MidReal Story

Blueberry Hearts: A Sweet Transformation Tale

Scenario:In the story Charlie and the chocolate factory Violet Beauregarde is turned into a large blueberry and Mike Teavee is shrunk down to 4 inches tall. They encounter each other after Mikes transformation. They are at odds with each other but eventually commiserate on their predicaments and begin to like each other. They do encounter obstacles due to their changes. They slowly become fond of each other. Story is told in the 3rd person from a narrator.
Create my version of this story
In the story Charlie and the chocolate factory Violet Beauregarde is turned into a large blueberry and Mike Teavee is shrunk down to 4 inches tall. They encounter each other after Mikes transformation. They are at odds with each other but eventually commiserate on their predicaments and begin to like each other. They do encounter obstacles due to their changes. They slowly become fond of each other. Story is told in the 3rd person from a narrator.
I was the girl who turned into a blueberry.
I was the girl who turned into a blueberry, and he was the boy who shrunk to four inches tall.
We were both on Willy Wonka’s tour of his factory, and we were both changed forever by what we saw there.
I remember the day I met Mike Teavee.
He was one of the kids who won a golden ticket to tour Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, and so was I.
We were in the same group, along with Augustus Gloop and Veruca Salt and Charlie Bucket.
We were all waiting for Willy Wonka to lead us inside when Mike started bragging about how many TV shows he’d watched.
He said he’d watched every show that had ever been on TV, and he knew everything there was to know about everything.
I didn’t like him right away.
I didn’t like him at all.
I thought he was a big fat liar, and I told him so.
He just laughed at me, but I didn’t care.
I should never have said that.
I should never have started that argument, because it was one of the most important things that ever happened to me.
Mike and I were still arguing when Willy Wonka finally came out to meet us.
He shook our hands and said hello, and he showed us around his factory.
It was a magical place, a land of pure imagination, just like it said on the sign.
It was filled with marvelous machines and wonderful sights, and we were all amazed by what we saw.
We went to the Chocolate Room first, and then to the Inventing Room.
We went to the Nut Room, and the Television Room, and the Fizzy Lifting Room.
Every time we went to a new place, I thought it was the best one yet, but then we went to the next place, and that was even better than the place before.
The Inventing Room was full of fantastic contraptions that could do all sorts of amazing things, and the Television Room was even more incredible.
There were hundreds of tiny TV screens on the walls, each one showing a different picture.
Charlie Bucket asked Mr.
Wonka if he could make himself bigger on one of those screens, but Mr.
Wonka said no.
He said the TV screens could only show pictures, not real people.
But still, they were fun to watch.
We stood there for a long time, watching the shows on those tiny screens, and listening to the music that played in the background.
I felt like I could stay there forever, but then Mr.
Wonka led us downstairs to the factory floor, and I knew that was going to be even better than any of the other places we’d seen so far.
The factory floor was even bigger than I’d imagined, and it was filled with people and machines making all sorts of different candies.
There were gumball machines and jukebox machines, Wriggle Sweets and Lickable Wallpaper and Everlasting Gobstoppers.
There were whizzpoppers and fizzwiggles and Swudge Guns and Gumgees.
There were Snoodles and Chillycooms and Toffee Apples and Lollyflies.
There were thousands of candies, millions of them, more than I’d ever seen in my life, even though I’d been chewing gum pretty much constantly ever since I was four years old.
I was only twelve years old, but I was already known as one of the fiercest gum-chewing champions in the whole world.
I took my gum-chewing very seriously, and I was always looking for new kinds of gum to try, new flavors to sample.
I’d been chewing Wriggle Sweets for weeks, ever since they’d come out, but I’d never seen them actually being made before.
It was amazing.
I would have liked to have stayed there forever, watching all those candies being made, but then Mr.
Wonka led us into another room, where there were more machines making more candies.
"Blueberry Hearts: A Sweet Transformation Tale"
It was full of machines, machines bigger than elephants, machines that whistled and whirred and hissed.
There were pipes everywhere, big pipes that ran along the floor, little pipes that dangled down from the ceiling.
There were conveyor belts running in every direction, carrying taffy and fudge, hard candy and soft candy.
Augustus Gloop tried to drink some of the chocolate from a river that ran along one wall, but he fell in, and he had to be rescued by some little men with ropes who worked there.
As soon as he climbed out of the river, Augustus started complaining that he hadn’t been allowed to eat any chocolate while he was in there, but he wasn’t hurt at all.
He was fat enough already, so I didn’t think it mattered if he had to go without chocolate for a few minutes.
Mr Wonka led us through another door, into another room.
Once we were inside, he stopped walking, and he turned around to face us.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he said.
“Welcome to my Inventing Room.This is where I do my most important work.This is where I make all my candies.”
“Do you make all the candies here?”
I didn’t want to sound rude, but it didn’t look like there was enough room for all the candies we’d seen.
Mr Wonka smiled.
“Not all of them,” he said.
“Some of my candies are made in other places, in other factories.But most of them are made here, in this room.”
I couldn’t see how it was possible, but I didn’t say anything.
I just followed the others as Mr.
Wonka led us into the middle of the room, where there was a row of tall glass cabinets that ran from one end of the room to the other.
There were dozens of shelves inside each cabinet, each holding hundreds of candies, thousands of them, millions of them, more than I’d ever seen in my life.
Mr Wonka opened one of the cabinets, then he reached inside and took out a candy.
He held it up for everyone to see.
“This,” he said, “is my latest creation.I call it the Everlasting Gobstopper.”
