MidReal Story

Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown

Scenario:Club Penquin: Rookie is in Herbert's Lair, when suddenly, Herbert grabbed him and locked him in a cage.
Create my version of this story
Club Penquin: Rookie is in Herbert's Lair, when suddenly, Herbert grabbed him and locked him in a cage.
I’m so excited for this!
You are going to complete this mission, Rookie!”
Jet reassured me as I took a deep breath.
It was my first real mission as an agent and I was super excited.
Jet and Dot were helping me out from the EPF base as I made my way through Herbert’s Lair alone.
I don’t know where to go first…”
I said, looking around at the many corridors I could enter.
Just go straight through the corridor until you see a door on the right, then go in that room and you’ll see a big red button on the wall.
I’ll tell you more from there.”, Jet explained.
I nodded my head as I started walking towards the corridor Jet mentioned.
The flashlight shone through the dimly lit corridors as my breath became visible in the cold air.
Herbert’s Lair was a place that most penguins tried to avoid, but I had to go there for this mission.
Although my uniform kept me warm, I could still feel the chill seep through my bones as I walked down the corridor.
The walls of the corridors were made of ice and had many pipes on them that were dripping with condensation.
“Be careful on those pipes,” Dot warned me.
“One little slip and you’ll fall directly into the freezing cold water.”
I gulped loudly and made sure not to slip on them.
The last thing I wanted to do was fall into the freezing cold water and get hypothermia.
I don’t know if I can do this…”
I said nervously, my voice barely above a whisper.
“Yes you can Rookie!You’re our strongest recruit yet!Just keep going forward and you’ll do just fine!”
Jet reassured me as he took a deep breath.
I nodded my head and continued down the corridors, shining the flashlight in front of me so I wouldn’t trip over anything.
Herbert’s Lair is like a maze…every time I enter here, it’s like I went into a different place.”, Dot stated as she looked at the map of Herbert’s Lair.
My footsteps echoed throughout the lair and it felt like I was in an empty gymnasium.
I had heard that Herbert’s Lair had an eerie quietness to it and now I knew that those rumors were true.
Soon enough, I found the door Jet mentioned and walked into it.
I then saw a big red button as Jet told me and I pressed it.
Suddenly, part of the wall flipped over and revealed one of Herbert’s security cameras.
I waved my flipper around before a robotic voice said, “Oh no!An agent is here!Heeelp heeeellllppp…”
The camera then turned off and I continued my way through Herbert’s Lair.
I had been waiting for this moment for a long time and now that I became an agent, I had one thing to do.
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
I continued my way, until suddenly, the entrance was closed by 10 steel metal doors, and I saw Herbert Right in front of me, he was laughing.
“Welcome to my lair.”, He laughed.
I gasped loudly as I looked around.
Luckily for me, I had my communicator on me so Dot and Jet could help me find my way through Herbert’s Lair.
I delved deeper into Herbert’s Lair after pressing the big red button and started walking down the corridor after going through the hole in the wall.
After walking for a few minutes, I saw two other corridors leading left and right.
I stopped at the intersection between all three corridors and looked down each corridor.
“Which way do I go?”
I asked Jet and Dot.
“Go right,” Jet replied.
I nodded my head as I turned right and continued down that corridor.
As I walked, I heard some noise behind me.
I stopped walking and turned around but I didn’t see anything.
“Did you guys hear that?”
I asked through my communicator.
“I didn’t hear or see anything.”
After Dot replied, I continued walking once more.
After walking for a few minutes, I heard some noise again.
I stopped walking and turned around once again but there wasn’t anything.
What is making that noise?
I continued walking after that and then suddenly I heard the noise again.
I turned around and saw something big coming from above me.
I gasped loudly before I was hit by it and I fell to the ground with a thud.
I groaned quietly before I got up and looked at the big object in front of me.
It was a big block of ice.
“Phew,” I sighed as I looked at the big block of ice.
I thought it was something dangerous.
Although it was an ice block, getting hit by it still hurt quite a bit.
My flipper was throbbing with pain and I could feel a bump growing on my head.
I shook my head before I continued my way through the corridor.
As I walked through the corridor with my flashlight shining in front of me, I noticed that there were some pipes oozing out some slimy substance.
When I shone the flashlight onto the substance, I saw that it was green.
It was so disgusting that it made my stomach churn.
I tried not to focus too much on it and continued moving forward because I didn’t want to step on the green slime by accident.
After what felt like eternity, I finally arrived at the place where Jet told me to go: a large area with a pool of water in the middle of the room.
The pool of water had steam rising off of it and it made my heart pound with fear when I saw it.
I then saw some stalactites on the ceiling dripping water into the pool of water which caused it to make a bubbling noise.
My heart pounded even faster when I saw that and the sight of it sent shivers down my spine.
It’s just water…it’s just water…”
I repeated to myself as I slowly made my way across the bridge over the pool of water towards the other side of the room after passing through another hole in the wall that was opened after pressing another red button.
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
I was on the way when suddenly, Herbert Grabbed me very tight, he was bringing me to a cage, which he locked using 28 locks, and also broke my communicator.
“Hey, Let me go!”
I yelled at him, but he didn’t say anything back.
He just smirked at me before he left the cage.
That’s when I realized that this was all a setup.
As I tried to open the cage, it was too dark in here, but luckily, Jet gave me a flashlight so that he can see it.
As soon as I shone the light into the lock, I saw that there were 28 locks on the cage.
Jet didn’t tell me that there were going to be 28 locks on the cage when he explained the mission.
How could he forget about this?
If only he had mentioned it, then this wouldn’t have happened.
As soon as he left the room, I tried contacting Jet using the communicator he gave me, but he didn’t respond.
“Oh, come on,” I groaned in frustration.
It seemed like the communicator was broken when Herbert broke it.
How do I get out of this cage?”
I thought for a moment before something came into my mind.
My eyes widened when that thought came into my mind.
I looked at Herbert and noticed that he wasn’t paying attention to me.
He was just walking around the room by himself.
That’s when I took something from my pocket and started picking the locks on the cage with it.
The thing that I used for picking the locks was a paperclip.
I learned how to pick locks from reading many spy novels in the past and now, it was coming in handy for this mission.
As I picked the locks on the cage with the paperclip, my heart raced with excitement not knowing what is going to happen next.
When all of the locks were removed from the cage, I opened the door of the cage and got out before I closed it back.
After that, I looked around the room and saw that there were many machines in here.
My eyes widened when I saw all of the machinery in here because it was so cool.
It made me want to touch them all but then Jet’s voice came into my mind.
“Rookie, you’re in the room where the control panel is, right?”
Jet asked over the communicator.
“Yeah, I’m in the room where the control panel is,” I replied to him.
“Good, now locate the control panel and sabotage it,” Jet instructed me.
After talking to him, I walked around the room and looked for the control panel.
It took me a few minutes to find it, but with the help of my flashlight, I eventually found it.
As soon as I found it, I walked up to it and looked at what was on it with a smile on my face.
Then, without hesitation, I started pressing buttons on the control panel as instructed by Jet over the communicator.
I smiled as I did that because everything was going according to plan.
But then suddenly, my smile disappeared when I heard footsteps coming from behind me.
That was then followed by a deep voice which sent chills down my spine.
I turned around to see who it was and my eyes widened in horror when I saw who it was.
