MidReal Story

Bald Beauty: A Summer Shave Transformation

Scenario: I was a cute lovely young lady, about in my twenties. My name was Nicky. I had long brown thick hair, fair skin, hazel eyes, I was a bit short in height just 5 foot tall. One hot humid summer day, I was out in town, when I passed by a barbershop, & was drawn in by curiosity. I figured I needed a change of hairstyle anyway. Plus it was so hot. I figured maybe something cute & short would be nice. But Tom the barber had other intentions when the kind gentleman greeted me warmly. Tom was the kind of barber who loved to give women head shaves, cause he believes they are more attractive bald. Tom was seven foot tall, strong, muscular, with green eyes, he was very handsome & manly looking, had a bald head, & a short well groomed dark colored beard, with fair skin, & dressed sharp in an outfit that showed off his muscular body. He gives Nicky a surprise head shave during her visit there. Tom was single, not dating anyone, & was alone at the barbershop. I also was alone when I came.
Create my version of this story
I was a cute lovely young lady, about in my twenties. My name was Nicky. I had long brown thick hair, fair skin, hazel eyes, I was a bit short in height just 5 foot tall. One hot humid summer day, I was out in town, when I passed by a barbershop, & was drawn in by curiosity. I figured I needed a change of hairstyle anyway. Plus it was so hot. I figured maybe something cute & short would be nice. But Tom the barber had other intentions when the kind gentleman greeted me warmly. Tom was the kind of barber who loved to give women head shaves, cause he believes they are more attractive bald. Tom was seven foot tall, strong, muscular, with green eyes, he was very handsome & manly looking, had a bald head, & a short well groomed dark colored beard, with fair skin, & dressed sharp in an outfit that showed off his muscular body. He gives Nicky a surprise head shave during her visit there. Tom was single, not dating anyone, & was alone at the barbershop. I also was alone when I came.
It was a hot summer day, and I was in desperate need of a haircut.
I had been growing my hair out for the past year, and it was now down to my waist.
I loved my long hair, but it was just too hot to wear it down.
I had been thinking about getting a cute short hairstyle for the summer, but I wasn’t sure if I could pull it off.
I decided to go to the barbershop and see what they could do for me.
I had never been to a barbershop before, but I had heard that they were great at giving short haircuts.
As I walked into the shop, I was greeted by a tall, muscular man with green eyes and short brown hair.
"Bald Beauty: A Summer Shave Transformation"
"Bald Beauty: A Summer Shave Transformation"
He looked like he belonged on the cover of a romance novel, not behind a barber’s chair.
“Hi there,” he said with a smile.
“What can I do for you today?”
“I’m looking to get my hair cut,” I said.
“It’s just too hot to wear it down.”
It was the hottest day of the year and I was on the brink of desperation.
My long hair, which I had been growing out for the past year, was almost down to my waist and it was sweltering in the heat.
I loved having long hair; it was so versatile and there were so many different styles I could do with it.
But I had only ever worn it down or in a ponytail and I was getting bored of the same old look.
I had heard that a lot of women wear their hair in a bun or a braid when it gets this long, but I just wasn’t a fan of those styles.
There was no way I could stand to wear my hair down that day, not in the heat and not in the humidity.
It had been so long since I had last cut my hair and I was starting to forget what my natural hair color even looked like.
I had my hair trimmed a few times over the past year, but it had been at least six months since my last trim and my ends were starting to look a little ratty.
As I walked past a barbershop on my way home from work, an idea popped into my head.
Why don’t you just cut your hair short?
It would be so much easier to deal with and it would give you a completely different look!
That sounded like the perfect solution to me.
I could get a cute short hairstyle for the summer and then grow it back out when the weather started getting colder.
But then I thought to myself, “You’re already cutting off that much length, why not just go all the way and shave your head?”
That was definitely an idea I had never considered before, but it didn’t sound like a bad idea.
In fact, it sounded kind of fun!
The thought of shaving my head excited me more than cutting my hair short.
The idea stuck with me as I walked home and after mulling it over for a little while, I decided that I was going to go through with it.
I went home that night and excitedly told my roommate about my plan to shave my head.
She thought I was crazy at first, but after I explained my reasoning to her she thought it sounded like a great idea!
I made an appointment for the following day at the barbershop I had walked past and turned in for bed.
I couldn’t wait to go through with it!
The next day I went straight to the barbershop after work and walked through the door without even hesitating.
I was met by an incredibly handsome man with bright green eyes who introduced himself as Tom.
He was taller than any man I had ever met before; he had to have been at least seven feet tall.
And he was absolutely ripped!
His muscles were bulging out of his shirt sleeves as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.
His warm smile caught me off guard and his kind eyes quickly drew me in.
"Bald Beauty: A Summer Shave Transformation"
I hadn’t even realized that it was because of his overwhelming presence and how good looking he was.
I quickly snapped myself out of it and replied, “Oh!Sorry!”
