MidReal Story

Babysitter's Demonic Secret: Cole's Brave Escape

Scenario:Twelve-year-old Cole Johnson is bullied by his neighbor Jeremy, but his babysitter Bee stands up for him and scares Jeremy off. The following day, when his parents go out for an overnight stay at a hotel, Bee and Cole spend quality time together until he has to go to bed. Cole is encouraged by a text from his neighbor and best friend Melanie to go see what Bee gets up to after he goes to sleep. To his surprise, he sees what looks like Bee and several of her high school friends: Max, John, Allison, Sonya, and Samuel. They are playing a game of truth or dare formatted as a game of spin the bottle. However, as Bee kisses Samuel on a dare, she pulls two daggers from behind her back and stabs him in the skull. The others collect Samuel's blood, revealing themselves to be members of a demonic cult. Cole hurries to his room where he calls 911, puts on his shoes, and finds a pocket knife. He pretends to be asleep as Bee and the cult members enter his room to draw a blood sample. After they leave, he tries to escape out the window but Bee stays in the room, and Cole passes out from the exhaustion.Bee and her cult question Cole, while fending off his questions by saying it was a science project. When the cops arrive, Max kills one with a poker, but the cop accidentally shoots Allison in her breast, whereas Bee and Max kill the other cop. Bee forces Cole to give them the police code to call off the other cops. While Allison complains about being shot, Cole rushes up the stairs; John pursues him, but is pushed over the banister, landing on a trophy that impales his neck.Cole escapes out his bedroom window and hides in the crawlspace under his house. Although Sonya finds him, he traps her in the basement and then ignites a firework rocket and bug spray to blow her up. After showing appreciation for Cole's ingenuity, Max chases Cole up the old tree house; he is killed when he falls and is hanged by the rope swing. Cole escapes to Melanie's house, but Bee follows him. While hiding in a room, Cole apologizes to Melanie for dragging her into this situation and assures her that he is going to take care of things. He asks Melanie to call the police, then she kisses Cole before he leaves.Cole returns to his house to find Allison, who tries to kill Cole with a kitchen knife; she is instead shot in the head with a shotgun by Bee. Bee explains to Cole that when she was young, she made a deal with The Devil to get whatever she wanted by sacrificing innocent people and spilling their blood on the ancient book while reciting its verses. Although she wants him to join her cause, Cole refuses and burns the spell book. He rushes to Melanie's house to take her dad's car, and drives it straight towards his house while Bee fixes the book in the living room. After crashing into her, they have one last emotional farewell before Cole climbs out of the wreckage. As the police and emergency crew arrive, Cole tells his parents that he no longer needs a babysitter
Create my version of this story
Twelve-year-old Cole Johnson is bullied by his neighbor Jeremy, but his babysitter Bee stands up for him and scares Jeremy off. The following day, when his parents go out for an overnight stay at a hotel, Bee and Cole spend quality time together until he has to go to bed. Cole is encouraged by a text from his neighbor and best friend Melanie to go see what Bee gets up to after he goes to sleep. To his surprise, he sees what looks like Bee and several of her high school friends: Max, John, Allison, Sonya, and Samuel. They are playing a game of truth or dare formatted as a game of spin the bottle. However, as Bee kisses Samuel on a dare, she pulls two daggers from behind her back and stabs him in the skull. The others collect Samuel's blood, revealing themselves to be members of a demonic cult. Cole hurries to his room where he calls 911, puts on his shoes, and finds a pocket knife. He pretends to be asleep as Bee and the cult members enter his room to draw a blood sample. After they leave, he tries to escape out the window but Bee stays in the room, and Cole passes out from the exhaustion.Bee and her cult question Cole, while fending off his questions by saying it was a science project. When the cops arrive, Max kills one with a poker, but the cop accidentally shoots Allison in her breast, whereas Bee and Max kill the other cop. Bee forces Cole to give them the police code to call off the other cops. While Allison complains about being shot, Cole rushes up the stairs; John pursues him, but is pushed over the banister, landing on a trophy that impales his neck.Cole escapes out his bedroom window and hides in the crawlspace under his house. Although Sonya finds him, he traps her in the basement and then ignites a firework rocket and bug spray to blow her up. After showing appreciation for Cole's ingenuity, Max chases Cole up the old tree house; he is killed when he falls and is hanged by the rope swing. Cole escapes to Melanie's house, but Bee follows him. While hiding in a room, Cole apologizes to Melanie for dragging her into this situation and assures her that he is going to take care of things. He asks Melanie to call the police, then she kisses Cole before he leaves.Cole returns to his house to find Allison, who tries to kill Cole with a kitchen knife; she is instead shot in the head with a shotgun by Bee. Bee explains to Cole that when she was young, she made a deal with The Devil to get whatever she wanted by sacrificing innocent people and spilling their blood on the ancient book while reciting its verses. Although she wants him to join her cause, Cole refuses and burns the spell book. He rushes to Melanie's house to take her dad's car, and drives it straight towards his house while Bee fixes the book in the living room. After crashing into her, they have one last emotional farewell before Cole climbs out of the wreckage. As the police and emergency crew arrive, Cole tells his parents that he no longer needs a babysitter
Jeremy Johnson is bullying Cole, calling him a “baby” for having a babysitter at his age, and making fun of Cole’s embarrassment.