It was Herbert!
His icy blue eyes were filled with malice as they looked straight at me.
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
"Oh Look... You seem to be a Really Good Test Subject for my experiment, The Herbert-Syringe, a Full injection and you are turning into me, the handsome and evil polar bear" he laughs, as he grabs my arms and injects the syringe.
I found myself face to face with Herbert, the most wanted criminal in Club Penguin.
His icy blue eyes gleamed with malice as they stared straight at me while his sinister smile widened.
I felt my heart racing faster and faster as he towered over me and grabbed my arms at the same time.
I gulped nervously when he did that, but at the same time, my heart filled with excitement because it meant that things were really happening right now.
This was all real!
I can't believe it!
This is actually happening!
Herbert is really capturing me!
I thought to myself in excitement while looking at him.
Then without hesitation, Herbert threw me into the cage that he had locked earlier.
When he did that, he laughed as if he was enjoying himself.
That laughter of his sent shivers down my spine.
It was a creepy laugh that made my hair stand on end.
“Oh, look who we have here?”
Herbert said while smirking at me.
“Rookie, isn’t it?”
My eyes widened in shock.
How does this bear know who I am?
I thought to myself in horror.
My mind was in a state of panic as I tried to think of all the things that I did recently, but nothing came into my mind.
He must have seen us at the Ski Village,” Herbert said as he chuckled.
Oh, so he saw me and the other agents when we were at the Ski Village,” I thought to myself before I realized something.
Now that I think about it, we were making too much noise when we were there.
I bet everyone in the Ski Village heard us including Herbert.”
Herbert laughed again when he saw the look on my face.
He really is enjoying this right now, isn’t he?
“Looks like you guys really thought you could sneak up on me,” Herbert said as he chuckled.
“But guess what, I saw everything that you did back there and even though you guys were trying to be quiet, you weren’t.”
I lowered my head and looked away in embarrassment after hearing what he said.
I can’t believe I made such a stupid mistake!
How could I have been so careless?
“Now, because of what you guys did, I’m going to have some fun with you,” Herbert said with a grin before he took out his communicator.
That was when he turned around and walked away from the cage.
While he was doing that, he started talking on the communicator.
I couldn't hear what he was saying because he was talking too softly for me to hear him.
While he was doing that, I tried looking at the lock on the cage and noticed that there were 28 locks on it.
I didn't know how to open them, but then something came into my mind.
No one has ever escaped from here before and Jet didn't tell us how many locks there are on the cage.
What if the cage is unlocked?
I thought to myself in excitement before I opened the cage and got out of there.
After that, I walked up to the control panel and looked at it for a moment before I started pressing buttons on it as fast as possible.
Jet told me over the communicator.
“I’ve located the control panel,” I replied while pressing buttons on the control panel.
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
Suddenly, Herbert was angry, and grabbed me tight again, he grabbed his syringe, and injected it on my head.. I felt pain.. pain...
When Jet told me to lure Herbert out of the room he’s in, Dot also told me that I should go deeper into his lair.
I was walking down the corridor while trying to remember the directions Dot gave me.
I was walking down the corridor with a worried look on my face, but I was also determined at the same time.
I could hear the sound of my footsteps echoing through the corridor as I was walking down it.
I was looking around with a worried look on my face, and I could see that there were icicles hanging from the ceiling.
I really don’t want them to fall on me,” I thought to myself as I tried dodging them while I was walking down the corridor.
But then, I noticed something else.
There were pipes everywhere, and they were dripping with water.
I was surprised when I saw that and I quickly took out a cloth from my pocket and covered my head with it.
After that, I continued walking down the corridor.
While I was walking down the corridor, I noticed that there were a few doors on both sides of the corridor, but I ignored them and kept on walking down it.
I was really worried while I was walking down the corridor, but I was also determined at the same time.
As I was walking down it, I could feel my heart pounding rapidly and I could also feel myself shivering in fear.
It’s so cold in here,” I thought to myself.
While I was walking down it, I could see that there was light coming from the end of it, and that’s where I’m supposed to go according to the directions Dot gave me.
After a few minutes of walking down the corridor, I finally made it to the end of it, and that was when I saw a door in front of me.
This is it,” I thought to myself before I walked up to the door.
When I walked up to it, I noticed that it was locked and there was a keyhole on it as well.
I tried opening it by turning the doorknob, but it wouldn't open no matter how hard I tried.
When that happened, I started looking around for something that could unlock it.
But then, something came into my mind again.
Didn't Jet give me something before we left?”
I thought to myself before putting my hand into my pocket and felt something hard in it.
When that happened, I took out what was in my pocket and saw that it was a keychain with some keys on it.
Jet gave this keychain to me before we left,” I thought to myself before taking one of the keys off of it and put it into the keyhole before turning it.
After that, the door clicked and soon after that, it opened slowly over time.
I smiled happily after seeing that, then walked through it and went into the next room.
When I went into the next room, however, a figure suddenly came out of nowhere and scared me so much that I jumped in fear with wide eyes.
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
The Figure was Herbert holding a Syringe, and he was Laughing "Testing my Experiment!" He injected the syringe of Herbert in my body, and I felt so tired.. so sleepy.. I laid on the ground and fell to sleep.
What are you doing here?”
Dot asked me, looking at me seriously with a frown on her face while I was laying on the ground after she woke me up by tapping me on the shoulder.
The expression on her face didn't change at all, and it made me feel very nervous while looking at it, because I could tell that she was pretty angry at me for coming here without telling her first, but I could also tell that she was worried about me at the same time because I could see a worried look on her face while she was looking down at me with a frown on her face.
I’m really sorry, Dot!”
I said to her apologetically while sitting up straight on the ground, and I could see that there were some tears in her eyes while she was looking down at me.
There were some tears in her eyes, so I quickly wiped them away from her eyes before they could fall off of them.
I'm sorry for not telling you before I left.”
It’s fine,”
Dot said to me before shaking her head, and I could see that there was a small smile on her face while she was looking down at me.
You didn’t mean it, Rookie.”
But you scared the living daylights out of me!”
Dot said to me with a frown on her face after that, and I could see that she was pretty angry at me for that, so I quickly got up from the ground and stood up straight before giving her a worried look on my face.
But Dot quickly shook her head after that, and said to me: “Just kidding!
Since you’re here already anyway, let’s go check the machine together.”
When Dot said that to me, I quickly nodded my head at her before following behind her as she walked down the corridor.
As we were walking down it, I could see that Dot was walking down it calmly with a worried look on my face, while I was walking down it nervously with wide eyes.
After that, we finally made it to the machine, but I was surprised when I saw it.
The parts are all over the place!”
I thought to myself with wide eyes.
When I saw it like that, I became even more worried than ever before.
But Dot suddenly put a hand on my shoulder and said to me: “It’s okay.
You did great!”
When Dot said that to me, I quickly looked up at her with wide eyes before giving her a worried look on my face.
Dot nodded at me after hearing what I said, then she walked over to the machine and checked it while I was standing there watching her.
A few minutes later, Dot came back to me with a smile on her face and said to me: “It's fine.
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
Wait.. I was dreaming.. no! I wasn't where dot is.. I'm still in Herbert P Bears Cage!
After hearing what Dot said to me, I could feel myself smiling while I was looking up at her.
