried and prayed for their lives.
But John and Sarah were unfazed as they went about their business.
John got out of the car and closed the door behind him.
He then walked over to the bank’s exit doors and locked them with chains and padlocks.
Meanwhile, Sarah motioned for the tellers to put all the money into a big bag she brought with her.
The tellers complied and gave her the cash without any hesitation.
The couple had done this so many times that they were like a well-oiled machine.
As Sarah emptied out the cash drawers, John secured the other exit points in the bank as well.
And within minutes, the entire bank was locked down.
“Alright, I think that’s everything,” Sarah said to John once she had all the money in her bag.
John took off his ski mask and gave her a quick kiss before he put it back on.
“Let’s get out of here,” he said to her.
Sarah smiled at him as she put on her ski mask as well.
John then took out his phone and set a timer for one minute before they left.
He then walked over to Sarah and took her hand in his.
“Ready?” he asked her.
Sarah nodded at him before she gave him another kiss.
John then opened the door for her, and they both stepped into the bank together.
The customers and staff inside were none the wiser that they were about to come face to face with two of the most dangerous criminals in town.
But by then, it was too late for them to do anything about it.
John took out his phone and checked how much time was left on his timer.
Sarah said to him, without making any noise or moving her lips.
She was standing at the entrance of the bank while John stood guard at the exit behind her.
She had just finished emptying all the tellers’ drawers when she gave him the signal.
It was their way of communicating with each other without having to say anything out loud.
They’d been working together for so long that they knew each other inside out, and this was just another example of how well they worked together as a team.
John nodded at Sarah before he took out his phone and stopped the timer.
It was time to go.
A minute later, John said to her again, without making any noise or moving his lips.
Sarah nodded at him once more before she pulled her gun out from her bag and fired two shots into the air to get everyone’s attention.
“Alright everybody!”
she shouted as she waved her gun around “We’re done here!You can all get up now!
And don’t even think about following us or we’ll shoot you!”
Chasing Shadows: A Mini Cooper Heist
Meanwhile, John went up to Sarah and grabbed her by the arm.
Let’s go baby,” he said to her as he led her toward the exit.
The people in the bank were too terrified by then to do anything, so they didn’t resist when John and Sarah herded them outside.
They all screamed as they made their way out of the bank while John and Sarah watched them from behind.
As soon as everyone was outside, John locked the doors with chains and padlocks before he pulled down his ski mask.
He then took out a bandana from his pocket and wiped off his fingerprints from everything he had touched inside.
Meanwhile, Sarah was still wearing her ski mask as she pointed her gun at everyone who was outside.
“Don’t move!”
she shouted as she waved her gun around.
“I’ll shoot anyone who tries to be a hero!
The people did as they were told as they watched John and Sarah from a distance.
The couple then walked over to their car, opened the trunk, and grabbed two duffel bags from inside.
They then went inside the bank before they closed the car’s trunk behind them.
“Alright everybody on your feet!”
Sarah shouted at everyone who was inside as she pointed her gun at them.
“Get up right now or I’ll put a bullet in your head!”
John said to her as he went straight for the teller windows.
He then pulled down his ski mask before he looked back at Sarah.
She nodded at him before she took off her ski mask as well.
John then put on his earpiece before he tapped it twice to test it out.
It worked perfectly, just like it always did.
He then walked over to one of the customers who was still on the floor before he grabbed him by the arm.
“Come with me,” John said to him as he led him over to one of the teller windows.
The customer followed him without saying a word, while all the other people stayed where they were with their hands raised in the air.
They were too terrified by then to do anything else but that.
As soon as John reached one of the teller windows with the customer, he pulled him up before he pushed him forward.
“Fill up this bag right now!”
John said to him before he showed him his gun.
“I’m not messing around!
Do what I say or you’ll end up like that guy I shot earlier!”
The customer screamed after that, but he didn’t say anything else as he went straight to work.
Meanwhile, Sarah was still pointing her gun at everyone as she kept an eye on them from behind.
“Is everything alright on your end?”
she asked John, tapping twice on her earpiece to test it out.
“Everything is fine baby,” John replied to her without saying a word.
He then watched her from behind as she walked over to him with one of the customers who was still on his feet.
She then grabbed him by the collar before she pushed him forward, just like John did earlier.
“Fill up this bag right now!”
Sarah said to him as she showed him her gun.
“If you try anything, I’ll put a bullet right through your head!”
The customer didn’t say anything after that as he went straight to work.
Chasing Shadows: A Mini Cooper Heist
He nodded at her before they both went to work just like they planned.
As John was waiting for his bag to get filled, he saw Sarah taking all of the money that was inside the tills.
She then put everything into three different bags before she put them all inside a duffel bag.
John then nodded at her, signaling her that their bags were almost full.
She nodded back at him before she went back over to the hostages who were still on their feet.
She then grabbed all of them by their arms before she pushed them forward just like she did earlier.
She then looked at John after that, signaling him that everything was alright.
He nodded back at her before he went back to work right away.
After a minute or so, their bags were finally full.
John then nodded at Sarah after that before they both went for their bags.
They then ran back to where they came from, leaving all of the customers who were still inside behind.
When they reached the door, John opened it up right away and looked outside.
He saw four police cars that were parked out front of the bank.
There were also a few officers who were walking around with their guns in hand.
They were all looking around for something or someone when John saw them.
He couldn’t see any choppers in the sky yet, which meant that he still had time.
He looked around for their Mini Cooper after that, but he didn’t see it anywhere.
All he saw was a bunch of police cars that were blocking the front of the bank.
It was then that John knew what he had to do after that.
He knew that he had no other choice but to go with plan B.
He looked back at Sarah after that before he nodded at her.
She nodded back at him after that before they both ran straight for the front of the bank.
When they reached there, the officers saw them right away.
“Stop right now!”
one of them shouted as he pointed his gun at them.
But John didn’t listen to him.
He just kept on running until he reached their car.
When he got there, he went for the back door right away and opened it up.
Sarah then got inside after him before he started the engine up right away.
He then put the car in reverse after that before he looked back in the rearview mirror.
There were a few officers who were running after them by then.
But John wasn’t worried about them.
He knew that he would be able to lose them easily once he was out of there.
Meanwhile, Sarah was already putting all of the bags into the trunk of the car.
After she finished putting all of the bags inside, she got back into the car after that and looked back in the rearview mirror as well.
Their hearts were both racing after what happened earlier.
And even though this wasn’t part of their plan, it still excited both of them just being there.
John then put the car in drive after that before he stepped on the gas and got out of there as fast as he could.
“Do you see any choppers in the sky?”
Sarah asked him as she looked out through the car’s windows.
“I don’t see any yet,” John replied to her as he turned left down an alleyway after that.
“There’s still time.”
Sarah smiled when she heard him say that without saying a word.
She knew that there was no way any of those officers would be able to keep up with them once they were out of there.
Chasing Shadows: A Mini Cooper Heist