MidReal Story

Bound by Blood: Mafia Heirs' Forbidden Alliance


May 26
Scenario:Isabella DeLucci and Alejandro Rodriguez, heirs to wealthy Italian and Spanish families, are forced into matrimony, merging their powerful legacies. Amidst secrets and danger, their turbulent relationship transforms from adversaries to unlikely partners. “Bound by Shadows” weaves a tale of mystery, loyalty, and unexpected love as they navigate the perilous waters of a forced alliance. CHARACTERS Isabella’s mothers name: Isadora DeLucci Isabella’s fathers name: Alfonso DeLucci (ITALIAN) - Alejandro’s parents name: Julia Rodriguez Alejandro’s mothers name: Antonio Rodriguez (SPANISH) - Loyal Confidante for Isa: Alesia Rossi (close friend) ITALIAN - - Ale's Right-Hand Person: Mateo Hernandez (close and trusted companion, he helps ale make decisions, ale relies on him a lot, close friend) SPANISH - - Intriguing Rival: Emiliano Salvatore - (He's from another powerful mafia family, He's good at talking and planning, He wants his family to be more important and doesn't like Isa and Ale) ITALIAN - - Mysterious Informant: Sofia Vargas (secret helper, knows things and shares them with ale and isa, helps them with family secrets, she’s mysterious) SPANISH - - Family Figure with a Hidden Agenda: Lorenzo DeLucci (Lorenzo is a family member, but he's not completely trustworthy. He has his own plans that could create problems for Isa and Alejandro, he turns against the family) ITALIAN - - Love Interest Outside the Forced Marriage: Lucia Moretti (secretly in love with Alejandro, wants to destroy their marriage, creates drama) ITALIAN - - Law Enforcement Adversary: Inspector Elena Morales (police officer investigating Isa and Ale's families, Creates problems for them because she's trying to find out about their criminal activities) SPANISH -  Business Rival: Marco Conti (Another guy in the same business as Isa and Ale's families, competes with them, wants to be better than them) ITALIAN
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Isabella DeLucci and Alejandro Rodriguez, heirs to wealthy Italian and Spanish families, are forced into matrimony, merging their powerful legacies. Amidst secrets and danger, their turbulent relationship transforms from adversaries to unlikely partners. “Bound by Shadows” weaves a tale of mystery, loyalty, and unexpected love as they navigate the perilous waters of a forced alliance. CHARACTERS Isabella’s mothers name: Isadora DeLucci Isabella’s fathers name: Alfonso DeLucci (ITALIAN) - Alejandro’s parents name: Julia Rodriguez Alejandro’s mothers name: Antonio Rodriguez (SPANISH) - Loyal Confidante for Isa: Alesia Rossi (close friend) ITALIAN - - Ale's Right-Hand Person: Mateo Hernandez (close and trusted companion, he helps ale make decisions, ale relies on him a lot, close friend) SPANISH - - Intriguing Rival: Emiliano Salvatore - (He's from another powerful mafia family, He's good at talking and planning, He wants his family to be more important and doesn't like Isa and Ale) ITALIAN - - Mysterious Informant: Sofia Vargas (secret helper, knows things and shares them with ale and isa, helps them with family secrets, she’s mysterious) SPANISH - - Family Figure with a Hidden Agenda: Lorenzo DeLucci (Lorenzo is a family member, but he's not completely trustworthy. He has his own plans that could create problems for Isa and Alejandro, he turns against the family) ITALIAN - - Love Interest Outside the Forced Marriage: Lucia Moretti (secretly in love with Alejandro, wants to destroy their marriage, creates drama) ITALIAN - - Law Enforcement Adversary: Inspector Elena Morales (police officer investigating Isa and Ale's families, Creates problems for them because she's trying to find out about their criminal activities) SPANISH -  Business Rival: Marco Conti (Another guy in the same business as Isa and Ale's families, competes with them, wants to be better than them) ITALIAN
The first time I met Alejandro Rodriguez, I was five years old.
He was seven.
