MidReal Story

Betrayal's Seductive Game


May 13
Scenario:Make a story of a betrayed corporate man fired from his company seeks revenge by sleeping with an unlikely woman
Create my version of this story
Make a story of a betrayed corporate man fired from his company seeks revenge by sleeping with an unlikely woman
I was fired.
It was all a setup.
And the one who did it was the one I trusted most.
I will ruin his life.
I will make him pay for what he did to me.
I will make him regret the day he decided to betray me.
And I know exactly how to do it.
She is the key to my revenge.
She is the perfect pawn in my game.
She is the one who will help me get what I want: Emily Clarke.
I will seduce her, and then I will break her heart.
And when she is broken, I will expose her dirty little secret to the world.
The only problem is that I never expected to fall for her…
I was fired from my job today, and it was all Mark Sullivan’s fault.
He was the one who set me up, and he was the one who fired me without any warning or explanation.
The truth is that I should have seen it coming.
I should have known that something was off because Mark had been acting weird for the last couple of months.
I should also have known that he was up to something because he always was.
He was always on the lookout for new opportunities, and he was always looking for ways to get ahead.
He was also ambitious, ruthless, and competitive, which made him the perfect rival.
And now he had finally succeeded in taking me down.
But I wasn’t going to let him get away with it.
I wasn’t going to let him win.
I wasn’t going to let him beat me.
I was going to make him pay for what he did to me.
I was going to make him regret the day he decided to betray me.
I was going to ruin his life, but first, I needed to come up with a plan.
My name is James Bennett, and I am a former executive at a major corporation in New York City.
I had been working there for years, and I had been doing pretty well until today.
But now things were different.
They were very different because I had just been fired from my job, which meant that I no longer had any reason to stay there.
I also no longer had any reason to stay in New York City because I had moved there to work at that company in the first place.
And now that I didn’t work there anymore, I didn’t see any other reason to stay there either.
So, after getting fired today, I went straight home to pack my things because I knew that it was time for me to leave.
But as I started packing, I couldn’t help but wonder how everything had fallen apart so quickly and so suddenly.
I also couldn’t help but wonder what I was going to do now that it had.
That’s when the pieces started falling into place because I suddenly realized that Mark had set me up from the beginning.
He had been building a case against me for months.
He had been gathering evidence and looking for witnesses who would testify against me in court.
He had also managed to get the board of directors on his side by playing them like a fiddle, which made it easy for them to believe that he was the good guy and I was the bad guy.
But the truth was that we were both guilty of doing the same things, and we both knew it.
I just never thought that he would do something like this to me.
I never thought that he would be the one who betrayed me, and that’s why it came as such a shock when he did.
But now that he had, I wasn’t going to let him get away with it.
I wasn’t going to let him win.
I wasn’t going to let him beat me.
I was going to make him pay for what he did to me.
I was going to make him regret the day he decided to betray me.
Betrayal's Seductive Game
I was simply trying to level out the playing field by taking back what was rightfully mine, which meant that an eye for an eye was fair game as far as I was concerned.
And that’s when I came up with a plan that would help me get what I wanted: revenge on Mark Sullivan.
It was also a plan that would help me get revenge on Emily Clarke, who was the key to my revenge because she was Mark’s girlfriend and my target all along.
She was also someone who was very important to him, which meant that she would be very important to me too after we started dating.
But it wasn’t like that was going to be a problem because I had already come up with a plan that would help me get exactly what I wanted from her when the time was right.
I had also come up with a plan that would help me get exactly what I wanted from him when the time was right too because I knew that both of them would be very useful for my mission once they were in my life.
The whole thing was actually quite simple because all I had to do was befriend her, go out with her, date her, sleep with her, and then leave her right where she belonged: in Mark’s bed.
I also had to make sure that she didn’t find out about my little plan until then too because if she did, she would never play along with it, which would ruin everything for me before I even had a chance to start anything at all.
But as long as I played my cards right and pretended to be someone that she could trust and rely on, everything should go smoothly according to plan without any problems or issues arising between us at all.
Which is why when she walked into the bar where we were supposed to meet for our first date tonight, my heart skipped a beat as soon as I saw her standing there in front of me looking like an angel who had just fallen from heaven.
She was also incredibly beautiful with long blonde hair, big blue eyes, soft red lips, petite curves in all of the right places, and gorgeous legs that went on forever and ever until they reached the sky above us like two branches of a tree that were about to touch each other after being separated by the wind.
Betrayal's Seductive Game
As I took a good long look at her from top to bottom, my blood started boiling, my heart started racing, and my cock started rising as I realized that I could easily see myself fucking her for the very first time tonight before moving on to more important matters, like ruining Mark’s life and making him pay dearly for everything that he had done to me over the years in the process, without any second thoughts or doubts hindering me along the way at all.
I wanted to be inside of her more than I wanted anything else in the world, but first I needed to get rid of the little thing that was standing between us in the very beginning because if I didn’t, things could get pretty awkward between us later on, and I didn’t want that at all, especially when I was planning on leaving her with a broken heart once all of this was over and done with for good in the end.
“Hello, beautiful,” I said with a smile on my face as soon as I saw her walking towards me with a smile on her face too that made me want to pull her into my arms and kiss her lips until the end of time, just because I could and I wanted to so badly that it almost hurt not to do it for real immediately after as well.
“I’m so happy that you came,” I continued, trying my best not to do anything else or say anything else that could make things even more difficult for us than they already were at that moment in time between us, when all I wanted was for us to get along with each other and be happy together for at least a little while before moving on with what I had planned for us later on when we were ready for it later on as well, without any problems or issues getting in the way of anything at all before then either.
“I’m happy too,” she replied with a smile on her face as soon as she reached the table where I was sitting and sat down across from me in front of me as well.
“Thank you for inviting me out tonight.”
“It’s my pleasure,” I said with another smile on my face as well as I reached out and took her hand into mine before rubbing it gently with my thumb as well because it felt good doing that at that moment in time, especially when I could see the look in her eyes as she looked back at me with a look of lust in her eyes that could easily drown a thousand men in an instant if they weren’t careful enough around her at that moment in time.
“You look lovely tonight,” she continued in a soft voice that made my cock jump inside of my pants at the sound of it too as soon as she said it, making me want her even more than I had before too.
“You don’t look so bad yourself,” I replied with a smile on my face as well.
“I could easily get used to seeing you like this every single day for the rest of my life.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes,” I replied with another smile on my face.
Betrayal's Seductive Game