MidReal Story

Alien Hivemind: A High School Adventure

Scenario:A kid named camren jacque who is the typical high schooler who hates school. At his school he gets no girls and rumors are spread about him but he has millions of followers on instagram. Heed friends with other people that are just like him. Some of there names are Symonne Harrison, Ava Kolker, Piper Rockelle, Emily dobson, Nadia turner, ruby rose turner, nick bencivigo, Indigo star, Jenna Davis, Jamie Adler, ayden mekus and many more people. He also goes on adventures with people from a group called rebel cheer athletic. These people's names are Allie Saylor, Hailey Smith, Sloane Gehrki, Payton Cheers, Emery rouge and many other girls. Now all of the people mentioned above were all visited by aliens and were Given a world in another dimension where they have access to Sci fi technology and many other things. So in this story Aubrey Long, Camren Jacque, and Sloane gehrki git stuck and camrens portal gun broke so Aubrey got kidnapped and camren and sloane got imprisoned can camren and Sloane save Aubrey from the alien hivemind who want to turn Aubrey into one of them. The hivemind couldn't break camren and Sloane mind
Create my version of this story
A kid named camren jacque who is the typical high schooler who hates school. At his school he gets no girls and rumors are spread about him but he has millions of followers on instagram. Heed friends with other people that are just like him. Some of there names are Symonne Harrison, Ava Kolker, Piper Rockelle, Emily dobson, Nadia turner, ruby rose turner, nick bencivigo, Indigo star, Jenna Davis, Jamie Adler, ayden mekus and many more people. He also goes on adventures with people from a group called rebel cheer athletic. These people's names are Allie Saylor, Hailey Smith, Sloane Gehrki, Payton Cheers, Emery rouge and many other girls. Now all of the people mentioned above were all visited by aliens and were Given a world in another dimension where they have access to Sci fi technology and many other things. So in this story Aubrey Long, Camren Jacque, and Sloane gehrki git stuck and camrens portal gun broke so Aubrey got kidnapped and camren and sloane got imprisoned can camren and Sloane save Aubrey from the alien hivemind who want to turn Aubrey into one of them. The hivemind couldn't break camren and Sloane mind
The night was chilly, and the only light came from the full moon.
The stands were packed and we were all ready to watch our high school play their rivals.
I was with all my friends, waiting for the football game to start.
But then we were interrupted by a strange sound none of us had ever heard before.
We looked up and saw a bright beam of light illuminating a small area in front of us.
And then we woke up in a dark metallic room, held captive by aliens.
The aliens that had kidnapped us were similar to the Asari in the Mass Effect video game series.
They had humanlike faces with unique markings on their skin, but their eyes glowed a faint white color.
The planet was a sci-fi world, with technology so advanced I couldn’t even begin to understand it.
They told us the planet’s sun was a red dwarf star, which gave everything a reddish tint.
And they also told us that when they had kidnapped us, they had taken the time to look through all of our memories and implant a universal translator into our brains so that we could understand them and communicate with them.
I remembered how Aubrey Long and Sloane Gehrki had been there for me when I’d woken up from being unconscious.
I’d been so scared, but they’d been able to calm me down.
And then the aliens explained everything to us.
They told us that they had been watching us for a long time, and they’d come up with an experiment that they wanted to try.
They’d chosen all of us because we were at the top of the social hierarchy of our respective schools.
They wanted to see how we would react if all of our rules were stripped away from us.
If we were given all the resources of this planet, and none of the rules or laws held over us from Earth, what would we do?
Would we work together to build a better world?
Or would chaos ensue?
They didn’t know, but they wanted to find out how the experiment would play out.
However, they also wanted to make it clear that we had nothing to worry about.
We were safe here on this planet, and they weren’t going to do anything to harm us.
In fact, they wanted to encourage us to explore this new world and interact with their civilization as much as possible.
As long as we didn’t break any of their laws or cause harm to any of their people, we would be allowed to do whatever we wanted here.
I remember looking around at all my friends who had been taken with me and thinking about how scared and confused I was.
"Alien Hivemind: A High School Adventure"
But then I remembered that Aubrey and Sloane were right there with me.
And I realized that as long as I had them with me, I could do anything.
We were in this together.
The three of us were going to explore this alien city and see what it had to offer.
