MidReal Story

Ambition's Betrayal


May 17
Scenario:My name is Branko. I have black short hair and a scar across my face. I work as a bounty hunter alongside my parner Markus. I swore to him that I will always be by his side until he fullfills his dream to rule his own kingdom. I'm ruthless and cold. Right now we are sitting in a bar. The middle ages dont bring a lot of alcohol so I just stick to the simple and stinky ale. Me and Markus are waiting for someone who will give us our next mission.
Create my version of this story
My name is Branko. I have black short hair and a scar across my face. I work as a bounty hunter alongside my parner Markus. I swore to him that I will always be by his side until he fullfills his dream to rule his own kingdom. I'm ruthless and cold. Right now we are sitting in a bar. The middle ages dont bring a lot of alcohol so I just stick to the simple and stinky ale. Me and Markus are waiting for someone who will give us our next mission.
The bar was dimly lit, and the only sound that could be heard was the crackling of the fire in the fireplace.
I sat at a table in the corner of the room, my eyes fixed on the door.
I had been waiting for over an hour for my informant to show up.
I was about to get up and leave when I saw him enter the bar.
He looked around before he made his way to my table.
He sat down across from me and placed a small bag on the table.
I slid it towards me and opened it, making sure that everything was there.
I nodded my head and he continued to speak.
"I have some information for you," he said in a low voice.
I asked, not looking up from the bag.
He hesitated for a second before he nodded.
"It's about a high-profile target in the kingdom next door.
He's a powerful noble from our homeland.
He has sought refuge with the king of that kingdom.
The king has placed a bounty on his head.
He will pay a large sum of gold to anyone who can bring him back."
I looked up at him for the first time.
"I'm listening," I said.
"The noble's name is Lord Alistair Blackwood.
He is a powerful and influential Lord in our homeland.
But he has made too many enemies and now he fears for his life.
The king is willing to give him asylum, but Lord Blackwood must pay a price.
And that price is the bounty on his head."
I raised an eyebrow at that and looked at the bag that was still laying on the table between us.
The amount of gold in the bag was more than what I usually got for a job, but it wasn't enough to catch my interest.
Markus, my partner in bounty hunting, sat across from me.
He had been silent throughout the whole conversation between me and my informant, but now he finally spoke up.
"We haven't had any good contracts lately," he said with a frustrated sigh.
"I'm getting bored."
"Tell me about it," I said with a shake of my head.
For the last couple of weeks, we hadn't been able to find any good bounties.
The only contracts that had come our way were more trouble than they were worth.
"We need something bigger," Markus said as he took a sip from his mug of ale.
"I don't care how dangerous it is, as long as it pays well," he added with a grin.
I just shook my head at him and took another sip from my own mug of ale.
We sat in silence for a few minutes, both lost in our own thoughts.
Ambition's Betrayal
I was about to suggest leaving when I saw a hooded figure walk into the bar and make his way over to the table next to ours.
The man glanced around the bar before his gaze landed on me and he gave me a quick nod, signaling for me to follow him.
I took one last sip from my mug before I got up and made my way over to the hooded figure, who was already walking away from the table.
I followed him through the crowded bar and out into the hallway behind it.
The man turned around as soon as we were in a more secluded spot and he lowered his hood, revealing his face to me.
"I didn't know you were coming," I said as I looked at him, surprised to see the informant I had worked with before.
"I have some information for you," he said with a nod.
I raised an eyebrow at that and looked at him expectantly.
"Lord Alistair Blackwood has placed a bounty on his head," he said, not beating around the bush about it.
"He will pay a large sum of gold to anyone who can bring him back."
Ambition's Betrayal
"I'm listening," I said as I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back against the wall behind me.
The informant hesitated for a moment before he continued.
"Lord Alistair Blackwood was last seen in our homeland almost a year ago," he said in a hushed tone, glancing around as if he was afraid someone would overhear us.
"His enemies have been hunting him ever since, but they were always one step behind him."
