MidReal Story

Auroras Guardians


Sep 2
Scenario:make a fanmade precure series
Create my version of this story
make a fanmade precure series
My name is Emiko Sakura.
I used to be an ordinary high school girl, until I encountered a strange creature that changed my life forever.
Now, along with my friends Hana and Yui, we form a team known as the "Aurora Guardians" who fight against dark forces that manipulate people's negative emotions.
Every day is a battle to protect our city from darkness and despair.
This is our story.
It all began on a fateful night when I was walking home from the convenience store.
I noticed a glowing light coming from the nearby park and decided to check it out.
As I got closer, I saw this creature with a rabbit-like face and glowing green eyes.
It had beautiful wings that looked like crystal, and its body was made of what seemed like shifting aurora lights.
It spoke to me in a voice that sounded like my conscience.
Auroras Guardians
"Emiko Sakura," the creature said, its voice echoing in my mind.
I froze, unable to comprehend what I was seeing.
"Who... what are you?" I stammered, taking a cautious step back.
"I am a guardian of balance," it replied, its wings fluttering gently. "I have chosen you."
"Chosen me? For what?" My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to make sense of its words.
"You possess a pure aura, Emiko. You have the potential to control and balance the auras around you," it explained, its eyes glowing brighter.
I blinked, trying to process the information. "Control auras? How?"
The creature extended one of its crystal-like wings towards me.
"Take my hand, and I will show you," it said.
Hesitantly, I reached out and touched the wing.
A surge of energy coursed through my body, and I felt a connection to something much larger than myself.
Suddenly, the world around me changed.
I was no longer in the park but in a vast, ethereal realm filled with swirling lights and colors.
"Where are we?" I asked, my voice trembling.
"This is the Realm of Auras," the creature replied. "Here, you can learn to harness your powers."
Before I could ask any more questions, the scene shifted again.
I found myself back in the park, but everything felt different.
The creature was still there, its eyes locked onto mine.
"Remember, Emiko. You are not alone. Seek out others who share your destiny," it said before disappearing into thin air.
I stood there, bewildered and overwhelmed by what had just happened.
But there was no time to dwell on it.
I had to find Hana and Yui.
The next day at school, I pulled Hana and Yui aside during lunch break.
Auroras Guardians
"You won't believe what happened to me last night," I began, my voice urgent.
"What is it, Emiko?" Hana asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.
"I met this... creature. It said I'm chosen to control auras and protect our city from dark forces," I explained.
Yui raised an eyebrow. "Are you serious? This sounds like something out of a fantasy novel."
"I know it sounds crazy, but it's true! Look," I said, holding out my hand.
A faint glow emanated from my palm, proving my words.
Hana gasped. "That's incredible! But what do we do now?"
"We need to form a team. The creature said I'm not alone. You two must have some kind of power too," I replied.
Yui nodded slowly. "Alright, let's figure this out together."
We spent the rest of the day discussing our next steps and trying to uncover any hidden abilities Hana and Yui might have.
That evening, we decided to meet at the park where I first encountered the creature.
As we gathered under the moonlight, a sense of anticipation filled the air.
"Okay, let's see if we can summon our powers," Hana suggested.
We closed our eyes and focused on our inner energies.
Suddenly, a dark shadow loomed over us.
Auroras Guardians
I opened my eyes to see a menacing figure emerging from the darkness.
It had red eyes that glowed with malice and a twisted grin that sent chills down my spine.
"Who are you?" I demanded, stepping forward protectively.
The figure laughed mockingly. "I am Kuroshi, a harbinger of despair. And you three are in way over your heads."
Without warning, Kuroshi lunged at us with terrifying speed.
We barely managed to dodge his attack.
"Hana! Yui! We need to fight back!" I shouted.
Hana's hands began to glow with a soft pink light as she summoned her power.
Yui's eyes turned a brilliant blue as she tapped into her abilities.
Together, we faced Kuroshi head-on, determined to protect our city from his malevolent influence.
But just as we were gaining the upper hand, Kuroshi unleashed a powerful wave of dark energy that knocked us off our feet.
I struggled to get up, my vision blurred and my body aching from the impact.
Kuroshi loomed over us, his grin widening as he prepared for another attack.
"Is this really how it ends?" I thought desperately.
Auroras Guardians
Kuroshi's laughter echoed through the park, sending shivers down my spine.
I could see Hana and Yui struggling to stand, their faces etched with determination despite the pain.
