MidReal Story

Alien Allies: A Friendship Beyond Worlds


May 9
Scenario:ufo landed and a teenager meet the alien. They become friends. They cured the diseased. They also made advancement in the social problems.
Create my version of this story
ufo landed and a teenager meet the alien. They become friends. They cured the diseased. They also made advancement in the social problems.
The night was calm and peaceful.
It did not start out that way.
I was jolted awake by a loud crash coming from the backyard of my house.
It was storming outside, and the wind was blowing so hard that it sounded like a freight train was traveling through my backyard.
I sat up in bed and listened.
The sound of raindrops began to hit my window pane as I got to my feet and cautiously approached the window.
I pulled back the curtains and peered outside, I had no idea what was going on.
That’s when I saw it.
A large, bright light was shining down onto the trees in my backyard, illuminating everything in its path.
It was like something from a movie.
I couldn’t believe my eyes.
I continued to look out my window and saw a large object was lying in a broken heap at the foot of my oak tree.
Whatever it was, it had just crashed into my backyard.
I stood there for a moment with my mouth wide open, I didn’t know what to do.
I was trying to comprehend what was happening when I suddenly heard another loud crash outside of my bedroom door.
My heart began to race as I slowly stepped away from the window and toward my door, which was located on the other side of the room.
The doorknob began to turn, and I quickly ran back to my bed and hid under the covers.
I could hear someone walking into my room, and I peaked out from under the covers just in time to see a large figure move into view.
The person was dressed in all black, and they had a mask covering their face.
I had no idea who this person was or what they wanted, but I knew that they were there for me.
My heart began to race as the person walked around my room and looked under my bed, in my closet, and behind my curtains.
They didn’t say anything; they just kept looking around and walking back and forth.
I laid under the covers and quietly prayed that this person would leave and not find me.
It felt like an hour before the person stopped moving around, and eventually they left.
I sat up in bed and listened but I couldn’t hear anything at all.
I waited another few minutes before getting up and walking over to the door.
I opened it slowly and walked into the hallway but no one was there.
As I made my way down the hallway towards the stairs, I could see that all of the lights were off in the house.
I quickly made my way down the stairs and once I got to the bottom, I could see that all of the windows were open.
It looked like this person had used a ladder to get up to my window on the second floor so they could come in.
I began to panic as several thoughts ran through my mind: What if this person comes back?What if they are still here?What are they planning to do with me?
"Alien Allies: A Friendship Beyond Worlds"
I was still panicking when I heard a loud noise coming from outside.
I ran over to the window and peered outside, hoping that I would be able to see something.
When I looked out the window, I was shocked by what I saw.
The large object that had crashed into my backyard was now lying in a broken heap at the foot of my oak tree.
I could see that it was a UFO, and it had crashed into the tree, causing it to explode into pieces.
I stared at the UFO for a few more seconds before I noticed that a group of people dressed in black suits and masks were standing around the UFO, looking up at it.
They didn’t look like police officers or firefighters, but for some reason I got the feeling that they worked for the government.
My heart began to race as I tried to think of what I should do.
Should I call the cops?
Should I call my mom?
Should I run away and hide?
I had no idea what to do, but I knew that I had to do something.
I quickly ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, where I grabbed my phone off the counter.
I was about to dial 911 when I stopped myself.
If I called the cops and told them about the UFO, they would come and take over my backyard.
They would take control of everything and make sure that no one else would be able to find out what happened.
If the government was already here, then it was too late for me to be able to hide anything from them.
But if the government wasn’t here yet, then maybe I would be able to keep everything a secret from them if I didn’t make a call.
I thought long and hard before tossing my phone back onto the counter.
Instead of calling someone or running away, I decided that I would go outside and take a look at the UFO myself.
I took a deep breath before setting off towards the front door.
I grabbed a flashlight off the table in the hallway and opened the front door.
I stepped outside and slowly made my way towards the backyard, trying to be as quiet as possible.
When I got to the back door, I could see that all of the people who were standing around the UFO were gone.
I opened the door and walked out onto my patio, where I saw that the UFO was still lying in a broken heap at the foot of my oak tree.
The wind had stopped, but rain was still pouring down from above.
It was hard to see in the dark, but I could make out some of the details of the UFO.
It looked like a round silver ball with four large windows on its sides, and it was covered in writing that glowed in different colors.
Suddenly, I heard a noise coming from behind me and quickly spun around.
I shined my flashlight towards where I thought I heard something and called out “Hello?
Is anyone there?”
There was no response, but after a few seconds I saw a figure moving towards me from behind one of the trees.
I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do.
"Alien Allies: A Friendship Beyond Worlds"
At first, I thought it might have been one of those crazy people who were always running around town.
But then I remembered what I’d seen earlier and slowly started to realize what might be happening.
The figure slowly approached me, walking with its arms raised above its head.
I shined my flashlight towards it and saw it stop about 10 feet away from me.
It lowered its arms and stood motionless for a moment, staring blankly at me with its large black eyes.
It was an alien!
It looked just like an alien, except that it was standing right there in front of me, instead of being on TV or in a movie.
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, and for a moment I felt like I wasn’t able to think or move or breathe or do anything.
It feels strange to say this now, but I think I might have been so scared by what I saw that I wasn’t even able to feel scared.
It felt like all of my emotions disappeared, leaving me feeling numb and empty inside.
The alien must have sensed how scared I was because it held its hands up in front of its chest and made a slow sweeping motion with them.
As soon as it did this, I realized what it was trying to do.
It was trying to show me that it didn’t have any weapons.
It looked like the same thing people did when they were surrendering or when they were trying to show someone else that they weren’t armed.
