MidReal Story

Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter

Scenario:a ufo just crashed into the field across from my house
Create my version of this story
a ufo just crashed into the field across from my house
Chapter 1
I was in bed when the UFO crashed into the field behind my house.
I didn’t know it was a UFO at the time, of course.
All I knew was that there was a bright light outside my window, and then a loud bang that shook the whole house.
I jumped out of bed and ran to the window, but there was nothing to see except for the dark outline of the trees against the night sky.
I thought about waking my parents, but they’d just tell me I was being silly and send me back to bed.
So instead, I pulled on my coat and boots and went outside to investigate.
I was in bed when the light woke me up.
It flashed through my bedroom window, illuminating the walls for just a moment before disappearing again.
At first I thought it was lightning, but then there was a loud bang that shook the whole house, and I knew that couldn’t be right.
Lightning doesn’t make noises like that.
And it doesn’t leave bright white lights behind when it disappears.
There was another noise then, something low and rumbling, almost like thunder but not quite.
The light flashed again, spilling in through the window for just a second before vanishing once more.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
I sat up in bed and listened hard, but there was nothing else—no more rumbling, no more banging.
Just the sound of my own breathing as I stared at my curtains in the darkness.
Then the light flashed again, brighter this time, and I knew I had to see what was happening.
There it is!
I thought as another flash lit up the sky outside.
That’s got to be it!
I don’t know why I thought that—maybe because it felt like an answer to all my questions—but something about that bright white light told me that’s what I’d been waiting for all this time: A crash-landed UFO!
As soon as the thought came into my head, though, a voice spoke up behind me—a loud male voice that boomed across the field even though it wasn’t raised very high at all.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
"Secure the area!" it shouted.
"Make sure no one gets too close!"
I jumped up and turned around to find out who it belonged to, but there was no one there—just an empty room with its curtains billowing in the wind from my open window.
Another flash of light came from behind me, so bright that I had to shield my eyes for a moment before looking back out across the field.
And that’s when I saw him: Tom Jennings, stepping out from between two trees and casting an angry glare down at his radio as he spoke into it again.
Tom is a local police officer in our small town; he’s tall and stern-looking with a clean-shaven face and short black hair.
His uniform makes him look even more imposing than usual—as though he might arrest you at any moment if you don’t start acting right—and with his hands on his hips like they were now, he looked absolutely furious.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
There was another bright flash of light, and then a loud bang that shook my house.
I jumped out of bed, my heart beating fast in my chest.
What was that?
I wondered, suddenly afraid.
It didn’t sound like anything I’d ever heard before—not like thunder, or fireworks, or even a car backfiring.
And what had made that bright white light?
Lightning certainly couldn’t do that…
Well, there was only one way to find out!
I thought as I threw off my blankets and ran to get dressed.
Tom would be down there already, securing the area so no one else could get too close before the military arrived to take over.
If I hurried, maybe I could get there in time to see… whatever it was there was to see!
The rest of my clothes went on in a hurry.
First my pants, then a warm sweater over my pajama top, plus socks and boots for my feet so they wouldn’t get cold.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
Then my coat and hat, and finally gloves for my hands—just in case I needed to touch something that was still hot from its fiery descent from space!
And with that, I was out the door and heading down to field as fast as my legs could carry me.
When I got there, Tom was just emerging from the shadows at the edge of the trees behind our house.
He stopped short when he saw me, his eyes narrowing as they met mine before he glanced down at his watch.
"You shouldn’t be here," he said.
"I know," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant even though my heart was racing inside my chest.
"But what happened? What’s going on?"
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
He frowned at me for a moment, then sighed.
"Something fell from the sky," he said at last, "and we’re just here to make sure no one gets too close till it’s been secured."
The light flashed again, and this time I thought I heard a strange whirring noise that sounded almost… mechanical?
My eyes widened with excitement as I turned toward it, but Tom caught me by the arm before I could take another step.
"I told you," he said gruffly.