“It’s so nice to meet you.”
He smiled that gorgeous smile of his and said, “You too.
So what can I do for you today?”
I suddenly found myself at a loss for words.
Tom was so good looking and he had such an amazing smile that it made my mind go blank.
I couldn’t even remember why I was there or what it was that I wanted him to do!
This was the first time that something like this had ever happened to me and I didn’t quite know how to respond.
After a moment of silence, he asked again.
“Do you need a haircut?
I finally managed to get my thoughts together and replied, “Yes!Sorry about that.
I’m here for a haircut.
“It’s just so hot out today and my hair is so long.
It’s way too much to deal with in the heat.”
“How can we help you with that?”
he asked with another warm smile.
“I’m thinking about cutting it short,” I said hesitantly.
“Do you have any ideas?”
Tom brushed his hand through his hair and said, “There are so many different short styles you can choose from.
How short are you looking to go?
Do you want something short and sweet like a pixie cut or would you prefer something longer like a bob?”
“Oh gosh…you’re right!
There are so many different options!
I honestly have no idea what would look best on me,” I confessed.
Tom smiled at me and said, “No worries.
We can go through them together and figure out what will work best based on your face shape and hair type!”
“That sounds great!”
“Why don’t you have a seat in my chair and we can get started?”
he asked as he motioned towards the huge brown leather chair in front of him.
I climbed into the chair and Tom adjusted the height so that I was at eye level with him.
He placed a white cape around me and fastened it tightly in the back before combing out my hair and adjusting the length of the chair slightly.
He looked at me through the mirror and asked with a big smile on his face, “Are you ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be!”
He smiled at me and stared deeply into my eyes.
His eyes were so bright and green that I could have gotten lost in them forever if I hadn’t been careful!
“Why don’t you tell me what you’re looking for?”
he asked gently.
Sorry about that,” I replied sheepishly.
“I think I’d like to go with a longer style like a bob,” I said as I tried to hide the fact that I had just been staring at him like an idiot for the past thirty seconds.
“That sounds like it would look amazing on you,” Tom replied with another warm smile.
“Do you have any ideas of your own that you’d like to share with me?”
“Not really,” I replied shyly.
“I don’t know anything about hairstyles, to be honest!
"Bald Beauty: A Summer Shave Transformation"
“Are you sure you don’t want me to shave your head instead?
He asked with a big grin on his face.
“I’m not sure that would look very good on me,” I replied nervously.
“I think it would look adorable on you,” he said with a wink.
“And besides… I need to practice my head shaving skills anyway…”
I could feel my face turning red as I sat in stunned silence.
Was he serious?
Did he really want to shave my head?
Why did that idea make me so excited?
Tom must have noticed the huge smile on my face because he started to laugh and said, “I was just messing with you!
But if you’re feeling hot right now…you might want to take a cold shower after I’m done with you…just in case.”
His words sent shivers down my spine and I found myself staring at his lips as I imagined what it might be like to feel them against my skin.
I knew that I shouldn’t have been having these kinds of thoughts, but I couldn’t help myself!
There was something about Tom that made me feel so relaxed and carefree!
I was so trapped in my own fantasies that I almost didn’t notice when Tom grabbed my hand and stood me up from the chair.
He led me over to the huge porcelain sink and had me lay back in the chair before placing a towel around my neck and gently leaning my head back into the sink.
He turned the water on and waited for it to warm up before washing all of the loose hair out of my head and beginning to shampoo and condition me.
As his strong hands massaged my scalp, I felt a tingly feeling all over my body and I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to have him touch me like this in a different way…
As the water ran down my face and Tom gently washed me clean, I found myself getting turned on by the idea of being this close to him.
I wanted him so badly that I almost blurted out the first thing that came to mind:
“I can’t wait anymore!
Will you join me?”
I was so dizzy from all of the thoughts running through my head that I almost didn’t even notice when Tom removed the towel from around my neck and helped me out of the chair.
He led me back over to his station and had me climb back into his huge leather barber chair as he fastened the cape tightly around me.
The cool air from the fan blew against my skin and I could feel myself getting even more turned on as Tom grabbed his scissors and comb and began cutting away at my wet hair.
He worked quickly and efficiently as he shaped my new haircut into place and it wasn’t long before we were both finished with our transformation!
“That looks amazing!”
Tom exclaimed as he spun me around in his chair so that I could get a better look at myself through the mirror.
“You did such a great job!”
I replied as I felt my face turn red for the millionth time since entering his shop.
“Thank you so much for everything!”
“It was my pleasure,” Tom replied with a big smile on his face.
“I’m just happy that you ended up with something you like!”
He paused for a moment and ran his fingers through his hair before saying with another warm smile, “So!
"Bald Beauty: A Summer Shave Transformation"
"Bald Beauty: A Summer Shave Transformation"
"Bald Beauty: A Summer Shave Transformation"