After a few moments, the alien lowered its hands and stood there motionless again.
My fear came rushing back and I started to feel scared again.
But then the alien raised its hands and made the same slow sweeping motion with them once more.
This time it seemed like the alien was making a gesture of peace towards me.
It looked like it might have been trying to tell me that it didn’t mean any harm and that it wouldn’t hurt me.
For a moment, my fear started to subside again and my mind slowly began to come back into focus.
It felt like my brain had been turned off and then on again.
After a moment of silence, I decided to try and communicate with the alien without using words.
I raised my hands and made the same slow sweeping motion towards the alien.
I don’t know why I did this or what I was trying to say with this gesture, but it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.
The alien stood motionless and stared blankly at me for a moment before raising its hands and making the same slow sweeping motion with them once more.
It looked like the alien was trying to tell me something in return.
It looked like we might have been trying to communicate with each other using only gestures and body language.
After a few moments, I decided to try and talk with the alien using words too.
I wasn’t sure if this would work or if the alien would be able to understand what I was saying, but it seemed like it might have been worth a try.
“Hello,” I said while slowly stepping towards the alien.
“Are you okay?
Are you hurt?”
The alien stood motionless, looking confused and unsure of what to do next.
"Alien Allies: A Friendship Beyond Worlds"
I took a few more steps towards the alien and repeated myself.
“Hello,” I said again.
“Are you okay?
Are you hurt?”
The alien lowered its hands and stood motionless before me.
It looked like it might have been listening and waiting expectantly for me to say something else.
I tried talking to it again.
“My name is Emma,” I said.
“What’s your name?”
The alien stood motionless and stared blankly at me.
It seemed like it might not have been able to understand what I was saying or know how to respond.
I felt disappointed for a moment and wondered if it might have been a bad idea to come out here and see what was happening.
But then the alien raised its hand and made a gesture towards me.
It seemed like it might have been trying to tell me something or ask a question.
I wasn’t sure if I would be able to understand this gesture or know how to respond.
I decided to try and talk with it some more.
“Are you asking me a question?”
The alien lowered its hand and stood motionless before me.
It seemed like it might have been asking me something or waiting for me to say something else.
I wasn’t sure what else to say or do next.
The alien lowered its hands and stood motionless before me.
It seemed like we might have run out of things to talk about or ways to communicate with each other.
As I stood there wondering what I should do next, I noticed the spaceship again and realized there was something I wanted to ask the alien about after all.
“What happened?”
I asked while pointing towards the spaceship and then looking back at the alien.
“Did you crash?”
The alien raised its hand and made another slow sweeping motion towards me.
It seemed like it might have been trying to tell me something again.
This time it seemed like it might have been telling me that it had crashed and needed my help fixing its spaceship because it didn’t know how to do this by itself.
I smiled when I saw this and raised my hand towards my house.
“Come with me,” I said.
“I can help you fix your spaceship.”
The alien looked surprised when it saw this and quickly turned around towards its spaceship.
It slowly walked back to the spaceship, turned around to face me, and waited expectantly for me to say something more.
I smiled and slowly followed the alien back to its spaceship.
I watched as the alien walked up to the spaceship, put its hands up to the surface, and opened the door.
It slowly disappeared inside the spaceship, leaving the door open behind it.
I walked up to the spaceship, looked inside, and saw the alien sitting at a table with a bunch of electronic devices on it.
It had already started working on fixing the spaceship by itself.
I watched as it took out some tools, opened up one of the devices, and started working on it some more.
I stood there watching the alien work on fixing the device, even though I wasn’t able to see what it was doing or how it was doing this very well.
I’m not very good at fixing things myself or know much about electronics, but it was still fascinating to watch this all happen right before my eyes.
I smiled when I saw the alien look confused and frustrated while it was working on the device.
It suddenly stopped what it was doing, took out a tool that was emitting a blue light, and started using this tool to work on the device instead.
"Alien Allies: A Friendship Beyond Worlds"
I watched as the blue light from the tool slowly illuminated the inside of the spaceship.
“Wow,” I thought to myself when I saw this.
“That’s so cool!”
I watched as the blue light slowly flashed on and off while the tool was being used.
I noticed that there was a piece that was missing from inside the device when I saw this.
I smiled when I realized this, ran back into my house, picked up the missing piece, ran back outside again, and gave the piece back to the alien through the open door of its spaceship.
The alien turned around towards me when it saw this, looked surprised when it saw that I had found the missing piece it needed to fix its device, took the piece from me, put it inside the device, picked up another tool that was emitting a green light, and used this tool to fix another part of the device instead.
I watched as the green light from the tool slowly illuminated the inside of the spaceship while it was being used.
“Wow,” I thought to myself again when I saw this.
“That’s so cool too!”
I watched as the green light flashed on and off while the tool was being used.
The alien suddenly stopped what it was doing after using this tool for a while, put away all of its tools inside a pouch that was hanging from its belt, got up from its seat at the table, walked over to me, and stood in front of me while looking at me expectantly again.
It seemed like it might have wanted to tell me something after fixing the device like before.
It seemed like this might have been how it was able to talk or communicate with me even though we didn’t speak the same language or understand each other very well at all.
I looked down at my feet for a moment before raising my head, looking back at the alien, smiling again, nodding my head towards it, and saying “Let’s go.”
“I can help you fix your spaceship now.”
The alien nodded its head back at me when it heard this, put its hands together in front of itself while looking surprised that I had agreed to help it fix its spaceship after all, and said something as well.
It seemed like it might have been trying to tell me thank you or say something else nice too.
"Alien Allies: A Friendship Beyond Worlds"