MidReal Story

Bella Thorne dressed as a Hooters Girl at a Halloween


May 10
Scenario:Bella Thorne dressed as a Hooters Girl at a Halloween party has a curse put on her “ at the stroke of midnight, your belly will grow 15 pounds of fat , every 15 minutes until 6:00am when your belly will burst like a water balloon!”
Create my version of this story
Bella Thorne dressed as a Hooters Girl at a Halloween party has a curse put on her “ at the stroke of midnight, your belly will grow 15 pounds of fat , every 15 minutes until 6:00am when your belly will burst like a water balloon!”
I’m cursed!”
Panic filled her doe eyes as she took a step back.
I don’t think that’s it,” she said.
But we have to figure out what’s going on, and fast!”
My belly jiggled with more weight as I tried to zip my shorts back up.
I don’t know what to do!”
I looked at myself in the mirror, feeling like some kind of freak.
Zendaya put a comforting hand on my shoulder.
We’ll figure it out,” she said.
Let’s go talk to Taylor.”
We found Taylor waiting for us just outside the bathroom door.
She was dressed in a sexy cop outfit, complete with handcuffs and a nightstick, and she was nervously chewing on the end of her nightstick.
It’s not good,” Zendaya said.
Bella thinks she’s cursed or something.”
“Cursed?” Taylor asked.
She rolled her eyes.
“Let me guess, you opened up another chain letter email?”
“No, it’s not that,” Zendaya said.
“It’s like I’m gaining weight or something.”
Taylor reached out and poked my belly.
I yelped as her finger sank into my bloated flesh.
“Damn, girl,” Taylor said.
“You’ve been eating too many fried chicken wings or what?”
“Shut up, Taylor!”
I swatted her hand away.
She winced and held up her nightstick in self-defense.
“Hey, I’m just trying to help out here.”
“Okay, okay.” Zendaya broke up the fight before it escalated any further.
“We need to figure out what’s going on with Bella.You guys go get us some drinks while I try to do some research online.” She pulled out her phone and started typing away.
Taylor grabbed her nightstick and twirled it like a baton as we made our way back to the living room.
“I can’t believe you’re already drunk,” she said as we walked past the bar.
“I know I am,” I muttered as we walked past the bar.
“So how do you want to play this?”
I asked as we sat down on one of the couches.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, how are we going to figure out who cursed me?”
“Honestly, I don’t know,” Taylor said.
She leaned back in the plush leather couch and took a sip of her drink.
“Whoever did it must have been at that bar we were at earlier tonight.”
“Or maybe they followed us here,” Zendaya said as she joined us on the couch.
Taylor and I exchanged worried glances.
What if the person who cursed me was still at the party?
And what if they decided to curse someone else too?
I took a sip of my drink and tried to calm my nerves.
There was no point in worrying about it now.
We’d deal with it later.
For now, we were here to have fun and enjoy the party.
And if that meant having to deal with the occasional curse along the way, then so be it.
A tall guy in a Scream costume stumbled up to us and handed us some more drinks.
“Hey, ladies,” he said in a deep voice.
“Having fun yet?”
Bella Thorne dressed as a Hooters Girl at a Halloween
I leaned back and took another drink of my cocktail.
“Party’s just getting started, baby!”
I raised my glass and cheered along with him.
As the guy walked away, I noticed a group of guys watching us from across the room.
They were all dressed in black and white striped prison outfits, complete with fake tattoos on their arms and faces.
One of them was even carrying around a ball and chain.
They looked like they were up to no good, and I couldn’t resist going over to say hi.
I hopped off the couch and strutted over to them, swaying my hips back and forth as I walked.
The guys looked me up and down as I approached, and I could tell by their wolfish grins that they liked what they saw.
“Hey, fellas,” I said as I stopped in front of them.
“Did someone escape from prison?”
The guys laughed, and one of them stepped forward to greet me.
“We were just admiring your outfit,” he said, eyeing me up and down.
“Hooters Girl, right?”
He reached out to grab my boobs, but I slapped his hand away before he could touch me.
“Hands off the merchandise, buddy!”
“Sorry,” he said, holding his hands up in surrender.
I just couldn’t help myself.” He cleared his throat and tried to act casual.
“So, are you really representing Hooters tonight?”
he asked, looking down at my shorts.
“Because I don’t think those are regulation size.” He winked at me and gave me a sly smile.