I narrowed my eyes at that and looked at the man with an incredulous look on my face.
"How is it possible that he managed to evade capture for almost a year?" I asked, not sure if I believed what he was telling me.
The informant just shrugged his shoulders at that and continued to speak.
"He finally made it to the border of the kingdom next door," he said with a shake of his head.
"But before his enemies could catch up to him, he had already crossed the border."
I raised an eyebrow at that and looked at the man in front of me with a curious expression on my face.
"What does the king of the neighboring kingdom have to do with all of this?" I asked.
The informant hesitated for a moment before he spoke again.
"The king is always on the lookout for ways to gain political leverage over our homeland," he said in a careful tone.
"And when Lord Alistair Blackwood came to him seeking asylum, the king saw an opportunity.
He knew that the Lord's enemies would come looking for him sooner or later, and they would be willing to pay a large sum of gold to get him back.
So he agreed to grant him asylum."
I raised an eyebrow at that and looked at the man in front of me with an incredulous look on my face.
"The king agreed to help him?"
The informant nodded his head at that.
"He did, much to the dismay of our ruler.
Lord Alistair Blackwood is an influential Lord in our homeland and our ruler doesn't want him to seek asylum with our enemy.
But there's nothing he can do about it now."
The informant looked at me carefully and I could see the hesitation in his eyes.
"There's a large bounty on his head.
If you bring him back, you will be rewarded handsomely," he said in a low voice.
"How much are we talking about?" I asked as I leaned forward slightly, my eyes fixed on the man in front of me.
"Enough to retire comfortably," the informant said with a small smile.
My eyes widened at that and I felt my heart start to race in my chest.
That was more gold than I had ever seen in my life.
The possibilities were endless.
And I knew that Markus would jump at the chance to get his hands on all of that gold as well.
Ambition's Betrayal
"Thanks for your informations" I say. I pull out my large long sword. "Unfortunately we cant leave any witnesses."
I could see the fear in his eyes as I drew my blade, and for a moment, I was afraid that he would run away and we would lose our chance at this bounty.
But then he nodded his head slowly, as if he had expected this reaction from us all along.
I could see a small smile forming on his lips as he spoke again, "You're not going to regret this, my friends." The man said in an almost joyous tone. "Lord Alistair Blackwood has been living in the castle of the neighboring King for almost six months now, right under everyone's noses.The information is known only to a select few people that work for the King, so you won't have any trouble finding him."
I sheath my sword back. "How did you get this information?"
I ask him as I raise an eyebrow slightly.
The man smiled at me.
"I have a friend who works for the King's advisor," he said, his eyes glinting with excitement.
"We can give you more details once you have agreed to take on the job."
I nod my head in agreement and look at Markus from the corner of my eye.
When I see him nod his head slightly, I turn back to the informant and say, "We'll take the job."
The man looks at us with a wide grin on his face and claps his hands together excitedly.
"You won't regret it, my friends," he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pouch of gold coins, which he handed over to me.
"As a token of goodwill."
I took the pouch from his hand and weighed it in my palm.
There were ten gold coins inside, which was more than enough for the information he had given us.
I nodded my head slightly and stood up from the table.
"Give us all the details."
The informant smiled even wider and stood up from the table as well.
"Follow me," he said as he turned around and started walking towards the door.
Markus followed after him immediately, his long legs enabling him to catch up to the man quickly as they both walked out of the tavern together.
I followed after them slowly, my mind racing with all of the possibilities that this new job offered us, as well as all of the dangers that we would face along the way.
The man led us into a dark alleyway, where we stopped in front of a small building that looked like it had been abandoned for years.
He pushed open the door and motioned for us to enter first, which we did without any hesitation.
Once we were inside, he closed the door behind us and locked it securely before he turned around and looked at us with a wide grin on his face.
"I knew you guys would be interested in this job," he said with an excited gleam in his eyes.
Ambition's Betrayal