MidReal Story

After a heated confrontation with Dumbledore, Harry finds himself

Scenario:After a heated confrontation with Dumbledore, Harry finds himself in a conversation with Death, who reveals that Harry has always been the Master of Death and offers him the chance to go back in time and change things; Harry wakes up in his cupboard, decides to leave the Dursleys, and heads to Diagon Alley to retrieve money from his vault at Gringotts.
Create my version of this story
After a heated confrontation with Dumbledore, Harry finds himself in a conversation with Death, who reveals that Harry has always been the Master of Death and offers him the chance to go back in time and change things; Harry wakes up in his cupboard, decides to leave the Dursleys, and heads to Diagon Alley to retrieve money from his vault at Gringotts.
I had made my way to Hogwarts, having escaped from the Dursleys with the help of a mysterious power that had rendered their anti-magic defenses useless.
Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster, was not pleased with my unannounced visit.
I confronted him about his behavior and the way he had treated me, as well as his manipulation of events throughout my life.
Angrily, I accused him of being a pawn in a game between Death and me, the Boy-Who-Lived.
After dismissing my accusations, Dumbledore invited me to sit down in his office.
However, I refused to follow his orders.
I knew how dangerous he could be when he got angry at me, so I decided to leave the school.
Yet before I could do so, Death appeared in front of me and asked to talk.
Death was a shadowy figure with black robes and a scythe, and it had been following me throughout my life.
When I asked why it wanted to talk to me, Death replied that it wanted to end the game it had been playing for eons.
It was seeking my permission to kill me, leaving me with a choice: to live or to die.
When I chose death, he explained that I had always been the Master of Death.
But I didn’t want to be the Master of Death.
I just wanted to live my life in peace and quiet.
It was then that Death proposed a different option: to go back in time and protect my family, if only I gave him permission to kill me if things didn’t work out according to his plan.
I hesitated, but after some contemplation, I eventually accepted his proposal.
Now, I need time to get used to the idea of being back in time and dealing with all its consequences.
“Why did you take me back in time?”
“I didn’t want to be the Master of Death.”
“You have always been the Master of Death.”
“Owning the Deathly Hallows doesn’t make me the Master.”
“It is not a title for who owns the Hallows but someone who has full control over death.”
“What is going on?”
The figure seemed surprised as well.
“You don’t know?”
“No one told you?”
“Told me what?”
The figure sighed.
“When you were born, I tried to kill you but failed.
I was surprised by what the figure told me.
It was unbelievable that I was the boy-who-lived because Death failed to kill me.
When I was born, I was already the master of death.
Death gave me a choice to either live or die when I chose death.
After telling me, the figure waited for my answer.
I was still processing the information the figure told me but made up my mind eventually.
“I choose to live, but I’ll protect my family.”
“Are you sure?”
Death sounded surprised by my answer, but that was what I wanted.
After a heated confrontation with Dumbledore, Harry finds himself