He also threatened to chase Cole around the neighborhood with a water balloon.
I was trying to ignore Jeremy.
I was playing Grand Theft Auto on my PSP and I’d been waiting all day for this.
But he kept on calling me names.
“Hey, Baby Cole!”
he shouted from his driveway.
He was a couple of years older than me and he lived right next door.
I don’t know why he was so mean.
I’d never done anything to him before, but he seemed to have it in for me.
I just kept my head down and played my game.
He was only trying to wind me up.
“Why do you have a babysitter, Cole?”
he shouted again.
He was laughing at me and I could feel my face starting to heat up.
I tried to ignore him and concentrate on my game, but eventually I couldn’t take it anymore.
Because my mom wants me to have one,” I shouted back.
“You’re such a baby,” he called out.
I was really embarrassed now.
Jeremy was making fun of me in front of Melanie.
She was my best friend and also Jeremy’s little sister.
She was standing in the front yard of her house and watching us.
Jeremy was still laughing at me.
“Why do you need a babysitter?”
he called out again.
“Because you’re a baby,” he said, and Melanie started to laugh as well.
I turned off my game and stood up to leave.
I didn’t want to be around either of them right now.
It was bad enough that Jeremy was making fun of me, but it was even worse that Melanie had seen it too.
And now she probably thought I was a baby as well.
I started to walk back home, but then Jeremy came running after me with his water balloon.
“Don’t go!”
he shouted, and then he threw it at me.
It missed by a couple of feet and splashed onto the ground, but it still made me jump.
And then Jeremy started to chase me with another one, and I screamed and ran as fast as I could back to my house.
‘You’re such a baby!”
I heard him call out after me, but I didn’t stop running until I’d made it back to the safety of my own home.
Bee was sitting on the porch swing in the backyard and watching me as I ran inside through the kitchen door.
She was my babysitter and she was pretty cool.
She was in her early twenties and she had long dark hair and green eyes that always seemed to be smiling at me whenever she looked at me.
She was pretty too, but I didn’t think about her like that because she was my babysitter and that would be weird.
I sat down on one of the high stools at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, and she jumped up from the swing to join me there immediately.
“Are you okay?”
she asked in a concerned voice when she saw how red in the face I was from all that running around.
I nodded and mumbled something about it being hot outside even though it wasn’t really that hot out today at all.
"Babysitter's Demonic Secret: Cole's Brave Escape"
Bee chases Jeremy away and tells Cole next he should kick him in the dick and reminds him that tonight when his parents go out for a week they can have fun and watch movies, eat pizza, swim and all kinds of other activities and hugs him and leaves
Bee wasn’t just my babysitter, she was also kind of like my big sister as well.
She always looked out for me and made sure that I was okay.
And she always took my side too, even when I was in trouble with my parents for something.
Once when they were mad at me for playing ball inside the house and breaking one of their vases, Bee told them that it wasn’t really my fault because we’d been playing baseball inside the house (even though we hadn’t been) and that they should have known better than to leave me unsupervised around expensive family heirlooms anyway (which was true).
Bee was the best babysitter ever!
After Bee had made sure that I was okay, she went back outside to talk to some friends of hers who had come over to visit her while she was looking after me today.