Thank you very much!”
I then walked over to the table and picked up the key before giving it back to Dot.
Dot smiled at me after hearing what I said, then she nodded her head before taking the key from me.
Now go do your thing!”
Dot said to me before giving me a smile.
Okay.”I nodded my head at Dot after hearing what she said to me, and I could see that she was looking down at me with a worried look on my face.
Be careful out there.”Dot said to me after that, and I could see that there were some tears in her eyes while she was looking down at me.
I nodded my head at Dot after hearing what she said to me, then I gave her a worried look before walking over to the corridor where Herbert went through.
After that, I started walking down the corridor nervously while following behind Dot’s instructions.
As I was walking down it, I could hear the sound of water dripping from the ceiling onto the floor, which made me feel really scared while walking down it.
But since Dot asked me to do this mission no matter how scared or worried I am, I must do this mission no matter what happens!
As long as Jet is by my side!
After that, I continued walking down the corridor nervously while following behind Dot’s instructions, and I was feeling really scared while doing it.
But I'm not going to let that stop me from doing this mission!
After all the training and exercises that I've done with Jet during the past few months!
I'm going to do it for him no matter what happens!
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
After walking, I saw a more angry herbert, he grabbed me tight again.. and again.. He held a very sharp syringe and injected it deep into my belly.
After 2 seconds of holding it in my belly I screamed.
“AAAHHH!!!”I shouted while grabbing onto his claw with my flipper to try and free myself from his grasp.
But he was still holding on to me really tightly while having a sinister smile on his face.
I moaned painfully while holding onto his claw with my flipper.
“What’s the matter?”
He asked me after that while using his metallic claw to lift me up into the air.
Gasp*””I said while trying to breathe in some air because he was holding onto my neck so tightly.
“You're going to die!”
He said to me while throwing me up into the air.
“W-what are you going to do to me?”
I asked him nervously after he threw me up into the air.
“Don’t worry.”He said to me after that while waving his metallic claw around in front of me.
“You'll be dead in just a few minutes!”
He said while having a sinister smile on his face.
“I-I'm sorry!”
I shouted while throwing my flipper at his claw to try and free myself from his grasp, but his grip was still too strong for me to break free from it.
But I'm afraid you're too late.”
He said to me after that while tightening his grip on my neck, making it hard for me to breathe in some air.
I screamed while struggling to free myself from his grasp, but I wasn't able to break free from it at all.
“It's hopeless,”
He said while having a sinister smile on his face, then he started laughing evilly while grabbing onto my neck with his claw tightly, making it hard for me to breathe in some air completely.
“This is impossible!”
He said while tightening his grip on my neck even more, then he started laughing evilly again while looking down at me with a sinister smile on his face.
“W-what is so funny?”
I asked him while glaring at him with a nervous look on my face.
“You think you can just waltz in here and declare yourself as the master of this place?”
He asked me after that while continuing to tighten his grip on my neck even more, then he started laughing evilly again while looking down at me with a sinister smile on his face.
“Y-you aren’t the master of this place!”
I shouted at him after that while glaring at him with a nervous look on my face.
“I am!”
Herbert shouted at me after that while waving his metallic claw around in front of me, then he started laughing evilly again while looking down at me with a sinister smile on his face.
“So what now?”
But suddenly, Herbert said "Nah.. your not dying.. the syringe has a high dose of Herbertium, something I developed that turns you into me completely, the evil plotting polar bear. Be wary of sudden fur growth."
He asked me with a sinister look on his face.
“You’re taking me away right now?What does this mean for Club Penguin?You’re going to try to ruin it again right in front of them?
Why do you need to take me away for this if they're clearly on their way?
Do you not have anything better to do than capture random penguins like this?
Is seriously capturing me your only plan for today?”
I asked him with an angry look on my face, but I was also scared at the same time because I knew what he was capable of doing to anyone who didn’t listen to him.
“Oh, I most certainly do have a much bigger plan in store for today,”
He said after that with a sneer, then he started laughing evilly again while glaring at me with a sinister look on his face.
“But before we begin that plan, I need to make sure that you don’t ruin it in any way,”
He said while walking over to the syringe that he dropped on the floor earlier, then he picked it up and walked back over to me before injecting me with the syringe and saying “This will make sure that you don’t ruin my plan in any way,”
After that with a sinister smile on his face.
After hearing what Herbert said to me, I knew that I couldn't let that happen at all.
I had to find a way out of this before anything bad happened to me or Club Penguin at all!
“Let me go right now!”
I shouted at Herbert after that while struggling to free myself from his grasp, but his grip was still too strong for me to break free from it.
“I'm afraid I can’t let that happen,”
He said while looking down at me with a sinister smile on his face.
“You're coming with me whether you like it or not!”
“Is capturing me seriously your only plan right now?”
I asked him while glaring at him with an angry look on my face, then I tried to free myself from his grasp by moving around in any way that I could, but his grip was still too strong for me to break free from it.
“Do you have anything else better to do than this?”
“I already told you that I most certainly have a much bigger plan in store for today,”
Herbert said while glaring at me with an angry look on his face, then he clenched his metallic claw even harder while saying “And besides, what could you possibly do about it?You’re nothing more than a pathetic little weakling who can’t defend himself at all!”
After hearing what Herbert said to me, I started feeling really angry inside of me because I hated when people said things like that about me.
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
I started feeling strange.. very strange.. fur... white fur.. was growing on my head.. I was starting to growl.. my beak turned into a snout.. I was becoming what I hate.
Then suddenly without warning Herbert used his other claw to grab onto my arm and then he started injecting something into it.
“Wha-What are you doing to me?”
I asked him while looking down at my arm and seeing that he was injecting some sort of serum into it.
“Oh, don’t worry about it,”
He said while chuckling with an evil smile on his face.
“This serum is just something that will make you much more cooperative with what I have in store for you,”
After hearing what Herbert said to me, all I could do was struggle to free myself from his grasp before the serum took full effect.
But no matter how hard I tried to break free from it, his grip was still too strong for me to break free from it.
Then suddenly after struggling to free myself from his grasp, I started feeling really tired all of the sudden.
And then before I knew it... everything went black.
When I finally woke up, I found out that I was being held in the air by Herbert’s mechanical claw while he was looking at me with an evil look on his face.
“Finally.. you’re awake,”
Herbert said while smiling with an evil look on his face.
“Just in time too.. because we’re about to have some fun together..”
I said while shaking my head and looking down at the cold floor beneath me.
“Get away from me!”
“Oh.. but we’re just getting started..”
He said with an evil look on his face before lifting me up higher into the air and saying “There’s no way that you’re getting away from me now.. because you’re mine..”
“No!Let go of me!”
I shouted while trying to free myself from Herbert’s grasp by moving around in any way that I could.
But no matter how hard I tried to break free from it, his grip was still too strong for me to break free from it.
Then suddenly without warning... Herbert started laughing with an evil look on his face while carrying me deeper into the heart of his lair.
“There’s no way that you’re going to get out of this,”
He said while laughing with an evil look on his face.
“Because you’re mine for the rest of your life!”
As me and Herbert walked deeper into the heart of his lair, all I could do was think about what was going to happen next.
Was there any way that I was going to get away from this?
Or was this going to be the end for me?
I had no idea what was going to happen next.. but all that I knew was that things were not looking good for me at all.