"You need to go home. It isn’t safe out here."
I nodded slowly in understanding—of course he was right!
There was no telling what kind of dangers might still be lurking out there in those trees, or even in the field itself—all hidden away and waiting for some unsuspecting person like me to come along so they could pounce!
"I’ll be fine," I assured him with a small smile as I tried to pull out of his grasp.
"But you should probably go ahead and do whatever it is you came here to do."
Tom hesitated for a moment longer before letting go, but then he just nodded once in agreement before turning back toward the field.
"Go home," he called over his shoulder as he started forward once more.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
Despite the fact that I’d just been told it wasn’t safe, I couldn’t help the excitement that coursed through my veins at the thought of what might be hidden out there in the darkness.
It wasn’t every day that something fell from the sky and landed right here behind my house!
As I watched Tom walk toward the lights, a thousand questions raced through my mind: What kind of objects had fallen from the sky?
Were they man-made or something else?
And how on earth had they ended up in our little town?
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
I opened my mouth to ask them all, but then Tom turned around and caught me staring at him, and he raised an eyebrow in question before shaking his head slightly as if he’d read my mind.
"I told you to go home," he called out again, his voice soft but firm as it carried across the distance between us.
"It isn’t safe for you out here."
"Okay," I said, holding up my hands in surrender as I took a step back in deference to his authority—but that didn't mean I was going to listen!
Tom might be a police officer trying to protect our town, but he couldn't tell me what to do—I was an adult and could make my own decisions!
And besides, how else would I ever find out what had fallen from the sky if I didn't go see for myself?
As if sensing my thoughts, Tom frowned slightly as he studied me for a moment before shaking his head in exasperation.
"Look," he said at last, "I’m not going to argue with you about this. Just do as I say and go home."
"No buts!"
He cut me off with a grimace before glancing down at his watch once more.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
"I’ve got a job to do here, and worrying about you is just going to make it harder. If I let you stay, will you promise to stay out of the way? And keep your house locked up tight until we say otherwise?"
I hesitated for only a moment before nodding in agreement—what else could I do?
Even if he did tell me to leave again, there was no way I was going home now!
Not when there were mysterious objects falling from the sky and being hidden away in my own backyard!
What kind of things were they?
And what kinds of secrets did they hold?
I had to know more!
As if sensing my thoughts, Tom nodded once before turning back toward the lights in the distance.
"Fine," he said with a sigh as he started forward once more, "you can stay… but only because I know how stubborn you are. Just promise me that you won’t come any closer. That whatever’s out here can be dangerous—and we need to make sure no one else gets too close till we know how to handle it."
"I promise," I said quickly with a small nod as I watched him turn back toward the lights again.
"I’ll just wait right here on the edge of the field…"
Tom hesitated for only a moment before nodding once more in agreement before starting forward once more, his large flashlight held out in front of him as its beam cut through the darkness.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
Chapter 2
I watched as Tom disappeared into the tall grasses of the field behind my house, his flashlight flickering in the distance as he moved farther and farther away from me.
For a moment, I simply stood there and listened to the sounds of crickets chirping around me as I waited for Tom to return, but then—with a quick glance over my shoulder towards the street—I turned and ran as fast as I could to the garage, my heart pounding with excitement when I saw a large flashlight hanging on the wall just inside of it.
I'd always been a bit of a tomboy growing up and loved exploring the woods and fields around my home—but this was different.
This was new and exciting and dangerous… and I couldn't resist knowing what I might find.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
Tom had been right about one thing—it wasn't safe out here in the dark all alone, and if something did happen to me while I was out here, no one would know until it was too late.
I knew I should turn around and head home like Tom had told me to, but every fiber of my being screamed at me not to be left behind—to keep moving forward into the field, and whatever lay beyond it.
It didn't make any sense why I felt so drawn toward these strange objects that had fallen from the sky, but I couldn't resist their pull on me—I just had to know what they were!
