MidReal Story

Android Marine


2d ago
Scenario:An android marine goes to a secret island for a new group of military people
Create my version of this story
An android marine goes to a secret island for a new group of military people
I was sent to meet the new group of people at a secret island.
I had no idea why I was meeting them or what they wanted with me.
All I knew was that I had to get to the island and figure out what they wanted.
I arrived at the island in the middle of the night.
It was dark and stormy, and I could hardly see a thing.
I stumbled around for a few minutes until I got my bearings.
I walked for about an hour until I came across a small cabin in the woods.
It looked like it had been abandoned for years, but I could see a light coming from inside.
I approached the cabin cautiously and knocked on the door.
After a few minutes, the door opened and a woman stood before me.
She was dressed in a military uniform and looked like she meant business.
"Can I help you?" she asked.
"My name is Aiden Carter.
I was sent here to meet a group of people.
"Ah yes.
I am Lena Mitchell, and this is my team.
We were not expecting any visitors tonight.
"Lena Mitchell?
"I thought I was meeting a group of people.
"Yes, you are.
We are the group of people.
We are all military; we have been called here for a special mission.
Android Marine