MidReal Story

Champion's Quest: Unraveling Family Secrets

Scenario:Annabelle Watson who is an Orphan, who's been looking for her parents, since she was a kid, she followed in her parent's footsteps, in becoming a WWE superstar and a rock star.
Create my version of this story
Annabelle Watson who is an Orphan, who's been looking for her parents, since she was a kid, she followed in her parent's footsteps, in becoming a WWE superstar and a rock star.
I won the championship.
I was the youngest female wrestler to ever win it.
The crowd was going wild.
My dad was in the front row, and he was so proud of me.
My mom was there too, and she was crying.
She always cries when I win a match.
I love them so much, and I wish they were here to see this.
I wish they could see how far I’ve come and how much I’ve accomplished.
I wish they could see that I’m not that scared little girl who used to cry herself to sleep every night because she missed her parents so much.
I wish they could see that I’m a fighter now, just like my dad always wanted me to be.
But they’re not here, and they never will be.
They died when I was a baby, and there’s nothing I can do to change that.
So I have to keep moving forward, no matter how hard it is or how much it hurts.
“Annabelle, are you ready?”
I heard my name being called, but I didn’t respond.
I couldn’t move.
I was frozen in place, staring at the championship title in front of me.
It was so beautiful, and it was all mine.
I’d worked so hard for this moment, and I was finally here.
But I couldn’t enjoy it.
Not without my parents.
Not without my real parents.
Not without knowing who they were or why they left me behind.
“Annabelle, we need to go.” The voice was getting closer now, and I could feel someone tugging on my arm.
I still didn’t move.
I couldn’t bring myself to leave just yet.
I needed to savor this moment for as long as I could.
I needed to make it last, because I knew that soon enough, it would be over.
Everything always comes to an end eventually.
And when it does, what will be left?
What will I have to hold on to when it’s all over?
What will I have to show for everything I’ve done so far?
What will I have left of my parents?
Nothing, that’s what.
“Annabelle, let’s go.” This time the voice was right next to me, and I could feel a hand on my shoulder.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to clear my thoughts before I turned around to face the person who had been calling my name.
It was Sam, one of the other wrestlers in the promotion I worked for.
She was a good friend of mine, and she’d been looking out for me ever since I started here a few years ago.
But even she didn’t know the whole story about my parents or why I had come here in the first place.
No one did, except for my dad.
And he swore that he would take the secret with him to the grave if he had to.
But I didn’t want that to happen.
I wanted to know the truth, even if it hurt me in the end.
“Sorry,” I said as I finally turned around to face her.
“I’m ready now.”
“You okay?” Sam asked as she looked at me with concern in her eyes.
“Yeah, just a little tired, that’s all,” I said with a forced smile.
I knew she didn’t believe me, but she didn’t press the issue any further.
Instead, she put her arm around my shoulders and led me away from the ring, taking care to shield me from the crowd so that they couldn’t see my face as we made our way to the back.
“Thanks,” I said once we were out of sight, pulling away from her and taking a deep breath before I continued down the hallway on my own.
“Of course, anytime,” she replied with a friendly smile before she turned around and headed in the opposite direction to get ready for her own match later that night.
Now that we were alone, I started to walk a little faster, desperate to get back to my locker room so that I could be by myself for a little while.
"Champion's Quest: Unraveling Family Secrets"
The sound of my footsteps echoed through the empty hallway, each one ringing in my ears like a distant memory as they grew louder and faster with every step until my heart was racing so fast that it felt like it was about to jump right out of my chest.
It was over.
I had done it.
All those years of practice and hard work had finally paid off, and now I was the champion.
But what did that really mean?
Who was I fighting for?
Who was watching me up there in the ring?
Sure, there were plenty of people cheering in the crowd, but none of them were the people I wanted to see.
None of them were the ones I was fighting for.
None of them were my parents.
And no matter how many times I told myself that it didn’t matter, it still hurt.
It still felt like there was a hole inside of me that would never be filled, no matter how hard I tried or how much I wanted it to be.
But it wasn’t like I had any other choice.
I couldn’t change what happened, and I couldn’t bring them back.
All I could do was keep moving forward, one step at a time, until I found the answers I needed and the truth I deserved.
Or until I died trying.
“Annabelle, wait up!”
I heard someone calling my name from behind me, and I stopped in my tracks long enough to take a deep breath and compose myself before I turned around to face the person who had been following me.
It was my dad, John Watson.
He wasn’t really my dad, though.
I was an orphan, and he and his wife, Sarah, had been taking care of me ever since my parents died in a car accident when I was a baby.
