MidReal Story

Bloodbound: Love Amidst Shadows


May 18
Scenario:Dark romance
Create my version of this story
Dark romance
The first time I saw him, I was a gift to be unwrapped.
He was the prince of the vampires, and I was a mere human girl.
But from the moment our eyes met, I knew he was mine.
And even though he tried to fight it, he knew I was his.
I was the one who would break his heart.
He was the one who would shatter mine.
I was a gift to be unwrapped, and he would be the one to tear away my wrapping paper.
But in the end, it wasn’t me who needed saving.
It was him.
The vampire raid came in the dead of night.
I didn’t hear them until they were already inside our village, their cries echoing through the darkness like banshees on the wind.
My mother shook me awake, her eyes wide with fear as she shoved me toward the trapdoor in our kitchen floor.
“Go!” she hissed at me.“Hide in the cellar!”
I didn’t need to be told twice.
I ran for the trapdoor and yanked it open, then scrambled down into the darkness below just as I heard my father’s voice shouting from above.
I froze in place at the sound of his voice, my heart pounding in my chest as I stared up at my parents from the bottom of the ladder.
Tears streamed down my mother’s cheeks as she struggled against the two vampires holding her back.
“Elara,” she cried.
“You must go.”
My father stood beside her, his eyes red with unshed tears as he looked down at me.
“Please forgive us, daughter,” he said, his voice choked with emotion.
“We love you, but we have no other choice.”
I stared up at them in horror, my body trembling with terror and disbelief.
“Wh-What’s happening?”
I stammered.
The vampires had reached the bottom of the trapdoor now, and their hands shot forward to grab me.
My mother screamed again as they dragged me away from the ladder and into the darkness outside, her final words echoing in my ears as I disappeared into the night.
“You are a gift,” she whispered.
“A gift to the vampires… and a sacrifice for us.”
The vampires were brutal, bloodthirsty creatures who took what they wanted without thought or care for the lives they destroyed.
We’d all heard the stories from sunnier lands, where their armies roamed unchecked across the countryside, slaughtering entire villages in their unending hunt for blood.
They were monsters, and they terrified me to my core.
But I’d never really believed they would come for us.
Our village was small and remote, hidden away in a valley surrounded by mountains on all sides.
It was peaceful and quiet, far removed from the political struggles that plagued the rest of our homeland.
Until the day the vampires came for us.
The day everything changed.
Viktor Drakos rode at the head of his army, his sharp eyes scanning the village for any signs of life.
His black hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail that trailed down the length of his back, and he wore a long black coat over his armor that flapped against his legs as he urged his horse forward.
The prince of the vampires, they called him.
And soon, he would be their king.
His father’s death had been an open secret for years, but now that it had finally come to pass, Viktor would be the one to take his place on the throne.
Change was coming, and not all of his kind were happy about it.
The humans were even less so.
I watched from the corner of the room as Viktor dismounted from his horse and strode up the steps of the great hall, his silver eyes fixed on the still figure lying on the dais in front of him.
His father.
The late king of the vampires.
A chill raced down my spine at the sight of the dead body on the dais, but I forced myself to hold my ground as Viktor knelt before it, his lips moving in a silent prayer.
My parents stood beside me, watching the scene unfold with tears streaming down their faces.
The old king was dead.
Bloodbound: Love Amidst Shadows
I squeezed my mother’s hand tightly, unwilling to let her go even though I knew we only had a few more minutes together.
My father wrapped his arm around the both of us, holding us close as he watched the scene unfold.
I knew what he was thinking.
What he was planning.
I shook my head at him, but he just tightened his grip on me, his face grim.
I knew I couldn’t stop him, not really.
But that didn’t mean I would go quietly.
Viktor rose to his feet a moment later, his silver eyes shining with unshed tears as he turned to address the crowd that had gathered in the hall.
“Tonight,” he declared, his voice clear and ringing.
“I will take my father’s place on the throne, as is my right.”
The vampires roared their approval at his words, their crimson eyes glinting in the torchlight as they bared their fangs.
Viktor waited for them to quiet down before speaking again.
“And when I do,” he said, his voice growing cold.
“Things will change.”