Just as Kuroshi raised his hand to strike again, I felt a sudden warmth emanating from the pendant around my neck.
The pendant began to glow, its light intensifying with each passing second.
"What's happening?" I muttered, clutching it tightly.
Before I could comprehend what was going on, a surge of energy enveloped me.
My body felt lighter, and a radiant light surrounded me.
Hana and Yui stared in astonishment.
"Emiko! Your pendant!" Hana exclaimed, shielding her eyes from the brightness.
I felt my clothes transform, morphing into a new outfit that shimmered with vibrant colors.
A pair of wings sprouted from my back, similar to the creature's crystal-like wings.
"Emiko... you're transforming!" Yui gasped, her eyes wide with awe.
I looked down at myself, taking in the new form I had taken on.
It was unlike anything I had ever seen—an elegant dress adorned with intricate patterns and glowing symbols.
Kuroshi's grin faltered as he took a step back. "What is this? Another trick?"
"No tricks," I replied firmly, feeling a newfound strength coursing through me. "This is who I am now."
Auroras Guardians
With renewed confidence, I stepped forward, ready to face Kuroshi once more.
Hana and Yui quickly joined my side, their powers flaring up in response to my transformation.
"We're with you, Emiko," Hana said, her voice steady despite the fear in her eyes.
Yui nodded in agreement. "Let's take him down together."
Kuroshi snarled and lunged at us again, but this time we were prepared.
I raised my hand, summoning a barrier of light that deflected his attack.
"Now!" I shouted to Hana and Yui.
Hana unleashed a barrage of pink energy blasts that struck Kuroshi head-on.
Yui followed up with a wave of blue energy that encased him in ice.
Kuroshi roared in frustration as he struggled against our combined assault.
"Keep going! We can do this!" I urged them on, feeling the power of our unity strengthening us.
As we continued our relentless attack, Kuroshi's movements grew sluggish, his dark aura flickering like a dying flame.
With one final push, I channeled all my energy into a concentrated beam of light aimed directly at Kuroshi's core.
He let out a deafening scream as the light engulfed him, dissolving his form into nothingness.
The park fell silent as the last remnants of Kuroshi's presence vanished into thin air.
Auroras Guardians
We stood there, panting and exhausted but victorious.
"We did it," Hana whispered, her voice filled with relief.
Yui smiled weakly. "Yeah... we actually did it."
I looked at my friends, feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude and pride.
"Thank you both. I couldn't have done this without you."
Before we could celebrate further, the ground beneath us began to tremble.
A dark portal opened up where Kuroshi had been defeated, and from it emerged another figure cloaked in shadows.
"Another one?" Hana groaned, her shoulders slumping in exasperation.
Auroras Guardians
The new figure, shrouded in mystery, gazed at us with an unreadable expression.
Its eyes were hidden beneath a dark hood, and its presence exuded an unsettling aura.
I tightened my grip on my pendant, still in my transformed state, readying myself for battle.
Hana and Yui stood by my side, their auras pulsing with energy.
The air was tense as we waited for the figure's next move.
It felt like time had slowed down, each second stretching into eternity.
Suddenly, without warning, the figure vanished into thin air.
"What the—?" Hana exclaimed, spinning around to see if it had reappeared elsewhere.
"Stay alert," I cautioned, scanning the area. "It could be anywhere."
Yui's eyes narrowed as she focused on the spot where the figure had disappeared. "That portal... it must have something to do with this."
She knelt down and began to analyze the dark portal's energy signature, her fingers tracing intricate patterns in the air.
"We need to understand what we're dealing with," she said, her voice steady despite the tension.
As Yui worked, Hana and I kept our guard up, watching for any signs of movement.
The park around us was eerily quiet, the only sounds being the rustling of leaves and our own breathing.
"Do you think it's connected to Kuroshi?" Hana asked, her eyes never leaving the shadows.
"Possibly," I replied. "But there's something different about this one. It feels... more calculated."
Auroras Guardians
Yui looked up from her analysis. "The energy signature is unlike anything I've seen before. It's almost like it's from another dimension."
"Another dimension?" I echoed, my mind racing with possibilities.
We regrouped near the portal, discussing our next steps.
"We can't just stand here waiting for it to come back," Hana said firmly. "We need a plan."
"I agree," I said. "But first, we need more information about this portal and what it might lead to."
Just then, my pendant glowed once more, its light pulsating rhythmically.