As I made my way through the tall grasses of the field with my flashlight held high over my head, I noticed a few other neighbors who had apparently ignored Tom's orders as well and crept closer to get a better view of what was happening.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
I watched them for a moment with a mixture of amusement and concern before continuing on toward the lights, but it wasn't long before I realized that they were all standing in a circle around something in the center of the field.
As I drew closer to them, my heart pounded in my chest with anticipation as I moved around their huddled forms to get a better view—and that's when I saw it.
Lying on its side in the middle of the field was a large silver object about seven feet in length—it was about three times longer than it was wide and shaped like one of those giant metal eggs I'd seen at Easter time, except much larger.
It looked like a space ship from some kind of old sci-fi movie—or maybe one of those small planes you see people flying through the sky sometimes.
There were some strange markings etched into its sides that I couldn't make heads or tails of, but they looked familiar somehow—and then I remembered: they were just like those on the metal disc Sarah had found a few months ago!
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
But it was too late—Tom had already disappeared into the field behind my house, his flashlight flickering in the distance as he moved closer to where they'd found one of those strange objects that had fallen from the sky.
He'd told me to go home and stay inside where it was safe, but I knew I wouldn't be able to do that—I just couldn't leave him out here all alone with that…thing.
I didn't know why I felt so compelled to follow him; part of me was terrified of what we might find out here in this dark field all alone, but another part of me was excited at the thought of finally having some answers to all my questions about what had been going on around here lately.
Plus, there was no way I would ever be able to sleep again with things like these happening right outside my bedroom window—I needed to see this for myself!
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
So I turned and ran back toward my house as fast as my legs would carry me, praying that Tom wouldn't be too far ahead of me when I finally caught up to him so he would be able to protect me if something went wrong.
I snuck through the back door and crept through my house in search of a flashlight before slipping out into the garage through the laundry room; it wasn't like we were going to be able to see much without one, and I didn't want anything—or anyone—sneaking up on me in the dark.
I was glad to hear Tom's voice coming from down in the field beyond my house when I emerged from my garage a minute later; now all I had to do was find him and—
"Is that…?"
My eyes widened with surprise as they adjusted to the darkness and I turned toward the sound of Tom's voice off in the distance, watching as their flashlight beams danced across something lying against the ground just beyond one of our neighbor's fences.
Oh wow...
It looked even bigger than it had from where I'd been standing earlier—I couldn't believe how large this thing was!
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
I watched as they moved closer and closer to it until they were standing just a few feet away.
The moonlight shone down brightly from above and illuminated its smooth metallic surface; when I finally got a good look at it, my heart skipped a beat in my chest and left me temporarily breathless.
This was definitely one of those things that had fallen from the sky—I'd never seen anything like it before in my life!
There was a loud whooshing noise coming from above us all of a sudden, and as we looked up to see where it was coming from, another bright light appeared in the sky directly over our heads.
I shielded my eyes with my hand and looked away to keep from being blinded by its glare as another beam of light shot downward toward us from inside its glowing red center.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I slowly approached the nothingness before me, unsure what to expect or what exactly it was I should do once I finally reached it.
"Hey," Tom called out from just behind me as he finally caught up with me a moment later, placing a hand on my shoulder; he looked almost as nervous as I felt for some reason. "Just what do you think you're doing?"
I opened my mouth to reply but no words came out; one look at his face was all it took for me to realize how foolish this probably seemed to him—and how much of an idiot he must have thought I was being by following him out here.
With no time left for any more arguing, he grabbed my wrist in an attempt to pull me back toward safer ground so we could both escape unharmed.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
Unfortunately for us both, we weren't fast enough.
A moment later I was able to see a figure moving around inside of the strange light before me; I wasn't quite sure what—or who—it was exactly at first since they all looked so similar; but within minutes I found myself face to face with a tall and slender creature with dark gray skin and large glowing eyes.
I could feel my legs trembling beneath me as it took a step toward me; its movements were slow and eerie—as if they were performed by some sort of puppet master—and not at all like anything I'd ever seen or experienced before on earth.