But they never officially adopted me, and we always made sure to keep our distance in public so that no one would ever know the truth about where I came from or why I was here in the first place.
But even though he wasn’t really my father, he had always treated me like I was his own daughter, and he’d done everything he could to make sure that I grew up to be happy and healthy and loved.
He’d also been my coach for the past few years, helping me train and prepare for all of my matches so that I would be ready when the time came to step into the ring.
And now that I was finally here, he was the only person I wanted to talk to.
“Annabelle, are you okay?”
he asked once he caught up to me, putting a hand on my shoulder and giving me a concerned look as he looked me over from head to toe.
“I’m fine,” I said with a forced smile.
"Champion's Quest: Unraveling Family Secrets"
He nodded slowly, but it was obvious that he didn’t believe me.
“You know, you can talk to me about anything, right?”
he asked, giving me a warm smile as he spoke.
“I’m always here if you need me.”
“I know, Dad,” I said, giving him a grateful smile in return.
“Thanks for checking on me, but I’m okay.I just need a few minutes alone to clear my head.”
He sighed and nodded again, but I could tell that he still wasn’t convinced.
“Okay, well, I’m going to go check on Sarah.
Why don’t you come find us when you’re ready to go?”
“I’ll be there in a few minutes,” I said.
“Just give me some time to think, okay?”
He smiled again, then patted me on the back before he turned around to walk away.
He didn’t say anything else, but I knew that he would be there if I needed him.
He always was.
And even though there were times when I wished he would just leave me alone and let me be, there was no one else in the world that I trusted more or loved more than him.
He was the only father I’d ever known, and he’d been there for me every step of the way.
He’d been the one who had found me all those years ago, crying in my crib after my parents died.
He’d been the one who had taken care of me and fed me and changed my diapers when I was an infant.
And when he realized that I had inherited my mother’s talent for wrestling and my father’s gift for music, he’d been the one who had given up his own career to help me follow in their footsteps.
He’d been the one who had taught me everything that he could about wrestling and music, so that I could be the best that I could be.
And even though he could never replace my real parents, I was still grateful for everything that he’d done for me.
And I would always love him for it.
Which was why this was going to be so hard.
“Are you ready, sweetie?”
my mom asked, coming up to stand beside my dad as they both looked at me with matching smiles of pride.
“It’s almost time for your first show.”
“I’m ready,” I said.
But it wasn’t true.
I wasn’t ready at all.
Not for this, not for anything.
But it was too late to back out now.
It was too late to change my mind or pretend that none of this was really happening.
No matter what, the show must go on.
And it would go on, with or without them.
But that didn’t make it any easier.
With one last look around, I took a deep breath to calm my nerves before I stepped out onto the stage with my guitar in hand and all of my fans cheering in the background.
It was time for the show to begin.
And as always, it was time for me to put on my best smile and pretend that everything was fine, even if it wasn’t.
As soon as I got off stage, I made my way over to the bar so that I could get a drink to calm my nerves before the show started.
I hadn’t been planning on having a drink before it was over, but things hadn’t gone exactly as planned, so it seemed like the only thing to do.
"Champion's Quest: Unraveling Family Secrets"
I could feel the sweat pouring down my face as I pressed a cold bottle of water up against my skin.
It was almost over.
The match was just about finished and I could feel my excitement building as I waited for the final pin.
I was so close to winning my first championship title and I just knew that I was finally going to make my parents proud.
I could feel their presence all around me.
I could feel their love and their support as I fought my way through the other women in the ring.
And I knew that this was what they had always wanted for me.
It was finally coming true.
And then, just like that, it was over.
She had me pinned down and I couldn’t get free.
I couldn’t break out of the hold and I couldn’t get away from her iron grip as she squeezed me tighter and tighter until I could barely breathe.
The ref counted down from three and then it was over.
With a loud ding, the bell rang and she let me go.
I laid there gasping for air as she got up and raised her arms in victory.
And then, just like that, it was over.
It was all over and I had lost.
For the first time in years, I felt a sudden wave of sadness wash over me as I laid there in the ring.
For the first time in years, the thought of my real parents was on my mind and I couldn’t help but wonder if they were watching me right now.
If they were here with me in spirit and if they were proud of the person I’d become.
My adoptive parents must have sensed my sadness because they both came up beside me and wrapped their arms around me in a big bear hug.
Even though I tried to push them away at first, they wouldn’t let me go and neither of them moved an inch until I stopped fighting against them and finally gave in.
Even though I hated it when they did this, I loved it too.
I loved how safe and warm and loved I felt inside of my dad’s big arms whenever he held me like this.