I laughed and shook my head.
“Just for tonight,” I said, smiling sweetly.
“Aw, come on,” the guy said.
“Don’t be like that.”
He reached out to grab my waist, but I smacked his hand away before he could touch me.
“I’m not being like anything,” I said, annoyed.
“I just don’t like it when people I don’t know try to touch me without permission.”
The guy looked at me for a moment, as if trying to decide whether or not I was serious.
Then he stepped back and held his hands up in the air.
“Okay, okay,” he said.
“I get it.You’re a feisty little thing, aren’t you?”
I rolled my eyes and turned my back on him.
He was definitely not my type, and I had no interest in flirting with him.
Besides, I had more important things to worry about right then than some random guy who couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
“We were just leaving anyway,” the guy said as he turned to go.
He paused for a moment, then looked back over his shoulder at me.
“By the way,” he said.
“You make a really hot Hooters Girl.”
I watched him walk away, then turned back to my friends with a smile.
“Some people just can’t resist my good looks,” I said, wryly.
Zendaya snorted and took another sip of her drink.
“Come on,” Taylor said as she grabbed my hand.
“It’s time for you to meet some real men.”
She pulled me along with her as we made our way across the room to the bar.
A group of guys was sitting at the bar, dressed in football jerseys and baseball caps.
One of them was wearing a referee outfit, complete with a whistle around his neck.
Bella Thorne dressed as a Hooters Girl at a Halloween
“Hooters fever,” I said coolly, as if I hadn’t noticed them staring at us.
“We should probably get some water to cool down before you guys get dehydrated.”
The guys all laughed, and the one who was wearing the referee outfit stood up to shake my hand.
“What can I say?” he said, grinning at me.
“You make a really hot Hooters Girl.”
I raised an eyebrow at him, trying to decide whether or not he was serious.
He didn’t look like he was joking, so I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.
“Well, in that case, I’ll take a water,” I said, smiling sweetly at him.
He looked at me for a moment, then motioned to the bartender to bring me a glass of water.
I took a long sip of the cold water, then set the glass down on the bar with a satisfied sigh.
“That’s better,” I said, smiling at the guys.
“Now, what can I do for you boys?”
The guys all looked at each other for a moment, then the one who was wearing the referee outfit cleared his throat and turned to me with a smile.
“I couldn’t help but notice that you don’t have a drink,” he said, grinning at me.
“I don’t suppose you’d let me buy you one, would you?”
I looked at him for a moment, trying to decide whether or not I wanted to accept his offer.
He was definitely good-looking, with short dark hair and a strong jawline that made him look like he belonged on the cover of a magazine.
And he had a nice smile, too, which was always a good sign in my book.
But there was something about him that struck me as a little too cocky, and I wasn’t sure if I liked that or not.
On the other hand, I’d never been one to turn down a free drink, so I decided to take a chance and see where things went.
“Well,” I said slowly, “I suppose that would be okay, as long as you don’t mind being my personal water boy for the rest of the night.”
The guy grinned at me and held out his hand to shake mine.
You’ve got yourself a deal.”
I smiled at him and took his hand, trying not to let my eyes wander down to his crotch, where I could see the outline of something very big and very hard pressing against his pants.
“I’m Bella,” I said, shaking his hand firmly.
I’m just here to make sure you guys don’t get too thirsty.”
The guy laughed and shook his head, then motioned for me to sit down on one of the barstools next to him.
“So, Bella,” he said, leaning in close so I could hear him over the music, “what brings you here tonight?”
I opened my mouth to answer, but before I could say anything, Zendaya and Taylor walked up to us and put their hands on my shoulders, as if to protect me from the guys at the bar.
“Hey there,” Zendaya said, smiling sweetly at them.
“I hope you’re not bothering our friend here.”
Bella Thorne dressed as a Hooters Girl at a Halloween
I felt a sudden sharp pain in my belly and doubled over, clutching my stomach as if it were about to burst.
“Are you okay?”
Zendaya asked, looking at me with concern.
I took a deep breath and tried to force a smile, but the pain was so intense that I could barely speak.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I said, my voice shaky.
“I just need to go to the bathroom for a minute.”
Zendaya and Taylor looked at each other for a moment, then nodded in agreement.
We’ll come with you.”
“No, it’s okay,” I said, trying not to show how much pain I was in.
“I’ll be right back.”