“Y-You.. you can’t get away with this,”
I said with a scared look on my face while trying to break free from his grip.
“Club Penguin will stop you!”
“Oh, don't worry,”
Herbert said while laughing with an evil look on his face.
“I won’t do anything bad to the island..”
I said with a confused look on my face before coughing and saying “Why are you doing this then?”
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
Herbert showed a mirror and showed Rookie his Reflection, he was a full fledged bear, looking just like him
“Because this is what’s going to happen next..”
He said before walking deeper into his lair.
A few minutes later, we arrived at the end of the hallway where Herbert placed me into a cage made of glass and steel before locking it up.
After that, he turned around and walked away from the cage.
And just when I thought everything was over for me, the door behind me closed down and locked up tight.
Leaving me trapped in the cold, dark room all by myself.
The only light source was the flickering light bulb above the cage which made it difficult for me to see anything around me.
My heart sank as I realized what had just happened..
And as soon as I saw what was happening, I started shaking in fear and backing away from the cage with an scared look on my face.
“N-No way..”
I thought to myself while looking around the cold, dark room as I saw nothing but walls and floors around me.
“He’s.. he’s not going to leave me here, is he?”
Suddenly, I thought to myself while shaking in fear.
As soon as I heard these words in my head, I quickly started running around in circles while looking for a way out of here.
And as soon as I ran around for a few minutes, I noticed that there was no way out of here.
Which meant that I was trapped in here all by myself.
“N-No.. This can’t be happening to me,”
I thought to myself while looking around for a way out of here.
But no matter how hard I tried to find a way out of here, there was no way out of here at all.
All I could do now was sit down and wait for something to happen..
But just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse..
I soon heard a familiar voice coming from behind me.
“You know.. you should have listened to me when you had the chance.”
Suddenly, I turned around and saw that it was none other than..
Herbert himself standing behind me.
I got up to my feet and took a few steps back while saying “W-What do you want from me?”
“Oh, nothing much really..” He said with an evil look on his face before walking up to the cage and showing a key to him and saying “I just want you to sit tight and wait for your friends to save you.”
“B-But they’re going to stop you..” I said with a scared look on my face before coughing and saying “And they’ll save me too!”
“Oh, but you see..” He said with an evil look on his face before placing the key into one of his pockets and saying “I have something that they want.. And if they want it, they’ll have to take it from me.”
Suddenly, I took out my Spy Phone and tried to call Jet and Dot for help but before I could even make a call..
Herbert quickly snatched away the phone before locking it up into a small box leaving him with nothing.
After seeing what had just happened, I quickly started running around in circles once again while panicking and saying “N-No.. This can’t be happening to me..”
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
Suddenly, Herbert pulled out a remote, and a strange hat was placed on top of my head, my brain was feeling strange.. I started to feel.. to behave.. to act.. like Herbert, the process starts at a steady 16%, I was becoming more Herbert.
Suddenly, I felt something wrapping around my legs while making me trip onto the ground, making my hat fall off as well.
And as soon as I turned around, I noticed that it was a strange claw that had wrapped itself around my legs.
I soon turned around and saw Herbert slowly approaching my cage while saying “You know, you should have listened to what I said earlier.”
I then tried to break free from the claw’s grip but no matter how hard I tried, it wouldn’t budge at all.
That’s when Herbert said while tightening the grip even more “It took me weeks to build this claw. And now, you’re not going anywhere.”
And as soon as the claw had tightened its grip even more, I soon fell onto the ground before coughing onto the ground.
And after coughing for a few seconds, I looked up at him while saying “W-Why did you capture me? What do you want from m-me?”
“You’re not from the EPF, are you?”
“Well, yes, but-”
“I knew it!”
Suddenly, he cut me off while saying “I knew you were working with them all along..”
“W-What are you t-talking about?”
I said while coughing and trying to break free from the claw’s grip while saying “I’m n-not working with anyone!”
But no matter how hard I tried to break free from the claw’s grip, it wouldn’t budge at all.
After hearing those words, Herbert then said “It’s too late for that now..
“I’ve been planning with this plan for weeks now.. And I knew you were going to be my pawn.”
And as soon as Herbert had finished saying this, I laid on the ground while coughing and saying “This is insane.. I-I won’t let you get away with this!”
But Herbert just laughed at me before saying “Oh, don’t worry.. When you’re done with..” while turning off the lights and saying “And remember this..”
Suddenly, I heard a strange noise coming from above me.
And as soon as I looked up, I noticed that it was the claw itself slowly approaching me while being shrouded in darkness.
Suddenly, I started feeling very angry for some reason..
And as soon as I saw the claw getting closer to me, I quickly lunged towards it and tried to break free from its grip once again while shouting “I-I WON’T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS!”
But no matter how hard I tried to break free from its grip, it wouldn’t budge at all.
Suddenly, the claw pulled me back up before putting me down on the ground, leaving me all alone in the cold darkness.
As soon as I felt the claw releasing its grip on me, I fell onto the ground before laying down for a few seconds while trying to catch my breath.
After taking a few deep breaths, I then turned around and saw Herbert standing in front of my cell while laughing evilly at me.
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
Herbert said "I'll make you me, with this new.. Herbertification Hat... this will make you entirely me.. memories.. behavior.. personality.. you will be Herbert.. completely."
As soon as I heard those words coming from his mouth, I started feeling very afraid while thinking to myself "Oh no.. He’s going to turn me into a Herbert.. And if I don’t do something about it.. then he’s going to control me..”
And as soon as I thought about that, Herbert then said “Now it’s time for you to go night-night..” before activating the Herbertification Hat and saying “Sleep tight..”
Suddenly the images of me and Herbert started flashing before my eyes while the lights started flickering rapidly..
And then after a few minutes of the lights flickering, everything went completely dark...
About 5 minutes later the lights turned back on and I then saw Herbert standing in front of me while saying “Wake up little penguin..” while laughing at me before saying “It’s time for you to help me with my nefarious plan.”
And after hearing those words coming from his mouth, I started feeling more afraid and angry while thinking to myself "Oh no.. He's going to force me to help him with his nefarious plan.. And if he's going to do that then there's going to be a lot of trouble..”
And after thinking about that, Herbert then said “Come along..” while picking me up with his mechanical claw and saying “Time for you to meet your doom..”
As soon as I felt the claw picking me up again, I tried to break free from its grip once again while shouting “NO! L-LET ME GO!”
And when I heard those words coming from his mouth, I started feeling more afraid than ever while thinking to myself "He’s planning something huge.. And if he gets me to work with him.. then there’s going to be a lot of trouble.”
Suddenly, I started feeling a huge chill running down my spine and the next thing you know.. It was all black.
About 5 minutes later, I opened my eyes and realized that we were in a very dark corridor..
And as soon as I realized that we were in a dark corridor, I started feeling even more afraid than ever while thinking to myself "Where did Herbert take me?"
Suddenly, I then heard a familiar voice saying "Hurry up Rookie!"
And as soon as I heard that voice, my eyes widened and realized that it was Dot’s voice!
But for some reason, it was muffled and she couldn’t hear me..
Suddenly, I then heard another familiar voice saying “You will never get out of here alive!”
And as soon as I heard that voice, my eyes widened and realized that it was Herbert’s voice!