A hushed murmur went through the crowd at his words, but no one dared to question him openly.
Viktor’s eyes narrowed as he looked out at the sea of faces in front of him, his gaze sweeping over the assembled vampires one by one until it finally landed on me.
The moment our eyes met, my heart stopped in my chest.
I’d seen him before, but only in passing.
He’d never looked at me like this.
As if he could see through the shadows and into my soul.
A shiver ran down my spine at the intensity of his gaze, but I forced myself to hold his stare as the world fell away around us.
“Come,” Viktor said a moment later, breaking the spell.
He held out his hand toward me, his eyes dark with unspoken promises.
“Let me show you what the future holds.”
My mother wrapped her arms around me one last time, her voice shaking as she whispered words of love and encouragement in my ear.
“Be strong, my love,” she said.
“And remember that your father and I will always be with you.”
“I love you,” I told her, my voice muffled against her shoulder as I hugged her back.
“I love you more,” she whispered.
“Now go.”
She pushed me toward Viktor’s waiting hand, and this time I went.
The look in my father’s eyes would have been enough to break my heart if it hadn’t already been shattered into a million pieces.
I did my best to ignore it as I stepped up beside Viktor, but I could feel his eyes on me as I moved away from my family for the last time.
The room was silent as we waited for Viktor to drink from the blood chalice.
It was the only way he could ascend to the throne, or so the legends said.
His brother Xander stood at his side, watching us with a cruel smile on his face.
The crown prince.
The vampire who should have been king.
If not for the arrival of Viktor’s true bride.
His eyes were red as blood as he looked out at the crowd in front of him, but his gaze lingered on me for a moment longer before he turned away.
The chalice was passed to Viktor a moment later, its golden surface gleaming in the torchlight.
Bloodbound: Love Amidst Shadows
The humans in front of us shifted nervously as they waited for him to take his first sip.
My mother pressed her lips together in a thin line as she watched us with wide eyes.
She shook her head back and forth as if she could will the vampires to change their minds about taking me away.
But it was too late for that.
Her voice broke as Xander grabbed her by the arms and held her in place.
“Please,” she begged.
“Let us stay together.You can have my blood…just let us stay together.”
Xander laughed at that and shook his head.
“You will do as you are told,” he said with a cruel smile.
“I am the king now.
And you are nothing.”
My mother gasped and tried to take a step back from him, but he held on tight so that she couldn’t move.
“Please,” she begged.
“Have mercy on us.”
Xander sneered at her and tightened his grip.
“You are not in a position to beg,” he said.
“You are mine now.And you will do what you are told.Or you will face the consequences.”
My mother’s eyes went wide with fear as Xander gestured to his guards.
“Take her away,” he ordered “And make sure she knows her place.”
My mother screamed for them not to take me away from her as the guards began to drag her from the room.
But it was no use.
Xander simply laughed at her pain and frustration and ordered one of his men to gag her mouth with a strip of cloth so that she couldn’t scream anymore.
When they were done, they dragged her away from the throne room and out into the hallway beyond so that we couldn’t see what happened next.
My mother fought them every step of the way, kicking and screaming as they tried to take her away from me.
“Please,” she begged.
“Don’t take my baby away from me!Elara!”
Her voice echoed off the walls as they dragged her down the hall and out of sight, and I could hear her crying even after they were gone.
The sound made me want to cry too.
But I held back my tears as I stared out at the vampires in front of me.
This was not over…not yet.
One of Xander’s men grabbed me a moment later and held me tight so that I couldn’t move.
My mother struggled against them with everything she had, but they were too strong for her.
She couldn’t save me this time.
No matter how much she wanted to.
When Xander realized that she was no longer a threat, he turned his attention back to the throne room and clapped his hands together in satisfaction.
“Well done, brother,” he said as he watched us with a cruel smile.
“So you are a man after all.”
Viktor’s eyes flashed with anger at the insult, but he didn’t say anything as he stepped forward to take his place on the throne.
Xander sneered at him as he passed, then turned his attention back to me.
“You are a stubborn little thing, aren’t you?”
he said with a cruel smile.
“Well, don’t worry…I am going to enjoy breaking you.”
Bloodbound: Love Amidst Shadows