No matter how old I got or how many times it happened, it always made me feel better.
But this time was different.
This time it wasn’t enough.
This time nothing was going to make me feel better until I got some answers.
So after a few minutes of hugging and kissing and getting cleaned up after the match, I finally pulled away from them so that we could talk.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?”
my mom asked when she saw the look on my face.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” my dad agreed.
“Did something happen out there in the ring?”
“Yes,” I said with a frown.
“But it’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
my dad asked again.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know,” I said with a shrug before I shook my head and sighed.
“I just…I need to talk about this.”
My dad didn’t say anything at first but he looked at me with a knowing smile and nodded his head slowly as he took my hand in his own and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
“Okay,” he said at last.
"Champion's Quest: Unraveling Family Secrets"
“I need you both to promise me that you’re not going to be mad about whatever it is that I have to say.”
“Can we at least hear it first?”
my mom asked in return.
“Sure,” I replied with a nod as I looked back and forth between them both before I cleared my throat and got ready to speak again.
“I think that I want to try and find my birth parents.”
I saw both of them exchange a quick look before I exhaled a deep breath and waited for their response.
my mom asked at last in a voice that was barely a whisper and it was obvious that she was on the verge of tears after what I’d just told her.
“But we’re your family.”
“I know that,” I agreed with a small smile as I reached out and took her hand in mine before I continued speaking, “and I love you both more than anything else in this whole world but I need to do this.”
my dad asked this time and his eyes narrowed and his voice sounded slightly more serious than it had before.
“Because there’s a part of me that feels like I have to,” I replied with a shrug as I tried to explain myself.
“I need to know where I came from and who I am.”
“Your roots don’t matter.”
“They do to me,” I said firmly before I shook my head and sighed again.
“I can’t explain it but it’s like there’s this hole inside of me and I need them to help me fill it up.”
“With what?”
my mom asked with a frown while my dad’s jaw clenched at her side.
“With their love,” I replied with a shrug before I cleared my throat and continued speaking.
“I know that you both love me more than anything in the world but it’s not the same thing.”
“It is too!”
my dad said quickly as he reached out and took my hand in his own once more before he continued speaking in a voice that was soft but firm at the same time.
“We’re your parents and we love you more than anything on this planet.
It doesn’t matter that our blood isn’t the same because you’ll always be our daughter and nothing is ever going to change that.
You mean everything to us and we would do anything for you because we love you so much.
So please don’t ever think for a second that your roots are going to make any difference because they’re not.
You’re our daughter and we’re your parents and that’s all there is to it.
So if you want to find them then I say go for it.
We don’t understand why but it’s something that you have to do.
"Champion's Quest: Unraveling Family Secrets"
But what if I do find them?”
“Then you find them,” my dad said with a shrug before he shook his head and sighed as he continued speaking.
“But even if you do they’re still not going to be your parents.
You were raised by us and we were the ones who taught you how to walk and talk.
We were the ones who comforted you when you were scared and made you laugh when you were sad.
We were the ones who were there for you when you needed us the most and we were the ones who helped create the person that you are today.
“So even if you do find your birth parents it’s not going to change anything because we’re your family and we’ll always be here for you no matter what.”
I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out so I shut it again before I cleared my throat and tried again.
“Even if you don’t understand why I’m doing this?”
I finally asked after a few moments of silence as I tried to get my thoughts together.
“Even if it’s going to hurt your feelings?”
“Your happiness matters more than anything in this world,” my mom said with a smile as tears filled her eyes once again, “and we’re willing to do anything to make sure that we can give it to you.
“And we want you to know that we’re proud of everything that you’ve done and we know that you’re going to succeed no matter what because you’re our daughter and we believe in you.”
“But what if I can’t?”
I asked with a shrug before I cleared my throat and continued speaking.
“What if I do find them but things don’t go the way I want?
What if they don’t want to meet me or talk to me?
What if they want nothing to do with me and wish that I’d never been born?
or even worse, what if something happens and I get my hopes up for nothing?”
“It doesn’t matter,” my dad said with a shrug as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer, “because no matter what happens we’ll always be here for you and we’ll always love you.”
I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out so I shut it again before I cleared my throat and nodded in response.
“I love both of you too,” I finally said with a smile as tears filled my eyes once again.
“And I know that I’m lucky to have parents like you.”
“You mean so much to us,” my mom said with a smile as she reached out and wiped away my tears once more, “and we just want to make sure that you know how much we care about you.”
“I do,” I replied with a smile before I took a deep breath and continued speaking.
"Champion's Quest: Unraveling Family Secrets"