I forced myself to stand up straight and took a few deep breaths to try and calm down.
The pain was still there, but it wasn’t as bad as it had been a moment ago, so I put on a brave face and walked out of the bar in search of the bathroom.
I felt my friends following me, but I didn’t look back to see if they were still there.
I just kept walking as fast as I could until I finally reached the bathroom and locked the door behind me.
Once I was alone, I let out a long sigh and collapsed on the floor, clutching my belly and trying to rub away the pain.
What the hell is happening to me?”
I thought as the pain in my belly got worse and worse.
“Am I coming down with something?Did I eat something bad?
Why do I feel like I’m about to explode?”
I took a deep breath and forced myself to stand up, then slowly made my way over to the sink and turned on the faucet so I could splash some cold water on my face.
But when I looked in the mirror and saw what was happening to my body, I froze in horror and let out a scream that echoed through the empty bathroom.
“Oh my god,” I whispered, staring at myself in the mirror with wide eyes.
“What is happening to me?”
I took a step back so I could see my whole body in the mirror and gasped when I saw how much weight I’d gained since I’d left the bar a few minutes earlier.
My belly was swollen and round like a balloon, and my cheeks looked like they were about to burst.
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.
I’d never been a skinny girl, but I’d never been this big before either.
I shook my head and tried to tell myself that it was all in my mind, but I knew that wasn’t true.
The scale didn’t lie, and I could already tell that I’d gained at least fifteen or twenty pounds in the last few minutes.
But how was that even possible?
I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast, so I knew it wasn’t because I was eating too much junk food or drinking too much soda.
So why was I getting fat?
And more importantly, how could I make it stop?
I heard Zendaya’s voice coming from outside the bathroom door and took a step back so she couldn’t see me in the mirror.
“Is everything okay in there?”
“Yeah,” I said quickly.
“I’m fine.” I glanced at myself in the mirror one more time and felt a sudden surge of panic.
“I just need a minute to myself.”I heard Zendaya and Taylor talking to each other outside the door for a moment, then Zendaya knocked softly on the door.
“Can I come in?”
I shook my head and wrapped a towel around my body so she couldn’t see what was happening to me.
“No,” I said firmly.
Bella Thorne dressed as a Hooters Girl at a Halloween
“What’s going on, Bella?”
“Just give me a minute, okay?”
I heard Zendaya sigh, then her footsteps faded away.
As soon as she was gone, I took a deep breath and unwrapped the towel from around my body, then stepped onto the scale again and waited for it to finish calculating my weight.
The numbers on the screen went up and up, and when they finally stopped, I almost screamed out loud.
“Five pounds?”
I muttered to myself, staring at the number in disbelief.
“I gained five pounds in less than five minutes?What is happening to me?”
I shook my head and stepped off the scale, then took another deep breath and tried to calm myself down.
I needed to think rationally, not freak out.
I knew that stress could make a person gain weight, so maybe if I just relaxed for a few minutes, whatever was happening to me would stop.
But just as soon as that thought entered my mind, I felt something strange happening to my body.
I glanced down and saw that my belly was swelling up even more, and my cheeks looked like they were about to burst.
I couldn’t believe how fast I was gaining weight or how big I was getting.
It was like my body was completely out of control, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
“Bella,” Zendaya said nervously from outside the door.
“What’s going on in there?”
“Nothing,” I said quickly.
“I’m fine.” But even though I said those words, I knew they weren’t true.
The pain in my belly was getting worse and worse, and it felt like I was suffocating in my own skin because of how fast I was gaining weight.
I didn’t know what was happening to me or how to make it stop, and the longer it went on, the more terrified I became.
“Are you feeling okay in there?”
Zendaya said gently.
“Do you need anything?”
“I don’t know,” I said weakly.
“Can you go get Taylor for me?”
“Of course,” Zendaya said quickly.
“I’ll be right back.”
I heard her footsteps fading away, then took a deep breath and tried to think of a way to make this nightmare end.
But no matter what I did, I couldn’t figure out how to stop gaining weight or how to make the pain in my belly go away.
It was like my body was completely out of control, and there was nothing I could do to change that.
And as the pain in my belly got worse and worse and the numbers on the scale went up and up and up, I knew that if I didn’t find a way to break this curse soon, I was going to die.
“Come on,” I whispered desperately as the pain in my belly reached a new level of intensity and I felt like I was about to pass out from the stress of everything that was happening to me.
