MidReal Story

After spending two years in prison for a crime she


May 11
Scenario:After spending two years in prison for a crime she didn't commit, Olivia, also known as Tiger, is released and returns home to the Stormrider MC motorcycle club with a plan for revenge and a desire to protect her family, but she meets her match in the form of former Navy SEAL and single dad, Max, who is determined to have her despite her resistance, and danger threatens to tear apart the Stormrider MC family as they fight to protect their loved ones from a vengeful enemy.
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After spending two years in prison for a crime she didn't commit, Olivia, also known as Tiger, is released and returns home to the Stormrider MC motorcycle club with a plan for revenge and a desire to protect her family, but she meets her match in the form of former Navy SEAL and single dad, Max, who is determined to have her despite her resistance, and danger threatens to tear apart the Stormrider MC family as they fight to protect their loved ones from a vengeful enemy.
It’s been two years since I’ve seen the sun or felt fresh air on my skin, and it feels like it’s been even longer than that.
But that’s all going to change soon.
I’m going to walk out of here and get my revenge.
The thought of it makes my blood sing and my pulse race, and I have to take a deep breath to calm myself down.
I can’t let anyone know how excited I am about getting out of here, or they might try to stop me from leaving.
But as much as I want to get out of this place, I want to make them pay for what they did to me even more.
I don’t know if the hunger for revenge is ever going to go away.
I don’t think it will.
It’s become a part of me now, a driving force that propels me forward and keeps me going even when I want to give up.
And I’ve come too far to give up now.
The sound of my cell mate Lila snoring in the bunk above me fills my ears, and I lie there in the dark, trying not to think about what’s coming next.
It’s been a long two years, but they’re almost over now.
I can hardly believe it.
The thought of walking out of this place is almost too good to be true, and I’m afraid to let myself get too excited in case something goes wrong.
But if everything goes according to plan, I’ll be free in just a few short days, and I’ll finally get the chance to make them pay for what they did to me.
After everything they took from me, they have no idea what they’re in for.
My days in here all blur together after a while—metal doors clanging shut, the distant hum of voices echoing down the hallways, the constant smell of sweat and fear.
But even in this never-ending nightmare, hope still flickers within me.
As I lie on my bunk and listen to the sound of Lila snoring above me, I pull a small piece of paper from under my mattress and unfold it carefully so that it doesn’t make any noise.
I’ve read this piece of paper so many times that I’ve practically memorized it by now, but I still can’t help but read the words over and over again as if they might change somehow.
The date is circled at the top of the page in black ink, and I trace the numbers with my fingertips as a shiver of excitement runs down my spine.
My release date is so close that I can almost taste it—so close that I can count down the days like hours on a clock.
And when the time finally comes, they’re not going to know what hit them.
What they took from me was worth more than anything money could buy—more than anything they could ever imagine—and they’re going to pay for their mistake.
After spending two years in prison for a crime she