But for some reason, it was also muffled and he couldn’t hear me..
After seeing that we were in this corridor, we entered the room and saw that it was filled with a lot of boxes.
As soon as we entered the room, we went inside and saw that the door was closed..
And as soon as we saw that the door was closed, we then saw Herbert standing in front of us while laughing evilly at us.
And as soon as we saw him standing in front of us, we then looked at him while saying "Why are you so obsessed with destroying Club Penguin?
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
Herbert, started Activating the process of turning me into him, I started becoming a polar bear.
And as soon as we asked him that question, he stopped laughing and said “Because they always ruin my plans!”
“Wha-?” We said in confusion.
“Every time I try plotting something big.. Those penguins always meddle and ruin everything!”
“That’s not true!They never meddle in your plans!”
We said in confusion.
“YES THEY DO!Last time I tried doing Operation Blackout, they did meddle in my plans by sabotaging my Solar Laser!And because of them meddling in my plans, they destroyed my lair and threw me inside a cage for months!”
Herbert said in anger.
“Also, they were laughing at me when they threw me inside the cage!”
After hearing those words coming from his mouth, my eyes widened and realized that he was telling us about why he hates Club Penguin!
And after realizing that, I then started feeling sorry for him while thinking to myself "That's why he hates Club Penguin!They treat him like he's nothing!”
And after thinking about that, I then started feeling more sorry for him and said "Herbert, It’s not their fault!They were just trying to stop you from destroying the island!They never wanted to humiliate you like that!”
And after hearing me saying that, Herbert stopped the process of turning me into him and said “Oh, I see what you mean.. But I don’t care about that!Those penguins have ruined my life!”
After hearing those words coming from his mouth, my eyes widened and realized that he was telling us about his past!
And after realizing that, I then saw Herbert getting out of his mechanical claw and walking towards me..
And as soon as I saw him walking towards me, I then started feeling more afraid than ever while thinking to myself "Oh no.. What is he going to do now?”
And as soon as I thought about that, my eyes widened and saw Herbert standing in front of me again while looking at me with a straight face.
And as soon as Dot and Jet saw me standing in front of him, they looked at each other and said “Rookie!”
“Don’t worry!”
I said to them with a smile.
“I’ll be fine!”
And after saying goodbye to them, I then looked at Herbert and asked him “What happened next?”
And after asking him that question, he then said “The penguins destroyed my lair with snowballs.. And imprisoned me inside a cage until the operation was over.. And do you know what else they did?”
After saying those words, he then closed his eyes and shouted “THEY WERE MOCKING ME!!”
At the top of his lungs..
After seeing him shouting like that, I then felt bad for him and said “Oh no.. That's horrible..”
“Y-You're right..”
Herbert said with an angry look on his face.
“Not only did the penguins ruin my plans.. They were also mocking me by saying that my machines are made of popcorn technology!”
“They don't get it..”
"Alright, Herbert.. I understand your pain.. please Herbert, transform me into you, I wanna be you.. put the hat onto me.. please." I said, my voice begging.
As soon as I said that to him, I then felt myself getting lifted up in the air as Herbert grabbed me by the neck.
And as soon as he grabbed me by the neck, he then started laughing as he held me into the air and said “Not so fast!You're not going anywhere!”
I then started feeling more terrified than ever and thought to myself "That's it.. I’m done for!”
And as soon as I thought about that, Herbert looked at me with a sinister smile and said “You really thought that your friends would save you on time?”
After hearing him saying that, I then realized that he was right!
Because all this time, Dot and Jet were still on their way while trying to find me.
And after realizing that, I then felt more afraid than ever and thought to myself "What am I going to do now?”
But even though I was still feeling afraid, I knew that it was too early for me to give up!
Because I always believed in myself that anything is possible!
And after thinking about that, I then started cheering myself up by saying “Come on Rookie!
You can do it!”
And as soon as I cheered myself up with those words, Herbert looked at me and said “Haha!
It looks like you're never going to learn your lesson!”"That's right!”
I said with a smile on my face.
“I never give up!”
After saying those words, I then saw Herbert laughing at me while saying “Haha!
What a fool you are!”
“Now.. Why don't we go and continue this conversation somewhere else?”
After saying those words, Herbert carried me through his lair while looking around him.
And as soon as he did that, I then started looking around me.. And when I did that..
I noticed something in front of me..
And as soon as I noticed that thing in front of me..
I saw that it was a table with a ray gun on it..
But not just any ray gun..
It was a prototype ray gun!
But not just any prototype ray gun..
It was the same prototype ray gun that we developed back at the HQ!
The same prototype ray gun that could be used to counteract Herbert's freezing machine!
As soon as I saw that ray gun being placed on the table in front of me..
I then remembered something..
That’s why he needed me!
He knew that we would most likely use our own prototype ray gun against him!
But if he gets his mechanical claw on me before we have a chance to use it..
He could use that ray gun to his advantage to destroy Club Penguin!
As soon as I remembered about that, I started panicking and thought to myself "Oh no.. This is bad..”
“But what am I going to do?I can’t reach it from here!”
“I know.. But wait a minute..”
I then started looking at the ray gun that is placed on the table..
And when I did that, an idea popped up into my head..
If Herbert is planning to use that ray gun against Club Penguin..
Then maybe there is still hope for me to stop him before it's too late..
To do that, I’m going to need to get my hands on that ray gun..
But to do that, I’m going to need to detach it from its stand..
But in order for me to do that, I’m going to need to use my spy phone's magnetic function..
But in order for me to do that, I’m going to need to use my spy phone's magnetic function..
But in order for me to do that, I’ll have to carefully aim..
But in order for me to do that, I’ll have to be very careful while doing it..
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
But suddenly, Herbert injected more of his Herbert Syringe into me... I felt dizzy.. I slept.
I was being carried by Herbert..
And after some time passed, I woke up from my sleep..
But when I did wake up from my sleep, I noticed something..
I noticed that the table with the ray gun on it was right beside me..
But before Herbert noticed anything suspicious about what I was doing..
I quickly raised my arm up and activated my spy phone's magnetic function..
And when I did that, the ray gun started getting dragged towards me..
And when it was close enough for me to grab it..
I quickly used my other hand to grab it before Herbert could notice anything about it..
And when I did grab the ray gun..
Herbert didn’t even notice anything about it and he was still focused on walking through his lair..
When he wasn’t looking at me, I started thinking to myself "Now’s my chance!"
I then raised my arm up high enough so that no one would notice what I was doing..
And after raising my arm up high enough, I started thinking to myself "Now’s my chance!"
I quickly reached my arm out to grab the ray gun..
But when my hand was close enough to grab the ray gun..
Suddenly, my hand got knocked by something and my hand got pushed away from the ray gun..
As soon as that happened, the ray gun got knocked out of my hand and it started getting dragged across the floor..
After that happened, Herbert then looked at me and said "Nice try rookie!"
“But too bad you failed!”
“Now that you tried to grab my gun..”
“I won’t let you go!”
Herbert then tightened his grip on me..
But even though he did that, I wasn’t going to let go of my hopes that easily..
I continued to look at him with an angry expression on my face..
I started thinking to myself "He’s right!If he uses that ray gun against Club Penguin, they’ll all be doomed!"
“I need to escape!”
But even though he heard his words..
I still didn’t let go of my hopes of escaping from him that easily..