“What do I do?”
But just as soon as that thought entered my mind, I heard Zendaya’s voice coming from outside the bathroom door and let out a sigh of relief.
“I’m right here,” she said gently.
“What do you need?”
“I need you to get Taylor,” I said weakly.
Bella Thorne dressed as a Hooters Girl at a Halloween
“I don’t know,” I said weakly as Zendaya put an arm around my waist and helped me down the hallway toward the bathroom.
But even though I said those words, I was filled with an overwhelming sense of dread as I stepped onto the scale and saw that my weight had gone up by another ten pounds since I’d last checked five minutes earlier.
It was like something inside of me was taking over my body and making me gain weight at a rapid pace no matter what I did or how hard I tried to fight it, and there was nothing I could do to stop it or even slow it down.
And as the numbers on the scale kept going up and up and up until they were higher than they’d ever been before, I knew that if I didn’t find a way to break this curse soon, there was no telling how big or heavy or bloated I would get before it finally killed me.
“Just get Taylor,” I said weakly once the scale finally stopped moving and Zendaya led me into the bathroom and closed the door behind us again.
“Whatever you say,” Zendaya said gently as she put her phone into my hand so that I could call Taylor myself.
“Please,” I said quickly as I took Zendaya’s phone and dialed Taylor’s number for what felt like the hundredth time since this whole ordeal had started.
“I don’t know what to do.”
“I’m sure she’ll be able to help you figure out what to do,” Zendaya said gently as the phone rang and rang and rang until finally someone on the other end picked up and said “Hello?” in a soft voice that I recognized instantly as Taylor’s.
“It’s me,” I said quickly as soon as I heard Taylor’s voice on the other end of the line and felt a sense of relief wash over me once I knew that I wasn’t alone in all of this anymore.
“It’s Bella Thorne.”
“Oh hey Bella!”
Taylor said cheerfully from the other end of the line before she paused for a second and added in a more serious tone of voice: “What happened?”
“I don’t know,” I said quickly as my belly let out an angry growl and swelled up even more than before as if to remind me that it wouldn’t be ignored for long.
“It felt like something inside me was taking control of my body and making me gain weight at a rapid pace no matter what I did or how hard I tried to fight it.
And before I even realized what was happening, I’d already gained thirty pounds and my belly was swollen up so big and bloated that I could hardly breathe.
I don’t know what to do,” I said weakly as I looked down at my belly and saw it swelling up even more than before.
“It felt like something inside me was taking control of my body and making me gain weight at a rapid pace no matter what I did or how hard I tried to fight it.
And before I even realized what was happening, I’d already gained thirty pounds and my belly was swollen up so big and bloated that I could hardly breathe.
I don’t know what to do,” I said weakly as I looked down at my belly and saw that it was swelling up even more than before.
But just as quickly as the pain in my belly had returned, it faded away again.
And when I looked down to see if anything had changed this time, I saw that my once-toned belly had turned into a soft, pudgy mess covered in angry red stretch marks from how quickly my skin had been stretched out.
Bella Thorne dressed as a Hooters Girl at a Halloween
I couldn’t bear the thought of seeing myself like this any longer and I needed someone who could stay strong enough to keep going if they were going to have any hope of saving me from whatever this curse was that had taken control of my body and started making me gain weight at a rapid pace.
So when Zendaya reached out to touch my arm a few seconds later and asked if she could take a closer look at my belly now that the curse had changed the way my body looked so much in such a short period of time, I nodded weakly and let her see the damage for herself as tears welled up in my eyes.
“Oh god,” she said softly a few seconds later after she’d gotten a good look at the state of my once-toned body now that the curse had made me gain weight all over the place so much that it had completely changed the way my body looked from the outside in such a short period of time.
“This curse is real,” she said a few seconds later once she’d finally managed to find her voice and form the words into sentences again.
“I’m sorry,” she said quickly as she looked down at her feet and took a step back from the bathroom mirror where she’d just gotten a good look at the state of my body after it had been cursed to gain weight at such a rapid pace over the course of the last hour or so.
“I didn’t mean to freak you out or anything.”
“I’m not freaked out,” she said quickly as she looked up at me again and took my hand in hers to try and comfort me.
“It’s just that…your body…it’s changed so much since we first came in here,” she said slowly as she tried to figure out how to form the words into sentences.