They were sitting around the patio table, drinking wine and smoking cigarettes, but after a couple of minutes Bee was back inside again to check on me.
She went over to the fridge and got a glass of water for me, which was really nice.
I was still feeling hot and sweaty from all that running, but the water helped to cool me down a bit.
“Don’t worry about him,” she told me when I explained what had just happened.
“He’s just being a jerk,” she added with a smile.
“Jeremy is a jerk,” Bee said with a laugh.
“But you know that already.
Just ignore him next time, okay?”
I nodded, but secretly I didn’t want to ignore him at all.
Jeremy was a jerk, but he was also a coward who only ever picked on people who were a lot younger than him.
He would never try to mess with someone who was his own age or someone who was a boy.
But he still liked to pick on me, because he thought I was a little kid.
But he was wrong.
Even though I might only be eight, I could be pretty tough when I wanted to be.
After a few minutes, Bee patted me on the head and asked if I wanted to help her make dinner.
“I’m making spaghetti tonight,” she said with a smile.
“Do you like spaghetti?”
she asked, but the look on her face told me that she’d already made up her mind and that we were going to have spaghetti tonight whether I liked it or not.
And that was fine by me, because I liked spaghetti anyway.
So I got down off the stool and went over to the sink so that I could wash my hands before helping her out in the kitchen.
“I need some onions over here,” she called out a second later, and I went back over to the fridge and got them for her.
She started to chop them up, and I fetched some more ingredients from the fridge and cupboards as well, while we talked about other things.
Bee’s friends had gone back outside by then, so we had the kitchen to ourselves.
“What do you want to do about Jeremy?”
Bee asked as she stirred the tomatoes in with the onions in a big pot on the stove.
"Babysitter's Demonic Secret: Cole's Brave Escape"
I think he'll leave me alone now that you're here, let's just forget about it for now and my best friend Melanie who lives across the street will also scare them if she sees them go near my house
“We should call Melanie over for dinner,” Bee said with a smile.
“She can help us eat it all up, can’t she?”
“Sure she can,” I said with a nod, before hurrying off to grab my phone so that I could call her over too.
Dinner was almost ready by then, but there was still time for me to give her a quick call on my phone and let her know that she should come over soon if she didn’t want to miss out on any of Bee’s spaghetti.
It turned out that Melanie was busy tonight and that she wouldn’t be able to come over after all, but Bee and I still had a good time without her there.
Bee let me watch TV while we were eating dinner, which was nice, and she even let me stay up later than usual as well.
We were watching a movie together in the living room, and it was one of my favorites: “The Dark Knight.”
I’ve seen it loads of times before, but I still like watching it because it’s such a good movie, so I was really happy when Bee said we could watch it tonight as well.
But then Bee suggested that we should play a little prank on my mom and dad, which sounded like fun too – at least at first.
She said that we should make a fake severed head and leave it on the kitchen table so that they’d see it in the morning when they came down for breakfast, which sounded like a pretty cool idea to me at first until she said that we should use real blood for it too.
I wasn’t sure what she meant at first, but then she got up off the couch and said we should go into the kitchen together so that she could explain it all properly to me…
“Do you want to watch something else?”
I was getting tired by then and I knew that it was getting to be my bedtime soon.
But “The Dark Knight” is a long movie and even though I’ve watched it loads of times before it was still a really good movie too.
So I really wanted to finish watching it at least once more before we turned it off.
“Can we just finish watching this one first?”
I asked her with a pout.
“We always fall asleep during movies together,” Bee told me with a smile.
“And your parents won’t be home for ages yet either,” she added.
“So we can finish watching it tomorrow night instead if you want?”
I tried to argue with her for a little while to try and get her to let me finish watching it.
But then she said that she would let me stay up even later than usual tonight if I did what she wanted and went to bed right after the movie was over.
So how could I say no to that?
Eventually, she promised that we would watch something else together after dinner and then let me stay up even later than usual too.
So I agreed to turn it off and go to bed instead.
But then after Bee had got up off the couch and gone into the kitchen to clean up our plates, I got a text from Melanie asking me to come over to her house instead.
She said she was having some friends over from high school and that they were going to have some drinks and get drunk together.
"Babysitter's Demonic Secret: Cole's Brave Escape"