But just when we were about to enter another room..
We suddenly heard a loud banging sound coming from the door in front of us..
After we heard that loud banging sound, Herbert then turned around..
And when he turned around, he then started walking out of the room..
But as soon as he did that..
Suddenly, the door in front of us got hit again and it started to break apart..
But after that happened, the door then got completely broken apart and it fell to the ground..
After that happened, another figure then came into the room..
And when that figure came into the room, we then noticed who it was..
It was Jet!
As soon as we saw Jet coming into the room..
He then looked at us and said "Rookie!Are you alright?!"
After Jet asked me if I was alright..
I then said to him "Jet!It’s good to see you!"
“I’m fine!”
“But.. Herbert carried me here..”
“Because.. He wants to use me..”
“To destroy Club Penguin!”
After saying those words, Jet then started looking at me with a sad expression on his face..
But after he heard my words..
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
Herbert started to Laugh.. He put the hat on me.. I started turning into herbert.. I started turning into his Minion. "White fur... bear ears... growling.. mraah..." I said
Herbert said with a smirk on his face..
“My dear rookie..”
“You really think this is going to be that easy?”
“Too bad!”
“Because it’s NOT!”
After he said those words..
I then started thinking to myself "How did he get here so quickly?"
“Did he see what happened?”
“But.. If he did see what happened..”
“Why didn’t he help me?”
After that happened, Herbert then looked at Jet..
And when he looked at him, he then said “So.. You must be Jet right?”
“The experienced agent of Club Penguin?!”
“If you are..”
“I should thank you for coming here and saving Rookie from my grasp..”
But too bad..”
“It’s already too late!”
Herbert then started laughing evilly as he looked at Jet..
After hearing him say those words..
Jet then looked at him and said “You must be Herbert right?”
“The villain who’s been trying to take down Club Penguin?!”
“Well too bad!”
“Because.. You’re not going to take down Club Penguin..”
“While I’m around!”
After Jet said those words, Herbert then looked at him and said “Oh really?!”
“Well..That’s too bad!”
“I’m much stronger than you!”
After that happened, Herbert then charged towards Jet and they both started fighting each other..
But while they were fighting each other, I then went behind them and started to walk away from them and find the ray gun that was on the ground..
As soon as I started walking away from them, I then saw the ray gun that was on the ground and I quickly went towards it and picked it up..
After that happened, I then looked at them and started to charge the ray gun..
And when Jet saw me doing that..
He then looked at me and said “Rookie!What are you doing?!”
After Jet asked me that question, I then looked at him and said “I’m going to help you!”
After saying that, I then aimed the ray gun towards Herbert and started to charge it up even more..
But just when Herbert was about to punch Jet, He suddenly noticed me aiming the ray gun towards him..
And when he saw me doing that, he quickly stopped punching Jet and turned around to look at me..
And when he turned around, he noticed that I was pointing the ray gun towards him and started charging it up as much as I can...
And when he saw me doing that, he then looked at me and said “Oh no!You don’t!”
After that happened, Herbert then quickly ran towards me and tried to stop me from shooting him with the ray gun..
But just when he was about to reach me, I quickly shot him with the ray gun and hit him with it.
As soon as that happened, He quickly got hit by the ray gun and got frozen in a block of ice..
After that happened, Jet then looked at him and said “Nice shot Rookie!”
After Jet said that to me, we both went up to him and looked at him.
And when we both went up to him, He then looked at us and said “Well done Rookie..”
“Now.. You’ve finally shown your true colors..”
“Heh!But too bad..”
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
Suddenly, Herbert was Laughing inside the Ice.. "Mwahaha... you thought it's all over..?" The ice starting thawing, because Herbert had a hot potato.
"But I am not done with you yet!" Herbert was laughing, but his evil plan is still not over.
I then looked at him and said “No..What I did was the right thing to do..”
“Because.. You’re not going to take down Club Pen-”
But just when I was about to say those words, Herbert then interrupted me by saying.
“Yeah,Yeah,Yeah..I know what you’re going to say!”
“Blah,Blah,Blah.. The penguins are just trying to do good!”
“Well..I don’t care about that!”
“Because, No matter how good they try to be..”
“They always thwart my plans!”
“And make me look like a fool!”
After that happened, Herbert then looked at me with an angry expression on his face.
And then he grabbed me by the neck and lifted me off the ground..
And as soon as that happened, My face then turned into a worried expression.
And then I tried to break free from his grip..
But when I tried to break free, He then tightened his grip even more..
And as soon as he tightened his grip..
He then looked at me and said “You’re such a fool..”
“I can’t believe those penguins let you join them as an agent!”
“Do you really think they will ever forgive themselves after this?!”
After that happened, He then started to walk away while still holding me by the neck..
And as soon as that happened, I then looked at Dot and Jet and said “Guys!Help me!”
“They’re going to shrink Club Penguin!”
After I told them that.
They both looked at each other with a worried expression on their faces.
And after they looked at each other, Jet then ran towards us and tried to stop him..
But just as soon as Jet tried to stop him, He then punched him in the face and sent him flying to the wall..
And when Jet was down, Dot then went up to him and grabbed her bo staff..
But just as soon as she grabbed her bo staff, He then saw her coming towards him..
And as soon as he saw her coming towards him..
He then punched her in the face and sent her flying to the wall..
After that happened, Dot then fell down to the ground and got knocked out..
And after he did that, He then continued to walk while still holding me by the neck..
And as soon as he was walking away..
I then looked at him and said “Please Stop this!We don’t have to do this!”
But just as soon as I said that.
Herbert then turned around and looked at me..
And as soon as he turned around and looked at me..
He then said “Oh please Rookie..”
“You think I’m going to forgive those penguins after all these years?!”
“Well.. Sorry to break it to ya Kid..”
“But.. That’s not going to happen!”
After that happened, He then continued to walk and took me to a large mechanical contraption which was in the center of the lair..
And as soon as we got there..
He then looked at the contraption and said “This is my latest invention..”
“It’s a modified version of my ray gun!”
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
"It is multi function.. too.. it can turn you into me.. the Evil Polar Bear. Which I am going to do." He grabbed the contraption and aimed it at me and then shot it at my head.
After I heard what he said, I then coughed a little and said “What is it?”
But just as soon as I asked him that.
He then smiled and said “Well Rookie..” After he said that.
He then walked up to me and held my beak..
And after he did that, He then aimed his contraption at me..
And as soon as he aimed his contraption at me..
He then showed me a button which was on the contraption and said “This button is the key to disabling all of the EPF’s equipment!”
“It will disable all your communication devices and transport systems in seconds!So you can’t call for help and I can go wherever I want without those EPF agents chasing me around!”
After he explained what his contraption did, He then aimed it at me again..
But just as soon as he aimed it at me, I then started to struggle and said “Please Stop this Herbert!”
But just as soon as I struggled.
He then smiled and said “After you’ve been disabled, I will shrink Club Penguin and it’s inhabitants..”
“Then, I will disable all your equipment..”
“After that happens, I will invade the command room..”
“And then capture all the agents!”
And after he told me his plan.
He then started to laugh..
And when he was laughing, His eyes then started to glow and said “This..” And after he said that.
His eyes then glowed more and said “Is what you get for messing with me!!”
After that happened, He then pushed the button..