Tom was standing motionless beside me as he stared blankly at it; I couldn't tell if he was still in some sort of trance or if he was too shocked to move—but whatever the reason—he either didn't seem to notice or simply didn't care that we were no longer alone.
The creature reached out with one of its long bony fingers and placed them against Tom's forehead; I could see a bright flash of light coming from under its touch as soon as their skin made contact with each other.
Tom's eyes went wide with shock for just a brief moment before his body crumpled to the ground like a rag doll a second later.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
I could feel my own blood running cold in my veins as I watched him fall; was he dead?
Or something else entirely?
I opened my mouth to call out to him but no words came out; it was almost like I was in some sort of a trance myself.
The creature turned its gaze toward me and took a step toward me before I could figure out what to do next; I stumbled backwards a few steps until I felt another fence pressing against my back.
My heart was pounding in my chest so hard that it felt like it might explode into a million tiny pieces any second now; every instinct in me told me to run away and hide from this thing before it was too late—but with its glowing eyes fixed on mine, I found myself unable to move.
It seemed like their gaze was tugging at my mind in some way—calling out to me and beckoning me forward even though every fiber of my being told me not to go near them.
"Why have you come here?"
The creature spoke telepathically without moving its lips or making a sound, its voice echoing inside of my head with an almost soothing tone.
"What do you want?"
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
Chapter 3
I watched in horror as the alien slowly made its way toward me, its large black eyes boring into my very soul as I tried to move my feet, but they wouldn't budge.
Tom was right about those things: they were real—and they were coming for us!
The creature stood nearly seven feet tall and moved with a strange, almost graceful gait despite its thin, wiry frame.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
I couldn't seem to tear my gaze away as it descended toward me, its gray skin shimmering in the moonlight as it reached out to touch my head.
I wanted to scream, but I couldn't make a sound as its long fingers glided over my forehead and down my face.
Oh God … it was going to kill me!
But then I realized that Tom was also outside and moving in my direction; he wasn't running away from the alien like I had expected, but he didn't seem to be afraid of it either.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
He was walking toward it slowly, almost like he was in some sort of trance as I watched him move closer and closer to the creature.
The being reached up with its long fingers and touched Tom's forehead, and a flash of light appeared under its touch before disappearing again just as quickly.
And for a brief moment, I felt relief wash over me.
Tom was going to be alright; whatever that thing had done to him, he was going to be okay.
But then my relief turned to horror as his body went limp and he collapsed to the ground without moving.
Oh no … not Tom!
I thought frantically, fearing that he might be dead or dying.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
But before I could decide what to do, the alien turned its attention back to me, and this time I had no doubt that I was about to die.
I stumbled backward, trying to escape its gaze, but there was nowhere for me to run.
I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out as its dark eyes bore into mine.
It felt like its gaze was reaching into my mind, and I could sense that it was searching for something.
Or someone.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
But then the creature's eyes flicked upward, and I realized that it wasn't looking at me, but at something else.
Its mouth moved, and I could hear its voice in my mind again.
"Who are you? What do you want?"
The voice was the same one that had spoken to me earlier when the creature had first appeared, neither male nor female, but it spoke with a calm authority that sent shivers down my spine.
I tried to answer, to make it understand that we hadn't meant any harm by coming here, but I still couldn't seem to find my voice.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
It was as if the creature could hear my thoughts even before I had fully formed them in my mind.
And then I felt a pressure in my chest so intense that it was almost painful, like the weight of its gaze was pressing down on me and making it hard for me to breathe.
Get away!
My mind screamed at me, but I couldn't move or tear my gaze away from those dark eyes, no matter how hard I tried.
With all of my strength, I managed to whisper one word: "Sarah."
As soon as the word left my lips, the alien broke eye contact with me and turned its attention back to Sarah and Dr. Jerry Hayes.
They were standing nearby, talking quietly about something that I couldn't quite make out.
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter
Chapter 4
Alien Skies: A Town's Mysterious Encounter