I’d been playing in the backyard of my family’s estate when he’d come barreling through the trees, his face red and blotchy with tears.
I’d never seen him cry before, and I remember being so surprised that I’d stopped what I was doing to stare at him.
He’d glared at me, his eyes fierce and angry, and I remember taking a step back because he looked so scary.
I’d never seen him look like that before either.
“Who are you?”
he demanded, his voice harsh and angry.
“I’m Isabella DeLucci,” I’d said, my voice small and quiet.
“Who are you?”
He’d seemed to deflate at that, his shoulders slumping as he wiped at his face with the back of his hand.
“I’m Alejandro Rodriguez,” he said in a much quieter voice than before.
“I live next door.”
I’d wanted to comfort him, to make him feel better, but I also knew that he was a member of the Rodriguez family, and that we were supposed to be enemies.
I’d been taught to stay away from the other family because they were dangerous, and because they didn’t like us very much.
But my mother had also taught me to be kind and compassionate no matter what, and I didn’t think it was right to ignore someone who was so obviously upset.
I didn’t think it was right to leave him standing there all alone in the woods either, especially when he looked like he might start crying again at any second.
So I’d taken a step closer to him, my steps slow and cautious because I didn’t want to scare him away.
“Why are you crying?”
I asked him, my voice soft and kind.
He’d blinked at me then, his eyes wide and surprised, like he hadn’t been expecting me to talk to him at all.
“You don’t have to cry,” I told him, feeling braver now that I was close enough to see that he wasn’t as scary as he’d looked before.
He sniffled again, his eyes still sad but not quite as angry now.
“I’m lost,” he said in a small voice.
“I don’t know where I am.”
“It’s okay,” I assured him.
“I’ll help you find your way home.”
And so, I did.
I took his hand in mine, my fingers small and chubby next to his long, slender ones, and led him back through the trees toward the DeLucci estate.
He stayed close to my side the entire time, his steps slow and cautious as we made our way through the woods.
When we finally reached the edge of the property, he stopped walking completely, his eyes wide and frightened as he stared up at the large house looming in front of us.
“This is my house,” I told him when he didn’t say anything.
His eyes snapped up to mine then, his face still pale and frightened as he swallowed hard.
“I can’t go back there,” he said in a quiet voice.
“Why not?”
I asked him.
He hesitated for a long moment before answering.
“I wasn’t supposed to leave.”
“You’ll get in trouble?”
I asked him.
He nodded slowly.
“Then I’ll take you back to your house,” I said.
“Come on.”
I didn’t know if it was the right thing to do or not, but I didn’t want Alejandro to get into trouble for something that wasn’t his fault.
It wasn’t his fault that he’d gotten lost, and it wasn’t his fault that he’d ended up on someone else’s property either.
And besides, my mother had also taught me that it wasn’t nice to make people feel scared or uncomfortable.
And I couldn’t think of anything more scary or uncomfortable than being lost in the woods all alone.
So I took his hand again and led him back to his estate, my steps slow and cautious like before.
I still remember how frightened he looked the entire time we were walking, like he was worried that someone from his family would see us together and come after me for it.
But I also remember how thankful he looked when we finally got there too.
Bound by Blood: Mafia Heirs' Forbidden Alliance
When I was five years old, I met Alejandro Rodriguez for the first time.
Now I’m twenty-four years old.
He’s twenty-six.
And I’m about to marry him.
I’m about to marry my enemy.
Twenty years ago, our families signed a contract promising that their heirs would be married on our twenty-fifth birthdays.
The contract was drawn up in an effort to end the feud that had been going on between our families for far too long—one that had been passed down from generation to generation until it had become a part of our legacy.
Our names were tainted because of it.
People feared us because of it.
My father was afraid of what would happen if things continued as they were.
So he offered a peace offering instead—a marriage that would unite our two families together once and for all.
It would put an end to everything—our fighting, our bloodshed, our betrayal.
It would give both of us a chance at a new beginning.
It was a smart move on my father’s part because it meant that our families would no longer be at war with one another.