And after he pushed the button.
I then saw some sort of beam coming out of his contraption..
And as soon as I saw that beam coming out of his contraption..
The beam then hit me and I then heard some sort of sound..
As the sound went on, I started to feel a little dizzy and weak..
And as that happened, I then closed my eyes and fell down to the ground..
After I woke up.
I then heard Herbert’s voice and opened my eyes..
And as soon as I opened my eyes, I then saw Herbert standing in front of me with a smile on his face..
But just as soon as I saw him, He then grabbed me by the hand and pulled me up..
And after he pulled me up.
He then patted my head and said “I knew you would be up by now Rookie..”
“And now that you’re up..”
“Let’s go and invade the command room..” After he said that.
He then started to walk and dragged me along with him..
But just as soon as he walked away.
I then remembered what happened before I got knocked out..
And when I remembered that, I then started to struggle and tried to get away from him..
But just as soon as I struggled, He then held me back with his other hand..
And when he held me back..
He then looked at me and said “What are you doing Rookie?!”
“I thought you wanted to see me take over Club Penguin?!”
But just as soon as I heard him say that.
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
"Sorry.. Herbert.. it was a bug.. I wanna see u invade club penquin.. no worries.. just drag me.. ok?" I said.
“Oh.. Rookie..” He said.
And after he said that.
He then held me with his other hand again and said “It’s good to see you’re back Rookie..”
“But just so you know..”
“I don’t like being fooled around..” And after he said that.
He then looked at me with a sinister smile..
And as soon as I saw his sinister smile.
My heart then started to beat fast again..
And as my heart started to beat fast again.
I then saw a shadow moving near the door..
And as I saw that shadow moving near the door..
I then knew who it was..
After I saw the shadow moving near the door..
I then turned my head a little to see who it was..
And after I turned my head a little..
I then saw Jet standing near the door with his jetpack on..
And as I saw him near the door, He then looked at me and gave me a thumbs up..
And after he gave me a thumbs up, I then gave him a signal to wait..
And after I gave him a signal to wait, He then went back to hiding..
And after he went back to hiding..
I then turned my head back to Herbert and Herbert said “Don’t worry Rookie..”
“I won’t hurt you..”
“I want you to see me take over Club Penguin..”
“And all of its inhabitants suffer!!”
As he said those words, He then continued to drag me along and said “Now..”
“I have disabled all of your equipment..”
“And now that I have disabled all of them..”
“All the agents should be coming here anytime now..”
“And when they come here..”
“They will all be ambushed by my crabs!”
“And when they’re ambushed by my crabs.”
“The agents will all be captured!”
“And once the agents are all captured..”
“You will be forced to tell them to surrender or else you will be hurt!”
After he said that.
He then started to laugh again..
And as soon as I heard him laughing, My heart then started to beat fast again..
And as my heart started to beat fast again..
I started to struggle again and tried to get away from Herbert..
But even though I struggled a lot..
Herbert’s grip was too strong..
And since his grip was too strong..
He then looked at me with a sinister smile and said “Your struggles are useless Rookie!”
“You can struggle all you want but you won’t get away from me!”
And after he said that.
He then placed me down on the ground with a thud..
And after he placed me down on the ground.
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
"You will become me... now!" He fires a transformation gun into my Head, I feel.. dizzy.. I feel as white fur grows.. I start to get pudgy.. I start to increase in weight.
And after I got placed on the ground with a thud.
I then looked in front of me and saw a small room.
And as I looked a little closer.
I saw that the small room had a small bed made of hay in it.
And as I saw the small bed of hay in the room.
I then said to myself “Huh.. Why is there a small bed of hay in the room?”
“I didn’t know Herbert had a pet!”
And after I said that.
I then slowly got up and saw that Herbert’s mechanical crab Klutzy was following behind him..
And as I saw Klutzy following behind him.
I then looked at Herbert and said “Herbert!”
“Why is one of your crabs following you?”
“Do you have a pet now?”
And as I asked Herbert about Klutzy.
He then looked at Klutzy and said “This is my mechanical crab Klutzy.”"
"He is not a pet!”
“He is a guard of this lair!”
“And he is here to make sure that you don’t escape from your cell!”
And after he said that.
He and Klutzy then continued to walk down the corridor..
And as they continued to walk down the corridor.
I then followed them along with handcuffs on my flippers.
And as we continued to walk down the corridor.
We arrived at the cell where I was supposed to stay in.
And when we arrived at the cell.
Herbert then turned around and looked at me..
And as he turned around and looked at me, He then said “Now Rookie.”
“Since we are here…”
“I will now shackle you using this heavy chain!”
“And when you are shackled…”
“You will not be able to escape your cell!”
“So don’t even try to break free or else you will regret it!”
And just as he said that.
Klutzy then went to the side of the wall and sat down while looking at the door.
And as I saw Klutzy sitting down beside the wall.
I then started to walk inside the cell slowly..
And as I walked inside the cell slowly.
Herbert and Klutzy followed me inside the cell.
Herbert then looked at me again and said “Now that you are inside the cell…”
“I will now shackle you using this heavy chain…”
“And once you are shackled…”
“You will not be able to get away from me…”
“So don’t even think about escaping or else I will turn you into a crab again!”
As he said those words.
I then closed my eyes and thought to myself “Even though Herbert is a villain..”
I still pity him…”
“Why did he become evil in the first place?”
“Did something happen to him that made him want to take revenge on everyone?”
“I mean.. He is smart..”
“But it’s a shame that he can’t use his talent for something good..”
And as I thought more about Herbert..
Herbert then opened his eyes and looked at me..
And after he looked at me, He then raised his flippers and shacked me using the heavy chain.
And as I got shackled using the heavy chain.
The chain then got heavier and heavier until I couldn’t move my flippers..
Once I got shackled.
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
I then opened my eyes and walked inside the cell slowly while being shackled by Herbert.
And as I walked inside the cell slowly.
Herbert and Klutzy followed me along with the other agents.
We then arrived at the door that leads inside the room.
And once we arrived at the door, Herbert then turned around and said “Alright Rookie…”
“We are now here…”
“So get your butt inside the room!”
“I don’t have all day!”
After he said that, He then opened the door and walked inside the room.
I then followed him along with Klutzy while being shackled by him.
Once we entered the room, It was smaller than I thought it would be.
The room was made out of stone walls, And it was so dark that it feels like it was absorbing the light.
The air inside was so cold and heavy, It had a musty smell like something moldy and damp…
This room was so different from the others…
It looks like there was nothing in this room except for a small wooden table that was beside one of the walls while being illuminated by a flickering light bulb that was hanging above it.
After we entered the room, Klutzy then went to the side of the wall and sat down while looking at us.
After Klutzy sat down on the side of the wall, The room then became so silent that I could hear my own heartbeat..
And while I was looking around..
I then heard someone’s voice.
After I heard his voice, I then turned around and saw that he was standing beside me with his usual menacing grin.
I then got surprised and said “Herbert?!”
“What are you doing here?”
After I said that, He then raised his flippers and said “I’m just trying to say hello to you…”
After he said that, He then lowered his flippers and said “Also..”
“I just wanted to say welcome to my new home Rookie!”
“Make sure to stay away from this table!”
“And also make sure to not touch anything on this table!”
Because I have been waiting for you to come inside this cell!”