I felt a familiar warmth emanating from it, hinting at a deeper connection to the mysterious creature and the Realm of Auras.
"Emiko," Yui said softly. "Your pendant... it's reacting again."
I held it up, feeling its energy intertwine with mine.
"It's trying to tell us something," I murmured. "Maybe it knows more about this figure and the portal."
Hana nodded. "Then let's follow its lead. We have to trust in our bond and our abilities."
As we prepared to delve deeper into the mystery, a sudden gust of wind swept through the park.
Leaves swirled around us as if caught in an invisible vortex.
"Get ready!" I shouted over the rising wind.
In an instant, a blinding light erupted from my pendant, enveloping us all.
Auroras Guardians
The world around us shifted once more, and we found ourselves standing on the edge of an unfamiliar landscape filled with swirling lights and colors—the Realm of Auras.
Before we could take in our surroundings, a shadowy figure emerged from the swirling mists, its form shifting and changing like smoke.
It moved swiftly towards us with an intent that left no room for doubt.
"Hana! Yui! Defend yourselves!" I called out as I summoned a barrier of light to protect us.
The figure's attack collided with my barrier, sending shockwaves through the air.
Hana unleashed her pink energy blasts while Yui encased parts of the ground in ice to slow its movements.
"Keep pushing!" I urged them on as we fought against this new threat.
The figure's attacks grew more frantic as it realized we wouldn't back down easily.
With one final surge of power from my pendant, I channeled all our combined energies into a concentrated beam aimed directly at its core.
The figure let out an otherworldly scream as it disintegrated before our eyes.
We stood there panting but victorious once again.
"We need answers," Yui said breathlessly. "And fast."
Before we could catch our breath or celebrate another victory together...
Auroras Guardians
...a fairy-like creature fluttered towards us, its delicate wings shimmering in the ethereal light of the Realm of Auras.
"Is it friend or foe?" Hana asked, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.
The creature's gentle smile and soft glow seemed to put us at ease for a moment.
"Welcome, chosen ones," it said in a melodic voice. "I am here to—"
Before it could finish, its form twisted and contorted, transforming into a monstrous akuma.
Its once-delicate wings became jagged and dark, and its eyes glowed with malevolent energy.
The air around us crackled with tension as it let out a deafening screech.
"Get ready!" I shouted, raising my hands to summon a protective barrier around us.
Hana didn't hesitate; she charged forward with incredible speed, her athletic prowess on full display.
Yui's fingers danced over her wrist device, hacking into the akuma's dark aura to weaken it.
The akuma lunged at Hana with razor-sharp claws, but she dodged skillfully, countering with a powerful kick that sent it stumbling back.
"Nice one, Hana!" I called out, focusing my energy to strengthen the barrier around us.
Yui's device beeped rapidly as she continued to disrupt the akuma's aura. "I've almost got it! Keep it distracted!"
The akuma roared in frustration, its attacks becoming more erratic as Yui's interference took effect.
Hana unleashed a series of pink energy blasts that struck the akuma head-on, each impact causing it to falter.
"Emiko! Now!" Yui shouted, her eyes glowing with determination.
Auroras Guardians
I channeled all my energy into a concentrated beam of light, aiming directly at the akuma's core.
Hana and Yui joined their powers with mine, creating a brilliant fusion of light and energy that engulfed the akuma.
With a final, ear-piercing scream, the akuma disintegrated into nothingness.
We stood there panting, our bodies trembling from the exertion.
"Is everyone okay?" I asked, looking at Hana and Yui.
Hana nodded, wiping sweat from her brow. "Yeah... we did it."
Yui smiled weakly. "That was intense. But we need to find out why these creatures keep appearing."
Before we could catch our breath or discuss our next move, the ground beneath us began to tremble once more.
A new portal opened up where the akuma had been defeated, swirling with dark energy.
"Not again," Hana groaned, her shoulders slumping in exasperation.
But this time, instead of another enemy emerging from the portal, a figure cloaked in light stepped through.
It was the creature from before—no longer twisted by darkness but restored to its original fairy-like form.
"You have done well," it said in its melodic voice. "But your journey is far from over."
"What do you mean?" I asked, stepping forward cautiously.
"The dark forces you face are only the beginning," it replied. "There are greater threats that seek to disrupt the balance of this realm and your world."
Auroras Guardians
Yui frowned. "How do we stop them?"
