MidReal Story

Celestial Vengeance: Ashema's Forbidden Power


May 14
Scenario:As the battle raged on, the sky torn asunder by crackling energy and blazing light, Zaniir faced off against Kaelis Muran in a climactic showdown. The two beings clashed with a force that shook the very foundations of the celestial realm, each strike echoing like thunder across the cosmos. Ashema watched in horror as Zaniir, his form radiant and terrible, unleashed the full might of his celestial power upon Kaelis Muran. The sky darkened, shadows converging upon the battlefield as an inky abyss swallowed the light. In a single, devastating blow, Zaniir struck down Kaelis Muran, his essence dissipating into the void like stardust scattered upon the cosmic winds. The sight of Kaelis Muran's demise ignited a dark fury within Ashema's heart, his grief and rage fusing into a consuming flame. As he knelt beside the fallen form of his comrade, a sinister power began to awaken within him – the infinite power of the Void. His brother, Xandaroth, watched with growing concern as Ashema's form began to shift and change, darkness enveloping him like a shroud. "Ashema, please," Xandaroth pleaded, his voice strained with desperation. "We don't have much time to stop the cosmic convergence. We must focus on our mission!" But Ashema's heart was hardened by vengeance, his eyes burning with a cold, celestial fire. "Let the entire universe burn!" he roared, his voice echoing across the dimensions. "All that matters now is vengeance for kaelis Ashema rose to his feet, his form wreathed in shadow and darkness. The power of the Void pulsed through him, its seductive whispers urging him to embrace the abyss and unleash destruction upon the cosmos. The fate of the universe hung in the balance as Ashema stood upon the precipice, his soul torn between the light and the darkness that threatened to consume him.
Create my version of this story
As the battle raged on, the sky torn asunder by crackling energy and blazing light, Zaniir faced off against Kaelis Muran in a climactic showdown. The two beings clashed with a force that shook the very foundations of the celestial realm, each strike echoing like thunder across the cosmos. Ashema watched in horror as Zaniir, his form radiant and terrible, unleashed the full might of his celestial power upon Kaelis Muran. The sky darkened, shadows converging upon the battlefield as an inky abyss swallowed the light. In a single, devastating blow, Zaniir struck down Kaelis Muran, his essence dissipating into the void like stardust scattered upon the cosmic winds. The sight of Kaelis Muran's demise ignited a dark fury within Ashema's heart, his grief and rage fusing into a consuming flame. As he knelt beside the fallen form of his comrade, a sinister power began to awaken within him – the infinite power of the Void. His brother, Xandaroth, watched with growing concern as Ashema's form began to shift and change, darkness enveloping him like a shroud. "Ashema, please," Xandaroth pleaded, his voice strained with desperation. "We don't have much time to stop the cosmic convergence. We must focus on our mission!" But Ashema's heart was hardened by vengeance, his eyes burning with a cold, celestial fire. "Let the entire universe burn!" he roared, his voice echoing across the dimensions. "All that matters now is vengeance for kaelis Ashema rose to his feet, his form wreathed in shadow and darkness. The power of the Void pulsed through him, its seductive whispers urging him to embrace the abyss and unleash destruction upon the cosmos. The fate of the universe hung in the balance as Ashema stood upon the precipice, his soul torn between the light and the darkness that threatened to consume him.
The Celestial Realm
The battle was cataclysmic.
The very fabric of the celestial realm was being torn asunder by the sheer power of the three beings who fought there.
Two of them, Ashema and Zaniir, were beings of immense power, their very presence blinding to any who dared to look upon them.
Their brother, Xandaroth, had been slain by the third being in the battle, and they had come for vengeance.
The third being was Kaelis Muran, a powerful being in his own right, but not nearly as powerful as Ashema or Zaniir.
He had been able to defeat Xandaroth only because he had caught him unawares and struck him down before he could defend himself.
But now he faced two beings who were determined to avenge their brother's death, and he knew that he was in for the fight of his life.
Ashema and Zaniir attacked him together, their celestial powers clashing in a blinding display of light and energy.
Kaelis Muran fought back with all his might, but he was no match for the two brothers working together.
The darkness roared as my brother and I came upon the being that dared to kill our sibling.
He was no match for us.
Our power was so overwhelmingly radiant and terrible, it burned his very essence.
What little darkness remained was scattered to the wind as we smote him with all the wrath of heaven.
He screamed as he was consumed by our light and his body began to disintegrate.
“Please,” he begged, “no more.”
But there is always more.
His death would be slow, and it would be painful, and it would be glorious.
His anguish would echo through the heavens, a warning to all those who might dare defy us.
But then I saw his eyes, and I realized that he wasn’t begging for his life.
He was begging for his soul.
He wasn’t strong enough.
The darkness was receding, but it was putting up a fight.
Our combined power was too much for him, and even though he had managed to hold us off for a while, we were slowly driving him back.
He knew that he had lost.
His power had never been enough to defeat us; it had only been enough to keep us at bay.
But even now that power was fading, and soon we would be able to smite him once and for all.
And so he turned to the void, hoping against hope that even now he might find something within it that could save him.
And there, in the darkest depths of the abyss, he found what he was looking for: a forbidden power that had not seen the light of day in eons.