It would also mean that we would have an ally in the Rodriguez family from now on too, and that we would be able to take on our enemies with a united front instead of as two separate entities that could be picked off one by one.
Alejandro’s father agreed to the terms almost immediately because it meant that their legacies would be secure for years to come as well.
And so we signed the contract and agreed to the terms even though neither one of us wanted anything to do with it at all.
We were enemies after all, and the hatred between us ran deep.
But it didn’t matter how we felt about it in the end because the contract was signed and there was nothing we could do about it now except accept our fate and move on already.
So that’s what we did.
We accepted our fate and moved on already even though neither one of us wanted anything to do with it at all—even though neither one of us had any intention of actually going through with it in the end either.
But then the day came for us to get married, and I found myself standing on the balcony of my family’s estate and staring up at the stars as I listened to the sounds of my party going on in the background.
I couldn’t help but think about how different things were back then compared to now—how innocent we’d been as children even though we’d been enemies even then too—and how I wished that things could be different between us now too even though they weren’t at all.
The first time I met Alejandro Rodriguez, he was lost and crying in the woods behind our houses because he didn’t know how to get home again.
He’d come barreling through the trees so fast that day that I’d barely had a moment to react before he’d appeared in front of me.
But even though he’d seemed so scary at first and even though he’d been an enemy of my family’s too, he hadn’t looked scary or dangerous at all once he’d stopped crying either.
He hadn’t looked angry or fierce or anything else like that either.
Bound by Blood: Mafia Heirs' Forbidden Alliance
It seemed weird and silly, of course, since we were never supposed to see each other again after that day and since we were never supposed to have anything to do with each other ever again, but even so, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something important and special had happened between us that day and that maybe, just maybe, we would meet again one day in the future and remember each other for good instead of evil.
We hadn’t met again until ten years later, of course, and even though we were a lot older by then and even though we’d both changed a lot since we were kids, it still felt like we were meant to meet again somehow and that we would remember each other as friends instead of enemies.
But, of course, that wasn’t what happened at all.
So here we were now.
It felt strange and surreal, of course, to think about how things had been so different for us back then and how they were so different for us now too.
It still made my heart ache and hurt to think about it, of course, and it still made me wish that things could be different for us now even though I knew that they couldn’t be at all.
Even though I knew that there was no way that they could be at all.
Especially now when there were so many other people counting on us and depending on us and watching us and waiting for us to become man and wife.
I shivered as I thought about it.
I’m not sure if it was because of something else entirely or if it was because something else entirely and if it made my heart ache and hurt all over again, but as I looked out into the distance and stared up at the stars, I couldn’t help but think about how different things were for me now compared to how they used to be for me back then.
I couldn’t help but think about how happy and hopeful and excited I used to be as a child instead of how unhappy and heartbroken and disappointed I was as an adult.
I missed those days more than anything else in the world, of course, and I wished that they could go on forever instead of ending so soon.
I wished that Alejandro could’ve been my first love instead of my worst enemy too.
The next thing I knew, there were people knocking on my door and calling out my name as they flitted back and forth down the hallway, talking about all of the things we needed to do today before we got married and how little time we had left until they needed me for pictures.
And I nodded and smiled as they came into my room.
I smiled as they fawned over me and fussed over me, making sure that everything was absolutely perfect down to the very last detail.
I smiled as they dressed me up in my wedding dress and made me up in my makeup, running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off because they still had so many things left to do before they could get out of the house.
And I smiled as my mother came into the room, carrying my bouquet in her arms as she got down on her hands and knees in front of me so that she could fasten a necklace around my neck.
Alejandro said as he walked into the room behind her, his eyes hard as he looked at me from across the room.
I blinked as I looked up at him.
I blinked as I took in his appearance, noticing how handsome he was and how dapper he looked in his suit.
I blinked as I took in his demeanor, noticing how cold he was being now that he was forced to talk to me.
And I blinked as I took in his body language, noticing how far away he was staying from me even though he didn’t have any reason at all.
Bound by Blood: Mafia Heirs' Forbidden Alliance