"You must seek out the remaining Guardians of Auras," the creature explained. "Only together can you hope to restore harmony."
Hana clenched her fists. "Then tell us where to find them."
The creature's wings shimmered as it pointed towards the horizon. "Follow the path of light. It will lead you to your destiny."
Without another word, it vanished into thin air, leaving us alone in the Realm of Auras once more.
"We have our mission," I said firmly. "Let's go find those Guardians."
Auroras Guardians
Hana held up a pendant of a different color, its surface shimmering with an iridescent glow.
She stared at it, her eyes wide with curiosity and determination.
"What is this?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
The fairy-like creature fluttered closer, its wings creating a soft hum in the air.
"That is your pendant, Hana," it said gently. "Each Guardian has one, unique to their essence."
As the creature spoke, the pendant in Hana's hand began to glow brighter.
A warm light enveloped her, and she gasped as her body started to transform.
Her clothes morphed into a sleek, form-fitting outfit adorned with intricate designs that pulsed with energy.
Her hair flowed freely, shimmering with a radiant hue that matched the pendant.
"Hana!" Yui exclaimed, shielding her eyes from the intense light. "You're transforming!"
Hana looked down at herself in awe. "I feel... different. Stronger."
The creature nodded approvingly. "This is a sign of your growth as an Aurora Guardian. Your abilities have been enhanced."
I watched in amazement as Hana's transformation completed.
She stood before us, exuding an aura of power and grace.
"We've come so far," I said softly, my heart swelling with pride for my friends.
Yui nodded, her eyes reflecting the same sentiment. "Our bond and determination have brought us here."
Auroras Guardians
Hana clenched her fists, feeling the surge of energy coursing through her new form.
"We're ready for whatever comes next," she declared.
The creature smiled warmly. "Then go forth, Guardians. The path ahead is fraught with challenges, but you are not alone."
We set off towards the horizon, our steps filled with purpose and resolve.
The landscape around us shifted and changed as we ventured deeper into the unknown realms of the city.
Tall buildings loomed overhead, their windows reflecting the vibrant lights of our journey.
As we walked, we encountered new allies who joined our cause—each with their own unique abilities and stories to tell.
A young woman named Mei wielded fire with precision and grace, her flames dancing in sync with her movements.
A man named Ken had the power to manipulate shadows, using them to create illusions and protect us from unseen threats.
But not all encounters were friendly.
We faced enemies who sought to disrupt our mission and spread chaos throughout the city.
One night, as we traversed a narrow alleyway, we were ambushed by a group of dark-cloaked figures.
"Watch out!" I shouted as one of them lunged at us with a blade made of dark energy.
Hana reacted swiftly, blocking the attack with her enhanced reflexes and countering with a powerful energy blast that sent the attacker flying.
Yui used her ice powers to create barriers and traps, slowing down our enemies' movements.
Auroras Guardians
Mei's flames illuminated the alleyway as she fought alongside us, her fiery attacks forcing our foes to retreat.
Ken's shadows created decoys that confused our attackers and provided cover for our team.
"We can't let them stop us," I urged my friends as we continued to fight off the ambush.
With coordinated efforts and unwavering determination, we managed to defeat the dark-cloaked figures.
Panting and exhausted but victorious once again, we regrouped and assessed our situation.
"Is everyone okay?" I asked, looking around at my friends and allies.
Mei nodded, wiping sweat from her brow. "We're fine. But these attacks are getting more frequent."
Ken frowned. "They know we're getting closer to finding the remaining Guardians."
Hana's eyes burned with resolve. "Then we need to keep pushing forward."
Yui agreed. "We'll face whatever comes our way together."
As dawn broke over the city skyline, casting a golden hue over everything it touched, we continued our journey.
Our bond was stronger than ever, and our determination unshakable.
Just as we reached an open plaza filled with statues of ancient heroes, another portal began to form in front of us.
"Get ready," I warned everyone as we prepared for whatever challenge lay ahead.
The portal shimmered ominously before revealing another figure cloaked in shadows—this time accompanied by several monstrous akumas.
Without hesitation or fear, we charged forward as one united force.
The battle was fierce and relentless; each strike resonated with our collective willpower.
As I summoned beams of light to fend off attacks while coordinating strategies with my team members,
I knew that no matter what awaited us beyond this fight,
we would face it together—stronger than ever before.
And so,
with renewed vigor,
we plunged into action once more,
ready to spread hope
and restore balance
in every corner
Auroras Guardians