And make sure to remember what I said or else you will regret it!”
After he said that, I then got surprised and I thought to myself “So Herbert was waiting for me to come inside this cell?”
“He even prepared a cell for me?”
After I thought about that, I then nodded my head and started to walk away from the table again..
I then walked away from the table and went to the side of the wall near the door..
After I went to the side of the wall, Herbert then looked at me and saw me that I was near the door.
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
After he saw me, He then raised his flippers again and said “That’s a good…Penguin!”
“Now come on!”
After he said that, He then turned around and started walking to me..
After he got near me, He then looked around and said “Now….”
“I’ll be right back!”
After he said that, He then went out of the room and closed the door in front of me, And then..
The heavy metal door closed in front of me and it made a loud sound, And…
I heard a lock clicking into place..
I then tried to open the door but it was locked!
After I tried to open it, I then shook my flippers and said “Herbert!”
“Let me out of here!”
When I said that, Herbert’s voice echoed through the room and he said “Hahaha!”
“I’m sorry Rookie..”
“But you won’t be able to escape in this place!”
“Because this place is located far away from Club Penguin’s reach!”
“And also…”
“I have been waiting for years for this moment to come..”
“And now that you’re finally here…”
“I can finally destroy EPF once and for all!”
After he said that, I then shook my flippers again and said “That won’t happen Herbert!”
“Because me and Jet will surely stop your evil plans!”
After I said that, Herbert then laughed again and said “Hahaha!”
“You never learn Rookie!”
“I have already defeated Jet many times!”
“And also, What makes you think that a rookie like you can stop me?”
“You’re just a rookie who thinks that he always wins!”
After he said that, I then felt a cold wind hitting me on the face.
I then rubbed both of my flippers together and said “What are you talking about Herbert?”
“Me and the other agents always wins!”
“And also..”
“We won’t let you get away with this Herbert!”
After I said that, Herbert then laughed again and said “Hahaha!”
“You are really amusing Rookie!”
“Also, You should listen to what I have said earlier..”
“Because right now…”
“You are already in my cell that I have prepared for you..”
“And there’s no way to escape in this place..”
“But don’t worry Rookie..I’ll let you out of this cell if you promise to not stop me again..”
“And also..” After he said that, He then smiled again and said “You can become one of my henchmen if you want too..”
After he said that, I then shook my flippers and said “I will never become your henchmen Herbert!”
“And also..I will never stop doing this to me!”
After I said that, Herbert then laughed again and said “Hahaha!”
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown
“Then let’s see what are you capable of Rookie!”
As he said that, He then walked back slowly and said “Let’s see if you can get out from those chains of yours..”
As he said that, He then looked at me and said “You can try to escape if you want to Rookie..”
“But keep in mind..” After he said that, His smile turned into an evil smirk as he continued talking and said “That if you can escape from those chains..”
“I will let you go..”
“But if you don’t..”
“Then be prepared to face the consequences young penguin..”
After he said that, He then stepped back slowly and said “Go ahead Rookie..”
“Prove me wrong..” As he said that, His smile widened as he continued talking and said “Prove me that a rookie like you can escape from those chains Of mine..” After he said that, I then stood up slowly as the chains clanked.
And after that, I then looked at him with a glare and said “Don’t underestimate me Herbert..”
“I’m not as weak as what you think.”
After I said that, Herbert then laughed again and said “Hahaha!”
“Is that so Rookie?”
“Then we shall see about that..”
As he said that, He then walked back slowly and said “Klutzy..” After he said that, His mechanical crab then nodded and approached him.
After that, I then stood my ground and looked at him with a glare.
And after I did that, I then saw a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes.
As he noticed that, I then smiled and said “Yep..I’m not as weak as what you think..”.
After I said that, His smile then turned into a frown as he continued talking and said “We shall see about that young penguin..”.
After he said that, He then approached me with Klutzy following him.
And after he approached me for a bit, He then stopped and looked at the chains that bound me.
And after he looked at it for a bit, He then laughed and said “Nice try Rookie!But it looks like your plan failed!”
“And now..” After he said that, His smile widened again as he continued talking and said “It’s time for me to take my leave Rookie..”.
“And also..” After he said that, His smile turned into an evil grin again as he continued talking and said “That gag on your mouth is not enough to keep you silent!”
“And remember Rookie..” After he said that, His voice echoed in my head as he continued talking and said “That we can make a deal if you want to..”
“All you have to do is-“
After he said that, I then glared at him with my eyes wide open.
And after I did that, I then shook my flippers and struggled against the chains.
And after I did that, I then closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
And after I took a deep breath, I then pulled the chains as hard as I could.
And with one last pull..
After I did that, I then opened my eyes and breathed heavily..
But I was still bound in chains..
And as I looked at my surroundings, I then realized where I am..
Herbert’s Lair..
The place where I had hoped to never see again..
But now..
I’m back here again..
And it looks like Herbert outsmarted me this time..
But still..
I won’t give up just yet..
And as I was thinking about this, I heard footsteps approaching me.
And as I listened carefully, I then heard Jet’s voice as he said “Where is he?”
And as I listened to their conversation, I then heard Herbert’s voice as he said “Right here..” I heard Jet’s voice again as he said “Oh..Hey Herber-“
But before Jet could finish his sentence, I heard a loud thud..
And as I heard it, I then heard Jet’s voice again as he said “Rookie?What happened?”
I then tried to say something back, but my mouth was still gagged.
And after I did that, I then felt someone grabbing my shoulder.
And as I felt it, I was turned around and saw Jet’s face.
And after I saw it, I then mumbled something.
And as I mumbled it, Jet then removed the gag on my mouth.
And after he removed it, I then gasped for air.
After that, I then said “Jet..You should have left me there..” After I said that, Jet shook his head and said “No Rookie..We never leave our agent behind..” And after he said that, He then tried to remove the chains on me.
And as he tried to remove it, I then said “Jet..It’s useless..” After I said that, Jet raised an eyebrow and said “What do you mean?”
As Jet asked me this.
I then looked at him and said “Herbert discovered my plan while we were on our way here..” After I said that, Jet sighed and said “I see..” As he said this.
I then felt a hand on my shoulder.
And as I felt it, It was Jet’s hand.
And as I felt it, Jet then pulled me up.
And as he did this, We heard another set of footsteps approaching us.
And as we listened carefully, We heard Herbert’s voice as he said “So..Is our friend ready?”
As we heard it, Jet then nodded at me.
And as Jet nodded at me, He then looked at Herbert.
And as Jet looked at him, He then said “I locked him in a cell like you asked..” As Jet said this, Herbert then smiled and said “Good..”
After Herbert said this, He then turned around and started walking away.
And as Herbert walked away, He then said “Come now Jet..We have more important matters to attend to..”
As Herbert said this, Jet then nodded and followed him.
And as Jet was about to leave, He then looked back at me.
And as Jet looked back, He then gave me a reassuring smile.
And as Jet did this, He then closed the cell door.
And after he closed it, He then locked it.
And as Jet locked the door, Herbert then said “Make sure you lock it securely!”
After Herbert said this, He then continued walking away.
And as Jet listened to him, He then double-checked the locks.
And after he did it, He then walked away with Herbert.
And as they walked away, Their voices slowly faded in the distance.
Captured: A Club Penguin Showdown