MidReal Story

Bitter Reunion: A Love Rekindled


May 25
Scenario:Two girls that were lovers meeting again after a few years apart & one of them hates the other for leaving
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Two girls that were lovers meeting again after a few years apart & one of them hates the other for leaving

Sarah Jennings

the one who was left and harbors resentment, exgirlfriend of Emily, short blonde with piercing blue eyes, passionate and hurt.


Mark Collins

mutual friend of Emily and Sarah, tries to mediate their conflict, medium build with glasses, rational and supportive.


Emily Carter

the one who left and is now back, in a complex relationship with Sarah, tall with curly brown hair, introspective and conflicted.

I was sitting in a local cafe, sipping my coffee and reading a book.
It was a typical Saturday afternoon for me.
I had just moved back to my hometown after being away for the past few years.
I was excited to be back and see all of my old friends, but I was also nervous.
I had left so suddenly, and I wasn’t sure how everyone would react to me being back.
I had been dating a girl named Sarah for about a year before I left, and we were in a pretty serious relationship.
We had talked about moving in together and even getting married one day, so when I told her that I was moving away for work, she was devastated.
She begged me not to go, but I knew that it was something that I had to do for myself.
I thought that we would be able to make it work long distance, but after a few months of being apart, we both realized that it just wasn’t going to happen.
We met at a party one night, and it was love at first sight.
She had piercing blue eyes that stood out against her short blonde hair, and she had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.
I was tall with curly brown hair, and even though I was a bit of an introvert, I found myself being drawn to her.
I was a little nervous to approach her, but I could tell that she was into me too, so I got up the courage to go talk to her.
We ended up talking for hours that night, and we just clicked.
We started dating after that and quickly became inseparable.
We were both passionate people, so our relationship was filled with intense love and romance.
But we were also best friends, and we could talk about anything and everything with each other.
It felt like a perfect combination.
We had been together for about a year when I received a job offer in another state.
I was excited about the offer because it would be a great opportunity for me, but I was also nervous to tell Sarah about it.
I knew that it would be hard for us to be apart, and I didn’t want to hurt her.
She was my everything, and the thought of not being with her every day made me feel sick to my stomach.
But I also knew that it was something that I had to do for myself, so I took the job and tried to put on a brave face.
When I told Sarah about it, she was devastated.
She begged me not to go, but I had already made up my mind.
I knew that going would be the best thing for me, but that didn’t make it any easier to leave the person I loved more than anything in the world.
I could see the pain in her eyes, and it broke my heart.
I felt so guilty for putting her through this, but there was nothing I could do to change it now.
We decided to try to make it work long distance at first, but we quickly realized that it wasn’t going to happen.
The distance between us only made us feel more alone and empty, and we both missed each other like crazy.
We tried to visit each other as much as we could, but it was just too hard to be apart all the time.
After a few months of trying, we decided that it would be best for us to break up so that we could move on with our lives.
It completely shattered me into pieces when we ended things, and I didn’t know how I was going to live without her by my side.
I thought about moving back home after that, but I didn’t want to admit defeat, so I decided to stay where I was instead.
She walked away from the situation
At first, we talked every day and tried to make the best of our situation, but as time went on, we started talking less and less.
It was just too painful to talk to each other knowing that we couldn’t be together, and we were both struggling to move on with our lives.
Our conversations, which used to be filled with laughter and plans for the future, were now filled with sadness and pain, and it was a constant reminder of what we had lost.
It felt like all we did was fight, and I hated what we were becoming, so I tried to avoid talking to her as much as possible.
But no matter how hard I tried to hide it, she could tell that something was wrong between us, and she always knew when I was upset.
I didn’t want to worry her, so I tried to put on a brave face and pretend like everything was fine, but she saw right through me, and she knew that I was just trying to protect her from the truth.
Our last conversation before we went our separate ways is etched into my memory forever.
We were on the phone one night, and I was trying to make small talk to keep the conversation light, but she could tell that I was upset about something else.
She begged me to tell her what was wrong, and when I finally did, she broke down into tears and told me how much she hated seeing me like this.
She knew that I wasn’t happy where I was and that I was just settling for a life that wasn’t truly mine, and she couldn’t stand to see me do this to myself anymore.
She told me that I deserved more than this and that I should come back home so that we could be together again, but I knew that it wasn’t possible.
I loved her more than anything in this world, and all I wanted was to be with her again, but I didn’t want to hold her back from living the life that she deserved to live either.
She was an amazing person who could do anything she set her mind to, and I couldn’t ask her to give up all of her dreams just so she could be with me again.
She deserved someone who could give her the world, and I knew that person wasn’t me.
So even though my heart was breaking into pieces, I knew that this was something that we had to do.
We both cried on the phone that night, and we told each other how much we loved each other over and over again, but in the end, we both knew what had to be done.
My love for Sarah would never fade away, but our situation would never change either, and the only way to move forward with our lives was to say goodbye and go our separate ways.
We knew that this would be the last time that we would ever speak to each other, and as hard as it was to say goodbye, we both knew that it was the right thing to do.
After all, sometimes love just isn’t enough.
It’s been two years since we broke up, and even though I’ve tried to forget about her, she’s always been in the back of my mind.
I still think about her every day and wonder if she’s happy and what she’s up to now.
Part of me still misses her more than anything in this world, and there are times when I wish things could have been different between us.
Her piercing blue eyes glistened with tears as she hugged me tighter than ever before, and my heart shattered into a million pieces as I felt her heart breaking along with mine.
I tried to be strong and keep my tears from falling down my face, but my head felt heavy with sadness and guilt as she said goodbye one last time, and all I could think about were the tears rolling down her face.
“Don’t cry,” I whispered softly as my hand cupped her face, “You know how much I hate it when you cry.”
“Don’t go,” she begged me with a pained expression on her face.
“We can make this work.”
As much as my heart wanted to stay with her forever, my head knew that this was something that could never be fixed.
Our relationship was complicated before, and now that we were living on opposite sides of the country, there were just too many things pulling us apart.
We tried to make things work long-distance for as long as we could, but in the end, the pain of being apart from each other became too much to bear.
“I’m sorry,” I choked up as my arms wrapped around her petite frame one last time.
“I’m sorry that we couldn’t make this work.”
“I’ll always love you, Em,” she whispered softly into my ear, and as much as my heart wanted to believe her, we both knew that this love was something that could never be.
I’ll always love you, too,” I managed to say through my tears before we kissed one last time.
I couldn’t bear to watch her cry as she walked away, and so with tears streaming down my face, I turned around and left without looking back.
I tried to erase the memory of Sarah from my mind for years after that, but no matter how hard I tried to forget her, she would always be right there with me.
My heart still ached with sadness every time I thought about her, and it hurt to know that I would never be able to see her or hold her in my arms again.
Sarah and I had known each other since we were young, and growing up in this small town, we shared many memories together.
The park we used to play in when we were kids, the diner where we had late-night talks, and even the street where we had our first kiss – every corner of this town held fragments of our past, and it wasn’t until we broke up that I realized what it meant to be truly alone.
It’s been a few years since then, and even though the pain of losing her has dulled with time, it still felt like a part of me was missing without her by my side.
My mind wandered to that night two years ago as I walked through the streets of my hometown, and even though I tried not to think about it, her memory lingered like a bittersweet melody that wouldn’t fade away.
The fresh air felt good on my face as I walked around and tried to clear my mind, but no matter how much I wanted to forget about her, it felt like every step I took only brought me closer to her all over again.