MidReal Story

Artful Rebellion: A Father's Journey

Scenario:I am at home with my 18 year old daughter.
Create my version of this story
I am at home with my 18 year old daughter.
I was a single father.
I’d never thought I would be, but life had a way of throwing curveballs at you when you least expected it.
My wife had been my high school sweetheart, and we’d married right after graduation.
We’d been happy together, and we’d been looking forward to starting a family.
When Lily was born, she was the light of our lives.
She was so beautiful, with her big blue eyes and tufts of dark hair that stuck up in every direction.
Chapter 1
I still remembered seeing her for the first time in the hospital and the first time we’d brought her home.
We’d stared at her in wonder, unable to believe that we’d created this little person together.
She was a miracle, and I was so proud of my wife for enduring all the pain and discomfort of pregnancy and childbirth.
Lily grew and thrived, getting more beautiful and more precious with each passing day.
We were overjoyed to be her parents, and we did everything we could to provide her with a life that was as perfect as she was.
But when Lily was six years old, tragedy struck.
My wife was killed in a car accident, leaving me and our daughter utterly devastated.
The light had gone out of our lives, and we didn’t know how to go on without her.
It had been seven years since the accident, and I was still struggling to come to terms with my grief.
Artful Rebellion: A Father's Journey
I was a single father.
I’d never thought I would be, but life had a way of throwing curveballs at you when you least expected it.
My wife had been my high school sweetheart, and we’d married right after graduation.
We’d been happy together, and we’d been looking forward to starting a family.
When Lily was born, she was the light of our lives.
She was so beautiful, with her big blue eyes and tufts of dark hair that stuck up in every direction.
She was perfect in every way, and I loved her more than I could ever have imagined loving anyone.
I still remembered seeing her for the first time in the hospital and the first time we’d brought her home.
We’d stared at her in wonder, unable to believe that we’d created this little person together.
Artful Rebellion: A Father's Journey
She was a miracle, and I was so proud of my wife for enduring all the pain and discomfort of pregnancy and childbirth.
Lily grew and thrived, getting more beautiful and more precious with each passing day.
We were overjoyed to be her parents, and we did everything we could to provide her with a life that was as perfect as she was.
But when Lily was six years old, tragedy struck.
My wife was killed in a car accident, leaving me and our daughter utterly devastated.
The light had gone out of our lives, and we didn’t know how to go on without her.
Artful Rebellion: A Father's Journey
My wife had been my high school sweetheart, and we’d married right after graduation.
We’d been happy together, and we’d been looking forward to starting a family.
When Lily was born, she was the light of our lives.
She was so beautiful, with her big blue eyes and tufts of dark hair that stuck up in every direction.
She was perfect in every way, and I loved her more than I could ever have imagined loving anyone.
I still remembered seeing her for the first time in the hospital and the first time we’d brought her home.
Artful Rebellion: A Father's Journey
We’d stared at her in wonder, unable to believe that we’d created this little person together.
She was a miracle, and I was so proud of my wife for enduring all the pain and discomfort of pregnancy and childbirth.
Lily grew and thrived, getting more beautiful and more precious with each passing day.
We were overjoyed to be her parents, and we did everything we could to provide her with a life that was as perfect as she was.
But when Lily was six years old, tragedy struck.
My wife was killed in a car accident, leaving me and our daughter utterly devastated.
Artful Rebellion: A Father's Journey
Chapter 2
My daughter is a bright light in my life, always has been.
I loved watching her grow from an infant into a toddler, then from a child into the teenager she is today.
Lily is vibrant; she’s full of energy and has never been afraid to show the world who she is or what she wants.
As much as I admired her courage and determination, I also knew that it meant I had my hands full as a parent.
Lily had always been a challenge; even as a child, she constantly tested boundaries and pushed limits.
When she was little, it often felt like we were constantly at odds with one another—me trying to instill authority and discipline while her mother tried to smooth everything over and assure Lily that she was loved no matter what.
As she’s gotten older, those challenges have only intensified as Lily has worked to push away from the boundaries I’ve set in an effort to establish her own identity and become her own person.
Artful Rebellion: A Father's Journey
Lily’s auburn hair now has the same rebellious streaks that have come to match her fiery spirit; her face is adorned with multiple piercings that have become a part of her identity as well as an expression of her creativity.
While I might not always understand her fashion choices or support her decisions when it comes to her appearance, I could never deny that she was still the most beautiful girl in the world to me.
Even with the edgy tattoos and the multiple piercings that have become a permanent fixture on her face and body, I still see the sweet little girl with the big blue eyes and the tufts of dark hair that I fell in love with all those years ago.
Still, I can’t help but worry about the woman she’s becoming and the choices that she might make when she gets older.