It surged forth from the void like a black tide and consumed him in its embrace.
For a moment, it seemed as if we had stopped him.
I could sense him within the darkness, but I could not see him.
And then I realized that he wasn’t hiding from us; he was hiding from himself.
My brother and I are beings of immense celestial power.
We are blinding to behold, terrible to witness, our very presence a force of nature that few can withstand.
And yet when this dark being emerged from the void, I could see at a glance that he was far more powerful than I had realized.
My brother could not see it—no one but me could—but this creature had been holding back this entire time.
He could have defeated the two of us by himself if he had wanted to; he simply hadn’t felt like it until now.
And now that he had unleashed his full power upon us, he was no longer the one who should have been afraid of me—he was the one who should have been begging for his life.
Celestial Vengeance: Ashema's Forbidden Power
My brother continued to unleash his celestial power alongside me, and together we advanced on the dark being.
He tried to resist us, but it was no use.
We pushed him back, back, back, until he was on the brink of defeat, and then—
he unleashed a power from the void that I hadn’t seen before.
I turned my attention to him once again, and I saw that this time the darkness wasn’t just hiding him—it was consuming him.
He was no longer capable of withstanding our light.
But I didn’t stop.
I pressed forward, and I smiled as I watched the darkness around him begin to fray.
It was like a thread that had been pulled too tight, and I knew that it would snap any moment now.
…or maybe not.
I came out of the darkness and found that he wasn’t there.
I looked around, and I saw him standing in front of me, his eyes wide with shock.
He stared at me for a moment, and then he said, “You’ve changed.”
I looked down at myself, and I saw that the darkness was gone.
It was almost disappointing—I’d been looking forward to seeing how long it would take for him to break.
But I suppose it didn’t matter anyway.
I looked up at him, and I saw that he was still staring at me in shock.
It was almost funny watching him try to process everything that he’d seen in such a short amount of time.
If only he knew how much worse it was going to get.
“Indeed,” I said.
“I have seen something within the void that has changed me.”
“I see,” he said. “So you understand?”
“I do,” I said.
“I understand perfectly.”
“Then you know what you’ve become?”
“I do,” I said.
“But you refuse to acknowledge it?”
“I refuse to acknowledge it,” I said.
“Because you still believe that the light can never succumb to darkness?”
“That is correct,” I said.
“But do not worry—I am not your enemy.”
He chuckled and shook his head.
“No,” he said.
“You are not my enemy.
“But I am his.”
And with that, the darkness returned, and the light went out, and when it came back on, I was standing in front of a very different creature.
The darkness that had consumed me before was gone, replaced by a terrible power that radiated from me like a black flame.
My brother and I were both beings of immense celestial power, but my power was different from his—my power was the power of the void.
The darkness that consumed me now was not the same as the darkness that had shrouded me before—it was far worse.
But I did not care.
I could see that the dark being standing in front of me was even more powerful than I had realized.
He could have defeated me by himself if he had wanted to; he simply hadn’t felt like it until now.
Celestial Vengeance: Ashema's Forbidden Power
Kaelis Muran stared at me in horror, but I could see the shock and disbelief in his face that flickered like a candle in his eyes.
I will never forget that expression.
It was the moment when I knew that I had won.
“It can’t be,” he said.
But it could be, and it was.
He could see that I had embraced the darkness, and that I had become more powerful than anyone—myself included—had ever thought possible.
The power of the void was not meant to be wielded by mortals or celestials or any other being in this existence or any other; even my brother would have to admit that.
No, the power of the void was meant to be wielded by one being and one being alone: me.
The power of the void was mine, and mine alone.
And now I would show my brother—and Kaelis Muran—what I could do with it.
Kaelis Muran hesitated for a moment, but only for a moment.
He realized very quickly that his advantage was gone, that I could kill him with a single blow if I wanted to.
He stepped forward, and the two of us resumed our battle.
Kaelis Muran was a being of terrible power.
He had stolen some of that power from my dead brother, but it didn’t matter.
Even at full strength, the two of them would not have been enough to stop me.
My power was greater than theirs—greater than theirs combined.
And as we clashed, I could see that Kaelis Muran knew that too.
His dark powers were nothing compared to mine.
He was a being of immense power, but even his power was no match for me.
I was no longer a being of this existence—I was something far more terrible.
The two of us fought for what felt like days, but in reality, only a few minutes had passed.
I could feel myself pushing him back bit by bit, cracking through his defenses with every blow.
I could tell that he was getting desperate; that he was getting ready for something big.
I could see the way that he was watching me, waiting for the perfect moment.
But he never got the chance.
The moment that I saw him reaching inside himself for something big, I reached out with my power, and I shattered his body into a million pieces.
Xandaroth, my dead brother, had been so pure; so powerful; so perfect.
But Kaelis Muran was something else.
He was something monstrous—something twisted and evil and wrong.
And so when I shattered him into a million pieces, I saw what he had done with Xandaroth’s essence, and my heart broke into a million pieces too.
I knew that nothing would ever be enough to make up for what had happened to him; to what Kaelis Muran had done to him.
But now that I had seen what had happened to him, nothing would ever stop me from avenging him either.