We’d only been in the alien city for a few hours, but I had to admit: I was already in awe of how incredible it was.
The entire city was built on top of a massive tree, and it was bathed in the beautiful red light of the red dwarf star.
Glowing plant life filled the city and gave it an ethereal look that was unlike anything I had ever seen before.
The aliens had told us that we were free to wander around the city as much as we wanted.
They’d also assured us that none of the locals would harm us.
But they also cautioned us not to venture into certain areas of the city where we might not be welcome.
I was more than happy to take them up on their offer and start exploring.
Aubrey Long and Sloane Gehrki joined me as we made our way through the city’s streets.
As we walked, Neya followed close behind.
She smiled at me when I looked back at her but kept her mouth shut and let me lead the way.
I loved how she was willing to let me take charge and explore the city on my terms.
We walked down a few winding streets until we finally made our way into the heart of the marketplace.
Aliens of all shapes and sizes wandered through the area and bartered and traded goods.
There were even a few stands where the smell of delicious alien food wafted through the air.
It made my stomach grumble, and I realized how hungry I was after everything that had happened earlier.
“Are you guys hungry?”
I asked Aubrey Long and Sloane Gehrki as my eyes roamed over the various food stands around us.
“Because I am starving!”
“Starving might be a bit of an exaggeration,” Aubrey replied.
“But I could definitely eat something.”
“Me too,” Sloane said.
“Let’s get something to eat,” I replied.
And then I turned to Neya and asked her if she could help us exchange our Earth currency for some of the local money so that we could buy some snacks.
Neya smiled and nodded.
She took us to a small stand at the edge of the marketplace and helped us exchange our money.
The alien vendor was happy to do business with us, and he even gave us a discount because we were from out of town.
We thanked him and then wandered back into the marketplace in search of something to eat.
We walked past a few stands until I finally spotted a small stand off to the side of the main thoroughfare.
It was run by an elderly alien woman who was selling a strange-looking fruit.
It was round and green, and it looked like it was covered in scales.
It reminded me of a kiwi or a passionfruit, but it was much larger than any fruit I’d ever seen before.
“Do you think we should try it?”
Aubrey Long asked as she eyed the fruit warily.
“I mean, it looks safe, right?”
"Alien Hivemind: A High School Adventure"
“It looks safe to me,” I replied as I walked over to the vendor and asked her how much it cost.
The alien woman smiled and replied, holding up three fingers to indicate the price.
We exchanged some of our local money for the fruit and then walked over to a nearby bench to eat it.
It was sweet and juicy, with a slight tangy flavor to it that reminded me of a pineapple or a mango.
I loved it, and I quickly scarfed down my share of the fruit before anyone else could get to it.
Aubrey Long and Sloane Gehrki ate a few bites as well, but they were more interested in exploring the marketplace and seeing what else there was to buy and see.
Neya watched us eat quietly and kept an eye on the surrounding area as well, just like she had been doing all day.
She was a good bodyguard, and I was happy to have her with us as we explored the city together.
After we finished our snack, I tossed the empty rind into a nearby waste bin, and then I turned to Neya and asked her if there was anything else she wanted to show us while we were in the city.
“We can keep exploring if you want,” I said.
Neya smiled and nodded.
She gestured for us to follow her, and then she led us out of the marketplace and down a narrow side street that wound its way deeper into the city.
We walked in silence for a few minutes until I finally turned to Neya and asked her again how she and the other aliens were able to communicate with us in the first place.
It still didn’t make any sense to me, and I wanted to know more about how their technology worked and how they were able to understand us so easily.
Neya smiled at me and explained that the aliens on this planet were all part of a hivemind, which meant they were able to share their thoughts and memories with one another through a collective neural network.
She said that I, Aubrey Long, Sloane Gehrki, and all of our other friends who had been abducted were unique because we were immune to the hivemind’s influence, which was why they were so fascinated by us and why they had gone to such great lengths to study us and bring us here.
“They don’t age, either,” Neya replied.
“Most of the aliens you see walking around here are around two hundred years old, but they still look like they’re in their prime because of the hivemind.
It keeps their bodies young and healthy so that they can live longer lives.”
“Wow, that’s amazing,” Aubrey Long replied.
“But what about reproduction?”
“Surely you must have some way to create new life if you never age and never die?”