“I know,” I said quickly as my belly let out yet another angry growl before it swelled up even more than before in an attempt to remind me of what was happening to my body while we were talking about something as simple as talking about how much my body had changed since this whole thing had started.
“It’s like something inside me is taking control of my body and making me gain weight at such a rapid pace that I can hardly keep up with all of the changes that are happening on the outside even though they’re being caused by something on the inside of my body that I can’t even begin to understand,” I added quickly in an attempt to explain what was happening before my belly started swelling up again.
But even though I thought that my belly was going to start swelling up again after it had started making angry growling noises again, it didn’t swell up right away this time like before.
Instead, the weight started spreading down my body as my breasts swelled up even more than before while my hips started swelling up next.
Bella Thorne dressed as a Hooters Girl at a Halloween
As I glanced down at myself and slowly took an inventory of all the changes that were happening to my body right before my very eyes, I realized just how much weight I’d gained since the curse had first taken hold of me and made me gain an extra fifteen pounds after midnight like it had said it was going to do every fifteen minutes for the entire night until either I burst or found a way to break the curse.
I’d gained a lot more weight than I’d first realized.
I’d already gained about sixty or seventy pounds by then and that had only been an hour or so after it had first happened, which meant I probably weighed close to two hundred pounds by then and I was still gaining weight at such a rapid pace that I could hardly keep up with all the changes that were happening on the outside of my body while something on the inside was taking control of me and making me gain weight at a rate that I could hardly keep up with while I was still trying to understand what was happening to me and how it was even possible for something like this to happen to someone like me.
As I tried to figure out what was happening to my body while it was happening before my very eyes and something on the inside of my body was taking control of me and making me gain weight at a rate so high that I could hardly keep up with all the changes that were happening on the outside even though they were being caused by something on the inside of my body, I realized just how much pain I was in from gaining so much weight in such a short amount of time while something on the inside of my body was taking control of me.
The pain had started off as small twinges in my belly while I’d been waiting for the curse to take hold of me, but it had turned into something so much worse than I’d ever expected it would be after only a couple of minutes or so when my belly had first started swelling up after midnight like it had said it would do every fifteen minutes for the entire night until either I burst or found a way to break the curse.
And before long, the pain had spread out from my belly and into other parts of my body as well as something on the inside of me took control and made me gain weight at such an alarming rate that I could hardly keep up with all the changes that were happening on the outside even though they were being caused by something on the inside of me.
My breasts seemed to be affected more than any other part of my body since they’d swollen up so much since then and they were still swelling up even more as time went on.
Bella Thorne dressed as a Hooters Girl at a Halloween
And as that was happening, my belly was also starting to gain weight too, even though it had already swelled up so much and gotten so big and bloated that my skin might not be able to handle all that extra pressure that was being put onto it from my belly growing so much bigger and heavier while something on the inside of my body took control and made it gain so much weight at such an alarming rate that it was difficult for it to keep up with all those changes that were happening on the outside even though they were being caused by something on the inside of my body.
I was starting to feel like something on the inside of my body was taking control and trying to kill me, but Taylor Swift quickly put those thoughts out of my head when she told me that we were in this together and since we were in this together, we were going to fight against it together so that we could break it and make it go away once and for all before something took control and killed me from within my own body while it made me gain weight at such an alarming rate that it was difficult for my skin and organs and everything else that was being affected by it to keep up with all those changes that were happening so quickly even though they were being caused by something on the inside of my body.
As my belly continued swelling up so much, I was starting to feel like I might not be able to survive this curse if we didn’t do something fast because it seemed like something on the inside of my body was taking control and trying to kill me even if Taylor Swift tried not to let that happen while she was doing everything she possibly could so that she could help me find a way to break this curse before it killed me from within my own body while it made me gain so much weight so quickly that it was difficult for my skin and organs and everything else that was being affected by it to keep up with all those changes even though they were being caused by something on the inside of my body.
I still believed deep down that there was a way that we’d be able to break this curse if we only tried hard enough because deep down, there still had to be a way that we’d be able to break the curse even though I knew that something on the inside of my body was taking control and making me gain weight at such an alarming rate that it was difficult for my skin and organs and everything else that was being affected by it to keep up with all those changes that were happening so quickly even though they were being caused by something on the inside of my body.
Bella Thorne dressed as a Hooters Girl at a Halloween