The Everlasting Gobstopper was about the size of a marble, maybe a little bigger.
It was round, bright red, and shiny.
It was beautiful, and I’d never seen anything like it before.
“What does it do?”
The Everlasting Gobstopper is a miracle of modern confectionery engineering,” said Mr.
“It’s a candy that changes flavors, and colors, and shapes, but never gets any smaller.No matter how long you suck on it, no matter how much you chew it, it will never get any smaller.” He smiled.
“Would you like to try some?”
he held out the Everlasting Gobstopper for the others to see.
“Please help yourselves.
They’re not for sale yet, but you can eat as many as you like while you’re on this tour.”
The other kids stared at the Everlasting Gobstopper, but nobody moved.
I bit my lip, trying not to smile.
This was just the kind of opportunity I’d been waiting for, and I wasn’t going to let it slip away.
I reached past Charlie Bucket and took the Everlasting Gobstopper from Mr.
I held it up to the light and examined it carefully.
Then I popped it into my mouth and started sucking on it.
The flavor was amazing, better than anything I’d ever tasted before.
The texture was perfect, too, smooth and sweet and slightly chewy.
"Blueberry Hearts: A Sweet Transformation Tale"
Mr Wonka said.
Mr Wonka nodded.
“Shall we continue the tour?”
We left the Everlasting Gobstoppers behind and followed Mr.
Wonka deeper into the Inventing Room.
“We’re not just going to see Everlasting Gobstoppers today,” he said.
“I have all kinds of wonderful treats and surprises for you in store.And I think you’re going to find them even more amazing than my latest creation.”
He was right, but only because I didn’t know the first thing about making candy.
As we walked through the Inventing Room, I saw all sorts of things that looked interesting and delicious, but even I could tell that some of them were dangerous.
There were pots that were boiling hot, and machines that were making loud noises and shaking on their bases.
There were also things flying through the air: pieces of taffy and hard candies and other sugary treats.
They were all moving very fast, and they all looked very sharp.
I didn’t want to get too close to them, and neither did anyone else.
A few moments later we reached the end of the Inventing Room and found ourselves standing in front of a huge pair of double doors.
Mr Wonka said, and then he opened the doors and led us through.
We were in a long hallway with pink walls, pink floors, and pink ceilings.
I wrinkled my nose.
“Smells like bubblegum,” I said.
“It is bubblegum,” said Mr.
The Oompa-Loompas were working at the far end of the hallway, and they were wearing gas masks and gloves and long white coats.
They were also singing some kind of silly song, but I couldn’t tell what they were saying because the music was too loud.
“Come along,” said Mr.
Wonka, and he led us down the hallway and into the next room.
It was another Inventing Room, even bigger than the last one, and half a dozen Oompa-Loompas were working inside, wearing even more ridiculous outfits than the ones I’d seen before.
Somehow they all managed to look very serious and professional despite their bright colors and funny hats.
The room was full of pipes and vats, rubber hoses and conveyor belts, and all the machines were running very fast, making a lot of noise.
There was also a long row of TV screens on one wall, with wires and cables running everywhere, and a big digital clock that was counting down to zero.
“Watch your step,” said Mr.
Wonka, “and stay out of the way.The Oompa-Loompas are working very hard today, and we don’t want anyone to get hurt.”
He gave us a big smile, and then he walked away, leaving us alone.
We watched him go, but he didn’t turn around, he just kept moving, until he disappeared into a cloud of steam.
“Aren’t you coming with us?”
Charlie Bucket asked.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes,” Mr.
Wonka called over his shoulder.
“I have some business to attend to first.”
"Blueberry Hearts: A Sweet Transformation Tale"
No one answered, so she asked another question: “What business does Willy Wonka have?”
I didn’t know what business he had, but I was sure that whatever it was, it was very important, because Mr.
Wonka was a very important man.
Suddenly there was a loud alarm, and the lights in the Inventing Room started flashing on and off, first red, then green, then yellow, then red again.
The Oompa-Loompas stopped what they were doing and turned around to look at us.
They were all wearing gas masks, so I couldn’t see their faces, but I could tell that they were surprised, because they were making all sorts of strange noises, like squeaks and gasps.
Then something happened that surprised me even more: a large door slammed shut behind us, blocking the way we’d come, and a huge wall of glass came sliding down from the ceiling, blocking the way we’d gone.
It was a very strange thing to see, because there weren’t any doors in the walls or floor or ceiling, so I didn’t know how they were moving, or where they were going.
Mr Wonka said, “My friends, welcome to the Chocolate Room!”
The Oompa-Loompas started working again, but they were also looking at us, so I asked: “What is this place?”
“It’s a factory,” one of them said.
“But not just any factory,” said another.
“It’s the greatest factory in the world!”
“The most wonderful!”
“The most amazing!”
“The most incredible!”
“The most fantastic!”
“And don’t you forget it!”
I said, “This place is amazing!”
And it was amazing: the Chocolate Room was like nothing I’d ever seen before!
It was shaped like a big pink dome, with chocolate-covered walls and a chocolate-covered ceiling, and a huge river of chocolate running right through the middle: dark chocolate that smelled sweet and rich and wonderful, like nothing else on Earth.
We were standing on a long narrow walkway that ran along one side of the river, with chocolate as far as I could see in either direction—until suddenly I couldn’t see anything at all, because something had happened to the river: first it had stopped moving, then it had started boiling, and now it was steaming like a big drink.
“That’s hot!”
"Blueberry Hearts: A Sweet Transformation Tale"