Neya smiled at Aubrey Long’s question and then explained that the aliens on this planet were able to reproduce in a similar way to humans, but with a few key differences.
She said that the aliens formed close emotional bonds with one another, and that when two aliens fell in love, they were able to share their thoughts, memories, and even their genetic material with one another through the hivemind, which allowed them to create new life together.
"Alien Hivemind: A High School Adventure"
In other words, they could have sex with their minds, not just their bodies, which was a pretty wild concept when I thought about it.
Neya went on to explain that the hivemind was able to grant special abilities to those who were part of it, such as telepathy, telekinesis, and other psychic powers, which allowed them to communicate with one another more easily and navigate their world.
She said that those same abilities had been implanted into our brains when we arrived on this planet so that we could communicate with the other aliens as well, and that we would be able to use them to explore the city and see more of what it had to offer.
When Neya finished speaking, I looked down at my hands and tried to move something with my mind, just like she had described.
At first, I didn’t think anything was happening.
Then I noticed a nearby trash can was slowly lifting off the ground and hovering in midair all by itself, just like magic!
I couldn’t believe it!
I was doing it!
“Whoa!” I gasped as I watched the trash can come to a gentle stop a few feet off the ground before slowly floating back down again.
“This is so cool!”
I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to concentrate as hard as I could as I slowly stretched out my hand and pointed it in the direction of one of the buildings nearby.
At first, nothing happened.
Then I felt a strange tingling sensation in my fingers as a bright blue energy beam shot out of my palm and struck the wall of the building with a loud crackle, leaving a blackened scorch mark in its wake.
I opened my eyes again and saw that I had accidentally set the building on fire with my powers.
I quickly shut them off before I could do any more damage, but it was still an awesome feeling to know that I could shoot lightning out of my hands like a real-life superhero!
Now this was what being abducted by aliens was all about!
I had no idea how long I would be able to keep my powers or how much control I would have over them, but I was definitely going to have some fun with them while they lasted!
I turned to my friends and asked them if they wanted to try using their powers too, just to see what they could do.
"Alien Hivemind: A High School Adventure"
Several hours later I stood at the entrance of a dark tunnel leading down into the bowels of the alien base, with Sloane standing right beside me.
We both had our plasma swords drawn as we slowly descended into the depths of the underground lair of the hivemind.
We weren't entirely sure where we were going or how we would find Aubrey once we got there, but the aliens had given us a map of the tunnels that they said would lead us straight to the hivemind's central chamber, so we decided to trust them and hope for the best.
The journey down was long and silent, with nothing but the occasional sound of dripping water to break the monotony as we made our way slowly through the dimly lit passageways.
The walls were slick with moisture and covered in a thick layer of green moss that squished under our boots with every step.
After what felt like forever we finally emerged from the tunnel into a huge open space that stretched out before us as far as the eye could see.
It was a massive underground chamber that looked like it had been carved straight out of the rock itself, with clusters of bioluminescent plants growing on the walls and ceiling casting a dim light over everything.
And in the center of it all were the hivemind aliens themselves.
They were moving in a strange, synchronized dance, their bodies flowing and shifting like water as they worked together to build a structure out of what looked like piles of bones that they had collected from their victims.
There must have been hundreds, if not thousands of them down there, all swarming around like ants in a massive colony.
And in the very center of it all, standing on a raised platform surrounded by a ring of alien guards, I saw Aubrey.
Her eyes were empty, completely emotionless as she stood there with her arms hanging limply at her sides, her body swaying back and forth gently as if she was in some sort of trance.
Sloane and I watched in horror as the aliens continued to build their structure, piling more and more bones on top of it as they worked, almost as if they were trying to complete it before our very eyes.
But we didn't have time to stand around gawking at what they were doing.
We had a job to do, and we needed to get it done before the hivemind could spread to Earth.
We both knew that there was only one way to save Aubrey now, and that was to destroy the hivemind itself.
But in order to do that, we first needed to get close enough to Aubrey to free her from their controland with that many aliens around, there was no way we could do that without being spotted.
That was when I remembered that we both had telepathy now, thanks to the aliens who had given us our powers.
And maybe, just maybe, if we worked together, we could use it to create a diversion in the minds of the hivemind aliens that would allow us to get close enough to Aubrey without being seen.
I turned to Sloane and told her my plan.
"Alien Hivemind: A High School Adventure"